Tag Archives: sex games

Sex Games

It is not far-fetched these days to hear couples complain of having a boring sexual life. Couples and those in relationships complain of their partner’s infidelity, while some will always use the sentence “it used to be interesting before but all of a sudden, it is now as boring as watching two old people quarrel”. It is never easy to keep the rush of sexual pleasure every night. You may be pondering upon the phrase “boring sexual life”, it definitely means no foreplay, and paying less attention to the mental and psychological state of your partner, all you just want to do is have sex with her and get done with without even thinking of making memory with it.

Sex is repetitive most times. In carrying out sexual activities, the brain is the biggest sex organ as it must be stimulated so as to get the best out of the intercourse. If the brain is stimulated, then your partner will become hornier, then you can enjoy and at the same time create wonderful experience together.

Sex games triggers the excitement that lies ahead in sex. If your sex partner is not your enemy which he or she will definitely never be, then playing games will definitely heighten the pleasure in sexuality. There are different games that must be considered if you want to take your sex life to another level. Role playing; In this type of game, both partners adopt different roles and acts as strangers. They act out unscripted roles and adopts the use of raunchy and kinky languages which is directly stimulating their psychology and getting them ready for intercourse.

Another game that can be played by couples or sexual partners is Reenacting Pornography. In reenacting pornography, both of them may be on the bed or couch or anywhere they feel they are comfortable in. They watch some pornography movies together and act or do as it is being done on set. This may be difficult because those actors are paid and trained to do just that, but when couples watch it, they carry out some of the styles and even laugh over it.

Another sex games that increases sensation in the body of your partner is the blindfold game. In this type of game, one of the partner is being blind folded and the other that is not on blindfold has the luxury of exploiting the partners body. This will send better sensation than when the eyes are being open because the partner cannot predict where will be touched which sends sensations all through the body.

Another game that may be considered by couples who want to enjoy sex once again is the truth or dare. Truth or dare is a game that involves spinning bottle in between the partners, and the partner the bottle will spin towards will be asked to do some things which should be romantic, from taking of clothes, panties and other romantic things that could be thought of.

The major reason sex game is important in relationship is because it builds up sexual pressure which leads to the act itself.