Tag Archives: benefit of sex

How Does Lack Of Sex Affect Health, The Benefit Of Sex

We are sure that you have already read numerous articles that try to explain the benefits of sex and how good sex is for both our physical and mental health. You can also find dozens of surveys that come with the same conclusion – sex is something that we need to practice often in order to preserve and improve our health. However you can find only few sources that can tell how lack of sex affects human health. In this article you will find a summarized conclusion about this based on scientific research. It looks like people who don’t practice sex regularly have more health problems. Some of these problems include:

Heart attacks

Recent studies have confirmed that regular and quality sexual activities are closely linked with heart health. Every physical activity that doesn’t put too much pressure on your heart is good for the heart; however sex is one of those activities that bring a lot of different benefits. When people practice sex it is not just a physical activity it is much more. According to numerous scientists sexual activity boost the production of hormones that are useful for our health. The scientist have no doubts that people that have more sex have less chance to face heart attack because the heart is a lot stronger.

Insomnia and poor sleep

Although there are many reasons for insomnia and poor sleep, irregular sex is certainly one of those reasons. What we all know is that regular sex can provide some good sleeping. The reasons for this are the hormones that are released during and after the sexual intercourse. They make the body more relaxed and calm which eventually leads to a good tight sleep.

Losing enthusiasm

We love sex not only because of the physical pleasure but also because we always feel good afterwards. This good feeling boosts our self-confidence and our enthusiasm. There is no real scientific explanation for this connection but it is probably because of the feeling of closeness and belonging that sex provides. These emotions are present in each of us and the sex gets them on the surface. So it is no wonder why people who don’t have regular sex are slowly losing their enthusiasm with all those emotions laying deep inside of them.


Sex makes everyone happy. It is a well known fact that sex is a natural mood booster. However irregular or no sex activity will certainly cause people to feel depressed. Psychologists have revealed that people suffering from depression usually have irregular sexual activities and that is one of their main reasons for depression.

Poor work performance

People who have a normal sex life are much more efficient at work. Once again thanks to the hormones that are released during the sex, people appear to be more focused and they achieve better results. On the contrary people with poor sex life have trouble staying focused and they usually have poor work performance.