Tag Archives: suffering from erectile dysfunction

5 Easy Ways to Help Your Man Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

The aging process causes a lot of changes in the body one of which is increased possibility of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. ED can manifest itself in different ways including premature ejaculation where your man reaches orgasm when you are not sexually satisfied. This can be just before vaginal penetration or soon after. It can also manifest itself in form of your main failing to attain erection or in case he does, the erection is weak to a point where vaginal penetration becomes impossible.

You definitely will not want to find yourself in the above picture. This is because your man’s sexual health will not only have deteriorated but will continue to deteriorate to a point where sex in your relationship becomes a big issue. Caused by several factors including long-term use of specific medications, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, vascular disease, neurological disease, diabetes, poor diet and prostate-related treatments, ED affects about 75% of men, which makes it very necessary that you help your man prevent it at all costs. This you can do in several easy ways:

  • Walking – Many consider walking as a waste of time, choosing to travel by car even for short distances. They do not realize that walking is a unique form of exercise that has a positive effect on sexual performance. According to a study undertaken at Harvard University, walking for just 30 minutes everyday goes a long way in minimizing the risk of ED by up to 41%. You need to spare some time to take a walk with your man as one effective way of helping him prevent ED. Celebrity trainer David Kirsch, trainer for Kate Upton and Jennifer Lopez also encourage people to do more walking than just cardio, it’s easier to do it on a daily basis.
  • Appropriate diet – The need for appropriate diet for healthy living cannot be understated. A Massachusetts Male Aging Study revealed that a regular diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, fish and fruits minimizes the risk of ED in men. The fact that absorption of vitamin B12 becomes poor as a man ages makes it necessary to ensure that your man consumes a diet composed of foods fortified with vitamin B12. Note that vitamin B12 deficiency in a man’s body easily leads to ED.
  •  Good vascular health – Poor vascular health is a major contributor to occurrence of ED. High cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, high blood pressure and high blood sugar cause damage to arteries in the body, leading to heart attack, stroke and ED among other serious health conditions. It is therefore very important that you encourage your man to go for medical check up to determine levels of the above indicated issues. This is one of the easiest and best help that you can offer your man if you want him to continue maintaining good sexual health in particular.
  • Help your man cut weight – Excess body weight including obesity increases the risk of ED by a big percentage. Obesity causes two health problems that are major causes of ED; diabetes and vascular disease. Excess fat deposits in the body also interferes with smooth production and functioning of sexual hormones, leading to ED. You need to help your man cut down on excess body weight to remain sexually healthy. It is indeed indicated that men with 32-inch waistline stand a lower risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction compared to men with 42-inch and above waistline measurement.
  • Exercise – Like with appropriate diet, the need for regular exercise must be emphasized. Performing exercises helps in burning fat deposits in the body, flushes out toxic substances from the body through sweat in addition to strengthening body muscles. Performing Kegel exercises in particular strengthens pelvic muscles, which goes a long way to improve sexual performance. It is important that you encourage your man to partake in regular exercises including Kegel exercises to prevent erectile dysfunction.