Tag Archives: sexually transmitted diseases

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases (STD) that can be contracted by any sexually active person. A lot of individuals affected with the virus show no symptoms. Even without showing any symptoms or signs of illness, herpes can still be transmitted to sexual partners. Herpetic sores occur as a result of genital herpes and one of the features of herpetic sore is painful blisters (fluid-filled bumps) which can break and discharge fluid

Herpes viruses are of two types and they are responsible for the causes of genital herpes. The viruses are referred to as herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

In some parts of the world such as the United States, genital herpes is common and it affects more than one in six people that lie between the ages of 14 and 49.

How is genital herpes transmitted?

You can contract genital herpes by having vaginal, anal or oral sex with a person suffering from it.

If you don’t suffer from herpes, you may become infected if you come into contact with the herpes virus in:

  • A herpes sore;
  • Saliva (if your partner has oral herpes infection) or genital secretion (if your partner has genital herpes infection);
  • Skin in your mouth if your partner has oral herpes infection or skin in the genital area if your partner has a genital herpes infection.

It is possible for you to get herpes from a sexual partner that does not have a visible sore or those that does not know they have been infected with the virus. It is also possible to contract genital herpes if you have oral sex with a sexual partner suffering from oral herpes.

Getting infected with herpes from places such as the toilet seats, bedding or swimming pools, or touching of objects surrounding you, such as silverware, soap or towels is not common. In the event that you have any additional questions on how herpes spreads, meeting and discussing your doctor should be put into consideration.

How to reduce your chance of getting infected with genital herpes?

One of the best ways to avoid been infected with STDs is to avoid vaginal, anal or oral sex.

In the event that you are sexually active, you can do the following to reduce your chances of getting genital herpes:

  • getting involved in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner that has not been infected with STD (for example, a partner who has been tested and has negative STD test results);
  • Make use of latex condom properly each time you are having sex.

How to diagnose genital herpes

Conducting a visual examination of the herpes sore by your doctor is the ways to diagnose herpes. Although not always necessary, your doctor can confirm the diagnosis by laboratory tests.

Performing a blood test in the laboratory can be used to diagnose herpes simplex virus before you encounter an epidemic. Check with your doctor if you think you have been exposed to genital herpes, even if you have no symptoms.

How to treat genital herpes?

Treatment can reduce the epidemic but cannot cure you of the herpes simplex virus.


Antiviral drugs can help you quickly cure wounds and reduce pain. You can take medications at the first sign of an epidemic (tingling, itching and other symptoms) in order to reduce the symptoms. People who experience epidemics may also be prescribed drugs to mitigate the risk of future outbreaks.

Home care

In order to treat herpes using homegrown methods, make use of a mild cleaning agent when bathing or showering in warm water. Keep the infected area clean and dry. Wear removed cotton clothing to make the area comfortable.

Herpes may not be dangerous like HIV, but it will still make you uncomfortable and it will affect your life seriously. You may not be able to avoid it 100% but you may try your best to lower the risk with just a little effort.

Taking care of your sexual health

Sex is not all about having a mind-blowing, orgasm filled, and satisfying sex. It is a little more than that. There are so many things involved with having sex which includes the sexual organs, reproduction, infections, STDs and so on. If you have decided to live a sexually active life, then you would need to take responsibility for your actions. Here are some aspects of sexual health you should know about:

What sex entails

This talks about the whole essence of sex, beginning from the desire to have it, how to get stimulated and your response or reaction to it. Knowing the basics will enable you to have a clear understanding of what you are getting into so you don’t become confused or frustrated at some events that may occur during sex.

The reproductive cycle

One of the reasons for having sex is for reproduction. But is this the reason most people have sex? No. people just want to feel good and have orgasms. Identify what you want out of sex. Do you want babies? Learn how to track your cycle and what things that are required of you to do in order to have a healthy pregnancy. You don’t want to make babies? Get information about ways to prevent conception during sex. Birth controls, condoms, vasectomy and so on are tools you can use to be on a safe side.

Erectile dysfunction

This is one issue that disturbs men of all ages. Knowing about the causes of erectile dysfunction and prevention will help you have a better sex life. No one wants to be with a guy that can’t get or sustain an erection. It would end up making you and your partner frustrated. So help everyone and get yourself informed.

Higher Libido

Sexual desire varies which could cause one partner to desire sex more often than the other. This is often mistaken as sex addiction but they are quite different. Know how to reduce your libido to match that of your partner could reduce the conflict most couples have because of this issue. You could also get someone with a libido as high as yours.

Vaginal dryness

One of the struggles of women who are either pregnant or are in their menopause. This could cause friction between partners as one party might not have a desire for sex and the other might not even feel satisfied because of the dryness of the vagina. Knowing what to do in such situations like getting a lubricant in form of a tube or condom might fix the problem. Consulting your doctor at this time will also be appropriate.

Guarding against infection

This entails learning about the different types as well as consequences of infection should be first on the list. This is followed by prevention which deals with taking necessary steps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Prevention is important to limit the spread of these diseases thereby protecting your health and that of others. You should also know about getting a test for STDs. How often should you get a test and why it is important to be tested? Then, you need to know how to live with STDs if you have contracted one.

Is There A Secret Formula To Determine The Right Time For Sex?

For every man and woman who are not into serious relationships, the dating scene is commonly seen as an arena where either you tame a lion or lose the lion.

There is a common question that every person in the dating game asks: “Where can I really take it to the next level? “Is it immediately after the first kiss? Do I have to wait two weeks to replenish the angelic taste of the heavens in the earth? Or is it too early for a steamy make-out session?” According to experts, there is no such thing as a formula for the right time to have sex.  However, you can time it perfectly.

The key for knowing when to step it up is to be patient, either you intended to plunge into a serious relationship, or just a short term sexual relationship. An early penetration to the sacred holy cave can lead to undesirable consequences, whether interfering emotional attachments or gaining physical burdens. A serious condition may even cause inability to maintain a hard erection. Of course they may also boost libido and sexual desire, give you the ‘sexifaction’.

In either party, it is possible that one may assume that sex implies a commitment, and you may not see it at that way. That’s why having an honest conversation with yourself is as important as discussing it with your partner. Everyone should know their boundaries before starting to date, either by physical or emotional boundaries.

It is imperative that you really want to rock the hell out with the attractive sexy body of your partner, but you need to make sure that your brain, heart, and sexual organ are ready. And even before reaching that point, think about your sexual boundaries even before you had that first drink.

Once you’ve decided your sexual boundaries, you need to “Christian Grey” up. You should be honest with your date, and you owe your partner regarding your intention. If it’s only a one-night stand, say it. It may not be always perceived goodly, but it will minimize future disappointments. And if you feel like you’re as sexy as Ms. Grey, then yeah, print a contract.

Being patient will also save you from later practical problems. We’re all aware of the spreading STD (sexually transmitted diseases) casualties and unwanted pregnancies, and by taking it slowly you are lowering your risks to face these unfortunate situations. If you and your partner have sufficient awareness regarding STDs and unwanted pregnancies, then it will indeed help to establish sexual boundaries. And we all know that creating those imaginary lines will help you in your sexual escapades.

Sex will indeed change things between two people. Nonetheless, having two bodies as one can incorporate future responsibilities. And that’s why determining the right time to have sex is very critical. Nonetheless, men and women can undeniably ignore the fact that sex is great, but we must be ready to face consequences.

In the end, the most important factor is to know your sexual boundaries, as discussing it prior to the big bang with your partner will lead to a better ending. Either intending to have a serious relationship or not, you need to be wise. And in these times, a bulky brain is better than a having or causing a bulky tummy.

Tips For Healthy Sex In Senior Citizens

With the pressure related to bringing up children and career having come to an end, it is time for many senior citizens to lead an active and emotionally fulfilling sexual life. Sadly some by this time have developed health conditions that at times interfere seriously with their sexual functions. Broadly speaking the greatest secret of better sexual health into old age is to do everything possible to keep physical, mental as well as emotional diseases at bay. More specifically, the following suggestions can help:

Treat your body well

Healthy diet

‘You are what you eat’ is a common saying when talking about health matters generally. This is true in regard to sexual matters. Eating healthy means that your body will remain healthy for long. The typical Western world diet increases the risk of obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and clogged vessels. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins, low sugars and refined foods as well as reasonable healthy fats and oils can help a person remain sexually active into old age. A good place to start is to see what is included in your country’s healthy ‘food pyramid’.

Lifestyle choices

Smoking and alcohol not only kill sex in the young but will be even more devastating in the old. Although a little alcohol may break sexual inhibitions, a little more may take away the ability. Long term uncontrolled intake also affects other systems such as the liver which is needed for healthy hormone metabolism among other functions that sustain good sexual health.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Repeated STDs increase the risk of developing certain conditions that can negatively impact on sexual health later on in life. In the event of a sexually transmitted diseases, early and effective treatment is recommended.

Positive attitude towards changes

Accepting inevitable changes that come with age and taking proactive action to remedy them can go a long way in maintaining healthy sex.  It is necessary to accept that with old age:

  • A man may take a little longer to achieve an erection strong enough for penetration. An understanding partner will be more patient and offer the needed extra stimulation to get things going.
  • Orgasm for both partners may be weaker and less frequent.
  • The vaginal lining becomes thinner and dryness may be an issue. Over the counter water soluble vaginal lubricant and a gentle partner is all that is needed to have satisfying sex free from friction pain and or bleeding.

Learning basics of tantric sex can help an aging couple go beyond seeing sex from the physical aspect only.


Sometimes it is inevitable for a senior to be on some medication for one health condition or another. Discuss with your doctor so that if possible, a drug that doesn’t trigger erectile dysfunction is prescribed.

Depending on a doctor’s assessment, sexual enhancement pills can be used. Viagra and Cialis are widely prescribed drugs that have helped many in that respect.

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Nutritional supplements

The world of nutritional supplements is full of products that are used for sexual health support. The concept behind using supplements is to help the body operate as it should. Herbal supplements are available for both men and women but caution is needed. Some herbs can interact negatively with prescription medicines and so it is important if you are on any medications to discuss with your doctor before taking them.

Finally for the purpose of this discussion, be as physically active as your circumstances allow.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted diseases. Only in the United States, there are about one million chlamydia affected patients. It is a bacterial infection. Chlamydia has no symptoms and it can be cured easily, however, when untreated, it can cause severe sexual health issues and permanent damage in women, amongst others, genital and eye diseases. Chlamydia conjunctivitis or trachoma may cause blindness; it can spread by fingers or shared towels. Chlamydia, when left untreated, can make you prone to get HIV virus.

Chlamydia may lead to ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the uterus) that might be fatal.

If you are a sexually active woman under 25, you are at risk for chlamydia. If you get chlamydia while expecting a child, your baby can get infected, and it may lead to an eye infection or pneumonia. Get tested for chlamydia while you are pregnant.

Chlamydia is particularly dangerous for women, since it can spread to the womb and the fallopian tubes. It may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. It is asymptomatic, at most, the affected woman will experience pain in her abdomen. However, it can damage her reproductive organs, it can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Straight, gay and bisexual men also should get tested for chlamydia, since they are at risk.

For men, chlamydia is less dangerous, but they can infect their female sex partners, so they should get tested and cured. It may happen that chlamydia leads to male infertility, but it is rare.

How to Prevent Chlamydia

Oral, vaginal and anal sex can infect you with chlamydia. Always use latex condoms or dental dams when having sex, and use them the right way. Even if you have never had chlamydia, you should get tested once in a while. If you are a woman, you are younger than 25 years old and you have one or more sex partners, you should get tested at least once a year.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Chlamydia has no symptoms. When you start having symptoms, most certainly you have been infected for a while. However, while it has no symptoms, it still can lead to damages in the female reproductive organs. Vaginal bleeding, strange vaginal discharge or painful urinating can be red flags. In men, a discharge from penis, painful urination, and swollen testicles might be symptoms of chlamydia.

Treatment of Chlamydia

When you notice these symptoms, you should get a test for chlamydia. You are supposed to provide urine sample or samples from your vagina.

Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics easily. However, you can get infected again. Your health care provider should monitor your health for several months. Your sexual partner should be cured, too. You should avoid having sex until you have finished your chlamydia treatment. If you were treated only once, you should wait a week with having sex.

How safe is Anal Sex?

Every man and woman has asked themselves at some period of their life whether they should have anal sex or not. Some of them had a sex like this while others are still thinking about it. Regardless in which category of people you belong you should be aware of the consequences that this type of sex brings.

Anal sex belongs to the group of riskiest sexual activities and according to many definitions anal sex represents the penetration of the male organ in the anal channel of the partner (male or female).

This phenomenon is not a product of modern times because there is evidence that this type of sex was practiced since ancient times when it was often described as sodomy. Anal sex was practiced in the Greek and Roman civilization on regular basis and in any place where people wanted to preserve the innocence of a young girl.

Male sexual organ at that moment, thanks to the force of friction, reaches more excitement, which makes this type of sex so popular especially among younger generations. But, you should keep in mind that what is attractive is not always safe.

The main disadvantage of anal sex is the fact that the rectum lacks natural lubrication like the one found in vaginas. Another disadvantage is the nature of the sphincter muscles that regulate bowel movement. These sphincter muscles are “programmed” to relax only during ejection of feces, but people having anal intercourse look for this sort of relaxation when they are having sex. This means that this type of sex can lead to complications.

Anal sphincter muscle which is located in the anus is there to relax only in certain situations. The existence of other conditions or the practice of anal sex can lead to insufficient relaxation of the muscle. It can cause damages to the superficial layers of the skin and the sphincter itself. The main consequence of this practice is bleeding which the main reason for frequent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases in people who practice anal sex. In addition, people practicing this sex often use anal toys and other items to increase the excitement. Cases when objects are stuck in the rectum are not rare. Even the male sexual organ can be affected by this type of sex. Many microorganisms especially bacteria, dwell in the rectum and if there are any bruises or wounds on the penis they can easily cause an infection. People that have suffered injuries from anal sex are often ashamed and they don’t want to visit the doctor unless the situation gets really serious.

As you can see practicing anal sex comes with many dangers. If you really want to practice anal sex then you should take some measures that can make it safer. Using a condom is obviously the first thing you can do. Condoms and lubricants will make the penis enter the rectum much easier and they will also protect both partners from possible occurrence of STDs.

Common sexual issues a teenage girl faces

Teenage days look good, but come with its set of problems. Teenagers have to deal with the hormonal imbalances in their body which forces them to look good to the opposite sex and some other sexual problems. Teenaged girls have to deal with their sexual problems, but their mum can help them in dealing with it. Not all moms are free to talk to their daughters about sex and sexual issues.

Psychologists, time and again suggest that talking about sex and sexual habits to their teenage son and daughter would only do well than bad. Parents must understand that you are their first teacher and if you fail to educate them, they may end up screwing their lives or resort to internet to get their dose of information. Internet is a wide world in itself, so teenagers start finding something there and end with totally different page. Below are the few sexual problems and issues which teenaged girls usually face:

First time sex:

According to a survey, young girls have their first time when they are in their early teens. The results of this survey must have disappointing for many parents, but that’s not a big deal. World has become more modern and people are open about sex. The thing that parents must be concerned is to educate their young ones with the pros and cons of healthy sex life and the need to use protection.


If you are unlucky and not educated in sex then you end up having an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy can be devastating. This is one major problem which gets sticky to deal with. Abortion is the only option left if you are very young, but it would have a bad impact on your body in the longer run. Parents must educate their kids with safe sex advices and young girls should insist on condoms if they are having sex.

Sexually transmitted diseases:

When the hormones are at their highest peak, it becomes really difficult to control those desires to have sex. Some young girls end up having sex with infected strangers unknowing the consequences. Every young girl must know what sexually transmitted diseases are and how painful they are. Some sexually transmitted diseases are incurable and some are life threatening as well. Teenagers can refer to the internet to know some of the worst STD’s and also precautions that they must ensure while having sex.


Teenagers must be educated on different precaution methods so that they keep themselves safe from unwanted STD’s and pregnancies. It is important that the parents talk to their little ones on their own or seek the help of an experienced, qualified psychologist.

Teenage is a crucial age in life where the hormones control their lives. You cannot stop or control your young ones at this stage. They become rebellious and that could worsen the condition and also break the bond that you share with them. It is important to educate them so that they care of themselves. Teach them the right ways to keep them safe.

Know sexually transmitted diseases, their cure and precautions for a healthier sex life

Safe sex is very important. Sometimes when desire takes over people expose themselves to unhealthy and unsafe sex practices. It is very important that you have sex with known partner as unknown partner can be a carrier of sexually transmitted diseases and she or he can transfer it to you. There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases ad dealing with these diseases is very difficult. The pain, trauma and guilt that come with sexually transmitted disease are like a slow killer. Some sexually transmitted diseases take much time to heal. Some of the famous and most dangerous sexually transmitted disease includes:


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is one among the most dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Scientists have not been able to find a permanent cure for this disease which many have been affected worldwide. People can get infected by this disease through other ways also, but unprotected sex is termed as a major reason for this disease. This disease can be spread from man to woman and also woman to man.  People infected with this disease can take medication to delay the spread of virus within the body, but cannot stop it. Studies are on to find an antidote for this disease for over a decade, but they ray of hope is far from seen. The only measure that can be taken to keep safe is to always insist on a condom while having sex with strangers.


Cold sores and genital sores are the first a symptoms of herpes virus. This STD comes in two forms namely HSV 1 and HSV 2. This virus affects the skin around the mouth and the genitals causing utter discomfit. The rashes are ugly and are teamed up with high fever and uneasiness. This disease is quite famous in the United States. A recent survey states that one in four women suffer from this sexually transmitted disease. One can be affected with this disease even by using a condom. This disease mainly infects the skin around the genitals which slowly spread on the genitals too.

Human Pappiloma Virus:

HPV as it is famously known, ranks third in the list of sexually transmitted diseases. This disease is a slow killer and mostly infects women. Doctors claim that this disease can cause cervical cancer in later stages. The disease doesn’t show many symptoms apart from the warts around the genitals. Like AIDS, the growth of Human Pappiloma Virus can also be restricted, but the disease in itself is incurable. Safe sex with latex condoms will help you stay away from spreading or infecting yourself from HPV.


This disease is very common with people who expose themselves to untrusted partners. Thank the lord that scientists have found a cure to stop the spread of this disease into your body and cure it, but the problem is this disease shows no sign of infection. So, people who risk their life must visit their doctor to get themselves screened and treated for Chlamydia. This virus can also be tacked with effective use of condoms.

It is always good to use a condom, but there are more diseases that infect the skin and the area around. Have safe sex and be safe.

Not ready for motherhood? Control the pregnancy with birth control pills

Birth of child makes a women complete, but the most important question is are you ready for it? Today’s women’s have a changed vision where career is given more priority over family. In a way, the thinking is right, because a child should come to the world only when his/her parents are ready to take care of it. If both the partners are working or are not financially stable, it is best to postpone the pregnancy for a few years until you are ready for it. Pregnancy is a crucial stage in like where a woman is reborn as a mother. Women’s need complete rest over this period and have to be pampered a lot. Pregnancy comes with different set of responsibilities for both husband and wife. As mentioned, it is always good to delay the pregnancy for few years if you have time and can wait.

How to postpone pregnancy?

This is one question that has many answers. There are many contraceptive methods which you can use to delay your pregnancy. Here are some of the best and most used contraceptive methods which can keep your pregnancy at bay without any side effects:


Yes, condoms are the famous and most used contraceptive methods. Condoms, which are made of latex, come in different variants and acts as a barrier between sperms and ovum. These are usually used by men, but there are condoms which are made exclusively for women. These are safe and pose no side effects for health. Condoms may be effective, but not all are in favour of using it. Some have issues with the latex and the friction. Condom manufacturing companies now make flavoured condoms which would give a different feeling during oral sex. There are long lasting condoms which are medicated with gel that ensures longer and stronger erections. Along with being a birth control measure, it also protects you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Birth Control Pills:

Birth control pills are other effective contraceptive options. These pills which are easily available at drug stores must be consumed only after consulting your gynaecologist. These pills will not give you protection from STD’s like condom, but will effective help in maintaining the age gap between two children and also prevent unwanted pregnancy. These pills should be popped every day except the mensuration period. These pills can be stopped when you want to plan a family. A certified gynaecologist will guide you with the right pill that would suit your body type.

Intrauterine Device:

This method of contraceptive is one that has no or very minimal side effects. A condom can be ruptured or you can also miss your pills to make you pregnant, but this IUD device will ensure that your pregnancy is completely under your control. This device is inserted in the vagina by the gynaecologist and it stays there preventing the sperms from mating with the ovum. There are different IUD’s which are inserted depending on the period that you want to control the pregnancy. An effective IUD can prevent your pregnancy for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years.

Sexual Health Concerns That You Need To Taken Into Account

The crazy, obsessive thing called sex

The sexual act in itself is a matter of perception. For some, it is a means to channelize and purge the excessive energy that is generated within the body. For the creative and poetic mind, it is metaphorically a work of art. For the sentimentalists, it is a means to express love. Amidst all this, what we often tend to forget is the need to retain overall bodily health for its sustenance. Overlooking trivial symptoms becomes a matter of habit and we end up with more complications that we can handle. This is where the need for thorough sex education arises.

Sexually transmitted infection: an obstacle to normal living

What happens when two individuals come together to quench their sexual desires? A temporary feeling of satisfaction makes its mark upon the lovers. If we were to rephrase the question in any other way: what happens when two individuals, of which one of them is a carrier of a dormant STD, come together?

The disease gets another host to cling on to and prosper. Most STDs spread via sexual contact but the cause is always a bacteria or a virus. The carrier may be predominantly male or female, depending upon the disease and the symptoms may be present or absent at the time of transmission. There are, however, common symptoms that indicate an outbreak of the infection.

These include painful discharge through the rectum, heavy vaginal discharge, swollen glands in the genitalia, warts or rashes between the thighs, fever, headache and pelvic pain not related to the menstrual cycle to name a few.

Common sexually transmitted diseases to look out for

Sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia is a bacterial infection, more commonly inflicted upon females than males. The second-most common disease is Gonorrhea, which more often than not, leads to fertility complications. Genital warts are a primary symptom for those infected with the Human Papilloma virus, an infection invariably linked with cervical cancer according to research.

Nothing can kill human bodies with the intensity of HIV; the consequent AIDS virus is slow poison to the anatomy that breaks down little by little to its last breath. Genital Herpes is hard to diagnose while it is dormant within a body. The host may be having it for months without being aware of it, till the warts begin to show. The worst part about being inflicted with this virus is that it clings on to your dear life forever!

STD treatment: looking for a cure

Driven by shame and embarrassment, most STD victims look up the internet to seek self medication. This is the most impractical approach one could ever opt for. For one, you may get the necessary information that you are looking for, but the treatment bit should be left to the experts. Bacterial infections can be cured with regular medication but viruses are there to haunt you for life, therefore impossible to get rid of. Patients with their respective partners must undergo tests to medically confirm their diagnosis. Depending upon the condition, the patient and/or their partner would be prescribed antiviral or antibacterial medicines. Viruses require lifelong treatment in order to control the outbreak; disappearance of physical symptoms does not mean that the body has rid of it.