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A few Hidden Causes of Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are not something rare and they are especially present in female population. It is considered that almost every woman has experienced at least one case of fungal infection at some point of her life. These infections can happen to anyone regardless of their age. What is even worse is the fact that it is sometimes possible to have an infection without seeing any clear signs of inflammation. Yeast appears naturally on our body and it is fond of dark, moisturized and hidden corners of our body and this is something that can best describe the intimate area, armpits and few other areas.

According to many gynecologists, in places where we can find high amounts of carbohydrates and sugars in the body we can expect the presence of fungal disorders. They also claim that it is not possible to completely get rid of these infections once and for all. So, the best idea is to treat them and keep them under control. The most common cause of all fungal infections is the fungi called Candida which naturally exists in every human body and starts to affect our health when the natural balance between acids and alkaline in the vagina is disrupted. This is the moment when many women notice feeling of itching in this area. In case you want to be prepared for fungal infections you need to know all the causes that lead to this condition and learn how to recognize and treat them in the right way.


The way we eat is very important and according to most gynecologists this practice is especially important during the menstrual period. This is the period when women should significantly increase the intake of all probiotic supplements. They should also include foods such as yoghurt and kefir, garlic which has amazing anti-fungal properties, coconut oil and meat soups. On the other hand, women should avoid carbs and sugar during this period.

Tight clothes

As we have mentioned before fungi simply love moisture and warmth. This suggests that tight clothes are especially suitable for the development and spreading of fungal infections and inflammation. It is always a good idea to choose clothing made of completely natural materials and some people suggest ironing the underwear after washing in order to be sure that the high temperature will eliminate all the bacteria that dwell in the clothes.

Hormonal changes

Weakened immune system, using antibiotics and birth control pills are all factors that contribute to intestine flora declination. This ultimately means that you can expect infections because the system cannot protect itself. Discomfort and itching can be eased with a tampon soaked in yoghurt and placed inside the vagina.


Fungal infections usually come with strong feeling of itching and a discharge with unpleasant smell. It is good to avoid soaps and hot water when taking care of the hygiene in the intimate area. Furthermore, try to avoid using scented tampons and scented shower gels when you are washing the vaginal area.