Tag Archives: better sexual health

Morning Sex- Better Sexual Health

Before you jump out of your bed and start preparing to leave the house in order to meet up with resumption hours, don’t you think you should take a dose of happiness first? The outside world can be very stressful you know.

Now, morning sex isn’t the time to reflect on how hectic the day would be. It is to help you have a good start which will make you be on your best behavior throughout the day. Why is it important to have morning sex? Let’s find out!

It wakes you up

So your eyes are open, but you can’t really see even when your sex partner is giving you a blow job or an intense head. That is because in the morning when the alarm sounds or you wake up by yourself, you are still feeling all dizzy and fuzzy. The brain is still relaxed and so your mental alertness is still on the low till your partner slides into you, then after a few strokes, you become aware of your environment. Now going back to the moment before the few strokes, those are the moments you will want to live in for the rest of your life. When you feel like you are in a dream getting laid with zero things on your mind. That is what morning sex does for you. It gives you a good waking up.

It makes sex fun

Everything about morning sex is fun! From the tousled hair to the scattered bed, smelly breathe (which you should be used to by now), you are in a relaxed state with just your partner and the quiet room. The most appropriate thing to do at this point is a quickie, a way of saying, “Let me get a taste of you before we get too busy”. And a wonderful taste it would be as it would keep her/him lingering in your thoughts all day long. Sexual fantasies sexy hot secretary or 6 packs guy at the office has got nothing on you when you empty your tank before leaving home. Having fun in sex equals better sexual health and sexual relationship.

Everything looks bright and beautiful

This would be your mood after you’ve had a romantic morning sex. That cuddle hormone you released during the sex is not for nothing you know. Morning sex makes you start your day on a positive note and keep you happy all day. Just make sure you hid that smile that will play on your lips when you think about how you woke up. You sure don’t want your boss to ask you what‘s the smile for.

Keeps you in shape

Morning sex could make up for that exercise routine you didn’t do yesterday evening because you were tired. Sex burns calories and what better way to start your morning than with a lightweight. It is easier to burn five calories every minute during sex than walking from block to block.

If you feel like you don’t have enough time in the morning to get a quick one from your partner, why don’t you plan for it by setting your alarm 25 minutes earlier than the normal time? It’s really worth it for your body shape and better sexual health. Also, you can use mints to combat that morning breath!

Tips For Healthy Sex In Senior Citizens

With the pressure related to bringing up children and career having come to an end, it is time for many senior citizens to lead an active and emotionally fulfilling sexual life. Sadly some by this time have developed health conditions that at times interfere seriously with their sexual functions. Broadly speaking the greatest secret of better sexual health into old age is to do everything possible to keep physical, mental as well as emotional diseases at bay. More specifically, the following suggestions can help:

Treat your body well

Healthy diet

‘You are what you eat’ is a common saying when talking about health matters generally. This is true in regard to sexual matters. Eating healthy means that your body will remain healthy for long. The typical Western world diet increases the risk of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and clogged vessels. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins, low sugars and refined foods as well as reasonable healthy fats and oils can help a person remain sexually active into old age. A good place to start is to see what is included in your country’s healthy ‘food pyramid’.

Lifestyle choices

Smoking and alcohol not only kill sex in the young but will be even more devastating in the old. Although a little alcohol may break sexual inhibitions, a little more may take away the ability. Long term uncontrolled intake also affects other systems such as the liver which is needed for healthy hormone metabolism among other functions that sustain good sexual health.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Repeated STDs increase the risk of developing certain conditions that can negatively impact on sexual health later on in life. In the event of a sexually transmitted diseases, early and effective treatment is recommended.

Positive attitude towards changes

Accepting inevitable changes that come with age and taking proactive action to remedy them can go a long way in maintaining healthy sex.  It is necessary to accept that with old age:

  • A man may take a little longer to achieve an erection strong enough for penetration. An understanding partner will be more patient and offer the needed extra stimulation to get things going.
  • Orgasm for both partners may be weaker and less frequent.
  • The vaginal lining becomes thinner and dryness may be an issue. Over the counter water soluble vaginal lubricant and a gentle partner is all that is needed to have satisfying sex free from friction pain and or bleeding.

Learning basics of tantric sex can help an aging couple go beyond seeing sex from the physical aspect only.


Sometimes it is inevitable for a senior to be on some medication for one health condition or another. Discuss with your doctor so that if possible, a drug that doesn’t trigger erectile dysfunction is prescribed.

Depending on a doctor’s assessment, sexual enhancement pills can be used. Viagra and Cialis are widely prescribed drugs that have helped many in that respect.

Buy Maxi2

Nutritional supplements

The world of nutritional supplements is full of products that are used for sexual health support. The concept behind using supplements is to help the body operate as it should. Herbal supplements are available for both men and women but caution is needed. Some herbs can interact negatively with prescription medicines and so it is important if you are on any medications to discuss with your doctor before taking them.

Finally for the purpose of this discussion, be as physically active as your circumstances allow.

Sexual behavior: What’s normal, what’s not

A large number of sexologists consider that the problem of the normal as compared to the abnormal sexual behavior is actually rhetoric in its essence. These experts assume that normal in sex is whatever suits a sex couple the best, what makes them satisfied and everything that fits into their specific system of sexual values. Oral sex is therefore a completely normal behavior for a couple, but only if both partners enjoy oral sex. As long as there is respect and responsibility in the sexual relationship, everything is perfectly fine.

However, it is not normal when one of the partners in the relationship does not do this for their own pleasure, but only because of the pressure created by the partner and the fear of rejection. This view applies equally to anal sex, bondage during sex activities, mutual masturbation, the use of obscene words, sex in unusual places, positions and circumstances and all the stunts that have a taste of something that is out of the ordinary. Mutual masturbation may be one of the best sexual stimulation. Don’t you think that female masturbation is very sexy?

Love and sexuality

Another group of sexologists advocates the importance of love as a measure of normality in the relationship between two adult partners. According to these authors, normal sexuality is a sexuality in which one person transmits messages of love, attachment, belonging and warmth to the other partner through sex.

Neurotic sexuality

Neurotic or abnormal sexuality, on the other hand, is sexuality in which sex is used as a discharger of accumulated dissatisfaction, aggression and the need to command, which aims at self-assertion or simply as a way in which individuals release their everyday tensions. Normal sexual person makes love periodically, only when they are eroticized by the presence of the person they love and at the same time they take the same amount of pleasure as they actually provide pleasure to their partner.

This viewpoint shows some logical weakness. First of all, there are practically no people who are absolutely free from tensions. Stress, aggressive impulses and feeling of guilt and every individual uses sex to empty these feelings from time to time. On the other hand, a small number of people who view themselves as completed persons and don’t need to prove themselves in the bed. In addition, there are individuals who have sex regardless of the presence or absence of the feeling of love. So, is it possible to determine what is normal and what is abnormal in sex? Not really. The real question is whether you should burden with this problem. It is certainly better to be abnormal in the bed with your loved one instead being normal alone. Being abnormal or creative for a better sexual health is better than a boring sex life.

Erotic fantasies

According to many studies, sex to a greater extent takes place in the minds of women and men than in bed. It turns out, that people between 18 and 22 years, spend more than 5 hours per day thinking about sex. As they grow older this amount of time is reduced, so people between 28 and 35 think about sex 2 hours a day. So, there is nothing wrong with erotic fantasies as long as the person knows how to separate reality from fantasies.

Sex sighs as a sign of a sexual pleasure

Sex sighs are sounds made by both men and women during the sexual intercourse but they are more often present in women. Many men believe that the volume if this sighs actually shows the strength of orgasm and arousal in women which is wrong.

In case you didn’t know, female orgasms are a little bit more complicated than male orgasms and it is practically invisible. This can lead to wrong impression when we are trying to decipher the body signals in a woman’s body. For example, it is almost impossible for men to be sure if their female partner is faking orgasms or not. This is only possible in cases when men know their partner’s body very well and in details. Another thing that is really hard for men to interpret is the intensity of the orgasm that their partner has experienced. If your partner is barely audible during orgasm and during some other sexual intercourse she is loud and “emits” sex sighs this doesn’t mean that she had a intense orgasm only in the second case. For example, in many cases the strongest orgasms are so intense that women simply cannot make any sounds or even produce a sigh. They start breathing only when the vaginal spasms loosen.

Some men determine whether they are good lovers or not depending on the sex sighs their partners produce. The louder their partner is the more self-confident they feel. This is what provides consciousness in porn actors because their partner with a loud moaning “describes” a good sexual experience and the audience is assured that she is very excited. Of course, there are men that find sex sighs and loud moaning very stimulating and they enjoy sex even more. According to many studies there are women who get aroused and very excited when they are listening to their own moaning for better sexual pleasure.

Furthermore, there is no doubt that there are many couples today who want to spice up their sexual life by using various erotic toys and accessories. The experience of using these toys and accessories is probably less enjoyable for those men who are usually surprised by the loud sighs and screams their partners have when they are using some of these toys. Once again, you should know that there is no room for any worries. The volume doesn’t mean anything, so forget about all the theories that sex toys can be a danger for you and that you can be replaced by some toy. This high volume is usually a result of the fact that the woman knows that someone is watching her. In these moments women easily live up in the role of real naughty individuals which is certainly not an indicator of the intensity of an experienced orgasm.

A woman that has lived all her life with silent orgasms (either with the help of a partner or through masturbation) will probably find difficult to get rid of this habit. In case you wish your partner is a little bit louder you can do few things that can encourage her to be louder – talk to her, change the room, change the ambience etc. You will need to put some effort for better sexual health.

Healthy Ways of Having Greater Sex

SEX is an activity that has the potential of involving each and every sense and muscles in your body. An activity that grants us the chance to receive and give pleasure beyond our wildest dreams. Unfortunately, for many men, sex isn’t the connection that they need to enjoy a fulfilling experience.

Pain and discomfort are the culprits. There are times however which common problems/mistakes result to issues such as:

  • Stress
  • Thoughts that are bashing
  • Anxiety

But with some adjustments, sex is an act that can once again make people feel better and awesome about themselves. Many sex coaches deal with people that are finding it difficult to maintain hard erection to find out exactly what they require to enhance their sexual prowess.

Mentioned below are excellent soft erection treatment solutions that will help you experience more sexual pleasure in your life….

Zero Mind Reading

As a man you shouldn’t expect your partner to read your mind. It is important that you know what you really want, desirer and require. Communication is one avenue that is linked to your pleasure potential.

What is the solution to better sex then? Simple, start by learning your erogenous area. If you have no clue of what really turns you on, find time to get started on a solo act to explore every area of your body.

You will get the feel good areas this way, you will know how to direct your partner next time you are with her to help you with arousal. If you are stressed out, and you are unable to rise to the occasion, talk this through with your partner and allow her to help you do an activity that will help you relax.

Do Something Different

At times, the shifting in position or becoming adventurous enough to try something new is an act that will make sex a much more exciting and satisfying experience. Better sexual health, better relationship.

Try and do this; when you are engaging in coitus in a certain position, try and shift either up and down, right or left. These are guaranteed ways that you can use to enhance arousal and your penis will hit your lady’s walls making her feel much more pleasurable and minimize the time she takes to reach orgasm.

Since not many women climax just from penetration, focus on her clitoris and other regions surrounding the vagina. The more you pleasure her the higher and quicker are the chances for her to climax and you will have lengthened your sexual prowess.

You can also try incorporating a penis ring made from soft materials, you will be able to lasting longer in bed than and deliver a brilliant performance in the bedroom.

Heart Health: Is sex good or bad?

We have all heard stories about men or women who have died during sex. “At least he died” happy some people would say. But on the serious side is sex really dangerous for the heart or this is just another myth? Relationship of sex and heart health.

Can sex be considered as a type of exercise?

People that are worried that sex can be dangerous often look at it as a intensive physical activity. But according to many studies sex is not such an extreme exercise. Sex lasts between 5 and 15 minutes on average and during sex people spend the same energy they need to climb on the second floor in a building. Of course, people that are younger and more energetic can spend more energy but these people are exceptions. Sex triggers moderate cardiovascular response and heart rate is between 110 and 130 beats per minute. The blood pressure is also rising but although these indicators are higher they cannot be compared with the numbers we get when we are having intensive training session in any sport.

Heart attacks risks

The statistics are clear – less than 1% of heart attacks are caused by sexual activity. Even anger bursts cause more deaths than sexual intercourses. To put it in simple words, around 2 out of 2 million people that have sex risk facing heart attack during sex. The risk in people who have regular physical activities is lower and those who have suffered from heart attacks are not risking much by having sex.

When can sex increase the chance of heart attack?

As we have mentioned before, sex is completely safe for people who are suffering from heart-related diseases. However, there are some rules that must be followed. For example, many studies confirm that people often suffer from heart attacks in cases when an older man has sex with a younger woman. This is a direct result of increased excitement caused by the new experience which increases the heart rate and blood pressure increasing the chance of cardiovascular problems.

Heart diseases patients and sex

The truth is that several million people all around the world experience heart attack every year. Most of them undergo surgeries or some other type of medical intervention. All of them get advice from their doctors about what they need to eat and how to continue with their life but rarely any doctor gives advice about practicing sex. Even patients are feeling embarrassed to ask questions on this topic.

What is important is to prevent heart diseases from ruining your sex life. After the surgery ask your doctor about sexual intercourse. Most patients can continue with their sex practices after they are fully recovered. But if you are experiencing shortness of breath or pain in the chest it is better to consult your doctor.

Can sex improve heart health?

Numerous studies have confirmed that people who practice sex at least two times a week have lower chances of getting some heart disease compared to those who practice sex less.

5 Easy Ways to Help Your Man Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

The aging process causes a lot of changes in the body one of which is increased possibility of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. ED can manifest itself in different ways including premature ejaculation where your man reaches orgasm when you are not sexually satisfied. This can be just before vaginal penetration or soon after. It can also manifest itself in form of your main failing to attain erection or in case he does, the erection is weak to a point where vaginal penetration becomes impossible.

You definitely will not want to find yourself in the above picture. This is because your man’s sexual health will not only have deteriorated but will continue to deteriorate to a point where sex in your relationship becomes a big issue. Caused by several factors including long-term use of specific medications, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, vascular disease, neurological disease, diabetes, poor diet and prostate-related treatments, ED affects about 75% of men, which makes it very necessary that you help your man prevent it at all costs. This you can do in several easy ways:

  • Walking – Many consider walking as a waste of time, choosing to travel by car even for short distances. They do not realize that walking is a unique form of exercise that has a positive effect on sexual performance. According to a study undertaken at Harvard University, walking for just 30 minutes everyday goes a long way in minimizing the risk of ED by up to 41%. You need to spare some time to take a walk with your man as one effective way of helping him prevent ED. Celebrity trainer David Kirsch, trainer for Kate Upton and Jennifer Lopez also encourage people to do more walking than just cardio, it’s easier to do it on a daily basis.
  • Appropriate diet – The need for appropriate diet for healthy living cannot be understated. A Massachusetts Male Aging Study revealed that a regular diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, fish and fruits minimizes the risk of ED in men. The fact that absorption of vitamin B12 becomes poor as a man ages makes it necessary to ensure that your man consumes a diet composed of foods fortified with vitamin B12. Note that vitamin B12 deficiency in a man’s body easily leads to ED.
  •  Good vascular health – Poor vascular health is a major contributor to occurrence of ED. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, high blood pressure and high blood sugar cause damage to arteries in the body, leading to heart attack, stroke and ED among other serious health conditions. It is therefore very important that you encourage your man to go for medical check up to determine levels of the above indicated issues. This is one of the easiest and best help that you can offer your man if you want him to continue maintaining good sexual health in particular.
  • Help your man cut weight – Excess body weight including obesity increases the risk of ED by a big percentage. Obesity causes two health problems that are major causes of ED; diabetes and vascular disease. Excess fat deposits in the body also interferes with smooth production and functioning of sexual hormones, leading to ED. You need to help your man cut down on excess body weight to remain sexually healthy. It is indeed indicated that men with 32-inch waistline stand a lower risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction compared to men with 42-inch and above waistline measurement.
  • Exercise – Like with appropriate diet, the need for regular exercise must be emphasized. Performing exercises helps in burning fat deposits in the body, flushes out toxic substances from the body through sweat in addition to strengthening body muscles. Performing Kegel exercises in particular strengthens pelvic muscles, which goes a long way to improve sexual performance. It is important that you encourage your man to partake in regular exercises including Kegel exercises to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Kegel Exercises For A Better Orgasm

There are many exercises that can enhance your sexual enjoyment, Kegel exercises are one of the most famous and most efficient. Kegel exercises can be practiced no matter how old or sexually active women are. These exercises can help you both with experiencing better orgasm and improve your sexual health. Basically, these exercises are focused on the pelvic muscles, located near the urinary tract.

Since they are muscles, they can be strengthened or they can lose their power if they are not used. They can also be much tensed due to stress. To check the shape of the muscles, stick a finger in the vagina. If the finger enters the vagina easily than there is no tension; if the finger can be pressed by the vaginal walls it means that the muscles are in good shape.

Like other exercises, overdoing them can cause trouble and you will probably lose interest after few sessions. These exercises should be regular and not intense. Remember that the goal is to improve the state of the muscles.

After a short period of exercising, women can notice how they have increased the blood flow in that area, which is the key to better sexual health. Kegel exercises can also help women suffering from incontinence, no matter if the reason for that is aging or childbirth. Some women who suffer from pain during sexual intercourse can also find these exercises helpful.

Although these exercises are primarily designed for women, men can benefit from them too. Men should also train their muscles in the intimate area, to help their blood flow in the pelvis resulting in better and longer orgasms. These exercises are especially useful for men who are suffering from premature ejaculation because they can help with regulation and delaying of ejaculation.

But how to perform Kegel exercises properly?

–      It is important to locate the muscles that are part of these exercises. The easiest way to locate them is to remember which muscles you use when you want to stop the urge for urinating. So forget the anal muscles, abdominal muscles etc. you are aiming for the pubococcygeus muscles. These muscles are found in both men and women. Once you find out which muscles are part of the exercises it will be easy to perform the exercises since they can be performed everywhere. No matter if you are sitting or standing and no matter where you are (at home or at work), you can perform Kegel exercises and no one around can notice you.

–      Kegel exercises are basically series of contraction and relaxation of muscles. Make three series of 5 contractions and have a one minute break between them. Do this twice a day. After a while you can increase the number of contractions but don’t push too far.

–      It takes time to notice the first results from these easy exercises. So be patient and the results will come. The best way is to do it at home while you are in bed because Kegel exercises can cause sexual arousal in some people.

Sexual Health

Premature ejaculation is a problem that can be classified as sticky and affects over 66% of all men. Unfortunately, this is a problem that doesn’t have a single cause. Men affected by premature ejaculation aggravate the situation by over obsessing over the issue.

On the bright side however, understanding the potential causes and knowing how and when to get help are some of the grandest ways that can help you create a natural path for better sexual health for the affected man and his partner.

But before we get to the help, let’s define what premature ejaculation is and how it affects your sexual health.


Premature Ejaculation What is It?

This is a problem that happens every time a man ejaculates before him and his partner are ready. Medically, doctors define premature ejaculation as an activity that takes effect in less than a minute of penetration.

When an occasional slip may be not much to worry about, if premature ejaculation happens continuously should be a matter of concern since it can make you impotent. Unfortunately a lot of men get too embarrassed to talk about this condition with their doctors.

So What Causes Premature Ejaculation?

Like stated above, there is no sole reason and for a majority of men, it is a condition that can be related to a waft of factors that are both physical and psychological. Some of the document reasons include:

  • A previous history of trying to ejaculate too fast all the while trying to avoid getting caught in the act
  • Problems in the relationship
  • Guilt or anxiety that is related to the sex act
  • Performance anxiety
  • Biological issues pertaining to things such as hormonal levels, heredity and problems with the thyroid
  • Physiological issues that include things such as withdrawal symptoms from some types of medication and nerve damage

Types of Treatments Available

Treating premature ejaculation is purely dependent on the principal cause. To avoid becoming impotent, you and your partner should work together with a doctor to come up with the best mode of treatment.

In most cases a plethora of self-help practices, medications and therapy may do the trick. Some of the treatment procedures may include:

Masturbating either an hour or two before you have sex

Using the squeeze technique and you practice with drawing from your partner whenever you feel like the ejaculation is almost reaching a point of no return, then squeeze the end of your penis.

Going for counselling sessions together with your partner and facing any issues in the relationships that might be the cause of this predicament.

Using topical anaesthetic creams that are sold over the counter. Some of these creams provide you with a numbing effect that gradually slows down premature ejaculation. However when purchasing these kinds of treatments you should be very cautious and only buy the treatments that will not cause you any skin irritation.

Exercise and diet

Sometimes, it’s all about the foods we eat and the lifestyle we lead. If you want to get rid of impotency and premature ejaculation and improve your sexual health, you have to commit yourself to exercises and eating a well-balanced and healthy diet.

This is a sure way of getting rid of excess fats in your body that might be slowing down during the romping session and eliminating impotency naturally and generally having a perfect sexual health.

Few Things About Intensive Menstrual Bleeding That Every Woman Should Know

Every woman occasionally experience menstrual bleeding that is more intensive than regular menstrual bleedings. Luckily, most often what they think is intensive is not intensive enough to be qualified as menorrhagia – abnormally intensive menstrual bleeding.

But how can we actually tell if the menstrual bleeding is intensive? The easiest method is to track how often you need to change the tampons or pads. If your menstrual bleeding is so intensive that you have to change the tampons or pads on every couple of hours or your menstruation lasts for a week or longer than you might be suffering from menorrhagia and these are the most common causes of abnormally intensive menstrual bleeding:

Fibroid tumor of the uterus

The most common tumors are so-called benign (non-cancerous) tumors and they usually occur in women that are in their thirties or forties. The reason for the appearance of uterine fibroid tumors is still unknown, but what is clear is that there is some kind of connection with estrogen levels. There are several types of surgery that can remove the fibroid tumors of the uterus (ablation, myomectomy, hysterectomy and uterine artery embolization). Progesterone was very successful in the treatment of this tumor in some women. If the situation is not very serious, the doctors usually recommend waiting until the menopause when the tumor is cut and pulled without any difficulties.


This is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease that can appear on several parts of the body, especially the skin, joints, blood and kidneys. The cause of lupus is unknown, but some researchers believe that the genetic predisposition is the main factor for it and that things such as environmental factors, infections, stress, hormones, UV exposure and certain types of antibiotics can cause the formation of lupus.

Uterus Cancer

This type of cancer affects the inner part of the uterus (the endometrium). It occurs when abnormal cells begin to grow uncontrollably and can also affect other organs. This type of cancer usually affects older women. It is treated with hysterectomy or chemotherapy.

Cervical cancer

This type of cancer appears when cells of the cervix begin to grow uncontrollably. More than 20 % of cases of cervical cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It can be treated by removing the affected body parts or with extensive chemotherapy.

Cervical polyps

Cervical polyps are small growths that are usually benign and appear on the surface of the lining of the cervix. The cause of cervical polyps is still not clear but it is thought that they occur under the influence of increased estrogen levels or blocked blood vessels of the uterus. These polyps occur in women older than 20 years who have already given birth.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalance during puberty or menopause is the most common cause of intensive menstrual bleeding. During puberty it occurs after the first menstrual period and several years before a woman enters the menopause. The level of hormones in the body significantly affects the entire cycle including the very period. It can be treated with therapy and medications.