Tag Archives: improve your sex life

How to Maintain Hard Erection for Longer

There are many factors that affect penile erection. Aspects related to the vascular circulation, which involve the endocrine system and hormone-related psychological stimuli that produce excitation are most involved in this process. This article will give you some tips that are related to your habits and its relation with how to keep erection for longer and thus improve your sex life.

The erection is dependent on healthy nerves and cardiovascular systems. The sexual stimulus activates the nerve to open the arteries in the penis, allowing increased blood circulation system. Neurological and cardiovascular problems may hinder this process. There are several other ways to maintain erection. First, adapt to a healthy lifestyle, and then try supplements.

Don’t Smoke and Eat Less Meat and Cheese

Smoking and a diet rich in animal fat (sausage for breakfast, pizza for lunch and burger dinner) are like hell for the cardiovascular system. They fill the bloodstream with oxygen ions that damage artery walls and install fat and cholesterol rich plaques. Further, the plates grow and restrict blood flow within the arteries.

When it affects the arteries in the heart, the result is a heart condition, while in the genitals, is erectile dysfunction. Studies have proven that compared to the rest of the population, most smokers suffer from erectile dysfunction and cholesterol levels increase.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fortunately, the harm that these free radicals cause can be prevented with antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and the minerals selenium and zinc.

These antioxidant supplements can help, but nutritionists and public health experts believe that the best way to get them is in foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and various other grains. That is the reason to be recommended in meals with at least 5 fruits and vegetables every day. There are not many studies of diets based on antioxidants and sexual satisfaction, but this relationship is biologically irrefutable. When consumption increases, the healthiest blood begins to flow through the body, including your penis, helping to maintain hard erection. Start eating at least 5 meals a day of fruits and vegetables – fruit for breakfast, a salad and / or vegetables for lunch and dinner.

Do Exercise Regularly

Exercise keeps the cardiovascular system pumping blood to the penis. Several studies show that when physical activities increase, erectile dysfunction decreases. Specialists recommend the equivalent of at least half an hour of walking per day.

Lose Weight, Prevent Diabetes

Regular exercise and a diet rich in antioxidants is also the basis for permanent weight control and the prevention of diabetes. Some studies show that weight loss is strongly associated with the facility to maintain erection. Diabetes, according to other research, is a high risk factor for erectile dysfunction and healthier. Good lifestyle prevents disease and can even restore erectile function and help maintain the erection.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol provokes the desire but takes away the performance. It is a powerful depressant. A drink encourages relaxation, but from two and more, the adverse effect of it begins to stress on the penile erection. Alcohol is the leading cause of sexual dysfunction in today’s life.

Try Ginseng

Ginseng dilates the arteries, including those that carry blood to the penis. Korean researchers, as part of their research, gave 90 men suffering from erectile dysfunction, one of three treatments: placebo, an antidepressant or ginseng. The groups that received placebo and antidepressant show 30% improvement to maintain hard erection while ginseng showed 60% improvement.

Another group of Koreans repeated the experiment giving placebo or ginseng (2,700 mg / day) for 45 men with erectile dysfunction. After eight weeks, the group receiving ginseng reported firmer erections. However, ginseng used in bulk may cause nervousness and insomnia.