Category Archives: Contraception

A Few Ways To Keep Yourself Safe From Infertility

Modern technology is developing fast, but even the most sophisticated device cannot be compared to the human body. There is no doubt that our body is a fascinating “device”. However, in order to have full control of your body and use it to the maximum, you must take proper care of it. If you have a healthy body you can overcome many problems and achieve many goals. Pregnancy is one of the most important and beautiful experiences that every woman can have. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who find conception and pregnancy difficult no matter how hard they are trying. It looks like that modern lifestyle has made conception more difficult than ever. The improper diet, lack of physical activity and few other practices have significantly affected fertility in both men and women. In case you want to stay safe from infertility and enjoy one of the greatest gifts of life, you should keep reading this article because we will share a few recommendations.

Quit smoking – In case you didn’t know, there is more than one scientific study that has shown that smoking is bad for the human body and that it can reduce the ability to conceive a baby in both women and men. According to the same studies, in case a woman smokes about 20 cigarettes on a daily basis, she can lower her natural fertility for up to 25%. In addition, smoking tobacco also boosts the chances of miscarriage at any phase of pregnancy. When it comes to men, smoking slows down the movement of sperm and reduces sperm count.

Regular physical activity – While it is true that lack of physical activity is bad for fertility, it is also true that getting involved in extreme physical activity can also have negative impact. There are many women who are dealing with menstrual disorders as a result of over-exercising. On the other hand, men can notice problems too because too much physical activity can increase the temperature in the testicles and ruin the sperm count and properties.

Reduce alcohol intake – Excessive drinking of any type of alcohol is bad for fertility both in men and women. Sperm can’t stand alcohol and if this practice continues for a long time, sperm count will be reduced. In women, alcohol affects hormonal balance and boosts the chances of experiencing miscarriage.

Take care of your weight – In case you are overweight, you will significantly reduce the chances of conceiving a baby. That’s why it is crucial to lose weight right away. Remember that the main objective is to follow a healthy, balanced diet.

Stay away from polluted areas – Any area where you may get exposed to heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals should be avoided. In addition, check whether some of the pills you are taking affect your fertility.

Use folic acid – Even a relatively small amount of folic acid can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Additionally, folic acid supports the proper development of fetuses.