Tag Archives: heart health

Heart Health: Is sex good or bad?

We have all heard stories about men or women who have died during sex. “At least he died” happy some people would say. But on the serious side is sex really dangerous for the heart or this is just another myth? Relationship of sex and heart health.

Can sex be considered as a type of exercise?

People that are worried that sex can be dangerous often look at it as a intensive physical activity. But according to many studies sex is not such an extreme exercise. Sex lasts between 5 and 15 minutes on average and during sex people spend the same energy they need to climb on the second floor in a building. Of course, people that are younger and more energetic can spend more energy but these people are exceptions. Sex triggers moderate cardiovascular response and heart rate is between 110 and 130 beats per minute. The blood pressure is also rising but although these indicators are higher they cannot be compared with the numbers we get when we are having intensive training session in any sport.

Heart attacks risks

The statistics are clear – less than 1% of heart attacks are caused by sexual activity. Even anger bursts cause more deaths than sexual intercourses. To put it in simple words, around 2 out of 2 million people that have sex risk facing heart attack during sex. The risk in people who have regular physical activities is lower and those who have suffered from heart attacks are not risking much by having sex.

When can sex increase the chance of heart attack?

As we have mentioned before, sex is completely safe for people who are suffering from heart-related diseases. However, there are some rules that must be followed. For example, many studies confirm that people often suffer from heart attacks in cases when an older man has sex with a younger woman. This is a direct result of increased excitement caused by the new experience which increases the heart rate and blood pressure increasing the chance of cardiovascular problems.

Heart diseases patients and sex

The truth is that several million people all around the world experience heart attack every year. Most of them undergo surgeries or some other type of medical intervention. All of them get advice from their doctors about what they need to eat and how to continue with their life but rarely any doctor gives advice about practicing sex. Even patients are feeling embarrassed to ask questions on this topic.

What is important is to prevent heart diseases from ruining your sex life. After the surgery ask your doctor about sexual intercourse. Most patients can continue with their sex practices after they are fully recovered. But if you are experiencing shortness of breath or pain in the chest it is better to consult your doctor.

Can sex improve heart health?

Numerous studies have confirmed that people who practice sex at least two times a week have lower chances of getting some heart disease compared to those who practice sex less.