Tag Archives: sexual activity

7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex

We think about sex. We fantasize about sex. We spend an inordinate amount of time and money in the pursuit for sex. We have sex. Pleasure is not the only benefit we get underneath the sheet. The mental and physical benefits of a healthy sex life extend far beyond the bedroom. Researchers, scientists, and medical professionals have made it their mission to study exactly how sex improves nearly every facet of life. So, let’s check out some healthy reasons to have sex regularly:

Improved Heart Health and Exercise

Sex can strengthen muscle tone and also increase heart rate. Just like any physical exercise, healthy sex is good for your heart. A study published in January 2015 in the “American Journal of Cardiology” found that men who had sex twice weekly or more had less risk of cardiovascular diseases, like strokes or heart attack, than those who had sex once a month or less. Similarly, sex can actually be considered a rather good form of exercise :A small study published in October 2013 in the “Journal PLoS One” showed that men burned an average of 4 calories a minute during sex while  women burned off 3 calories. That is more fun than hitting the gym

Sweet Pain Relief

According to researchers “Pain sometimes has to do with blood flowing to one particular area, like the head, and sex can take some of that pressure off by redirecting the flow”. Endorphins released during orgasm likely play a role in sex pain-relieving power. In another study published in PLoS One that was performed at Stanford University in California, anesthesiologists showed participants photos their romantic partners. They found that looking at romantic partners significantly eradicates the experience of pain. Although, you might think pain is a barrier to sex; consider this a sex benefit worth the time and effort. Other studies have found that women may get some relief from menstrual cramps through an intense orgasm.

Less Stress and Lower Body Pressure

Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood. As a form of exercise, it can also help calm you down. In addition, a Scottish study published in the journal _Biological Psychology_ found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events. While this effect was more pronounced in people who had sex with penetration, non-penetrative sex can also help you stay unclouded.

Possible Reduction of Prostate Cancer

Sex may protect against cancer. A study published in December 2016 in the journal _European Urology_ found that men who ejaculate more than 21 times within a month, compared with those who do so four to seven times within a month, are 20 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer, this shows that men who ejaculate regularly may reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Similarly, a French study found that women who have sex at least once in a month are less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t. Although the disease is rare in men, those who orgasm less than six times a month appear to be at increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who do so more often, according to a Greek study.

Better Sleep with a Bonus: Increased Sexual Desire

Do you know that orgasms will help to release hormone prolactin that let you feels sleepy and relaxed? It’s from National Sleep Foundation. Don’t be angry with your partner that they fall asleep after an exciting session. This sleep connection also works in reverse. According to a study published in May 2015 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine getting enough shut-eye can improve your sexual response and may increase the chance that you will engage regularly in sex. Researchers discovered that when women slept for longer period of time, they recovered greater sexual desire the next day.

Happier Mood and a Stronger Relationship

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is released during physical intimacy and skin-to-skin contact; it can help increase romantic feelings between you and your partner. It is no wonder that you have got a more positive outlook after sex. There are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a sex benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during sex to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself. According to Dr. Caron, “there is a lot to be said simply for the mood-boosting effect of having a nice connection with somebody that you trust and care about. In addition, researchers found that partners were satisfied for a full 48 hours after sexual activity, and those who were lucky enough to experience this afterglow went on to report more happiness in their relationship several months later.

Glowing Younger -Looking Skin

The fable “morning after” glow is not just your imagination; you really do look better after having sex. According to Dr. Caron, “Sex even helps you look younger”, that glow can be attributed to a combination of stress relief, better mood, and the flush of blood under your skin is a natural part of the arousal process. Sex boosts blood flow and helps regulate hormones, which can both have positive effects on skin’s appearance

Enjoying a better sex life is one of the great joys in life. Intimacy is a boost to your long term health as well, make it more pleasurable.

How to take care of a sore or injured penis

Unfortunately, there are situations when men are experiencing serious penis injuries. It is not unusual for men that have experienced something like this to be shocked and afraid. On top of that, they are feeling sharp pain too. That’s why most of them are wondering whether they will feel the same when they are having sex and some of them are afraid that they won’t be able to have sex at all. The fact is that every situation is different, but one thing is for sure – you should not be panicking.

Analyze the problem

One of the first things that you should do when you have suffered an injury down there is to analyze the condition and evaluate the damage. Based on this observation, you will be able to determine whether you will need to visit the nearest hospital and ask for professional help or you can use homemade, natural remedies to treat sexual dysfunction. What men should know is that serious penis injuries are very rare, so most of these issues can be managed at home. Just in case, we will mention some of the situations when men should visit the emergency room as soon as possible:

– Constant tumescence

– Blood in the urine

– Deep bends, new bends or weird angles to the penis

– An injury that has led to a change of the penis shape

– Sharp and deep bruising that occurred after the injury

– Sharp pain that is causing serious discomfort

– Deep abrasions and/or cuts on the penile skin that are bleeding

So, if you notice something like this, visit a doctor as soon as possible.

How to treat an injured penis

Men dealing with mild-to-semi-serious injuries of their penis should be able to take care of their penis health in the comfort of their home. First of all, they should look for OTC painkillers that can inhibit the pain and lower inflammation. Many people say that Ibuprofen is quite effective. Next, they should clean the penis thoroughly and regularly in order to avoid infections.

In case the pain is still present, you should cool down this area with the help of a cold washcloth or even an ice pack that is applied down there. However, you should not apply this pack directly to the penis skin – use a towel as a barrier to avoid injuries.

How to treat a sore penis

If the issue can be managed at home, you can choose a few methods to improve your situation. First and foremost, you should avoid sexual activity for a while or until you feel better. Maintaining your personal hygiene, using warm compresses and using every opportunity to ease the tension in this area (by wearing loose clothes) are some of the things that you can do to treat a sore penis.

Keep in mind that there are many specially designed crèmes, lotions, pills and other products that can help you heal your wounded penis.

Middle Age and Sex

When men hit their middle age, they are also struck by sexual issues. Major issues revolve around a reduction in sexual desire and also some men lose their ability to have sex. You can imagine if you have had an active sexual life then things take a wrong turn, you will definitely be upset.

Sexual issues lead us to do impossible things such as compensate for our sexual prowess loss with material things. But thanks to soft erection treatment that helps us maintain hard erection, being discovered every day, we are able to counter these effects.

So where does middle age and a lack of sexual desire link? Well, naturally as we age our body cells start waning and our sex drive is one of the things that we start losing.

Save us All!

Thankfully, various research all show that men enjoy sex well into their prime. Our bodies if maintained well can see us all engaging in sexual activity even in our nineties.

Some 75-year-old men coming at 30% of all studied men showed that they have sexual intercourse more than four times in 30 days. Clearly this is something to look forward to. Many men who are involved in relationships and are 75 years or older remain sexually active with their partners.

A research published in the British Medical Journal of Adult health proved that partnership together with sexual activity is linked with health in middle age.

The study urges middle-aged people to engage in frequent satisfactory sexual life as it is also a form of exercise and an activity that keeps some types of diseases at bay.

At the age of 55 years, sexual life expectancy for women comes in at 10.6 years while that of men comes in at 15 years. Unfortunate, for men, we lose out year sexual activity due to ill health. In short, if you are middle aged and want to have more sex you need to keep your health in check!

Popping Pills

We may have the advantage of soft erection treatment, however, for how long will your body sustain the pill popping whenever you desire to engage in coitus? It’s important that we seek other natural ways to maintain hard erection.

Take some time off your busy schedule and think of ways keeping your manhood in check. Reduce your stress level, change your diet and most importantly exercise!

Senior Citizen Sex

As a senior member of the society, its means you’ve attained the threshold of 65 years and above. At these ages, sex stops being just a random thing to a subject based on strengths-based approach.

In the senior stage, sex is a healthy activity that can either give you a better life or one that can ruin your health. Caution is advised before engaging in sexual escapades at the senior level. Even if you are of good health, most men above the age of 40 years suffer from soft erection, impotent, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, lack of libido and so on.

A point at which maintaining hard erection becomes a problem. Hence, the reason soft erection treatment was introduced.

What Comes with Age?

As men age, testosterone levels are on the decline. We also experience frequent sexual changes. Some of the changes we experience are psychological, and they call for the following action:

  • A requirement for more stimulation to gain and keep an erection
  • A need to achieve an orgasm
  • A desire for shorter orgasms
  • A desire for minimal forceful ejaculation and less semen ejaculated
  • Longer time wants to gain another erection after ejaculating

Given the above changes, seniors will welcome them with anxiety. However, the changes are not a sexual death sign. By adapting to the changes, you experience and introducing aids such as soft erection treatment are the best ways to help you keep a healthy and satisfying sexual life.

Case in point: you might have to adjust your sexual routine and in it increase stimulation to achieve arousal.

How to Cope with Sexual Change

When you begin experiencing changes and are willing to let your sexual activity remain active. You can result in the following processes:

Visit a Sex Therapist: A sex therapist is capable of helping you and your partner deal with several concerns. Seek a referral from your doctor.

Sex definition expansion: Contrary to what you may believe, intercourse is one way to have fulfilling sex. Kissing, touching and intimate contact are things that will be rewarding for you and your partner.

The Age Factor: As you age, it goes without saying that your partner and you will begin to experience different sexual abilities as well as needs. Openness is encouraged and exploration of new ways of sexual contact and intimacy.

Routine Adaptation: Simple but significant changes are the key ingredient to improve your sexual life. The switch in between the time of day or night you have sex. Switch to the time when you are most energetic.

The Arousal Button: As we all know; women need a while longer than men to get aroused. Especially when they are aging. It is upon you to concentrate more on time to set a romantic stage. Try new sexual positions that will be favorable.

Romance: Keep the romance alive. Always look for ways to let your partner know you love them and come up with new romantic gestures that will stimulate and lead to incredible sexual sessions!

Why Is Orgasm A Mystery For Some Women?

While orgasm is not the only purpose of sex and sexual activity, many women are burdened with the idea that orgasm must necessarily be achieved. This pressure complicates the ability to achieve orgasm in many women. There are many other reasons why orgasm is a real mystery for some women and the following is shortlist of some of these reasons.

  1. She doesn’t know how to achieve an orgasm

There are many women who never masturbate or they do this only when they are lying on their stomach when the orgasm is affected more by the things that go through their head and less by the mechanical movements (because the hands are actually covered by their stomach). However, if a woman knows and can bring herself to orgasm the cause lays elsewhere which means she should check some of the other factors.

  1. Her partner is not spontaneous

Unlike men, most women cannot relax immediately when they are with their partner. This is especially the case when the partner is new or when they feel tired for some reason or burdened by all sorts of worries. Instead of fury and fuss followed by words of dissatisfaction, calming the situation always works. Try to lie down next to your partner, hug her passionately and ask her what you can do to help her. If she says that everything is fine and you don’t need to worry then don’t do anything. Once she becomes a little bit relaxed and she realizes that she is perfectly safe in your arms, tell her that you find her very sexy, that you like her and kiss and hug her for some time. It is very important to add more intimacy in your relationship. Try to relax her and help her eliminate the feeling that she has to achieve orgasm.

  1. She simply cannot relax

Many men or women think that they are successful when it comes to sex only if their female partner reaches orgasm. However, sometimes reaching orgasm is too forced and many women consider their eventual orgasm to be some kind of responsibility. This is why many women pretend to have an orgasm. In this way they try to make the other side feel more capable, better and more comfortable and they should know that this is not a very good idea.

  1. The partner doesn’t know what he’s doing

Many women consider this to be a big problem, but the truth is that this problem can be easily solved (unlike some of the other problems). If a woman normally manages to achieve orgasm and she can’t achieve orgasm with you, try the following tactics. Make her touch herself in front of you and say that this image really turns you on and that she looks very sexy. After a bit of looking, help her out. You can use your finger to enter the vagina while she is stimulating her clitoris. You can use your tongue to lick her finger used for stimulation. You can try to imitate her movements and ask her if she feels comfortable and does she want more or less touches. In other words, be a part of the game.

Heart Health: Is sex good or bad?

We have all heard stories about men or women who have died during sex. “At least he died” happy some people would say. But on the serious side is sex really dangerous for the heart or this is just another myth? Relationship of sex and heart health.

Can sex be considered as a type of exercise?

People that are worried that sex can be dangerous often look at it as a intensive physical activity. But according to many studies sex is not such an extreme exercise. Sex lasts between 5 and 15 minutes on average and during sex people spend the same energy they need to climb on the second floor in a building. Of course, people that are younger and more energetic can spend more energy but these people are exceptions. Sex triggers moderate cardiovascular response and heart rate is between 110 and 130 beats per minute. The blood pressure is also rising but although these indicators are higher they cannot be compared with the numbers we get when we are having intensive training session in any sport.

Heart attacks risks

The statistics are clear – less than 1% of heart attacks are caused by sexual activity. Even anger bursts cause more deaths than sexual intercourses. To put it in simple words, around 2 out of 2 million people that have sex risk facing heart attack during sex. The risk in people who have regular physical activities is lower and those who have suffered from heart attacks are not risking much by having sex.

When can sex increase the chance of heart attack?

As we have mentioned before, sex is completely safe for people who are suffering from heart-related diseases. However, there are some rules that must be followed. For example, many studies confirm that people often suffer from heart attacks in cases when an older man has sex with a younger woman. This is a direct result of increased excitement caused by the new experience which increases the heart rate and blood pressure increasing the chance of cardiovascular problems.

Heart diseases patients and sex

The truth is that several million people all around the world experience heart attack every year. Most of them undergo surgeries or some other type of medical intervention. All of them get advice from their doctors about what they need to eat and how to continue with their life but rarely any doctor gives advice about practicing sex. Even patients are feeling embarrassed to ask questions on this topic.

What is important is to prevent heart diseases from ruining your sex life. After the surgery ask your doctor about sexual intercourse. Most patients can continue with their sex practices after they are fully recovered. But if you are experiencing shortness of breath or pain in the chest it is better to consult your doctor.

Can sex improve heart health?

Numerous studies have confirmed that people who practice sex at least two times a week have lower chances of getting some heart disease compared to those who practice sex less.

Stop premature Ejaculation

We all want to maintain hard erections but unfortunately, premature erection is something that almost every man of age is susceptible to at a point in their life. If you sadly are unfortunate enough to suffer from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction (ED), its time you too up action and get rid of this nuisance once and for all.

Stopping Ed to maintain hard erection requires that you embrace simple. There are quite effective techniques that will bring longevity to your ejaculation and at the end. You will be able to achieve what many more men only dream of “Unlimited Sexual Prowess…! Let us take a look at what you ought to do…

Self-Gratification Path to Sexual Endurance

The self-gratification method to achieving sexual longevity is simply mastering the art of masturbation. Yes, masturbation when done in the right way is a wonderful experience. Masturbation allows one to avert any premature ejaculation as they engage in sexual activity. If you masturbate often, your penis will feel less sensitive and this helps to last longer in bed.

Don’t be surprised, as we are all too familiar with this act, many of us feel the need of masturbating is a ploy of deriving pleasure. This is not the entire truth however. Masturbation when done correctly is an act that will set you on the right path to achieving an orgasm.

This is the best natural soft erection treatment. All you need to do is remain very relaxed and build up the pleasure as you would usually do in your other masturbating endeavours. Only that this time round you are keen not to reach the point of no return.

The instant you feel that you are about to hit your pleasure (Sexual) pinnacles, you should at once cease the stimulation. The key is to NEVER target your orgasm. You should instead be focused on enjoying the masturbation act as long as you possibly can.

It is not impossible, slowly but steadily, you will get to a point where you feel the arousal climbing and be strong enough to lower the stimulation. You will arrive at a point where your body will remain relaxed completely allowing you to get started all over again.

Piece of Advice

Many medics and many men that stop premature ejaculation insist that it’s best to practice pelvic muscle exercises throughout the day. Just within a short period of time, the arousal gets better. The beautiful thing is, you can hold the pelvic muscle for 30 seconds and release it ten times every set without anyone noticing or interfering with your work!

Why Sex Is Important For A Good Relationship?

For a bonding relationship you must be mentally and physically satisfied with your partner. Sex is one of the major activities to maintain your relationship with your partner for a lifelong period in today’s busy world. Below have been discussed some of the importance of sex for a good relationship.

Builds Intimacy

The above is one of the important reasons to have sex in a relationship. Sex helps a couple to indulge with each other very intimately. The passion to share feelings get aroused as both the partner get naked during the time of intercourse. This will also help in increasing the level of communication with each other. The couples learn how to come closer to each other without any verbal activity.


It is very much important to give respect to your partner when you are in a relationship. Sex in a relationship is very much needed to make partners learn the ways to respect each other. With the help of sex you will also be able to give respect to the feelings of your partner.


The sex in a relationship helps the partners to realize their common interest.  Common interest is very much necessary to result your marriage life in a long lasting relationship. This will make you realize whether you will be able to live with your partner for a long period.

Spend time

Nowadays most of the relationships fail because the partners do not get sufficient time to spend with each other. Sex is very much important in a relationship as couples are able to spend some time privately and share each other’s feelings.


Nowadays everyone gets stressed after going through a busy schedule. Sex in a relationship helps to release the stress and restore the energy that is very much essential to build a healthy relationship.

Health benefit

Sex health is also important to get major health benefits. Regular sex in a relationship can increase the level of estrogens and testosterone in your body. It also helps to get rid of various heart diseases and limit the risks of prostate cancer.

Burn calorie

Having sex is one of the main activities to reduce your extra calories from the body.  According to a survey it has been found that one can destroy 144 to 145 calories after a sexual activity of one hour.

Good sleep

After going through a sexual activity, you will surely be able to experience good sleep at night. Sex helps to reduce the temperature of your body and thus helps you to indulge in sleep.


Having sex in a relationship makes one understand that they are committed to each other. The partners also get to realize that they are in real love.


Sex in a relationship helps to build trust between couples. The partners will be able to realize that they are made for each other.

Get recharged

It is very much important to have sex to build a hot relationship. You will get recharged at the end of the day.

Sex is very much important to rebuild a deteriorated relationship. It is one of the most liberal activities for any human being.

3 Commonly Asked Questions People Have About Sexual Activity and Pregnancy

Congratulations! You just found out that you’re going to have a baby.  While this should be your happy time, you may have questions about your sex life. Is it okay to have sex while you’re pregnant? Should abstain from having sex for a period of time or the entire pregnancy?

Well, you’ll be delighted to know that your sex life doesn’t have to stop the fun in the sack, so long as your doctor doesn’t advise against. That’s right! You can have sex anytime of the day or night you want.

In fact, unless there is some kind of medical issue you’re suffering with, having sex and experiencing in orgasm while you’re pregnant will not put the baby in danger. The reason is that your body’s amniotic fluid, which envelops around them, protects the baby in the uterus.

If you’ve suffered miscarriages in the past, your doctor may advise you to refrain from sex early on in the pregnancy.  You may also be unable to have sex if you suffer pregnancy-related complications: bleeding, pre-term labor, etc.  It’s imperative that you talk to your doctor to clarify what he/she means when they tell you no sex.

  • Does it mean no penetration?
  • Does it mean no orgasms?
  • Does it mean no sexual arousal?

The reason is that each pregnancy-related complication has its own restrictions.

How To Be Comfortable With Sexual Activity While You’re Pregnant?

As you go through the pregnancy trimesters, you may notice that one sexual position doesn’t work near as well as it did before.  Switching positions is common during pregnancy. You may notice that lying on your back makes you feel sick or dizzy after you reach the fourth month in your pregnancy. This stems from the fact that the growing uterus’ weight is pressing on the key blood vessels.

You may also feel drier than normal, meaning you may need the assistance of a water-based lubricant while you have sex.

Pain is not normal during sex. Yes, your uterus is going to contract when you have an orgasm. However, if you notice regular or painful contractions, stop all sexual activity and call the doctor right away. If you notice your water has broken or you see heavy vaginal bleeding, call the physician at once.

Be sure you and your partner talk about how each one feels about sex during pregnancy. Address the concerns you have and how you can best stay comfortable while having intercourse. If you see your partner’s responses to you change, make sure you talk about them. Communication is essential in helping each other understand the desires and feelings of the other partner.

Does Pregnancy Affect Sexual Desires?

Your hormones are going to fluctuate wildly when you’re pregnant. Therefore, how you feel about sex before you were pregnant could be dramatically different afterwards.

For instance, some women who didn’t mind the occasional romp in the bedroom may want to have sex more often during their pregnancy. Some women who were sex maniacs may find they are not as interested in the act after getting pregnant.

It’s not uncommon, in the first trimester, for many women to lose all interests in sex because they’re uncomfortable and drained of energy (tired). This doesn’t affect all women, but it can happen to many of them.

How Can You Keep A Partner Happy When You Don’t Feel or Can’t Have Sex?

If you’ve been told by your doctor to refrain from having sex or limit the amount of sex you have, or you just don’t feel like it, you still need to be intimate with your partner. Intimacy doesn’t just mean having sex – you can express your love and affection in various other manners including but not limited to:

  • Backrubs
  • Foot rubs
  • Candlelight dinners
  • Walks on the peach
  • Walks in the park
  • Movies

Yes, it’s possible your pregnancy will change things in the bedroom, but it doesn’t have to lead to a decline in romance.

Few Amazing Healing Effects of Regular Sex

Thanks to the modern medical studies people have the opportunity to find out all the healing effects that sex brings. Although some of these effects were known from ancient times, so far there weren’t any scientific evidence about them.

With the process of aging comes an increased risk of different types of illnesses and diseases. Luckily, there is a completely natural and enjoyable way to avoid these things and that’s regular sex (at least once a week). Sexual intercourses have beneficial impact on both physical and psychological health.

For example, regular sexual intercourses have been proven to increase the levels of immunoglobins in our system for 20 to even 30%. These Y-shaped proteins are responsible for the proper functioning of our immune system. You can compare these increased levels of the protein with taking additional amounts of C vitamin, only this time you are responsible for its production in your own body by having sex.

You have probably heard that sex is a good calorie burner. According to some statistics, one minute of sex burns around four calories. Of course the amount of burnt calories depends on the intensity and duration of your sexual intercourse. Instead of visiting your local gym or maybe as an addition to your training sessions you can always practice sex with your partner. In this way you will be both be happier and thinner.

Many people, especially women are taking care about their appearance by using various beauty care products. Skin care products are especially useful. These women will find the following fact really interesting. According to a recent research (performed by Royal Edinburgh Hospital) regular sex affects the skin a very positive way. The skin appears more smooth and younger in those women who practice sex more than once a week. The reason behind this occurrence lies on a micro level. During sex the level of estrogen hormone is increased which results in glowing hair and elastic skin.

Although many people avoid sex when they are suffering from a migraine, the truth is that sex can relieve that pain. Sexual activity is directly linked with the increase of corticosteroids and endorphin in our body. These substances are dealing with our reactions to stress, transfer of carbohydrates and proteins in the body, balance of electrolytes in our blood and even our mood. This means that the increased amount of these substances during sex is beneficial for you in every possible way.

Regular sex can be helpful with the menstrual period too. Regular sex that is performed before and after the menstrual period results in more precise and less painful menstrual cycle.

Older people usually have trouble when it comes to urination because the bladder muscles are not that strong and they often have to urinate immediately. Regular sex is a good training for these muscles. In this way even older people can control their urination habit and frequency.

These are some of the reasons why all of us should practice regular sex and we are sure that there are many more that will be scientifically proven in the future.