Tag Archives: sexual fantasies

Something About Female Sexuality – Female Orgasm

Men should take comfort from the facts of female sexuality. It is difficult for most women to orgasm from intercourse alone, and yet amazingly few women ask about lack of orgasm. In addition to the obvious personal embarrassment, likely explanations include:

Not every woman is even interested in sex, either by masturbation or from a sexual relationship. Relatively few women masturbate, and so many women never know what an orgasm is. Some women assume that they orgasm during sex when, in fact, they don’t. Others accept that sex involves pleasing their man rather than looking for their own sexual pleasure.

The irony is that women who ask about lack of orgasm have the confidence to question because they have explored their sexuality more than most women, both with or without a partner. Regardless of her sexual expectations, any woman will offer her partner sex when she feels good about the relationship and loving towards her partner. They are looking for feeling of intimacy instead of orgasm, the cuddling or caress part maybe the best part in whole process of sexual intercourse for her.

After spending a romantic (affectionate and companionable) evening together, sharing emotional intimacy, or even after an emotional movie, a woman can feel amenable to having sex. Women just take longer time to warm up; compare to men, they can heat up in just split second.

However, these stimuli are very different from those she needs to achieve orgasm (sexual fantasies involve explicit eroticism). Unfortunately, Mother Nature does not favour about female orgasm. As long as a woman is amenable to having sex, the job is done!

Emotional intimacy

The film ‘Overboard’ stars Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, her real-life partner. Goldie plays a spoilt rich young wife who loses her memory and, purely out of revenge, Kurt playing a lowly carpenter pretends that she is married to him, with his four children.

Sexual relationships favor male orgasm, and it is clear that he would have little problem having sex with this woman he hardly knows and even dislikes. It is equally clear that she would consider it out of the question to have sex with a man she cannot remember knowing.

“Men are most comfortable expressing love through sex, through shared activities, through being a good provider, and through just being together…”

Later in the story, they get to know each other and one evening, pretending that it is her birthday, they go out on a date. After dancing, they talk and gaze at the evening sky while romantic music plays. They kiss and, on returning home, ‘make love’ for the first time.

“98 percent of the women… said they would like more verbal closeness with the men they love; they want the men in their lives to talk more about their thoughts, emotions, plans, and to question them about theirs.”

The woman now feels affection for the man and finds him physically attractive. Of course, he always was attractive, but he suddenly appeals because she respects him and cares for him. Perhaps it is as self-evident to women that relationships are about companionship as it is to men that they are about physical intimacy. In fact, both are part of a long-term relationship.

Morning Sex- Better Sexual Health

Before you jump out of your bed and start preparing to leave the house in order to meet up with resumption hours, don’t you think you should take a dose of happiness first? The outside world can be very stressful you know.

Now, morning sex isn’t the time to reflect on how hectic the day would be. It is to help you have a good start which will make you be on your best behavior throughout the day. Why is it important to have morning sex? Let’s find out!

It wakes you up

So your eyes are open, but you can’t really see even when your sex partner is giving you a blow job or an intense head. That is because in the morning when the alarm sounds or you wake up by yourself, you are still feeling all dizzy and fuzzy. The brain is still relaxed and so your mental alertness is still on the low till your partner slides into you, then after a few strokes, you become aware of your environment. Now going back to the moment before the few strokes, those are the moments you will want to live in for the rest of your life. When you feel like you are in a dream getting laid with zero things on your mind. That is what morning sex does for you. It gives you a good waking up.

It makes sex fun

Everything about morning sex is fun! From the tousled hair to the scattered bed, smelly breathe (which you should be used to by now), you are in a relaxed state with just your partner and the quiet room. The most appropriate thing to do at this point is a quickie, a way of saying, “Let me get a taste of you before we get too busy”. And a wonderful taste it would be as it would keep her/him lingering in your thoughts all day long. Sexual fantasies sexy hot secretary or 6 packs guy at the office has got nothing on you when you empty your tank before leaving home. Having fun in sex equals better sexual health and sexual relationship.

Everything looks bright and beautiful

This would be your mood after you’ve had a romantic morning sex. That cuddle hormone you released during the sex is not for nothing you know. Morning sex makes you start your day on a positive note and keep you happy all day. Just make sure you hid that smile that will play on your lips when you think about how you woke up. You sure don’t want your boss to ask you what‘s the smile for.

Keeps you in shape

Morning sex could make up for that exercise routine you didn’t do yesterday evening because you were tired. Sex burns calories and what better way to start your morning than with a lightweight. It is easier to burn five calories every minute during sex than walking from block to block.

If you feel like you don’t have enough time in the morning to get a quick one from your partner, why don’t you plan for it by setting your alarm 25 minutes earlier than the normal time? It’s really worth it for your body shape and better sexual health. Also, you can use mints to combat that morning breath!

Disorders of sexual preference

Disorders of sexual preference are sometimes known as paraphilias. A sexual preference can be said to be abnormal by three criteria.

1 Most people in a society regard the sexual preference as abnormal.

2 The sexual preference can be harmful to other people (e.g. sadistic sexual practices).

3 The person with the preference suffers from its consequences (e.g. from a conflict between sexual preferences and moral standards).

Doctors may be concerned with these conditions in three circumstances: they may be asked for help by the person with the abnormal sexual preference; they may be approached by the sexual partner; or they may be asked for an opinion when a person has been charged with an offence against the law. For example, exhibitionism or a sexual act with a child.

Disorders of sexual preference are divided into:

(i) abnormalities of the sexual ‘object’ and

(ii) disorders of the sexual act.

The aetiology of these conditions is not known, and the various theories will not be discussed. They may, however, be associated with the presence of other disorders, including depression, alcohol abuse, and dementia. Treatment is described after the descriptions of the disorders.

Disorders of preference of the sexual object


In this condition, an inanimate object is the preferred or only means of achieving sexual excitement. Almost all fetishists are men and most are heterosexual. Among the many objects that can evoke arousal in different people, common examples are rubber garments, women’s underclothes, and high-heeled shoes. The smell and texture of these objects is often as important as their appearance in evoking sexual arousal. Some fetishists buy the objects, but others steal them and so come to the notice of the police. Sometimes the behaviour is carried out with a willing partner or with a paid prostitute, but often it is a Solitary accompaniment of masturbation.

Fetishistic transvestism

In this condition, the person repeatedly wears clothes of the opposite sex as the preferred or only means of sexual arousal. It can be thought of as a special kind of fetishism. Nearly all transvestites are men. The clothing varies from a single garment to a complete set of clothing. Cross dressing nearly always begins after puberty. At first, the clothes are worn only in private; a few people, however, go on to wear the clothes in public. It usually hidden under male outer garments, but occasionally without precautions against discovery. A few transvestites wear a complete set of female garments; the condition then has to be distinguished from Trans sexualize. The essential difference is that transvestites are sexually aroused by wearing the clothing, while transsexuals are not.


Paedophilia is repeated sexual activity or fantasy of such activity with prepubertal children as the preferred or only means of sexual excitement. Most paedophiles are men. Few paedophiles seek the help of doctors; those who do are mostly of middle age although the behaviour has often started earlier. From the ready sale of pornographic material depicting sex with children, it is likely that paedophilic fantasies are not rare, although paedophilia as an exclusive form of sexual behaviour is infrequent. The child is usually above the age of 9 years but prepubertal, and may be of the same or opposite sex to the paedophile. The sexual contact may involve fondling, masturbation, or full coitus with consequent injury to the child.

Disorders of preference of the sexual act

The second group of disorders of sexual preference involves variations in the behaviour carried out to obtain sexual arousal. Generally, the acts are directed towards other adults but sometimes towards children (e.g. by  some exhibitionists or sadists).


In this condition, sexual arousal is obtained repeatedly by exposure of the genitalia to an unprepared stranger. Nearly all exhibitionists are men. The act of exposure is usually preceded by a period of mounting tension which is released by the act. Usually, the exhibitionist seeks to shock or surprise a female. Most exhibitionists fall into two groups. The first consists of men with inhibited temperament who generally expose a flaccid penis and feel much guilt after the act. The second consists of men with aggressive personality traits who expose an erect penis while masturbating, and feel little guilt afterwards. In Britain, exhibitionists who are arrested are charged with the offence of indecent exposure.

When exhibitionism begins in middle or late life the possibility of organic brain disorder, depressive disorder; or alcoholism should be considered since these conditions occasionally ‘release’ this pattern of behaviour. In other people, the exhibitionism may start during a period of temporary stress.


Voyeurism is observing others as the preferred and repeated way of obtaining sexual arousal. Most voyeurs are inhibited heterosexual men. Some voyeurs spy on couples who are having intercourse, others on women who are undressing or naked.

Sexual sadomasochism

Sadomasochism is a kind of sexual activity that involves inflicting pain of another person. If an individual is interested with such stimulation, the so called disorder is masochism. If they prefer to administer such stimulation, the disorder is called sadism.

Beating, whipping, and tying are common forms of such activity. Sometimes the acts are just symbolic, it may feel a little pain to spice thing up but not causing real injury.

Management of disorders of sexual preference

All cases of this kind should be referred to a specialist if possible, although the referring clinician should first cassess the problem as follows.


The first step is to identify the problem and record its course. The second step is to exclude any mental disorder which may have released the sexual behaviour in a person; who previously experienced sexual fantasies but did not act on them. It is particularly important to seek these causes when the abnormal sexual behaviour appears for the first time in middle or late life. The third requirement is to assess normal sexual functioning, since one of the main aims of treatment is to strengthen this. Whenever possible the patient’s sexual partner should be interviewed. If normal sexual behaviour is inadequate, appropriate treatment is given.

Next, an assessment is made of the role of the abnormal behaviour in the patient’s life. As well as providing sexual arousal such behaviour may be used as a way of coping with loneliness, depression, or anxiety. If so, the patient should be helped to find adaptive ways of coping with these states.

Finally, motivation for treatment is assessed. Often the patient has been urged to attend by another person, usually the partner or the police. In such cases the patient may have no wish to change. Other patients seek help when they become temporarily depressed or guilty, either because the sexual behaviour has caused a problem, or because of some other reason. Such people may lose their motivation quickly when their mood returns to normal. It’s quite common now, it should be consider as special preference but not that abnormal.

The Power of Sexual Fantasies

According to many sexual health experts, sexual fantasies are completely natural, universal psychological phenomenon which is similar to daydreaming. Just like dreaming, some sexual fantasies are fun and satisfying while others can cause unpleasant feelings.

This kind of daydreaming comes quite naturally in both men and women, regardless of the motives and drives. Sexual fantasies that enhance self-esteem and intimacy with our partner are the ones that we crave for the most. Each of us should deepen our knowledge and understanding of our own intimate thoughts, because the more we know about sexual fantasies the more firmer stance we will built on our sexual desires in reality.

The range of sexual fantasies is really great. Nothing can set limitations besides the imagination and fear and fear should definitely be out of the picture. No matter how dangerous and odd some of your sexual fantasies looks never take them literally and seriously. Sometimes,  if you imagine having sex with your neighbor or even your boss this doesn’t mean that you really want to have sex with them or seduce them.

Women are more inclined to sexual fantasies because they make them feel sexy. They can also help them reach orgasm easier and satisfy their curiosity and relax. Sexual fantasies are something really intimate and it can definitely make anyone feel relaxed. It is good to point out that men don’t have an exclusive right to sexual fantasies. Numerous studies have shown that men fantasize about sex two times more than women, but this doesn’t mean that women don’t use their imagination. It is also interesting that male fantasies usually include raw physical action, while women’s fantasies are more romantic and emotional. Erotic daydreaming can encourage passion in both women and men. Women who often fantasize about sex are more likely to have sex. They also seem to enjoy more while having sex.

If your long-term relationship or marriage have fallen into a well known routine and the sexual tension is lost somewhere between your duties on work and concerns about the future of your household, it might be a good idea to try to use your imagination. This doesn’t mean that you are getting away from your partner or that you are creating your own fantasy world. This situation is exactly the opposite because sexual fantasies help you understand what you are looking for and what you are missing. If you trust your partner, feel free to share your thoughts without any fear because there is a good chance that he is fantasizing too. As we have mentioned before this is a natural phenomenon.

As many experts claim, women who have found the right way to fantasize have boost the libido and they have also increased their self-confidence even after performing mastectomy or similar surgical intervention.

Bu accepting sexual fantasies and other roles that we assign in our thoughts, we become freer and we accept these thoughts that accelerate our heart rate without any shame. Sexual fantasies can be very beneficial if we accept them with an open mind.