Tag Archives: vaginal sex

Can Sex Cause A Headache?

Although this is not a common situation, sex and orgasms can cause strong headaches and this is something that a lot of people can confirm.

There are some cases when sexual activity and/or orgasms can cause headache. This pain can be felt as a tension in the head and in the neck area and what is interesting is that this pain increases with the raise of sexual arousal and it turns into a sudden strong pain right before or after the orgasm. One in one hundred persons have experienced such pain at least once in their lifetime. According to some experts men are three times more likely to experience sexual headache compared to women which is surprising because speaking in general women are those who usually suffer from headaches. In most cases sexual headache doesn’t last long, although in rare cases it lasts more than several hours. This headache can occur during masturbation too. Sexual headaches are not harmful, but they are very often sign of some other bigger health problem, especially in people who feel headache after any physical activity.

Experts have determined two types of sexual headaches. The first one appears suddenly during orgasm or moments after an orgasm has been achieved. The pain is really strong and those who have experienced it compare this pain to stabbing in the head. This is the most common type of sexual headache. The second type is very rare and it starts as a mild pain that affects both sides of the head and this pain increases together with the raising of the sexual arousal. Most sexual headaches last very short, but there are some sexual headaches that last for several hours.

Sexual headaches can be caused by any sexual activity that leads to an orgasm. This means that besides regular vaginal sex, they can be cause by masturbation and even by oral sex too. Generally speaking, sexual activity increases blood pressure which leads to increased pressure in the head. In addition, sex causes muscle spasms and tension. In some cases this results in headaches caused by dilation of blood vessels in the head. Very often sexual headaches indicate bigger health problems like meningitis, tumor, aneurysm, risk of heart attack and other difficulties. Although these headaches don’t necessarily mean that you have some serious problem, it is always a good idea to visit your doctor. Sometimes the reasons for sexual headaches are certain birth control pills, anemia, inflammation of the sinuses, glaucoma or lack of sugar in the blood.

Sexual headaches are usually not a serious condition but visiting and consulting a doctor is highly recommended, this is especially useful in cases where these headaches appear constantly. If they are reappearing it’s better to lower your sexual activity until you get the results from your medical examination. If there is no serious reason behind these headaches your doctor will most probably recommend you similar therapies and remedies used for regular headaches – pills, low physical activity and resting.