Tag Archives: libido problems

Experts that can help you with your libido

Those who suffer from low libido will be surprised when they learn how many types of experts can help them solve their problem. Difficulties with libido deserve to get the same attention as any other health difficulties that we might have.

General Practitioner (Doctor)

When it comes to problems with libido you must visit your doctor (general practitioner), who can check the regularity of your heart beat and measure your blood pressure in order to determine if there are some signs that you are suffering from health problems. Your doctor should also examine your general physical condition, take note about the different types of medications that you use (if any) and in the end the doctor should discuss about your feelings, relationship with your partner and your general lifestyle. Your mental state is especially important because in many cases depression is the number one factor of low libido. Of course, the physical factors can also cause low sex drive as well as pain during sexual intercourse because they can lead to avoiding these sexual intercourses.

Bioenergetics therapist   

As we’ve concluded before, the problem of libido in men and women can be caused by both mental and physical factors. That’s why a quality bioenergetics therapist can be a good option for those who want to solve this problem. Although many people find this kind of therapy to be a little bit odd, the truth is that these therapies have high level of efficiency. Of course, we are not talking about some uncertified quasi-therapists. You need to find some therapist that has knowledge of alternative medicine and psychotherapy and someone who can apply that knowledge with the help of his experience. A good bioenergetics therapist will tell you if the problem with lack of sex drive is in you or in some external factors. Different therapists use different methods so don’t be surprised if some of them use hands-on, hands-off or some distant methods.


When we talk about sexual difficulties, sexologists act like investigators. There can be many reasons behind the lack of sexual desire like problems with erection, difficulties with reaching orgasm, problems with early ejaculation, problems with late ejaculation, problems with delayed ejaculation and many more. The role of the sexologist is to precisely determine where the problem is. However, many people avoid going to a sexologist and they have different reasons for this avoidance. Some of them find going to a sexologist uncomfortable while some of them don’t take their sexual problems seriously and they hope that the problems will go away by themselves.

Sex Therapist

When the sexologist or the general practitioner determines that the problems with your libido have their root in the mental sphere they can recommend visiting a specialized sex therapist. These therapists focus on discussing the problem with you and your partner. In some cases, individuals have problems in communication with their partner or maybe they have problems with maintaining long relationships and  the therapists is here to find the cause of the problem and solve it.