Tag Archives: foreplay

Touching Erogenous Zones for Maximum Sexual Pleasure

Sex is more than just bouncing thrusting and grinding. It is more about the soulful connection of two bodies. And no, I am not referring to soul ties. What I am saying is, sex is better when the two parties involved are totally connected with each other, appreciating and being more involved in each part of the body not just the reproductive organs. To derive that satisfying and fulfilling sex, one which your partner would look you in the eyes and say, “Thank you, I loved it”, then you might want to do more than just thrusting.

What more should you do than thrusting? Touch every erogenous zone that will make your partner go wild with sexual pleasure and hunger for more. Let’s take a look at some of the erogenous zones that are often neglected.


Most men will always mention the breast when asked of what they desire in a woman’s figure. But then, you’d wonder why they often neglect it during sex, probably because they are eager to get into the thrusting game to show off their manliness. Sex shouldn’t be that way; unless it’s a quickie. If you are down for a full time sex, then you should go through the foreplay process which should involve the breasts. Licking and gently sucking the nipples, areolas, while grabbing the full breasts would give your partner the first orgasm before the main sex. Women should also lick their partner’s nipples, they are sensitive too. Sucking the nipple and the area around a man’s chest also gives them sexual pleasure and strength to go through with the sex.

The balls

For the ladies, you might want to give your man a blow job to get him all prepped up for thrusting. While concentrating on the sausage, don’t forget the surroundings. Your man might not want to tell you, but he also derives great joy from getting his balls sucked too, albeit gently. You can go down from the tip of the penis, glide your tongue slowly down to the base of his penis, taking in his balls one after the other in your mouth while stroking the sausage. Real good sex experiences with this oral sex move.


This is a spot when handled perfectly, makes your partner emit loud moans. Using the tip of your tongue to glide up and down (in a slow motion), the sides of your partners neck while cradling the head like that of a baby will make your partner secrete fluids prepping the sexual organs for deep thrusting. You can also kiss, blow or better still, suck the base of the neck for greater impact.

The ears

Want your partner harder down there and probably get goose bumps too? Then a quick lick on the outer lobe of the ear will do the trick. The ear is another sensitive part of the body which gives a reaction when touched, licked or nibbled. It could even make your partner jerk, resulting in a hard on.

Back of the Knee

This is another part you might want to try out to see your partner’s reaction which is often a soothing one. You can kiss it slowly working your way to the laps or you can just touch or massage it.

Moves to Try During Foreplay to Make Her Desire You Again And Again

What are some great sexy things to try during foreplay? After all, most women crave a lot more foreplay. Some women even like receiving foreplay more than intercourse.

After some years in a sexual relationships, sex usually becomes a bit routine. Do you do the same old sex routine of a kiss, touch the breasts and intercourse every time you make love? If you do, it is likely that your lover is bored with sex. She could even be faking her orgasms.

WARNING: Boring sex leads to separation.

So we can see that most of us need some new things to try in foreplay. The first thing to try is even before foreplay starts. You can send her a flirt text message during the day. See how she responds. If you can feel she is getting sensual, ramp up the messages by becoming dirty. One just has to describe to her what you want to do later that night.

The next suggestion is very powerful. Ask her to sit opposite you. Ask her to shut her eyes for a minute or so. Now suggest that she thinks of a time when she was loved in the past. Feel the love in the body. You can shut your eyes too and feel. Now ask her to feel back into the past when she loved someone.

Tell her to slowly open her eyes and make eye contact with you, when you are making eye contact; you send love.

After a minute, you can touch her face with the love energy coming out of your hands. Make sure you receive this feeling too.

Food Games

The mouth is very sensual. Just about everyone loves kissing. Think about kissing with chocolate candy in your mouth. It can get very sexy when you pass it back and forth. Messy too!

Coat her in chocolate sauce, and then lick it all off. Blindfold her and have her guess what you are putting in her mouth, like frozen grapes, orange slices, mangoes or a piece of menthol peppermint candy, This is very luscious for oral sex and kissing as you can pass it back and forth between each other. One can use the candy as extra sexual stimulation during oral sex.

Making Out in Foreplay

Teasing and delayed gratification are huge turns on for most people. Think back to when you were a teenager. Do you remember the great making out in the back of a car?

So make out with all of your clothes on for ages. Tease your lover by not going too fast. Spend a lot of time without taking off the dress.


Teasing is a hot way of turning up the heat. Kiss and move away again and again to tease. Touch her breasts for a while and move away. Tease!

Erotic Massage

The next foreplay tip is about erotic massage. Most of us are not trained in giving a sensual massage to our lover. To start the massage, I like to use fur or feathers I use very light strokes over the body. You will find that slow and sensual is better than hard and fast.

One can now use massage oil over all of your lover’s body. It is best to use warm oil. Massage all of her body before going to the breasts and genitals.

5 Way to Perform Oral Sex on Women

Mеn who hаvе not реrfоrmеd oral sex оn wоmеn ѕhоuld rеѕеаrсh first bеfоrе асtuаllу doing it, if hе dоеѕ nоt want it tо end in diѕаѕtеr. Wоmеn аrе built diffеrеntlу thаn mеn, аnd what might fееl ѕаtiѕfуing fоr уоu might be irritаblе for hеr. Thе vagina hаѕ a соmрlеx ѕtruсturе, аnd diѕсоvеring it without ѕееking infоrmаtiоn саn lеаd to embarrassment аnd fruѕtrаtiоn оf not having to stand up tо her expectations. Sometimes men may think that they need harder erections to satisfy their partner, but foreplay may help you.

Whеn реrfоrming оrаl ѕеx on a wоmаn, thе rulе оf thumb iѕ tо mаkе ѕurе thаt ѕhе iѕ соnditiоnеd for it. Yоu can’t just go dоwn оn hеr without hеr bоdу bеing relaxed. Thiѕ соuld possibly еvеn turn hеr off, аnd уоu could lоѕе the opportunity tо satisfy hеr in thе future. Put оn ѕоmе ѕоft music, mаѕѕаgе hеr, оr аnуthing thаt will соnditiоn her body. Make hеr fееl relaxed and аt еаѕе, thiѕ will ѕеt thе mооd for thе whоlе night ahead.

Whеn you perform оrаl ѕеx оn her, ѕtаrt thе process by kiѕѕing аnd ѕоftlу pecking hеr vagina. Do nоt ruѕh to thе сlitоriѕ yet, mаkе her fееl your lоvе. Whеn уоu соvеrеd thе еntrаnсе of her vаginа, mоvе (bу kissing and liсking) to her lаbiа and ѕреnd some timе on еасh ѕidе fоr her to ѕаvоr thе mоmеnt. If hеr moan and bоdу expression ѕuggеѕt thаt you саn go furthеr, it is timе to tаkе hеr clitoris in уоur mоuth. Suсk оn it gently. Mоѕt women likе it when уоu flick уоur tongue оvеr and аrоund her сlitоriѕ.

  1. Use All Of Yоur Pеrѕоnаl Tools: Rеmеmbеr that you hаvе a pair of liрѕ, a tоnguе and several fingers to hеlр уоu do уоur jоb right. To make ѕurе thаt уоu gеt tо ѕаtiѕfу уоur partner соmрlеtеlу, уоu ѕimрlу nееd tо utilize these “tools” effectively tо givе her thе intеnѕе рlеаѕurе thаt ѕhе deserves. The bеѕt way tо do this wоuld bе bу focusing on “fоrерlау”. Tеаѕе hеr bу соnсеntrаting on hеr thighѕ and lаbiа аnd уоu’rе your tongue within thеѕе аrеаѕ bеfоrе hеаding fоr her сlitоriѕ. If she kеерѕ аntiсiраting your descent, ѕhе will gо crazy with sexual desire, it’s natural libido boosters.
  2. Wait Bеfоrе Yоu Entеr: A lоt оf guуѕ mаkе the miѕtаkе of juѕt tonguing a girl’ѕ сlitоriѕ and nоthing еlѕе. Thе rеаl oral ѕеx еxреrtѕ knоw that their tongues саn реnеtrаtе girls and give thеm оrgаѕmѕ with еаѕе. Rеmеmbеr thаt vаginаѕ are tеndеr, thоugh, so you have to bе very gеntlе ѕо as nоt to hurt уоur parent. You аlѕо hаvе tо remember thаt a bit of “раin” could mаkе thе ѕеnѕаtiоnѕ feel еvеn bеttеr. Alwауѕ rеmеmbеr tо рrасtiсе diѕсrеtiоn, thоugh; thiѕ wоuld bе the mоѕt imроrtаnt раrt.
  3. Let Your Fingеrѕ Flу: While уоu uѕе уоur tongue аnd liрѕ tо рlеаѕurе уоur partner, let your fingеrѕ jоin in tо mаkе еvеrу ѕеnѕаtiоn even better. Aѕ you liсk hеr сlitоriѕ, for example, roam her whole bоdу with уоur hаndѕ fоr еxtrа sexual рlеаѕurе. Bу the time уоu еntеr her, she iѕ sure tо reach аn intense оrgаѕm in an inѕtаnt. Trу it оut!
  4. Vаrу Your Speed of Wоrk: Aѕ уоu liсk hеr, уоu might fееl thе nееd tо lick hеr аѕ fаѕt as you саn, but this is nоt аdviѕаblе. Altеrnаting уоur ѕрееdѕ from ѕlоw tо fаѕt аnd bасk again wоuld bе thе idеаl trick tо fоllоw. In fасt, ѕtоррing mау drivе her еvеn more wild and she could end up bеgging you tо kеер gоing. Yоur voice аlоnе might еvеn bе enough tо givе your girl аn оrgаѕm, if уоu gеt good аt уоur ѕkillѕ.
  5. Uѕе “Vоiсе Orgаѕm” Tесhniԛuеѕ: Whеn you аdminiѕtеr оrаl ѕеx оn her, it iѕ uѕеful if you know сеrtаin phrases or “moans” whiсh will triggеr hеr оrgаѕmѕ. In fact, уоu can gеt her to сlimаx еvеn bу uѕing уоur voice аlоnе – but оnlу if you knоw hоw.

Maintain A Hard Erection With The Following Ways

A limp erection is capable of either complicating or destroying your relationship, especially if it is a repetitive occurrence. As the man; you naturally see your girl assuming that you don’t consider her as being attractive to you anymore.

Instead of making things better, your situation ends up leaving you feeling frustrated and pissed off. Without warning; the two of you begin getting annoyed at each other and eventually, your relationship falls apart.

Fortunately; there are ways that you can result to and see to it that you manage to get an erection and keep it for longer. Let us go through the ways that we can use to keep an erection up and running.

Fantasy review: shift your thinking from your little head and into the central head. Indulge your significant other in dirty talk and fantasies. These are actions that reignite sexual pleasure for the two of you.

Kinkiness galore: Discuss your secret fantasies and fetishes. Take them to the next level and indulge them. These are new sexual experiences that will get your little man up and running at full throttle!

Comfort in bed: When you are on top, refrain from carrying your weight on your arms for long. Relax yourself and keep away from incidences that you sweat too much, engage in sexual pleasure when you are too tired or overeat before you engage in sexual pleasure.

Innovation: Something that is good but in excess becomes dull. You may have the sexiest girl on earth; however, without creating new ways that you thoroughly enjoy at bed, may cause one or both you to get bored. Boredom leads to less satisfaction and reduced sexual appetite.

Don’t Rush, Take Your Time: Unfortunately, most men just dash in and don’t care to take a breather. Foreplay helps men hold longer. Engaging in fifteen minutes of foreplay before penetration helps you warm up your penis for prolonged action.

Do not think of your erection till when it’s time to penetrate. When time comes, your guy will be ready!

Take your mind off him: shift your’ thought from your little man and focus on sexually satisfying and pleasuring your sexual partner. The more you spend time pondering over the level of your erection, you kill the fun and thus kill the erection itself.

Breathe: Take deep breathes in the mornings. These are simple ways that increase oxygen levels in your blood flow and keeps you calm when you are under stress. The regular the breathing exercise, the better it is for you as you can maintain a longer erection.

Few Hot Body Spots on a Man’s Body

Both men and women have hot body spots, but the truth is that men unfortunately don’t have so many erotic points on their body as women. Some experts suggest that with the right way of touching, almost any part of women’s body can produce wild and sexy sensations. One of the reasons for that is the fact that women know and understand their body a little better than men. Moreover, some men claim that the only part of the body where they can feel sexual excitement when a woman touches them is their penis. However, the truth is that men can become excited in a matter of seconds even without a single touch. Men are visual creatures so they can sometimes get excited more from the things they see than anything else. This is one of the reasons why many men love sex with the lights on. Nevertheless, women need to find out more about the touches that can make their men feel ecstasy.

Many women complain that there is not enough foreplay and that men want to get into real action once they get rid of the clothes and underwear. But, have you ever wondered whether you have your own part in this situation or not? Are you really actively participating in the foreplay? If you are honest and you are not really active it is definitely time for some changes. You can always learn something new about male’s body even if you know your partner very well. Of course, we are talking about male erogenous points. The more obvious zones/points are the foreskin, glans penis, lips, buttocks, nipples and neck. This is something that most women know and that’s why we will present few less known erogenous zones which even your partner may not know about.

For example, only a small number of women and men know that the forearm can provide an exceptional experience and pleasure. The outer (upper) part of the forearm in men is extra sensitive because of the presence of small hair. The smooth underside of the forearm is filled with tense muscles that require stimulation and relaxation. If you want to stimulate this area place your hands on his forearm – fingers on the lower part of the forearm and the thumbs on the upper part. Use your fingers to gently massage the forearm. The combination of physical contact and relaxation will encourage your partner to continue with more intimate contact.

Another good way to stimulate your partner is the area located inside of the thighs. This is another very sensitive area and stimulating this area almost never fails. Spread his legs apart and starts with a massage that starts from the knees and ends near the penis. In this way you will direct the flow of blood to the penis and enhance the arousal. Your partner will get a really strong erection after few minutes.

Finally, you can explore the lower back area located just over the line between the buttocks. A strong massage will please any man. Just make sure that you tell him that you won’t do anything else back there but a massage in that small area. Once the procedure is over your partner will feel relaxed and more flexible which is certainly important for a good sex session.

Is Sex Without Penetration Possible?

When someone mentions sex we usually think about penetration. However, it is good to know that sex is not limited only to penetration and the only questions is – can you imagine sex without penetration?

Most people understand sex as a contact between male and female genitalia. In other words they equate sex to traditional vaginal sex. This is supposed to be real sex when we talk about the diversity of sex because people always try to find out new sex positions. The rest is considered to be only comfortable additions like solo or mutual masturbation, oral and anal sex and even cyber and phone sex. Even the term foreplay used to describe the period before vaginal sex is “telling” us that the main act is the vaginal sex – that this is the real thing. This human fixation and preoccupation with certain sexual behavior can cause frustrations in many people, because there are periods in every individual’s life when they have decreased interest in that kind of sexual activity. Take long relationships as an example. Sex can become boring and perhaps one of the partners is suffering from depression or some other emotional difficulty or maybe he or she has pains during the sexual intercourse. These situations are especially common in women during pregnancy or after gynecologist surgeries. So, is it possible to have sex during this period? Experts believe that it is possible to have other forms of sex.

For example, touching can arouse anyone, but we see this act as a part of foreplay. But remember the old days when you were a teenager and how you felt when the person you liked touched you. You instantly felt aroused all over your body. Those were the first steps of exploring your body and your partner’s body from its sexual side. This is a sexual technique that can be used in any age. Focus on touching. Kiss, fondle and explore every part of your bodies. Many people use essential oils and body lotions for massage in order to increase the sensation. You will soon find out that the fingers can lead you to equally strong orgasms.

Many people forget how sexy words can be. There are a lot of people that are aroused when their partner or they whisper in the ear of their partner while some people like to yell and talk dirty things so they can enhance the feeling.  Words are actually really strong tool when it comes to sex. If you are unable to have sex (due to injury or maybe because you are separated) words can easily make you reach orgasm.

Verbal communication is only one type of communication. People can communicate even without talking or touching. People usually feel when their partner is angry, happy, anxious or relaxed just by sitting next to him or her. It takes just a simple look in their eyes to find out how they feel. Sometimes, staring at each other can cause rush of hormones that can lead to strong orgasm. Mix this staring with touching and talking and you will be able to reach powerful orgasm without penetration.

What are the steps to make your sex life better?

Do you want to improve your sex life? Many couples find their sex life boring after some period of time. Below have been discussed some of the important steps to spice up your sex life and bring back those wonderful days of a married relationship.


The first and foremost important thing is to talk with your partner about sex and things related to sex. You must also improve your communication skill and make your partner feel better while discussing about various topics. You may also discuss about the reasons behind the problem in their sex life.

Get time for foreplay

Foreplay is an act that makes your partner excited and gives her time to prepare for that special moment.  You must show some extra care and start your day by sending messages related to points that reveal how sexy your wife is.

Practice more

You must try to have sex very often. It is better to have sex twice to thrice in a week to improve the various ways to have sex. Always remember, the more you practice, the more you become perfect.

Don’t criticize

You must not criticize your partner while having sex. It is better not to focus on negative sides of your partner as this can worsen your sex life.


You must practice some exercises that will help to improve your sex life. Try to consult your doctor and gather some information about those various exercises. You must join a yoga session that will help to improve your desire to have sex.

Try new styles

You must be innovative while having sex. Don’t be confined to the same positions of having sex. Try some new positions that will surprise your partner during that special moment.

Boost your sex with food

You must also have the foods that help to increase the urge to have sex. Try to have coffee before going to bed as this will increase the dopamine level in your body. This helps to increase the pleasure of having sex by improving the flow of blood in those essential parts of a human body.

Get medication

One of the main reasons of disappointment in sex life is erectile dysfunction. You must consult doctor if you are facing the above problem. Your doctor will prescribe some medications that will help you to get rid of the above problem.


You can also join counseling course to improve your sex life. In the counseling program you will be able to get some ideas about the benefits of having sex.

Dress up

You must also dress up adequately for the special moment. Adequate dress will help to increase the mood of sex. Make you partner surprise with your sexy dress.


You must try to talk with your partner while having sex. You must ask whether your partner is enjoying the technique of having sex. You can also talk about various fantasies that make you crazy.

You must spend some time with her to understand her feelings. You can even surprise her by organizing a special date. A good sex life will surely help to build strong relationship with your partner.

Understanding Female Orgasm Difficulties

Many women cannot reach orgasm because of the simple fact that they don’t know what causes excitement in them. Despite the fact that modern women are fully sexually emancipated, many women still have trouble reaching proper orgasm. This condition is often medically described as anorgasmia and the reasons that lead to this state are virtually endless. The two main types of anorgasmic causes are physical and psychological causes. In this article we will try to talk about a cause that can be listed in both categories. With all those psychological and health causes there is a possibility that women cannot reach orgasm because they simply don’t know what turns them on. The reason behind this is their prejudices regarding sex or maybe they have not explored their body in a proper way yet.

A woman can become a good doctor for her own body if she finds the necessary time and courage to explore her own body and the reaction of the body to different types of stimulations. Of course, you can always consult your doctor but if you are already looking for help from qualified individuals then it is better to consult a sex therapist or a sexologist. These experts can lead individuals step by step until they reach their final goal. Of course, this means that women might have to answer some straightforward and unpleasant questions that need completely honest answers but this is the only for the expert to explore his patient’s sexuality. Sex therapist very often stand up for masturbation because one of the biggest advantages of masturbation is that the person practicing it will explore her body. Another specialist that can help you with this process is a bioenergetic therapist.

In order for one individual to get familiar with all the properties of sexuality he or she must explore the body in details, especially how the body reacts onerotic stimulations. Women can determine this by testing if they test which type of stimulation suits them the best – clitoral, vaginal stimulation or maybe direct penetration in the vagina. Some women need two types of stimulation in order to achieve orgasm. Some women need long foreplay while others find long foreplay boring and useless. Sex therapist suggest that women should explore their vaginas in details without any embarrassment. They can even masturbate in front of a mirror in order to see how the vagina reacts on different stimulations. A lot of celebrities are encouraging women to explore their bodies and love their reproductive system.

Finally, every woman should talk with her partner about the things that she finds stimulating. She should also talk about the things that make her reach an orgasm fast. In this way you can make the shyness, fears and all the unpleasant feelings that burden your sexuality go away. In these cases it is good to have a partner that knows when he needs to listen and a partner who is ready to explore your sexuality with your help.

How can partners match their sex drive?

If you are a sexually active person in a longer relationship you’ve probably had periods when your partner needs to sleep but you want to have sex or vice versa. This situation can last for a longer period and the good thing is that you can try to change it and match with your partner’s sex drive.

Today’s fast paced lifestyle often makes us feel that we have lack of time and energy for sexual intercourses but in the core of this issue there is something else. In many cases people forget the periods when they didn’t have such high sex drive but when they feel like having sex they get really frustrated if their partner refuses them. In those moments many people start to wonder if the sexual tension and desire is gone and the days when they were having sex almost every day are long gone. This is partially true because over time the passion fades but this certainly doesn’t mean that you should forget about passionate sex.

Luckily there is always a solution for problems like these. In most cases you are currently not matched with your partner’s sex drive. This is not an unusual situation and the fact is that you have probably never matched your partner’s sex drive but the feeling of exploring a new partner and the heated hormones were radiating sexuality all the time. After a while the initial enthusiasm gradually disappears and both partners are back to the level of sexuality when they didn’t know each other. On top of that, sexuality often oscillates because of certain everyday obligations, events and mood. Many experienced sexologists are sure that sexual incompatibility is something completely natural in long-term relationships.

Just like any other solution to psychological problems the problem can be resolved by admitting that you have a problem with matching the sex drive. The best thing to do after acknowledging that problem is to have a honest conversation about it. Lack of proper conversation can lead to misinterpretations and serious problems in the relationship.

First and foremost, try to understand that “sex drive” is a term that can be completely different for you and your partner. Every person is different and there are also huge gender differences. Women usually need a number of factors in place in order to start the sex act, while men can start with the intercourse immediately if they are feeling aroused, regardless of the situation. It is also important to understand that sometimes sex drive can be encouraged. So, try to start foreplay or some other simple things like hugging and kissing that can lead to sex. Stress is one of the main reasons for sexual incompatibility and that’s why you should find a way to relieve that stress. Some physical activities or meditation can be very helpful.

All experts in this field agree that improving the relationship through better conversation, shared activities and bonding can solve this problem in most of these cases.

Sex Tips for Lasting Longer in Bed

A clear definition of premature ejaculation is: an act to reach orgasm the instance you penetrate, begin thrusting and you immediately cum without having scheduled or set your mind that you are about to orgasm.

As you will come to learn; every time you are engaging in sexual activity, you need to remember you are the person that is in control and it is only you who is able to plan, monitor and be in a position where you control your orgasm reaching the peak point where you are ready to burst.

Lasting Longer

During our teenage days extending to early youth years, our hormones made it very difficult not to get too excited and our excitement was too much that our emotions run amuck. Immediately after reaching the peak point of losing control of our emotions then it’s just a matter of time that we lose the race.

First and foremost, since we have established that emotions make us cum to early, the most critical thing to do here is be in control of our emotions, but this is something that is way much easily said than it gets done. Let’s look at a few ways we can keep our emotions in check and lasting longer in bed.

The Pre-Fire

It is common knowledge that a higher percentage of men last longer during sexual intercourse the second time round that we did the first time. If you are a fellow that is able to regain their hard on quickly, the best thing is to take advantage of this point and start off your sexual spree by pre-firing.

Thankfully, pre-firing is something that you can do on your own or with a lady friend. Many that suffering from premature ejaculation have perfected the art of pre-firing before they engage in an encounter with their lady.

For guys that are able to pre-fire without too much effort, as you engage in foreplay it is possible to rub one out as you tune your lady friend and the chance you regain your sexual energy, you will ride her like a horse!

Note: never try rushing or will yourself to reload. The best thing to do is relax, forget about the act and concentrate on entertaining your lady friend and within a very short period of time, things will span out naturally.

Condoms A Gift To Manhood

Condoms are a great feature that help many men last longer in bed. That said however, double bagging is a serious no, no. double bagging actually increases premature ejaculation and you will have no need of using them anyway.

Get yourself a numbing lube, however, make sure that the lube goes on the inside of the condom. But this is only a short term solution as it will wear out as soon as you start using it.

The lube will give you a short time solution and bang your lady friend’s brains out, since you will not be aroused. The instance the lube wears off, you will now have the chance to finish.