Tag Archives: better sexual health

Tips For Healthy Sex In Senior Citizens

With the pressure related to bringing up children and career having come to an end, it is time for many senior citizens to lead an active and emotionally fulfilling sexual life. Sadly some by this time have developed health conditions that at times interfere seriously with their sexual functions. Broadly speaking the greatest secret of better sexual health into old age is to do everything possible to keep physical, mental as well as emotional diseases at bay. More specifically, the following suggestions can help:

Treat your body well

Healthy diet

‘You are what you eat’ is a common saying when talking about health matters generally. This is true in regard to sexual matters. Eating healthy means that your body will remain healthy for long. The typical Western world diet increases the risk of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and clogged vessels. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins, low sugars and refined foods as well as reasonable healthy fats and oils can help a person remain sexually active into old age. A good place to start is to see what is included in your country’s healthy ‘food pyramid’.

Lifestyle choices

Smoking and alcohol not only kill sex in the young but will be even more devastating in the old. Although a little alcohol may break sexual inhibitions, a little more may take away the ability. Long term uncontrolled intake also affects other systems such as the liver which is needed for healthy hormone metabolism among other functions that sustain good sexual health.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Repeated STDs increase the risk of developing certain conditions that can negatively impact on sexual health later on in life. In the event of a sexually transmitted diseases, early and effective treatment is recommended.

Positive attitude towards changes

Accepting inevitable changes that come with age and taking proactive action to remedy them can go a long way in maintaining healthy sex.  It is necessary to accept that with old age:

  • A man may take a little longer to achieve an erection strong enough for penetration. An understanding partner will be more patient and offer the needed extra stimulation to get things going.
  • Orgasm for both partners may be weaker and less frequent.
  • The vaginal lining becomes thinner and dryness may be an issue. Over the counter water soluble vaginal lubricant and a gentle partner is all that is needed to have satisfying sex free from friction pain and or bleeding.

Learning basics of tantric sex can help an aging couple go beyond seeing sex from the physical aspect only.


Sometimes it is inevitable for a senior to be on some medication for one health condition or another. Discuss with your doctor so that if possible, a drug that doesn’t trigger erectile dysfunction is prescribed.

Depending on a doctor’s assessment, sexual enhancement pills can be used. Viagra and Cialis are widely prescribed drugs that have helped many in that respect.

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Nutritional supplements

The world of nutritional supplements is full of products that are used for sexual health support. The concept behind using supplements is to help the body operate as it should. Herbal supplements are available for both men and women but caution is needed. Some herbs can interact negatively with prescription medicines and so it is important if you are on any medications to discuss with your doctor before taking them.

Finally for the purpose of this discussion, be as physically active as your circumstances allow.