Tag Archives: hard erection

Smoking and sex

There used to be a time when it was considered beneficial for your health to smoke. That’s right, the tobacco industry had it really well back in the day – people from all walks of life were starting to smoke cigarettes. But as time went on, it became obvious that this was a rosy image of the reality. Serious side effects were discovered by scientists and medical experts when it comes to smoking. And one of the ways in which smoking can affect your life is through the ruining of your sex drive.

Many people would say that smoking half a pack of cigarettes daily is not that big of a deal. After all, we’re not talking about a lot of cigarettes. And while it’s infinitely better to smoke half a pack of cigarettes than two packs of cigarettes on a daily basis – it still doesn’t mean that it’s all right to smoke at all.

In fact, it has been shown that even a few cigarettes a day can have an adverse effect on your sexual health. Your goal should be to decrease the number of cigarettes you’re smoking, and in best case scenario, to quit smoking altogether.

The way smoking can ruin your sexual health is through wrecking your cardiovascular health. Time and time against it’s been shown that smoking is very bad for your heart. And the heart plays a powerful function when it comes to our libido – for example, the heart pumps blood into the penis in the case of men, and this helps it become erect. If your blood vessels become damaged from the smoke of cigarettes that you have inhaled for years on end, then this may ruin the process of achieving a hard erection for men. It’s very much similar in the case of women as well.

There’s also another important part that many people miss when it comes to smoking and sex. Smokers have notoriously bad breaths. If you ask any person to describe a smoker’s breath, then chances are that they’ll use terms such as “disgusting” and “stinky”. How do you think this relates to your partner’s sexual drive? It’s not very conducive towards getting aroused if you smell someone’s breath and it smells of cigarettes. So, there’s another way in which smoking can improve your sexual life.

It’s also scientifically shown that smoking has a detrimental role in your fertility as well. If you wish to one day have children, then ceasing your habit of smoking is one of the best things that you could do to this end.

And in the end, smoking is not only bad for your sex life, but also for your overall health as well. There are many ways in which smoking damages your body. Your lungs suffer, your heart suffers, your blood vessels suffer. In fact, all the organs in your body suffer from your habit of smoking. The best thing to do here is to quit and quit for good. Sure, it won’t be easy, but in the end, it will be well worth your effort.