Tag Archives: anorgasmia

Understanding Female Orgasm Difficulties

Many women cannot reach orgasm because of the simple fact that they don’t know what causes excitement in them. Despite the fact that modern women are fully sexually emancipated, many women still have trouble reaching proper orgasm. This condition is often medically described as anorgasmia and the reasons that lead to this state are virtually endless. The two main types of anorgasmic causes are physical and psychological causes. In this article we will try to talk about a cause that can be listed in both categories. With all those psychological and health causes there is a possibility that women cannot reach orgasm because they simply don’t know what turns them on. The reason behind this is their prejudices regarding sex or maybe they have not explored their body in a proper way yet.

A woman can become a good doctor for her own body if she finds the necessary time and courage to explore her own body and the reaction of the body to different types of stimulations. Of course, you can always consult your doctor but if you are already looking for help from qualified individuals then it is better to consult a sex therapist or a sexologist. These experts can lead individuals step by step until they reach their final goal. Of course, this means that women might have to answer some straightforward and unpleasant questions that need completely honest answers but this is the only for the expert to explore his patient’s sexuality. Sex therapist very often stand up for masturbation because one of the biggest advantages of masturbation is that the person practicing it will explore her body. Another specialist that can help you with this process is a bioenergetic therapist.

In order for one individual to get familiar with all the properties of sexuality he or she must explore the body in details, especially how the body reacts onerotic stimulations. Women can determine this by testing if they test which type of stimulation suits them the best – clitoral, vaginal stimulation or maybe direct penetration in the vagina. Some women need two types of stimulation in order to achieve orgasm. Some women need long foreplay while others find long foreplay boring and useless. Sex therapist suggest that women should explore their vaginas in details without any embarrassment. They can even masturbate in front of a mirror in order to see how the vagina reacts on different stimulations. A lot of celebrities are encouraging women to explore their bodies and love their reproductive system.

Finally, every woman should talk with her partner about the things that she finds stimulating. She should also talk about the things that make her reach an orgasm fast. In this way you can make the shyness, fears and all the unpleasant feelings that burden your sexuality go away. In these cases it is good to have a partner that knows when he needs to listen and a partner who is ready to explore your sexuality with your help.