Tag Archives: sexual fantasies

Morning Sex- Better Sexual Health

Before you jump out of your bed and start preparing to leave the house in order to meet up with resumption hours, don’t you think you should take a dose of happiness first? The outside world can be very stressful you know.

Now, morning sex isn’t the time to reflect on how hectic the day would be. It is to help you have a good start which will make you be on your best behavior throughout the day. Why is it important to have morning sex? Let’s find out!

It wakes you up

So your eyes are open, but you can’t really see even when your sex partner is giving you a blow job or an intense head. That is because in the morning when the alarm sounds or you wake up by yourself, you are still feeling all dizzy and fuzzy. The brain is still relaxed and so your mental alertness is still on the low till your partner slides into you, then after a few strokes, you become aware of your environment. Now going back to the moment before the few strokes, those are the moments you will want to live in for the rest of your life. When you feel like you are in a dream getting laid with zero things on your mind. That is what morning sex does for you. It gives you a good waking up.

It makes sex fun

Everything about morning sex is fun! From the tousled hair to the scattered bed, smelly breathe (which you should be used to by now), you are in a relaxed state with just your partner and the quiet room. The most appropriate thing to do at this point is a quickie, a way of saying, “Let me get a taste of you before we get too busy”. And a wonderful taste it would be as it would keep her/him lingering in your thoughts all day long. Sexual fantasies sexy hot secretary or 6 packs guy at the office has got nothing on you when you empty your tank before leaving home. Having fun in sex equals better sexual health and sexual relationship.

Everything looks bright and beautiful

This would be your mood after you’ve had a romantic morning sex. That cuddle hormone you released during the sex is not for nothing you know. Morning sex makes you start your day on a positive note and keep you happy all day. Just make sure you hid that smile that will play on your lips when you think about how you woke up. You sure don’t want your boss to ask you what‘s the smile for.

Keeps you in shape

Morning sex could make up for that exercise routine you didn’t do yesterday evening because you were tired. Sex burns calories and what better way to start your morning than with a lightweight. It is easier to burn five calories every minute during sex than walking from block to block.

If you feel like you don’t have enough time in the morning to get a quick one from your partner, why don’t you plan for it by setting your alarm 25 minutes earlier than the normal time? It’s really worth it for your body shape and better sexual health. Also, you can use mints to combat that morning breath!