Tag Archives: oral sex

Gonorrhea Prevention and Treatment

Gonorrhea is a kind of sexually transmitted infections that can cause serious problems if left untreated for a prolonged period of time. It’s your responsibility as a sexually active person to protect yourself from it. This article will discuss some of the things that you can do in order to decrease the risk of catching and spreading gonorrhea – and treating it.

First of all, any person that has sexual intercourse can get this infection. The three main methods in which a person can get gonorrhea are vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex. Also, a pregnant woman that has the infection can transmit it to her unborn child. If this is the case – then it can cause severe health problems for the baby.

The most effective way in which you can protect yourself from contracting gonorrhea is by completely abstaining from having sex. If this is not possible, then you should always use latex condoms in the proper way when having vaginal, oral, or anal sex.

The symptoms of being infected with gonorrhea are different for men and women. Some men and women report having no symptoms at all – even though they are infected with gonorrhea. The most frequent symptoms are a white, green, or yellow discharge from the penis or vagina, abdominal pain, and pain when urinating. These symptoms may seem innocuous but they may be the symptoms of a gonorrhea infection.

If you catch the infection early, then you have great odds for treating it successfully. Your doctor will prescribe you a course of medications that you need to take diligently. You shouldn’t have any sexual intercourse less than 7 days of the moment that you have finished taking your medication. Don’t share the same medication with your partner as this can cause problems.

If left untreated, though, gonorrhea may cause some serious problems down the line. Women can get a blockage of the fallopian tubes due to scarring, and they may get infertile. Chronic abdomen pain is also known to be one of the results of untreated gonorrhea infection. For men, the tubes that are attached to the testicles may become very painful. In some instances, men that have untreated gonorrhea may even become infertile. Having an untreated gonorrhea infection may also make it easier to contract or to spread the HIV virus.

It’s important to frequent check-ups for gonorrhea, especially if you have sex with multiple partners. This is a very frequent sexually transmitted infection – especially for younger people. A steady, monogamous relationship may be your best bet if you wish to protect yourself and your partner from gonorrhea infections.

If you follow the advice from above, then you will make progress to maintain and improve your sexual health. Gonorrhea is not a minor infection and it can cause severe problems if left untreated for longer periods of time. Always make sure that you’re protected with a latex condom when having sex – including vaginal sex, anal sex, and oral sex. Only in this way will you be able to protect yourself from any STIs.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) that can be contracted by any sexually active person. A lot of individuals affected with the virus show no symptoms. Even without showing any symptoms or signs of illness, herpes can still be transmitted to sexual partners. Herpetic sores occur as a result of genital herpes and one of the features of herpetic sore is painful blisters (fluid-filled bumps) which can break and discharge fluid

Herpes viruses are of two types and they are responsible for the causes of genital herpes. The viruses are referred to as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

In some parts of the world such as the United States, genital herpes is common and it affects more than one in six people that lie between the ages of 14 and 49.

How is genital herpes transmitted?

You can contract genital herpes by having vaginal, anal or oral sex with a person suffering from it.

If you don’t suffer from herpes, you may become infected if you come into contact with the herpes virus in:

  • A herpes sore;
  • Saliva (if your partner has oral herpes infection) or genital secretion (if your partner has genital herpes infection);
  • Skin in your mouth if your partner has oral herpes infection or skin in the genital area if your partner has a genital herpes infection.

It is possible for you to get herpes from a sexual partner that does not have a visible sore or those that does not know they have been infected with the virus. It is also possible to contract genital herpes if you have oral sex with a sexual partner suffering from oral herpes.

Getting infected with herpes from places such as the toilet seats, bedding or swimming pools, or touching of objects surrounding you, such as silverware, soap or towels is not common. In the event that you have any additional questions on how herpes spreads, meeting and discussing your doctor should be put into consideration.

How to reduce your chance of getting infected with genital herpes?

One of the best ways to avoid been infected with STDs is to avoid vaginal, anal or oral sex.

In the event that you are sexually active, you can do the following to reduce your chances of getting genital herpes:

  • getting involved in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner that has not been infected with STD (for example, a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results);
  • Make use of latex condom properly each time you are having sex.

How to diagnose genital herpes

Conducting a visual examination of the herpes sore by your doctor is the ways to diagnose herpes. Although not always necessary, your doctor can confirm the diagnosis by laboratory tests.

Performing a blood test in the laboratory can be used to diagnose herpes simplex virus before you encounter an epidemic. Check with your doctor if you think you have been exposed to genital herpes, even if you have no symptoms.

How to treat genital herpes?

Treatment can reduce the epidemic but cannot cure you of the herpes simplex virus.


Antiviral drugs can help you quickly cure wounds and reduce pain. You can take medications at the first sign of an epidemic (tingling, itching and other symptoms) in order to reduce the symptoms. People who experience epidemics may also be prescribed drugs to mitigate the risk of future outbreaks.

Home care

In order to treat herpes using homegrown methods, make use of a mild cleaning agent when bathing or showering in warm water. Keep the infected area clean and dry. Wear removed cotton clothing to make the area comfortable.

Herpes may not be dangerous like HIV, but it will still make you uncomfortable and it will affect your life seriously. You may not be able to avoid it 100% but you may try your best to lower the risk with just a little effort.

Touching Erogenous Zones for Maximum Sexual Pleasure

Sex is more than just bouncing thrusting and grinding. It is more about the soulful connection of two bodies. And no, I am not referring to soul ties. What I am saying is, sex is better when the two parties involved are totally connected with each other, appreciating and being more involved in each part of the body not just the reproductive organs. To derive that satisfying and fulfilling sex, one which your partner would look you in the eyes and say, “Thank you, I loved it”, then you might want to do more than just thrusting.

What more should you do than thrusting? Touch every erogenous zone that will make your partner go wild with sexual pleasure and hunger for more. Let’s take a look at some of the erogenous zones that are often neglected.


Most men will always mention the breast when asked of what they desire in a woman’s figure. But then, you’d wonder why they often neglect it during sex, probably because they are eager to get into the thrusting game to show off their manliness. Sex shouldn’t be that way; unless it’s a quickie. If you are down for a full time sex, then you should go through the foreplay process which should involve the breasts. Licking and gently sucking the nipples, areolas, while grabbing the full breasts would give your partner the first orgasm before the main sex. Women should also lick their partner’s nipples, they are sensitive too. Sucking the nipple and the area around a man’s chest also gives them sexual pleasure and strength to go through with the sex.

The balls

For the ladies, you might want to give your man a blow job to get him all prepped up for thrusting. While concentrating on the sausage, don’t forget the surroundings. Your man might not want to tell you, but he also derives great joy from getting his balls sucked too, albeit gently. You can go down from the tip of the penis, glide your tongue slowly down to the base of his penis, taking in his balls one after the other in your mouth while stroking the sausage. Real good sex experiences with this oral sex move.


This is a spot when handled perfectly, makes your partner emit loud moans. Using the tip of your tongue to glide up and down (in a slow motion), the sides of your partners neck while cradling the head like that of a baby will make your partner secrete fluids prepping the sexual organs for deep thrusting. You can also kiss, blow or better still, suck the base of the neck for greater impact.

The ears

Want your partner harder down there and probably get goose bumps too? Then a quick lick on the outer lobe of the ear will do the trick. The ear is another sensitive part of the body which gives a reaction when touched, licked or nibbled. It could even make your partner jerk, resulting in a hard on.

Back of the Knee

This is another part you might want to try out to see your partner’s reaction which is often a soothing one. You can kiss it slowly working your way to the laps or you can just touch or massage it.

Moves to Try During Foreplay to Make Her Desire You Again And Again

What are some great sexy things to try during foreplay? After all, most women crave a lot more foreplay. Some women even like receiving foreplay more than intercourse.

After some years in a sexual relationships, sex usually becomes a bit routine. Do you do the same old sex routine of a kiss, touch the breasts and intercourse every time you make love? If you do, it is likely that your lover is bored with sex. She could even be faking her orgasms.

WARNING: Boring sex leads to separation.

So we can see that most of us need some new things to try in foreplay. The first thing to try is even before foreplay starts. You can send her a flirt text message during the day. See how she responds. If you can feel she is getting sensual, ramp up the messages by becoming dirty. One just has to describe to her what you want to do later that night.

The next suggestion is very powerful. Ask her to sit opposite you. Ask her to shut her eyes for a minute or so. Now suggest that she thinks of a time when she was loved in the past. Feel the love in the body. You can shut your eyes too and feel. Now ask her to feel back into the past when she loved someone.

Tell her to slowly open her eyes and make eye contact with you, when you are making eye contact; you send love.

After a minute, you can touch her face with the love energy coming out of your hands. Make sure you receive this feeling too.

Food Games

The mouth is very sensual. Just about everyone loves kissing. Think about kissing with chocolate candy in your mouth. It can get very sexy when you pass it back and forth. Messy too!

Coat her in chocolate sauce, and then lick it all off. Blindfold her and have her guess what you are putting in her mouth, like frozen grapes, orange slices, mangoes or a piece of menthol peppermint candy, This is very luscious for oral sex and kissing as you can pass it back and forth between each other. One can use the candy as extra sexual stimulation during oral sex.

Making Out in Foreplay

Teasing and delayed gratification are huge turns on for most people. Think back to when you were a teenager. Do you remember the great making out in the back of a car?

So make out with all of your clothes on for ages. Tease your lover by not going too fast. Spend a lot of time without taking off the dress.


Teasing is a hot way of turning up the heat. Kiss and move away again and again to tease. Touch her breasts for a while and move away. Tease!

Erotic Massage

The next foreplay tip is about erotic massage. Most of us are not trained in giving a sensual massage to our lover. To start the massage, I like to use fur or feathers I use very light strokes over the body. You will find that slow and sensual is better than hard and fast.

One can now use massage oil over all of your lover’s body. It is best to use warm oil. Massage all of her body before going to the breasts and genitals.

Sexual behavior: What’s normal, what’s not

A large number of sexologists consider that the problem of the normal as compared to the abnormal sexual behavior is actually rhetoric in its essence. These experts assume that normal in sex is whatever suits a sex couple the best, what makes them satisfied and everything that fits into their specific system of sexual values. Oral sex is therefore a completely normal behavior for a couple, but only if both partners enjoy oral sex. As long as there is respect and responsibility in the sexual relationship, everything is perfectly fine.

However, it is not normal when one of the partners in the relationship does not do this for their own pleasure, but only because of the pressure created by the partner and the fear of rejection. This view applies equally to anal sex, bondage during sex activities, mutual masturbation, the use of obscene words, sex in unusual places, positions and circumstances and all the stunts that have a taste of something that is out of the ordinary. Mutual masturbation may be one of the best sexual stimulation. Don’t you think that female masturbation is very sexy?

Love and sexuality

Another group of sexologists advocates the importance of love as a measure of normality in the relationship between two adult partners. According to these authors, normal sexuality is a sexuality in which one person transmits messages of love, attachment, belonging and warmth to the other partner through sex.

Neurotic sexuality

Neurotic or abnormal sexuality, on the other hand, is sexuality in which sex is used as a discharger of accumulated dissatisfaction, aggression and the need to command, which aims at self-assertion or simply as a way in which individuals release their everyday tensions. Normal sexual person makes love periodically, only when they are eroticized by the presence of the person they love and at the same time they take the same amount of pleasure as they actually provide pleasure to their partner.

This viewpoint shows some logical weakness. First of all, there are practically no people who are absolutely free from tensions. Stress, aggressive impulses and feeling of guilt and every individual uses sex to empty these feelings from time to time. On the other hand, a small number of people who view themselves as completed persons and don’t need to prove themselves in the bed. In addition, there are individuals who have sex regardless of the presence or absence of the feeling of love. So, is it possible to determine what is normal and what is abnormal in sex? Not really. The real question is whether you should burden with this problem. It is certainly better to be abnormal in the bed with your loved one instead being normal alone. Being abnormal or creative for a better sexual health is better than a boring sex life.

Erotic fantasies

According to many studies, sex to a greater extent takes place in the minds of women and men than in bed. It turns out, that people between 18 and 22 years, spend more than 5 hours per day thinking about sex. As they grow older this amount of time is reduced, so people between 28 and 35 think about sex 2 hours a day. So, there is nothing wrong with erotic fantasies as long as the person knows how to separate reality from fantasies.

How to Delay Ejaculation the Easy Way

Premature ejaculation is very common among men of various ages. If you do not take proper care of this condition, it can lead to an unpleasant sex life, not to mention the difficulties in relationships, lack of confidence, frustration and many other problems, none of which should be taken lightly. To have longer endurance in bed is the desire of all men, and the truth is that all the boys love to see their partner satisfied having one or more orgasms. When the desire is too much, trying to control yourself can be a difficult task, but not impossible. So, in this piece of article, we shall give you good tricks to learn how to delay ejaculation. Apply them at your next sexual encounter and leave her exhausted with full of pleasure.

Learn how ejaculation works

Men are learning techniques to stop premature ejaculation through experimentation. Instead of masturbating for a momentary pleasure, use this to take notice. Pay attention to how to enhance penis erection. There are four stages, very distinct, erection:

  1. Stretching and filling
  2. Swelling
  3. Full erection
  4. Rigid erection

Rigid erection is the last phase, characterized by hot and hard penis. This phase indicates that ejaculation is imminent. The goal is to take time to experience and teach oneself to remain in the previous stage (full erection) as long as possible. Once you move to the fourth stage, there is little you can do to delay ejaculation.

Practice will help you identify the steps and what you can do to delay ejaculation and hold rigid erection. This treatment of premature ejaculation is full of methods and techniques that you can apply while in Phase 3 (full erection). Such practices include breathing techniques, shallow penetration, distraction method “start-stop” and more.

Following are some of the important tips to help you delay the process of ejaculation:

  • Create a balance between the duration of foreplay and intercourse, when preliminary last too long and involve too many stimuli for you is likely to reach the orgasm faster, so concentrate on giving her pleasure while you enjoy seeing her squirm.
  • Use condoms with retardant effect, this is an excellent tool to delay ejaculation.
  • Change your position when you feel you are close to reaching an orgasm. There are certain positions that achieve orgasm too soon. The moment you feel you’re close to reaching climax, choose another position to prolong ejaculation.
  • Reduce the rate of penetration to calm the waters, many women like to do it slowly and that gives you the advantage of being able to control a little stimulation and delay ejaculation.
  • If you feel being close to climax and she still wants to enjoy more, remove your penis and encourage her with oral sex or stimulation that will take her to the summit of pleasure.
  • Remove the penis and gently press the tip (the glans) with your fingers, can also help you delay ejaculation.
  • Reduce anxiety and think of some things not as stimulants during sex are some of the strategies used by many to delay ejaculation.

Remember that sex should be a pleasure and enjoyable experience for both , so concentrate on giving maximum pleasure through games and stimuli and remember that sometimes the climax is very difficult to control, so not beat yourself up , and try again without pressure.

Latex allergy should not be an excuse for avoiding safe sex

Most mechanical contraception items are made of latex. This material is ideal when it comes to protection but unfortunately there are some people that are allergic to latex.

The symptoms and signs of latex allergy are usually clearly visible – unexplained itching and burning sensation in the genital area and discharge from the vagina. In some cases people are facing serious allergic reactions. This is why allergy of this type is causing a lot of problems and unpleasant moments for those suffering from it. These problems can occur in their everyday activities and especially during sex. Most condoms and sex toys are made of this material. However, latex allergy doesn’t mean that you should start experimenting with sex toys. It also doesn’t mean that you should stop having safe sex and forget about condoms. Luckily, there are various types of mechanical protection that doesn’t contain latex and there are also many sex toys made of other materials that can help you satisfy your needs.

Mechanical barriers

Condoms are by far the most popular types of mechanical barriers used among those who practice safe sex. As we have mentioned before most condoms are made of latex but the good news is that you can find both male and female condoms that don’t contain latex on the market. These condoms are usually made by the same manufacturers that produce “regular” condoms. These condoms are usually made of polyurethane or polyisoprene. You should be prepared to pay a little bit more for these condoms but the most important thing is that they are perfectly safe and they even provide a slightly more natural feeling during the sexual intercourse.

Surgical gloves are another item that is often used during sex. They are also made of latex but there are certain models made of vinyl or nitrile. Nitrile surgical gloves are almost completely resistant to damages and they also allow somewhat more freely and more sensitive movements at the same time. In case you didn’t know these gloves are very useful tool for both oral sex and any type of penetration that involves hands and fingers.

Dental dam is another item used in medicine that can be used as a protection during sex. Dental dams are actually a kind of wraps/foils that were first used in dentistry. Today these dental dams are often used during oral stimulation of the genitals or the anus. It is quite easy to buy dental dams and you can even use the internet if you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home.

Maintain hard erection

Sex toys

Almost all sex toys and devices used for sexual stimulation contain certain amounts of latex. You have probably noticed how these toys look like. They are usually bendable and very soft. Every item that looks like that usually contains latex. So, before you buy any of these toys and items check the material that was used in their production. The best alternative for toys that contain latex is to use toys made of hard plastic or silicone.

How to Maintain Hard Erection

Maintain hard erection during sex is a true male dilemma. To improve your performance in bed, here we have laid down some vital and fundamental tips. It ensures that the methods described here are based on experience and knowledge of the erotic film industry and, with them, medications such as Viagra, are expendable. Check out:

 1. Intake of watermelon seeds

This is one method used by many porn stars. The watermelon seed is rich in citrulline ingested and metabolized, reaches the blood as nitric oxide. This is an important component in maintaining strong erection, it is what relaxes the smooth muscle in the penis and provides the corpus cavernosum to fill with blood, thus causing erection. In health food stores you can buy roasted seeds. Prefer non-salted to prevent the intake of sodium in the body. How much you need to eat per day? 30 grams is enough, or two tablespoons.

2. Anaesthetic ointment

After the penis is erect, place a minimal amount of anaesthetic cream (found at any drugstore) over the top of the foreskin, enough to cover the tip of cotton swab. Do not cover the entire glans, not to leave the totally insensitive penis. The intention is to reduce sensitivity in the penis erogenous point.

 3. Doses of whiskey go very well

Whiskey is an excellent peripheral vasodilator, thus allowing your penis to fill with blood. Alcohol absorbed faster and blocks certain neurotransmitter in the nervous system, which greatly decreases the sensitivity in the extremities. An important note: fermented beverages such as beer, wine and champagne usually has the opposite effect, leaving the penis more limp than usual. Furthermore, two doses of whiskey are sufficient. A whole bottle can cause you impotence over the years.

4. Eat Right

Look for decreasing fat intake, so there is no compromise of the blood vessels. The external pudendal artery, which carries blood from the heart directly to the penis is so thin that it is the first artery in the body to become blocked. As the blood flow to the penis will shrink, the erection will be compromised. Where there is excess fat there is no health. It is worth doing diet and exercise to maintain hard erection during sex. Ensure taking a light dinner on the night you plan to have sexual intimacy.

5. Change tempo and frequency

During penetration, if you keep the same momentum, the sex will end fast. You need to change the pace and the movement to reduce arousal in the penis. The more frantic and consecutive movement, the greater are the chances of you ejaculating quicker. Learn to do penetration in different ways, involving not only the usual movements, but the circular movements, slow deep penetration. So, when you feel you are close to coming, control your anxiety, decelerate and change the sexual position. This may be a good time to perform oral sex on your partner, for example.

6. Lustful thoughts

The brain is the largest sex organ in the body. It is in charge of sending the command to the heart to pump blood to the penis. This is why imagination of sex scenes causes erection in men. Excessive worry impairs sexual performance, because the worried mind does not give space to the obscene thought. Use this information to your advantage. When close to orgasm, change your thinking by the images of all sexual situations. Once you feel that your penis is losing his erection ability, resume sexual thought. Another tactic to prevent ejaculation is to close your eyes, because the shape of a woman’s body increase your libido, thus speeding up the process of ejaculation.

7. Exercise to prevent premature ejaculation

This exercise is famously called start-stop technique. Start masturbation and when you will feel like ejaculating stop, slow down breathing and calm your mind. Resume masturbation again, and repeat the process. Make 3 times a week at least. The purpose of this exercise is to educate and teach you to control anxiety at pre-orgasm, so you learn to identify and block the process of ejaculation.

Not ready for motherhood? Control the pregnancy with birth control pills

Birth of child makes a women complete, but the most important question is are you ready for it? Today’s women’s have a changed vision where career is given more priority over family. In a way, the thinking is right, because a child should come to the world only when his/her parents are ready to take care of it. If both the partners are working or are not financially stable, it is best to postpone the pregnancy for a few years until you are ready for it. Pregnancy is a crucial stage in like where a woman is reborn as a mother. Women’s need complete rest over this period and have to be pampered a lot. Pregnancy comes with different set of responsibilities for both husband and wife. As mentioned, it is always good to delay the pregnancy for few years if you have time and can wait.

How to postpone pregnancy?

This is one question that has many answers. There are many contraceptive methods which you can use to delay your pregnancy. Here are some of the best and most used contraceptive methods which can keep your pregnancy at bay without any side effects:


Yes, condoms are the famous and most used contraceptive methods. Condoms, which are made of latex, come in different variants and acts as a barrier between sperms and ovum. These are usually used by men, but there are condoms which are made exclusively for women. These are safe and pose no side effects for health. Condoms may be effective, but not all are in favour of using it. Some have issues with the latex and the friction. Condom manufacturing companies now make flavoured condoms which would give a different feeling during oral sex. There are long lasting condoms which are medicated with gel that ensures longer and stronger erections. Along with being a birth control measure, it also protects you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Birth Control Pills:

Birth control pills are other effective contraceptive options. These pills which are easily available at drug stores must be consumed only after consulting your gynaecologist. These pills will not give you protection from STD’s like condom, but will effective help in maintaining the age gap between two children and also prevent unwanted pregnancy. These pills should be popped every day except the mensuration period. These pills can be stopped when you want to plan a family. A certified gynaecologist will guide you with the right pill that would suit your body type.

Intrauterine Device:

This method of contraceptive is one that has no or very minimal side effects. A condom can be ruptured or you can also miss your pills to make you pregnant, but this IUD device will ensure that your pregnancy is completely under your control. This device is inserted in the vagina by the gynaecologist and it stays there preventing the sperms from mating with the ovum. There are different IUD’s which are inserted depending on the period that you want to control the pregnancy. An effective IUD can prevent your pregnancy for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years.

Practising Safe Sex Using Some of the Popular Ways

A wise guy once said ‘Prevention is better than cure’. In certain matters related to sex, there is little or no scope of cure. Complications such as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are irreversible; the only way of avoiding them is to take preventive measures. Following are some of the ways in which you can minimize the risks involved, if not cure them.

General precautions would make you self aware

First, it is important to consider and accept the fact that risks are involved wherever sex is. That being said, carrying out precautionary steps to avoid unnecessary complications is no rocket science. Begin with constantly educating yourself with regards to your body, its responses towards sexuality and sexual practices among other things. This should make you more aware of yourself and the possible responses that could trigger during the act.

Knowing your menstrual cycle could help you avoid pregnancy

First timers, especially females should keep a track of their menstrual cycle. Knowing the dates of their period should help them trace the days when they are ovulating. This is significant as those two days bear the highest chances of pregnancy. The chances of getting pregnant a week prior to and after the cycle are less; however, this does not mean that the possibility is down to zero.

More logical and specific measures to avoid complications

Using condoms may be a good thing; but it is equally crucial to consider how your body reacts to it. As much as latex condoms show an increased possibility of preventing sexually transmitted infections, they may be unsuitable for those allergic to it. Protection is available in alternative materials such as polyurethane and lambskin; these, however, are relatively less reliable for the purpose.

It is advisable to use female condoms for penetrative vaginal sex as they are aptly effective to prevent pregnancy and STIs.

Unprotected oral sex can have grave consequences. For this purpose, there are dental dams or square condom sheets to prevent the inflow of unwanted fluids such as infected blood from the genitals to the mouth. A dental dam should be used only once for either anal or vaginal sex and never back to back for both.

Treatment of Erectile dysfunction

Hormonal birth control pills are 99% effective, and even better when incorporated into your daily routine. A proper prescription of the same from a trusted gynaecologist would be most advisable. Alternatives to pills are hormonal patches and implants, injections of estrogen or progestin and vaginal hormones. These also show efficacy up to 99% when used properly. 

Sex toys: getting kinky with a hint of hygiene

Sex toys may be the core spice of the entire act. However, repeatedly using them can possibly put you through risk. In other words, any infection, trivial or major, could catch up on you unawares. To avoid this, you will need to consider sterilising them with disinfectants prior to their use. Sex toys need to be clean and dry at all times so you need to ensure a suitable environment for not just their sustenance, but also your well being!