Category Archives: dating

Criticism in a Relationship

Constant criticism makes you unhappy and bitter. Nobody could feel confident and satisfied when someone – a loved one at that – humiliates them.

Everybody receives negative remarks now and then. Your family members, your boss, your clients may say something unpleasant about your skills or your approach. It is particularly hurtful when a partner criticizes you. It has a deteriorating effect on your love life.

Healthy Critics vs. Criticism in Relationships

Criticism is not about positive, constructive criticism that helps you make your life better. When your partner makes snide remarks, he lets you know that you are not good enough for him. It makes you upset, insecure, sad or angry. Probably all of the above.

In a good relationship, you feel safe and happy. You trust your partner. You feel peaceful and relaxed, and you do not feel compelled to live up to someone else’s requirements. You feel comfortable while being yourself when your partner is around.

Moving in together or getting married is a difficult period for a couple. You will have to adapt to another person’s lifestyle and habits, however, you already have your own habits. It is not easy to compromise. People often underestimate such issues. The first weeks are always hard. You may receive hurtful remarks. Your partner expects you to accept his opinion in everything: household habits, daily schedule, choice of hobbies or friends. Most certainly, his way is not the only right way. When you point it out, your partner feels offended or frustrated. He starts judge upon you. This is when you get snide remarks.

What Is Behind His Criticism?

Probably your partner has too high expectations. He should learn that no partner is perfect.

Perhaps your partner has self-esteem issues or he does not feel safe in the relationship. He might think that you are going to ditch him. Men have difficulties with communication. Their criticism might be their way of saying that they are afraid of losing you.

Probably you have a hot-headed partner, a choleric type. Your partner might be tactless. They say things, without thinking about the consequences. Before they know it, they already hurt you. Moreover, they are not particularly sensitive, so they do not even understand why you find their remarks offensive.

Your Issues

If you have self-esteem issues, you will put up with his behavior. You might think that your partner is right and you are flawed. You might be afraid that he will easily find a better, brighter, hotter woman than you. Perhaps deep down you are afraid that you stay alone, and you dread the possibility. This is a big problem. If you are not confident, you are in for a bitter life and much disappointment. Do your best to research your self-esteem issues and get rid of them. Seek a therapist if needed; psychotherapy can help you build confidence. At least seek resources, forums, or support groups.

Perhaps you have confidence, but you still think that you could get rid of some of your bad habits. You agree with some of his remarks, because you want to change, too.

Change his Critical Ways

If your partner’s criticism disturbs you, you should not accept it. How long can you deal with it? Give yourself and your partner one month, two months etc. to change. If things do not change now, they will not change years later. You should consider counseling therapy for couples, or you should think about a breakup.

Attract the Right Life Partner

There are lots of people who want to find a loving partner. However, they do not know what they are looking for. They have shallow expectations: nice looks, sexual attraction, flirting skills, good social skills. In new relationships, parties may misunderstand each other. In the end, they feel disappointed and bitter.

In a good relationship, parties are equal. They rate the same at the attractive, smart, rich scales. A healthy relationship makes your life brighter, better.

You should know what you want. Do you want a long-term relationship with a devoted, serious partner? Do you plan on getting married? Do you want to have fun for your college years and do you want lots of fans from the opposite gender? Know your own expectations. If you want a long-term relationship, you do not want to fall for the exciting bad guy.

Always consider what your partner expects from you. Is your partner looking for fun and a good time, a short-lived adventure? If you consider marriage and kids while your partner hates commitment, you have a problem.

Have realistic expectations. You might want to pick up the perfect partner, a great looking, intelligent, sophisticated, motivated, successful person – who would not? You may have a list of their ideal traits. However, do you have these qualities, too? Partners should be more or less equal in the said departments. If you are a high school drop-out, you do not have much chance with a math professor. If you are shy and lonely, do not try to seduce the most popular guy at your workplace.

Appearances count. A lot. This is what Meryl Streep says. In a sense, she is right. Never let yourself go! Look your best: well-tended and put-together. It will show the world – and potential partners – that you are a composed, satisfied, well-balanced person. Good looks make good impression on everyone.

Attitude counts more than looks. No great looks in the world can help you if you come across as bitter, insecure or needy. If you want to seem attractive, be happy, relaxed, satisfied. You should be whole, complete. You should already have a good life where you can get everything what you want. This attitude will lure the right person to you. If you have a good life, others may want to be part of it.

Do not complain. Do not advertise your weaknesses wide and far. You should not show the world the things that can make you seem unattractive. Your issues or insecurities do not make you a bad person, but others should not see them, most of all, not at first sight.

Mutual attraction, trust and respect are more important than looks.

Listen to the other. Do not talk a lot about yourself. Plenty of information may make your partner feel dizzy. Too much talk can be a red flag and your future partner may want to flee. Ask about your partner and listen to the answers. Become a good listener. Be responsive. If you listen to your partner and observe his or her reactions, you will clearly see their positive traits as well as the warning signs. You will not get unpleasant surprises later.


Human Papillomavirus Related Diseases and Treatment

Human papillomavirus is a very common sexually transmitted disease. It is a DNA virus that can be found at the mucous membranes of the entire genital area as well as the mouth and throat. It has lots of subtypes. Some types are harmless. Other types (oncogenic types) may lead to cancers.

Have a look at the following descriptions. You can prevent these diseases if you do not get infected with human papillomavirus. Use condom when you have sex, and, most of all, get vaccinated against human papillomavirus!

Risk Factors of HPV

If your immune system is weak (after an illness), you have multiple children. You have been taking oral contraceptives for a long time or you have a chronic inflammation within the genital area. If that is the case you are more likely to get infected with HPV and develop cervical cancer.

HPV Related Diseases

Cervical Cancer

If you live with human papillomavirus, you are at risk of developing cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer has no symptoms. By the time it has symptoms (for example, you bleed between periods, sex is painful, you bleed after having sex. Your period is unusually long or you have plenty of vaginal discharge), it is in an advanced stage. However, the disease does have warning signs: cancerous cells in the lining of your cervix. Only a health care provider is able to detect the subtle changes within your cells. Get tested! Pap tests or HPV DNA tests may save your life.

If the lab tests mean bad news, your health care provider will ask you to undergo further testing. Your doctor might want to a biopsy, a tissue sample from your cervix.

Cancer can spread to other organs within your body. Your doctor might suggest x-rays, MRI or CT scan.

Probably it is only your cervix that is affected, probably cancer has spread to the vagina, too.


There is no treatment available for human papillomavirus infection. On the other hand, doctors are able to heal related conditions like genital warts, precancerous lesions and – if detected early – cancers.

Precancerous cervical lesions can be treated by cryosurgery (freezing the cancerous cells); loop electrosurgical excision procedure which means your health care provider surgically removes the cancerous tissue with a hot wire loop; surgical conization i.e. removing a cone shaped part of tissue, using a laser, a scalpel or both of them; as well as laser vaporization conization.

You may undergo a surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, or a therapy of the combination of the three. They may have side-effects.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

HPV Related Cancers and Treatment

HPV can lead to other types of cancer: vaginal cancer, penile cancer.

Doctors can treat these conditions with medication, chemotherapy, surgery, electrosurgery, cryosurgery or laser surgery. It depends on the type of cancer you have, your age, health, and the stage of the cancer. Your health care providers may want to remove the cancerous tissues, as much as possible.


A few Hidden Causes of Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are not something rare and they are especially present in female population. It is considered that almost every woman has experienced at least one case of fungal infection at some point of her life. These infections can happen to anyone regardless of their age. What is even worse is the fact that it is sometimes possible to have an infection without seeing any clear signs of inflammation. Yeast appears naturally on our body and it is fond of dark, moisturized and hidden corners of our body and this is something that can best describe the intimate area, armpits and few other areas. According to many gynecologists, in places where we can find high amounts of carbohydrates and sugars in the body we can expect the presence of fungal disorders. They also claim that it is not possible to completely get rid of these infections once and for all. So, the best idea is to treat them and keep them under control. The most common cause of all fungal infections is the fungi called Candida which naturally exists in every human body and starts to affect our health when the natural balance between acids and alkaline in the vagina is disrupted. This is the moment when many women notice feeling of itching in this area. In case you want to be prepared for fungal infections you need to know all the causes that lead to this condition and learn how to recognize and treat them in the right way.


The way we eat is very important and according to most gynecologists this practice is especially important during the menstrual period. This is the period when women should significantly increase the intake of all probiotic supplements. They should also include foods such as yoghurt and kefir, garlic which has amazing anti-fungal properties, coconut oil and meat soups. On the other hand, women should avoid carbs and sugar during this period.

Tight clothes

As we have mentioned before fungi simply love moisture and warmth. This suggests that tight clothes are especially suitable for the development and spreading of fungal infections and inflammation. It is always a good idea to choose clothing made of completely natural materials and some people suggest ironing the underwear after washing in order to be sure that the high temperature will eliminate all the bacteria that dwell in the clothes.

Hormonal changes

Weakened immune system, using antibiotics and birth control pills are all factors that contribute to intestine flora declination. This ultimately means that you can expect infections because the system cannot protect itself. Discomfort and itching can be eased with a tampon soaked in yoghurt and placed inside the vagina.


Fungal infections usually come with strong feeling of itching and a discharge with unpleasant smell. It is good to avoid soaps and hot water when taking care of the hygiene in the intimate area. Furthermore, try to avoid using scented tampons and scented shower gels when you are washing the vaginal area.

Why Is Orgasm A Mystery For Some Women?

While orgasm is not the only purpose of sex and sexual activity, many women are burdened with the idea that orgasm must necessarily be achieved. This pressure complicates the ability to achieve orgasm in many women. There are many other reasons why orgasm is a real mystery for some women and the following is shortlist of some of these reasons.

  1. She doesn’t know how to achieve an orgasm

There are many women who never masturbate or they do this only when they are lying on their stomach when the orgasm is affected more by the things that go through their head and less by the mechanical movements (because the hands are actually covered by their stomach). However, if a woman knows and can bring herself to orgasm the cause lays elsewhere which means she should check some of the other factors.

  1. Her partner is not spontaneous

Unlike men, most women cannot relax immediately when they are with their partner. This is especially the case when the partner is new or when they feel tired for some reason or burdened by all sorts of worries. Instead of fury and fuss followed by words of dissatisfaction, calming the situation always works. Try to lie down next to your partner, hug her passionately and ask her what you can do to help her. If she says that everything is fine and you don’t need to worry then don’t do anything. Once she becomes a little bit relaxed and she realizes that she is perfectly safe in your arms, tell her that you find her very sexy, that you like her and kiss and hug her for some time. It is very important to add more intimacy in your relationship. Try to relax her and help her eliminate the feeling that she has to achieve orgasm.

  1. She simply cannot relax

Many men or women think that they are successful when it comes to sex only if their female partner reaches orgasm. However, sometimes reaching orgasm is too forced and many women consider their eventual orgasm to be some kind of responsibility. This is why many women pretend to have an orgasm. In this way they try to make the other side feel more capable, better and more comfortable and they should know that this is not a very good idea.

  1. The partner doesn’t know what he’s doing

Many women consider this to be a big problem, but the truth is that this problem can be easily solved (unlike some of the other problems). If a woman normally manages to achieve orgasm and she can’t achieve orgasm with you, try the following tactics. Make her touch herself in front of you and say that this image really turns you on and that she looks very sexy. After a bit of looking, help her out. You can use your finger to enter the vagina while she is stimulating her clitoris. You can use your tongue to lick her finger used for stimulation. You can try to imitate her movements and ask her if she feels comfortable and does she want more or less touches. In other words, be a part of the game.

Female Ejaculation

Even today, when sex is no longer a taboo and all the information regarding sex is available on the internet, only a small number of people is familiar with female ejaculation. Even the old Indians who lived few thousand years ago knew about female ejaculation. Unfortunately, many modern men and women have only heard about it, but they are not sure if this type of ejaculation actually exists. In tantric yoga, the ancient eastern practice that combines spirituality and sexuality, the fluid ejaculated by women is called amrita or divine nectar. This fluid in the vagina is which occurs during sexual arousal comes from many sources – Bartholin and Skene’s glands, which are located at the crossroads of the opening of the vagina and vulva and the walls of vagina during sexual stimulation. Properly stimulated women during sexual intercourse experience a rush of fluids in the vagina and this fluid is usually discharged during orgasm.

All those men who wonder whether the feeling of female ejaculation is similar to their ejaculation should know that these feelings are not similar because female ejaculation is much stronger. Many women and men look at this ejaculation as some kind of achievement. Men are really proud because they believe if ejaculation occurs then they were especially good in the bed. But, this is the moment when we need to point out that the mechanism of female ejaculation is not physiologically identical to male ejaculation. Female ejaculation doesn’t even have to be (in fact it often isn’t) associated with orgasm, but more with great excitement and stimulation of certain body parts. So, female ejaculation is not necessarily a guarantee of a stronger, better, longer and more intense orgasm, although it usually means greater excitement. Now let’s see how this work in practice.

The “recipe” is actually very simple. If you want to make your partner ejaculate during the sexual intercourse, stimulate and excite her, but don’t let her reach an orgasm. Of course, you need to be aware that this procedure is much easier in cases when the partners are together for a long period of time. Some modern women are frustrated because of a variety of reasons that they are ready to grab the first orgasm offered to them and they tend to be very dissatisfied if you stop doing the things that suit them, change the pace or something similar. Many people view women as climbers that slowly but surely climb to the peak. This means that women are able to reach an orgasm only when they are certain that they can reach it. This is the only time when they are relaxed enough.

It is good to point out that there is no universal rule. Each woman requires individual approach. Before you start this journey when you have time and will, when you are well rested and never create pressure on your partner by saying that this is the night when she will ejaculate strong. Keep in mind that female ejaculation is not something that can be planned, it doesn’t happen every time and if sometimes doesn’t occur this doesn’t mean that your partner is less satisfied.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted diseases. Only in the United States, there are about one million chlamydia affected patients. It is a bacterial infection. Chlamydia has no symptoms and it can be cured easily, however, when untreated, it can cause severe sexual health issues and permanent damage in women, amongst others, genital and eye diseases. Chlamydia conjunctivitis or trachoma may cause blindness; it can spread by fingers or shared towels. Chlamydia, when left untreated, can make you prone to get HIV virus.

Chlamydia may lead to ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside of the uterus) that might be fatal.

If you are a sexually active woman under 25, you are at risk for chlamydia. If you get chlamydia while expecting a child, your baby can get infected, and it may lead to an eye infection or pneumonia. Get tested for chlamydia while you are pregnant.

Chlamydia is particularly dangerous for women, since it can spread to the womb and the fallopian tubes. It may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease. It is asymptomatic, at most, the affected woman will experience pain in her abdomen. However, it can damage her reproductive organs, it can cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy.

Straight, gay and bisexual men also should get tested for chlamydia, since they are at risk.

For men, chlamydia is less dangerous, but they can infect their female sex partners, so they should get tested and cured. It may happen that chlamydia leads to male infertility, but it is rare.

How to Prevent Chlamydia

Oral, vaginal and anal sex can infect you with chlamydia. Always use latex condoms or dental dams when having sex, and use them the right way. Even if you have never had chlamydia, you should get tested once in a while. If you are a woman, you are younger than 25 years old and you have one or more sex partners, you should get tested at least once a year.

Symptoms of Chlamydia

Chlamydia has no symptoms. When you start having symptoms, most certainly you have been infected for a while. However, while it has no symptoms, it still can lead to damages in the female reproductive organs. Vaginal bleeding, strange vaginal discharge or painful urinating can be red flags. In men, a discharge from penis, painful urination, and swollen testicles might be symptoms of chlamydia.

Treatment of Chlamydia

When you notice these symptoms, you should get a test for chlamydia. You are supposed to provide urine sample or samples from your vagina.

Chlamydia can be treated with antibiotics easily. However, you can get infected again. Your health care provider should monitor your health for several months. Your sexual partner should be cured, too. You should avoid having sex until you have finished your chlamydia treatment. If you were treated only once, you should wait a week with having sex.

How To Stimulate The G-spot In The Right Way?

You have probably read or heard about naughty novels which tell a story about some lonely and unsatisfied girl who finally manages to find the right man who somehow hits her g-spot from the first time and she feels incredible sexual pleasure. Most people believe that this is only part of the imagination of the writer, but the truth is that these spots exist. However, stimulation of the this sensual spot is still a major scientific mystery that occupies the minds of many scientists, but also the minds of many sexually active women and men. Many claim that they have searched and found this spot while someone got lost during this journey. Some people claim that they are not looking for it because it simply doesn’t exist. The fact is that many sexologists claim that the g-spot exists. The best part of this hot spot is that you can stimulate it on your own or ask your partner to do it. Now let’s see some of the ways that can help you stimulate g spot that leads to incredible orgasms.

Have you ever seen vibrators that are curved at the top? Although they look weird, their appearance is specially designed for finding and stimulating the g-spot. Place some lubricants on the vibrator and place the curved top toward the top of the stomach and start with the stimulation. Remember to keep some other erogenous zones like the clitoris and breasts active too. But, if you are doing this naughty experiment with your partner, let him try to find the g-spot with the sex toys. In this way you will be able to relax completely and enjoy better sexual experience.


In case you don’t feel comfortable buying a sex toy or you simply don’t feel comfortable using one, you can always use your partner’s or your own fingers. Add a small amount of lubricant on the index and middle finger. After that, place the fingers for around few inches inside the vagina and slowly make them firmer and start the stimulation. You should not have long nails in order to avoid injuries. You can easily notice the g-spot because this area is usually smoother than the rest of the vagina. If you are stimulating your vagina on your own you can easily adjust the speed, pressure and the other factors that will make you feel more comfortable. If you want your partner to help you, feel free to give him some guides.

Different sensations

Some women say that stimulation of the g-spot makes them feel an urge to urinate while others start to feel excitement instantly. If nothing happens at first, try to stimulate this spot in different ways. For example, change the angle, try to increase or decrease the speed, pressure, circular motions or any other way that will make you feel more comfortable.

Don’t forget that you can stimulate the g-spot with the penis during penetration. The best way to do this is when you are on top of your partner because you can control the speed and intensity of stimulation.

Sex sighs as a sign of a sexual pleasure

Sex sighs are sounds made by both men and women during the sexual intercourse but they are more often present in women. Many men believe that the volume if this sighs actually shows the strength of orgasm and arousal in women which is wrong.

In case you didn’t know, female orgasms are a little bit more complicated than male orgasms and it is practically invisible. This can lead to wrong impression when we are trying to decipher the body signals in a woman’s body. For example, it is almost impossible for men to be sure if their female partner is faking orgasms or not. This is only possible in cases when men know their partner’s body very well and in details. Another thing that is really hard for men to interpret is the intensity of the orgasm that their partner has experienced. If your partner is barely audible during orgasm and during some other sexual intercourse she is loud and “emits” sex sighs this doesn’t mean that she had a intense orgasm only in the second case. For example, in many cases the strongest orgasms are so intense that women simply cannot make any sounds or even produce a sigh. They start breathing only when the vaginal spasms loosen.

Some men determine whether they are good lovers or not depending on the sex sighs their partners produce. The louder their partner is the more self-confident they feel. This is what provides consciousness in porn actors because their partner with a loud moaning “describes” a good sexual experience and the audience is assured that she is very excited. Of course, there are men that find sex sighs and loud moaning very stimulating and they enjoy sex even more. According to many studies there are women who get aroused and very excited when they are listening to their own moaning for better sexual pleasure.

Furthermore, there is no doubt that there are many couples today who want to spice up their sexual life by using various erotic toys and accessories. The experience of using these toys and accessories is probably less enjoyable for those men who are usually surprised by the loud sighs and screams their partners have when they are using some of these toys. Once again, you should know that there is no room for any worries. The volume doesn’t mean anything, so forget about all the theories that sex toys can be a danger for you and that you can be replaced by some toy. This high volume is usually a result of the fact that the woman knows that someone is watching her. In these moments women easily live up in the role of real naughty individuals which is certainly not an indicator of the intensity of an experienced orgasm.

A woman that has lived all her life with silent orgasms (either with the help of a partner or through masturbation) will probably find difficult to get rid of this habit. In case you wish your partner is a little bit louder you can do few things that can encourage her to be louder – talk to her, change the room, change the ambience etc. You will need to put some effort for better sexual health.

Latex allergy should not be an excuse for avoiding safe sex

Most mechanical contraception items are made of latex. This material is ideal when it comes to protection but unfortunately there are some people that are allergic to latex.

The symptoms and signs of latex allergy are usually clearly visible – unexplained itching and burning sensation in the genital area and discharge from the vagina. In some cases people are facing serious allergic reactions. This is why allergy of this type is causing a lot of problems and unpleasant moments for those suffering from it. These problems can occur in their everyday activities and especially during sex. Most condoms and sex toys are made of this material. However, latex allergy doesn’t mean that you should start experimenting with sex toys. It also doesn’t mean that you should stop having safe sex and forget about condoms. Luckily, there are various types of mechanical protection that doesn’t contain latex and there are also many sex toys made of other materials that can help you satisfy your needs.

Mechanical barriers

Condoms are by far the most popular types of mechanical barriers used among those who practice safe sex. As we have mentioned before most condoms are made of latex but the good news is that you can find both male and female condoms that don’t contain latex on the market. These condoms are usually made by the same manufacturers that produce “regular” condoms. These condoms are usually made of polyurethane or polyisoprene. You should be prepared to pay a little bit more for these condoms but the most important thing is that they are perfectly safe and they even provide a slightly more natural feeling during the sexual intercourse.

Surgical gloves are another item that is often used during sex. They are also made of latex but there are certain models made of vinyl or nitrile. Nitrile surgical gloves are almost completely resistant to damages and they also allow somewhat more freely and more sensitive movements at the same time. In case you didn’t know these gloves are very useful tool for both oral sex and any type of penetration that involves hands and fingers.

Dental dam is another item used in medicine that can be used as a protection during sex. Dental dams are actually a kind of wraps/foils that were first used in dentistry. Today these dental dams are often used during oral stimulation of the genitals or the anus. It is quite easy to buy dental dams and you can even use the internet if you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home.

Maintain hard erection

Sex toys

Almost all sex toys and devices used for sexual stimulation contain certain amounts of latex. You have probably noticed how these toys look like. They are usually bendable and very soft. Every item that looks like that usually contains latex. So, before you buy any of these toys and items check the material that was used in their production. The best alternative for toys that contain latex is to use toys made of hard plastic or silicone.