Tag Archives: climax

Natural Ways to Maintain Hard Erection

When it comes to maintaining a hard erection in a natural way as you make love, take your time to press the end of your penis in your lady’s clitoral head. Take time in her vaginal entrance since this is the point where the sensitive nerve endings are most.

As you make love, focus on small, shallow movements that will penetrate the beginning two to three inches of her vagina.

Chivalry will get You Places: to last longer let your lady’s sexual desires come fast. Focus on making her receive an orgasm first as this will relieve off pressure to please and it eradicates the psychological anxiety that leads to Premature Ejaculation.

Go For Seconds: Disregard early emissions and instead pay attention on your lady’s arousal, afterward a while you are ready to get back on the love making saddle once more. It is common fact that most men last a while longer the second time round. The more you practice the longer you will be able to last the first time you give it a go.

Allow her to get On Top: Accord her the chance to get on top, this way, your penis will be stimulated less. Ask her kindly to ride you slowly since if she thrusts long and fast you will not last for longer. Let her ride you and while she’s on top, this minimizes penile sensitivity as well as performance anxiety.

Don’t focus on your Orgasm: The area of your brain is responsible of triggering an orgasm as you try to achieve one or stop having one. The more attention you accord the thought, the higher the chances of it happening.

Divert your attentions and instead focus on her silky thighs, your hips and finally, you will be in a position to diffuse pleasure all throughout your body.

Best Ways of Achieving Soft Erection treatment

When you gain complete control of your body during the sexual session, you are taking part in. Do not allow your body to get carried away in bed to a point that you are unable to slow yourself down during the session.

The next time you are having intercourse, and suddenly you feel your body taking over, slow yourself down a bit till you regain control of your body.

Kindly understand that a higher percentage of your climax is mentally controlled as the other percentage has to do with the muscles.

These are natural ways that will turn you into a Stud!