Throughout the history masturbation was considered to be wrong. It was usually described as something sinful and morally wrong. Modern society has slowly changed its view on masturbation and although it remains a taboo there are a lot of researches that are conducted and that prove that practicing masturbation is good for human health.
In the moment when some person experiences orgasm, the body is filled hormones and substances that make that person feel good and happy, and those substances can also improve the general health. We all know how healthy is to practice sex with another person, but having solo sex can also be beneficial for many aspects of human health.
- Masturbation exercise enhances immune system. During the orgasm among many hormones that are released there is one hormone called Oxytocin that helps white blood cells to fight infections in a better and more efficient way. According to some studies, women that have higher levels of Oxytocin in their bodies are dealing with their period much easier. It is also helpful for menstrual cramps and other types of pain.
- No matter how you achieve an orgasm, it is always useful when it comes to stress. Stress is number one factor for many diseases and by practicing masturbation you will feel relaxed and calm.
- Consider masturbation as a form of exercise. With the help of masturbation you can burn calories and fat. Keep in mind that having sex with a partner requires much more physical activity but masturbation can still be helpful because of all the muscles that are active during the process, increased blood flow and faster breathing. It sounds like a good cardiovascular exercise right?
- Some people are afraid of having sex because of the risk that it brings – all types of diseases or the chance of conception even though they use protection. Abstinence can help with that problem but the sex drive can’t be surprised for a long time. Masturbation is probably the safest method to achieve orgasm and have something close to actual sex without worrying about the things mentioned before.
- The best way to improve your sexual techniques is to explore your body to the fullest extent. And it looks like there is no better way to do it other than masturbation. Masturbation allows you to explore your erogenous zones and find out what turns you on and what gives you pleasure. This experimentation with your own body will eventually lead to having more pleasure when you have intercourse with your partner and you will feel more confident once you know yourself.
- There are many people, especially women, who can’t reach orgasm with their sexual partners. The reasons can be different – traumatic experience from the past, medical conditions, orgasmic dysfunctions etc. Whatever the reason is, these people can reach orgasm much easier if they rely on masturbation. Personal stimulation may allow the body to be more sensitive to sexual contact with others.