Tag Archives: cure erectile dysfunction

A Few Widely Believed Myths about Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction or the inability to achieve and maintain an erection, it is a far more common problem than we all think. Throughout their lives, most men experience certain problems with their erection which may negatively affect their self-esteem and relationships.

In the past, people thought that emotional problems are the sole cause of erectile dysfunction, but recent medical research has shown than the causes can be both physical and psychological. Unfortunately, this is a taboo in many societies. This is exactly why there are many people who don’t understand the nature of this problem completely, and there are so many myths surrounding this topic. In order to understand what’s true and what’s fantasy, we are here presenting you few widely believed myths about this unpleasant condition.

  1. Erectile dysfunction is a basic element of the aging process

Whilst it is true that erectile dysfunction is quite common in the elderly, this dysfunction is not part of the normal aging process. This is a health problem that can have serious impact on the overall health of men, no matter how old they are. Besides that, this dysfunction can be a sign of other hidden health problems. That’s why you need to find a way to cure erectile dysfunction regardless of your age.

  1. Erectile dysfunction affects men only

Without any doubts, erectile dysfunction is bad for both partners. It can lead to feelings of inadequacy, depression, low self-respect and self-esteem. Due to the occurrence of this problem, many relationships are going through rough times. If the problem remains, this situation can affect all relationship in man’s life – work, family friends etc.

  1. Tight underwear leads to ED

Wearing tight underwear is often associated with male infertility, because this type of underwear increases the temperature in the testicles and prevents proper creation of sperm. However, there is still no valid medical research that can confirm the thesis that wearing tight underwear is related to erectile dysfunction.

  1. Erectile dysfunction can be related to problems in the relationship

Problems related to the relationship can certainly affect the sex drive in both men and women, but most causes of erectile dysfunction are physical not psychological. On the other hand, untreated erectile dysfunction can often lead to further complication of these problems in the relationship, which is just another reason to approach this problem with the necessary seriousness and attention.

  1. Erectile dysfunction affects older men only

The truth is that erectile dysfunction is more common in older men, but the fact is that it can appear in any men regardless of their age. Certain medical issues like diabetes, obesity, heart disease or high blood pressure that can increase the risk of developing erectile dysfunction. Smoking and abusing alcohol can also increase the chances.

  1. Using drugs (like Cialis or Viagra) is the only way to treat erectile dysfunction

Cialis, Viagra and few other drugs can be very successful with the process of treatment, but changing lifestyle can be very effective too. So, try to make a combination of these two activities for faster and permanent results.

How to Cure Erectile Dysfunction without Pills

Although apparently there are dozens of different cures available to treat male impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction. This condition may not require medications or special treatments. Depending on the cause of the problem, it is possible that few changes to the lifestyle of a man are all you need to solve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

Of course, there may be many factors, both physical and psychological that are the root of impotence. Studies have shown that a large number of cases are caused by factors that can be treated quite simply. Three of the main causes of erectile dysfunction are the snuff, alcohol and drugs.

One of the primary and worst effects of smoking on the body is reducing the ability of the vasculature (blood vessels) to circulate blood throughout the body. Because male potency requires a good supply of blood to the sexual organ of a man, smoking can be a contributing factor for impotence. If that is the case, quitting smoking is likely to resolve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

The reason why alcohol can contribute to erectile dysfunction is because prolonged beverage can lead to reduced level of testosterone in man. Without a high enough amount of this important male hormone in your system, it may lead to decrease in libido and sexual stamina.  Once again, the symptoms can be alleviated by an alteration in lifestyle as simple as a change in the habits of drinking.

Intake of some other medicines may also be a factor causing impotence, especially if you are taking certain drugs for conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease or depression. If you fall into either category, a consultation with your doctor may be all it takes to solve the problem of impotence.

Other factors of impotence

Even if you do not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol in excess or use drugs, poor diet, physical inactivity and other unhealthy living conditions may be causing your impotence.

For good health in general, especially for those who approach middle age; it is important to take a vitamin supplement and do at least thirty minutes of exercise three times a week. This will not only help combat erectile dysfunction, but also reduce potential health risks. Ever heard of a good heart equals to a good erection? A hard erection needs a good blood flow to ‘support’ it, so a good heart condition is important.

It is only after all of the above factors have been ruled out; one could resort to opting for herbal products or medicines to cure erectile dysfunction.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction

It iѕ a соmmоn fасt thаt Erесtilе Dуѕfunсtiоn оr ED аѕ it iѕ аlѕо knоwn affects more thаn 30 milliоn mеn in thе US аlоnе. Failing tо gеt аnd/оr mаintаin аn еrесtiоn iѕ thе mаin ѕign of ED. Diаgnоѕing thе actual cause аnd seeking thе right trеаtmеnt isn’t аlwауѕ thе easiest оf tasks.

Erесtilе dуѕfunсtiоn (ED) or imроtеnсе саn сrеаtе a lоt оf fruѕtrаtiоn аnd thе partner wоuld probably bе fееling the ѕаmе wау too. All in thе bеdrооm iѕ nоt be lost, because thеrе iѕ help in thе form оf natural remedies that cure erectile dysfunction. Thеѕе remedies саn effectively treat рѕусhоlоgiсаl оr emotional саuѕеѕ оf erectile dysfunction.

Fight Fеаrѕ With Fасtѕ

1. This condition iѕ a physical iѕѕuе, but it саn bе triggered оr mаdе wоrѕе bу a mаn’ѕ еmоtiоnаl issues.

2. It iѕ extremely соmmоn аnd mоѕt mеn experience diffiсultу at some point in thеir lifе.

3. Medications саn саuѕе unwanted ѕidе effects аnd this includes рrеѕсriрtiоn and оvеr-thе-соuntеr mеdiсinеѕ.

4. Erесtiоnѕ are all about blооd flоw tо the penis аnd rеѕtriсtеd flow will cause sexual issues.

5. A hеаlthу lifestyle will dо a lоt bеttеr fоr уоur lоvе life.

6. Over 70% of men nеvеr raise thе iѕѕuе оf ED with thеir doctors, bесаuѕе оf embarrassment and presuming thеrе wоuld bе nо mеdiсаl trеаtmеnt аvаilаblе.

7. ED iѕ trеаtаblе at any аgе.

Tackle Thе Cаuѕе

Erectile dуѕfunсtiоn саn bе caused bу mаnу undеrlуing iѕѕuеѕ, ѕuсh as other mеdiсаl conditions and stress related problems. There are mаnу саuѕеѕ whiсh соuld ѕtеm frоm оnе single issue оr a соmbinаtiоn оf ѕеvеrаl рrоblеmѕ. Thе mоѕt imроrtаnt aspect оf a ѕuссеѕѕful erection treatment is thе аbilitу to tасklе thе actual саuѕе оf thе issue.

Smоking iѕ a саuѕе оf erectile dуѕfunсtiоn as it рrоmоtеѕ arterial nаrrоwing.

Obеѕitу аnd еrесtiоn рrоblеmѕ are often linked. Rеѕеаrсh ѕhоwѕ thаt оbеѕе men are at increased riѕk оf erectile dysfunction.

There are ѕоmе things thаt can mаkе рrоblеmѕ in the bеdrооm mоrе likеlу tо happen аnd lасk оf gеnеrаl еxеrсiѕе is рrоvеn tо bе оnе оf thеѕе thingѕ.

Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Trеаtmеnt with рillѕ саn bе the first орtiоn for ѕоmе mеn. Trеаting ED with mеdiсаtiоnѕ iѕn’t уоur оnlу орtiоn bесаuѕе it is trеаtаblе uѕing natural rеmеdiеѕ, whiсh tасklеѕ thе rооt саuѕе of the problem. Many men аrе surprised tо lеаrn thаt thеѕе natural еrесtilе dysfunction сurеѕ can оutреrfоrm оthеr соѕtlу medications.

Thеrе are numеrоuѕ thingѕ a mаn саn dо to rеvеrѕе this embarrassing problem. The iѕѕuе is typically саuѕеd by rеduсеd сirсulаtiоn ѕо it only mаkеѕ ѕеnѕе firѕt look at bооѕting thе сirсulаtiоn. Here аrе some ѕimрlе wауѕ tо ѕtаrt:

There are nо mirасlе fооdѕ fоr еrесtilе dysfunction аlthоugh thеrе iѕ ѕоmе еvidеnсе thаt сеrtаin fооdѕ may bе bеnеfiсiаl. A Mеditеrrаnеаn diеt еnсоurаgеѕ lоtѕ of fruits, vеgеtаblеѕ, whоlе grаinѕ, fiѕh, рulѕеѕ аnd nuts. This diet by itѕеlf can increase blооd flоw and circulation lеvеlѕ in days.

It iѕ bеttеr tо get most оf уоur vitamins from food, nоt frоm ѕuррlеmеntѕ. Sоmеtimеѕ thiѕ is nоt always роѕѕiblе frоm the dаilу diеt. Thеrе аrе certain vitamins and minerals thаt саn imрrоvе уоur sexual performance. Vitаminѕ fоr еrесtiоnѕ аrе one оf the bеѕt nаturаl rеmеdiеѕ аnd mеn do nоt have tо worry аbоut аnу risky аnd nаѕtу ѕidе еffесtѕ. Vitаmin C, Vitamin E strengthen уоur immune ѕуѕtеm and can increase blооd flоw. Vitamin ѕuррlеmеntѕ аrе аlѕо vеrу bеnеfiсiаl fоr general hеаlth аnd wеll bеing.

Tаking regular еxеrсiѕе iѕ important as it will reduce ѕtrеѕѕ аnd imрrоvе your overall wеll being. To bооѕt уоur circulation lеvеlѕ аnd hеlр rеѕtоrе sexual performance, ѕtаrt оff ѕlоwlу аnd work your wау up to at lеаѕt 3-4 times реr week.

6 Natural Remedies To Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Although, there are many medical treatments to cure the problem of male impotency, also called erectile dysfunction, the patient doesn’t always have to depend on medicines only. There are natural remedies available, which can help one to overcome this problem easily with a little discipline.

Some of the methods that are used by men to solve their erectile dysfunction are: exposure to erotic stimuli, intake of supplements and even invigorating pursuit of casual sexual encounters. These situations occur because men do not dare to go to the doctor and get professional help to solve your problem of erectile dysfunction.

Modesty, sexism and social prejudices, make most men conceal this problem, considering the medical consultation as a last resort and often blaming your partner.

The erectile dysfunction affects 1 out of 5 men over 40 years. And, interestingly, of which less than 20 percent go to the doctor to find a solution. Men with erectile dysfunction have to start by recognizing the problem, communicate with your partner and seek medical advice.

It is very important to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction as it is sometimes a symptom of other diseases such as obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, depression and diabetes.

More often than not, the core of the problem of erectile dysfunction is not related to some physical disability but the lifestyle of the men suffering from it. So, here is a set of 6 simple and effective natural remedies to prevent and cure the problem of erectile dysfunction.

1. Reduce or eliminate snuff

A pack of snuff daily is sufficient to increase by 60% the chance of erectile dysfunction. At the time when the consumption of snuff is reduced, the risk is minimized, but even so, the risk of erectile dysfunction is still much higher than men who have never taken a puff. 16.5% of men under age 35 suffering from erectile dysfunction are due to excessive consumption of snuff.

2. Do not abuse alcohol

Between 3% and 65% of men when intoxicated fail to perform a satisfactory sexual intercourse. 62% of men between 18 and 35 who suffer erectile dysfunction are due to the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol creates an interruption in the ability of a man to have strong erection, regardless of the dosage taken since it inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system, which is directly involved in the response of sexual stimulation.

3. Drugs, bad ally

Cocaine is a stimulant of the central nervous system that also acts as a vasoconstrictor, reducing blood flow in veins and arteries. 27% of men addicted to cocaine have difficulty achieving an erection that allows them to maintain satisfactory sexual intercourse and 16% of youth with ED are drug users.

4. Eat healthy and balanced

An unbalanced diet has a negative influence on the ability to maintain satisfactory sexual activity. Overweight and obesity go hand in hand with metabolic disorders that can lead directly related to erectile dysfunction such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease problems. Therefore it is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet to avoid excess weight and unwanted consequences.

5. Exercise

Physical inactivity is also a risk factor for developing erectile dysfunction. Practicing regular exercise has many benefits as it reduces the chances of heart disease, Diabetes, Stress and many such ailments which could become the cause of sexual dysfunction at a later stage of life.

6. Maintain an active sex life

Having sex often reduces the chances of developing a problem of erectile dysfunction, as this is a good exercise to keep in good blood circulation and elasticity of arteries and the corpora cavernosa, which improves the condition and operation of the cardiovascular system, decreasing the chance of developing a problem of erectile dysfunction.

Impotent Prevention

Impotence is one condition that all men dread. Being diagnosed as being impotent does spell doom for most men as such a diagnosis literally means poor sex health. Indeed most men declared with impotence do have their lives disrupted knowing that they are literally not in a position to engage in satisfactory sexual performance and the thought of inability to father their own children normally takes a toll on such men. It is not therefore surprising that most men diagnosed as being impotence do end up suffering from stress and depression. Some men who fail to receive counseling to cope with their condition do end up committing suicide.

Simply put, impotence is an erectile dysfunction (ED) problem that affects a good number of men around the world. Initially common with men above 40 years, more and more younger men are now diagnosed with the problem that is usually characterized by inability for a man to attain a strong penile erection necessary for satisfactory sexual performance. The problem can also manifest itself as premature ejaculation in case of men who experience some for of penile erection.

A number of physical and psychological factors can lead to one being declared impotent. Of all factors however, physical factors are the main causes. There are several ways through which one can avoid being declared impotent, ways that give assurance for good sex health.

Heart Health

A good number of men diagnosed as being impotent have been established to suffer from various types of heart ailments. Medical researchers have established that occurrence of such ailments as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis increase a man’s risk of developing impotence and poor sex health in general. Interestingly, men diagnosed with ED are also at high risk of suffering from such heart ailments. Prevention of such heart ailments is therefore a very effective way to prevent impotence.

Hormonal Balance

Apart from neurological problems that have been linked to ED and poor sex health in general, hormonal imbalance has also been established to cause ED. Reduced level of testosterone and increased level of prolactin in particular is a major cause of impotence. Every man needs to ensure that his hormones are properly balanced to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Injury Prevention

Specific physical trauma and injuries that affect the pelvic region of the body and the spinal cord can easily lead to poor sex health and in extreme cases being declared impotent. Every man also needs to avoid certain surgical procedures unless they are very necessary. Such include fistula, orthopedic and prostate/rectal/colon surgical procedures. It must however be pointed out that vasectomy has never been linked to ED or poor sex health.


According to the USA’s national Institute of Health (NIH), long-term use of certain medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines and hypertension medications put a man at a high risk of suffering from poor sex life, which can also lead to impotence.

Mental Health

It is generally appreciated that poor mental health leads to poor sex health. Every man needs to avoid such conditions as high stress levels, depression and anxiety at all costs to be assured of a healthy sex life.

These are definitely just a few of the ways through which every man can prevent being diagnosed as impotent. The fact that younger men are now also diagnosed with ED makes it very necessary for younger men in particular to take necessary precautions.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction

When two persons are in a relationship, they both hope and try to make the best out of it. They spend time with each other, they talk, they eat together and many others things. In this relationship a very important part is sex relationship, as it is a thing which affects many things and develop faith and make the bond between the couple more stronger. But sometimes humans are helpless in front of problems which are not under their control. Erectile dysfunction is one of those problems which comes under the category of ‘Making human helpless’. So before we go for the solutions let understand what exactly erectile dysfunction is.

Erectile dysfunction is a very rare type of dysfunction. The man suffering with this dysfunction is not able to develop or maintain an erection of his penis during sex. Which becomes the reason for unsatisfaction in the sex relation. So this problem not only affects a person physically but also interrupts his and his partner’s life. So read below and understand this enemy more clearly and also the way to cure it.

So to understand what happens in this disease let us first understand the mechanism of erection. When a penis get erected actually what happens is that blood is transferred in the penis by the body and there is a sponge like muscle in the penis which grow and get hard when get in contact with the blood and the blood flow is under the control of our mind, and so during a sexual arousal its the body’s way to respond. So now there are several reasons that why this mechanism works properly and hence become erectile dysfunctional-

1. Psychological- A man may not get an erection even in younger age if he is not psychologically prepared for the sex like he is getting nervous about his first time or the pregnancy thing or overwork, as these reason become the barrier for the sexual arousal.

2. Drugs or eating/drinking habits- One of the major reasons of impotence is something we ate or drank. Things like alcohol, nicotine and other drugs mostly become the reason for this state. Sometimes even the diabetes and obesity is the reason for impotence.

3. Aging- The last and very common reason is aging, when a person crosses his 60’s his muscles get weak and the whole body don’t function like before and same for the penis, so in the old age impotence is very common.

Now as the reasons are clear lets see what you as a victim can do to prevent impotence.

1. So if you think it’s because you are not psychologically prepared or your mind is not playing its part or its because of something you ate or drank then the best way is to consult a psychiatrist/doctor without hesitation because this is also a medical condition only.

2.  Changing the lifestyle also helps a lot, doing a moderate amount of exercise and having a good healthy diet will surely help a lot.

3. Activ-Homme- Its a tablet which will help you to develop sexual desire and will force the mind to play its part.

4. Herbal Remedies- Asian ginseng and Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) are believed to treat erectile dysfunction in some men. However, consult a doctor before taking any herbal supplements to ensure they are safe.

So these things will help you but remember to consult the doctor first and never hesitate to do so because this will save you from a lot of trouble.

Better Sex For Impotent

For both men and women, sex is a merging of the mind, body, and soul. It is truly an act that is supposed to be enjoyable as well as stress relieving, and is able to bring two people together. But, what happens when sex does not seem to happen in real life as good as one would imagine. The reality is that many people continue to have amazing sex, but there are also individuals that struggle with sex on a continual basis. Men deal with restrictions in sex dealing with impotence and ed dysfunction. Both of these things can truly put a damper on a sexual situation. When men are impotent, it can make them feel like they are weak, powerless, and not able to please. Thankfully, there are a few tips and tips for both men and women to use to sexually enhance their experience. The goal is for both men and women to just enjoy the moment and have some fun.

For men, the easiest way to enjoy sex and decrease the risk for impotent is to focus on the other person as much as possible. There can be a pressure for men to “perform” in the bedroom which can sometimes lead to impotence. Men need to relish in the moment and take it for what it is, it might not be perfect, but there is no reason not to have a good time. Women come into play here as well, it is vital for women to give as much as possible in terms of sex.

Women should be open and positive when it comes to the act of sex. Women and men can both add interest and lose tension when they play some games, get out the toys and just play. Role-playing is also another great way for couples to experience wonderful sex together. Even watching porn or sexually enhancing films can rev up a couple’s sex life and can ease any tension that has built up over time.

And, there is no shame in communication between lovers during sex. It might feel odd to just blurt out some words to one another during the act, but it is vital to talk in order to establish a connection that is sure to make the sexual act as pleasurable as possible. Open and honest communication leads to great sex, plain and simple. Tell each other what you like and what you don’t and you both are sure to lose any nervousness right off the bat. So, have a little fun and enjoy sex with each other!