Tag Archives: sexual excitement

How To Increase Sexual Excitement

People that are in a relationship for a short time are usually crazy about each other; all the time spent together is fun, intense and beautiful. But after a while the excitement is gone although it looks like the couple is in love even more than before.

Excitement that we feel at the beginning of the relationship is caused by the exciting feeling of unknown and unexpected because the person that we don’t know that well, but looks beautiful to us, can easily surprise us. Of course the routine that comes after awhile has its benefits; because we must admit that the excitement and stress that we feel at the beginning can be devastating for our health if it lasts for years. This doesn’t mean that people should not do something different occasionally in order to rise the levels of adrenaline in their systems. These are some of the things that you can do to increase the sexual excitement in your relationship

  • Fear can be helpful

When we experience fear the levels of adrenaline raise and this state can be compared to sexual arousal. The symptoms are the same – the heart is beating faster, we sweat and almost all our senses are activated. It is no wonder why people practice extreme sports in order to feel alive. Controlled fear is excellent for good sex, so if you don’t like extreme sports try something other that can boost your adrenaline – visit some theme park or something else but most importantly do that with your partner.

  • Be bold

Younger people enjoy swimming naked during night time when there are no people around but there is a possibility that someone might see that. The excitement that anticipation brings is amazing.

So use your imagination and try something similar even if you are older, take nude photos of your partner while you are in an elevator, begin the foreplay at the cinema etc. People often forget how this kind of “fooling around” can give the mind a sexual stimulation.

  • Reveal all the secrets

People become closer when they talk about the most intimate things about them and even if you are with the same partner for a long time there are always things that you forgot to tell or maybe you were to scared to tell. This could be an excellent game of revealing secrets; you should start first by revealing one secret then it would be your partner’s turn. Those secrets don’t have to be something important; a simple small lie can do the job.

  • Recreate your first date

You probably remember many details of the day when you first met your partner. These memories alone bring pleasant feeling every time. So maybe it’s time to recreate that first date. Try going to the same place where you first met each other and start acting like you don’t know each other. Introduce yourself and start flirting. This role paying is very interesting and can lead to real eruption in your bed!