Tag Archives: improve sexual health

Starting To Exercise? Here Are Some Tips…

A regular exercise is more than necessary for every person, especially in the technological era, in which we work a lot, but we sit all day long. We spent time in front of the computer, calculating, programming, and typing. We travel by car, bus or cab no matter where we go. And indeed, very little time is devoted to our overall health. For that reason, experts keep warning us how the percentage of the overweight population is in constant increase as well as how regular exercise is of the utmost importance in preserving the health of our body. Overweight is one of the main reason that leads to erectile dysfunction, exercise may help you to improve sexual health.

The good thing is that many people are starting to be aware of the situation, and very often they decide to start changing it. They choose exercise rather than spending free time in shopping centres, and should the population continue this way, we may well witness the decrease of the obese people who suffer from heart disease. Therefore, if you are one of those who decided to start exercising regularly, here are some tips. We know that every beginning is a bit tough, but with a just little push in the back, you will become a master in exercising.

Find Time For Exercises

The most common excuse people use for not exercising is the alleged lack of time. Yeah, we all lead a busy lifestyle today, we admit it, but you actually have more free time than you are aware. It is all about the good organisation and a bit of effort. For example, how many times have you spent your free time sitting on a couch and eating snacks? Well, next time, get a bit in the shape and take the ultimate exercise – clean your place. If you have ever scrubbed the floors, or cleaned the windows or just done the vacuuming, you are more than aware how much energy all of those activities require. The same goes with gardening which also requires energy plus it is a pleasant activity. All of these small and seemingly unimportant activities are actually quite a nice exercise. They will help you use your free time more efficient.

Include Your Family

If you are married and have children, a good thing would be to include them in your exercises as well. Once you come home from work and have lunch (or dinner), you may take one hour of your time and organise a bike tour. It would be absolute fun for everyone, plus you will burn calories and have your muscles tightened. What is more, your children will get tired and fall asleep as soon as you get home. Is there anything better than spending the rest of the night at peace?

However, if you are not married, or you don’t have kids, you can always call your spouse for a walk around the neighbourhood. Or, to make the things even more fun, organise a little competition in running to some point, jump on the trampoline, or have a football match in your backyard. It is important to get active, and once you do, the calories will burn very quickly.

Exercise While At Work

It is clear that you cannot come to work wearing trainers and a backpack or have a session of push-ups or squats there, especially if you work in an office. However, you may choose some activities that require a lot more of physical exercise. For instance, park your car farther away from your work. In this way, you will walk longer and thus exercise for a while before a long period of being inactive. When you arrive at the building where you work, choose the stairs rather than the elevator. And choose them all the time, no matter how often you need to go up and down. You can also use your lunch break to take a short walk after you eat. This will make your body fit and ready for the upcoming assignments that are to be performed for the rest of the working day. If you work in an office and sit most of the time, try to make a schedule and get up every hour just to stretch a little bit or walk to bathroom and back.

Never Give Up

The whole point of the exercise is not intensity but continuity, so it is important not to give up – ever. You have to find a way on how to enjoy in exercising, which means you can get creative. If you don’t like being alone, then include your family or friends in your activities, or meet some new people who share the same passion. You can get yourself a pet too, a dog for example, who also require a lot of physical activity. That way your exercises will get a whole new meaning. Regular training will reduce the stress you get from working in the office so consider it as a way of recreation. But no matter what happens simply don’t give up or your entire past effort will go in vain.

Best Ways to Maintain a Hard Erection

Everyman that is of age and has engaged themselves in a sexual activity knows how their ego can get tarnished after under performing in the bedroom. It gets even worse if they suffer from premature ejaculation.

That said however, there is no need to get alarmed by premature ejaculation as a whopping 66% of men on planet earth suffer from this dilemma. The great news however is, one is capable of following natural sex tips to get rid of premature ejaculation as well as erectile dysfunction if they suffer from it.

Better still, mentioned below are surefire ways that will help you last longer in the bedroom, take them to be the soft erection treatment that you have been after this whole time…

Mastering Masturbation

Well, we all masturbate at one point or another, as you engage in this act, fill your mind with your lady’s orgasm and never your own. Simply, take your time and spend in the least fifteen minutes doing the act till that time you reach the point of no return.

Restrain yourself from reaching an orgasm until when the fifteen minutes are over.


If you know too well that overheating makes you have premature ejaculation, stop pumping, get outside of her and squeeze right below your penis head. Make sure that you squeeze the urethra. This simple action pushes blood away from your penis thus curbing your ejaculation.

Point Ejaculatory predictability

As any scientist will have you know, sexual response comes in four phases including: The Excitement Stage, The Plateau Stage, The Orgasm Stage and finally The Resolution Stage. The thing you ought to do is fully master and recognize your feelings spectrum all through the process of ejaculation.

Take action first and foremost by rating your excitement on a scale of 1 to 10. Also, you need to make sure that the highest rate you go is seven if you fully wish to satisfy your woman.


Kegel exercises are some of the best form of exercises that help in the tightening and strengthening muscles that are responsible for your ejaculatory control. Kegel exercises helps to prevent erectile dysfunction as well. Start doing these exercises simply by cutting urine flow, followed by starting and stopping it repeated times.

Once you master kegel exercises, you now halve the chance to practice them anywhere at home, at your office desk, as you drive to and from work. All you simply have to do is tighten these muscles and count to ten and release and repeat them. This will improve your sexual health.

Sex Toys and Sexual Health

Many people consider sex toys to be potentially hazardous for our sexual and our general health too. Those who are strictly against sex toys usually point out few things about sex toys and claim that sex toys are not good, that they are not good for our sexual health, sex life and of course that they are not very moral. The truth is that there aren’t really any reasons for this attitude and a lot of experts have proved that sex toys are not dangerous for our health. However, there are some situations in which sex toys can bring potential problems and dangers. After all they are physical products and just like any other product if they are not fulfilling some standards or if they are not used in a proper way they can cause certain problems.

The first concern of those who oppose sex toys is that they can cause physical injuries. However, there is no evidence that regular sex toys can cause this kind of injuries. The injuries might occur if the sex toys are used in an improper way or used for something that they were not intended for. If you are using the sex toy by following instructions there is almost no way to end up injured.

Another concern is that these sex toys are toxic or that they are made of toxic materials to be more precise. This concern is objective because some manufacturers use a material called phthalate to produce various sex toys. This material is very useful because it serves as a softener for the plastic making these toys very flexible. However, these phthalates (plasticizers) can bring negative effects to newborn children especially male newborns and these effects have already been confirmed by many researches. That’s why you should check the materials used for the sex toy and avoid those who have phthalates in them.

We can often read or hear about how using sex toys can lead to practicing unnatural and unsafe sex acts. Furthermore, according to these moralists, people who use sex toys are usually perverts who have odd view on sexuality and sexual relationships and they are prone to violence in sex. This is simply not true and those who say that have a view based on prejudices. Sex toys were used even in ancient times and there was nothing unusual about this practice.

Using sex toys can provide great pleasure but overusing them can bring some problems. If you notice that because of the increased use of sex toys your relationship is starting to fall apart or if you notice that you are getting distant from your partner it is the best time to leave the sex toys for a while. A lot of people that overuse sex toys cannot achieve orgasm without them.

For example, vibrators can cause using the feeling of pleasure in arousal with lower intensity compared to those of the vibrations cause by the vibrator. That’s why you should take pause of using the vibrator every once in a while. Besides these few things that we have mentioned there are no other negative effects of using sex toys. Improve your sexual health may give you and your partner better sexual relationship.