Tag Archives: infertile

Improve your fertility in a natural way

A lot of couples today have problems conceiving a child. Couples who try to conceive for a longer period, become depressed and frustrated because no matter how hard they try that can’t succeed. This situation can even lead to problems in the relationship.

Luckily there are some things that can help every person when it comes to conceiving. The good news is that all these things are natural and easy to perform.

First of all, your partner and you should quit smoking. There are numerous studies that have proven that smokers have lower sperm quality and less sperm in general. Smoking affects women too. Women smokers have bigger chances to become infertile. When it comes to fertility therapies, smokers have to follow therapies with more medications than non-smokers. Even passive smoking can be very bad for your health and that’s why both partners must stay away from tobacco. No matter when you have started smoking, you should know that once you quit smoking your health will start to improve. So, stay away from cigarettes and you will conceive much faster.

Many people don’t see the connection between their diet and conceiving. The truth is that food is really important in this process. It is a known fact that many couples who don’t eat properly have troubles conceiving a baby. Many people are not aware that their diet is wrong because they don’t feel bad. However you should be sure that there are plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These products act as antioxidants which are especially important in our body’s fight against free radicals. Besides that, men should consume more vitamin E and C, vitamins that increase the number of sperm cells and their flexibility. When we talk about women, those women who are overweight should consider losing some pounds because obesity could be a serious problem in this process. Every few pounds that you lose will increase the chance of conceiving.

Don’t forget to relax. Stress is becoming number one factor for appearance of all kind of diseases and it also affects fertility in a negative way. Find a way to relieve stress. Learn how to cope with stress and use some relaxation methods.

According to some experts having sex at least three times a week is the perfect routine if you want to get pregnant. Ovulation can vary and that’s why It is sometimes hard to tell when is the best time for conceiving. If you practice sex at least three times a week you will be sure that you won’t miss that period.

If you are taking some medications make sure that they don’t affect your fertility. The only logical thing to do in such cases is to replace one medication with another and see the results. Try to see if there are some alternatives that include zinc and folic acid in them.

Having a good night sleep is another proven way to increase chances of pregnancy. So make sure you get enough sleep during the night and occasionally take a nap during the day.