Category Archives: dating

Birth control and breastfeeding

The first ovulation after childbirth comes in a different period in very woman. There is no general rule when will ovulation happen but it is a well known fact that breastfeeding plays an important role in this process. If the mother is breastfeeding her baby, the first menstrual cycle should occur in around six months. Otherwise, ovulation usually occurs between four and six weeks after childbirth. But, the fact is that the menstrual cycle occurs just two weeks after ovulation so chances are that you can be fertile right after childbirth without being aware of that fact.

Those who believe that breastfeeding is a safe method of preventing pregnancy are not playing safe. It is a well known fact that during breastfeeding, the mother’s brain secretes a hormone called prolactin which is responsible for milk production. The bigger the amount of this hormone in the system the later you can expect ovulation. However, even a small break between breastfeeding that last more than 5 hours may be just enough to reduce the level of prolactin and the ovulation process can begin. This is why even mothers who are breastfeeding should start thinking about birth control.

In these cases, birth control pills are not recommended because the estrogen that they contain can stop the production of milk. Furthermore, these hormones can be transferred to the child through the milk. The high amount of estrogen that is usually found in these pills can cause negative effects in the child’s development. After childbirth, natural birth control methods are not that effective. The menstrual cycle after childbirth should stabilize after a while.

Between the 6th and 8th week after childbirth you can use an intrauterine device. This is the period when the uterus gets back to its natural form. Besides that you should wait for the vaginal discharge to stop in order to avoid infections. The biggest advantage of using intrauterine devices is the fact that the woman shouldn’t worry about pregnancy in the next 5 years. Of course, side effects are always present and things such as injuries during insertion, losing the IUDs and changing its position are possible. Some women can also experience bleeding. There are certain IUDs that can decrease the intensity and duration of bleeding during the menstrual cycle.

So-called mini pills and three-month injections don’t contain estrogen (they only contain gestagen) and they are another good birth control option during breastfeeding period. These pills don’t stop milk production and flow which makes them perfect for breastfeeding mums. The hormones can reach the baby’s body through the milk but experts claim that the hormones used in these pills are harmless. The only disadvantage of these pills is that they need to be consumed every day at the same time. The three-month injections are better because they are used once in three months. But, they contain more gestagen.

Finally, you can always try the traditional barrier methods like using condoms or a diaphragm. These methods are perfectly safe for breastfeeding mothers.

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Healthy Ways of Having Greater Sex

SEX is an activity that has the potential of involving each and every sense and muscles in your body. An activity that grants us the chance to receive and give pleasure beyond our wildest dreams. Unfortunately, for many men, sex isn’t the connection that they need to enjoy a fulfilling experience.

Pain and discomfort are the culprits. There are times however which common problems/mistakes result to issues such as:

  • Stress
  • Thoughts that are bashing
  • Anxiety

But with some adjustments, sex is an act that can once again make people feel better and awesome about themselves. Many sex coaches deal with people that are finding it difficult to maintain hard erection to find out exactly what they require to enhance their sexual prowess.

Mentioned below are excellent soft erection treatment solutions that will help you experience more sexual pleasure in your life….

Zero Mind Reading

As a man you shouldn’t expect your partner to read your mind. It is important that you know what you really want, desirer and require. Communication is one avenue that is linked to your pleasure potential.

What is the solution to better sex then? Simple, start by learning your erogenous area. If you have no clue of what really turns you on, find time to get started on a solo act to explore every area of your body.

You will get the feel good areas this way, you will know how to direct your partner next time you are with her to help you with arousal. If you are stressed out, and you are unable to rise to the occasion, talk this through with your partner and allow her to help you do an activity that will help you relax.

Do Something Different

At times, the shifting in position or becoming adventurous enough to try something new is an act that will make sex a much more exciting and satisfying experience. Better sexual health, better relationship.

Try and do this; when you are engaging in coitus in a certain position, try and shift either up and down, right or left. These are guaranteed ways that you can use to enhance arousal and your penis will hit your lady’s walls making her feel much more pleasurable and minimize the time she takes to reach orgasm.

Since not many women climax just from penetration, focus on her clitoris and other regions surrounding the vagina. The more you pleasure her the higher and quicker are the chances for her to climax and you will have lengthened your sexual prowess.

You can also try incorporating a penis ring made from soft materials, you will be able to lasting longer in bed than and deliver a brilliant performance in the bedroom.

How safe is Anal Sex?

Every man and woman has asked themselves at some period of their life whether they should have anal sex or not. Some of them had a sex like this while others are still thinking about it. Regardless in which category of people you belong you should be aware of the consequences that this type of sex brings.

Anal sex belongs to the group of riskiest sexual activities and according to many definitions anal sex represents the penetration of the male organ in the anal channel of the partner (male or female).

This phenomenon is not a product of modern times because there is evidence that this type of sex was practiced since ancient times when it was often described as sodomy. Anal sex was practiced in the Greek and Roman civilization on regular basis and in any place where people wanted to preserve the innocence of a young girl.

Male sexual organ at that moment, thanks to the force of friction, reaches more excitement, which makes this type of sex so popular especially among younger generations. But, you should keep in mind that what is attractive is not always safe.

The main disadvantage of anal sex is the fact that the rectum lacks natural lubrication like the one found in vaginas. Another disadvantage is the nature of the sphincter muscles that regulate bowel movement. These sphincter muscles are “programmed” to relax only during ejection of feces, but people having anal intercourse look for this sort of relaxation when they are having sex. This means that this type of sex can lead to complications.

Anal sphincter muscle which is located in the anus is there to relax only in certain situations. The existence of other conditions or the practice of anal sex can lead to insufficient relaxation of the muscle. It can cause damages to the superficial layers of the skin and the sphincter itself. The main consequence of this practice is bleeding which the main reason for frequent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases in people who practice anal sex. In addition, people practicing this sex often use anal toys and other items to increase the excitement. Cases when objects are stuck in the rectum are not rare. Even the male sexual organ can be affected by this type of sex. Many microorganisms especially bacteria, dwell in the rectum and if there are any bruises or wounds on the penis they can easily cause an infection. People that have suffered injuries from anal sex are often ashamed and they don’t want to visit the doctor unless the situation gets really serious.

As you can see practicing anal sex comes with many dangers. If you really want to practice anal sex then you should take some measures that can make it safer. Using a condom is obviously the first thing you can do. Condoms and lubricants will make the penis enter the rectum much easier and they will also protect both partners from possible occurrence of STDs.

The role of Nipples in Sex Excitement

Nipples are present in both men and women. But yet showing women’s nipples in public is considered something morally wrong. Isn’t it a little bit funny when we see a video or image in which the nipples are crossed with black tape? We were all raised by our mothers and most of us were breastfeed so this is a little bit awkward. We all know what’s behind the censored area and we have all had them in our mouth and sucking on them when we were babies.

It is an interesting fact that most women dislike or simply they are not satisfied with the look of their nipples. Some of them think they are too small or too big while some of them think that they are too light or too dark. When they link the appearance of their nipples with the beauty of their breasts in general some women become worried and in extreme cases they feel like they need to go on a surgery and solve the problem.

The truth is that nipples come in different forms – big, small, fat, pointy etc. There are women that have nipples turned inward but that should not be a reason for panic. This occurrence should be gone before the woman gets pregnant and it is almost always gone when she gives birth. The occurrence of milk discharge on the other hand is a clear sign that a woman needs to take care of her hygiene. This discharge is also a common occurrence in women that use birth control pills. If the discharge occurs irregularly you don’t have to go to the doctor because it is usually gone in one week. According to some legends Casanova was such a good lover that he caused women’s breast to produce milk but he was obviously dealing with this type of discharge.

When it comes to nipples and sex excitement it is good to know that the nipples together with the dark ring around them (areola) are the most sensitive part of the breast. But, not all women experience the same intensity of pleasure when they are touched or stimulated in some other way. Nipples tend to swell when the woman is sexually aroused. In some cases, this is not a sign of sexual desire but rather a reaction to the cold weather or excitement in general. That’s why you should not always think about sex when you see that your partner partner’s nipples have a reaction. Some women during puberty or when they take birth control pills notice that long hair grow around the areola. This is not a reason for panicking. This hair has a function but it can be easily removed. This hair is there for the infants that need guidance to reach the breasts. Remember that this is something completely natural and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

All the things we’ve mentioned apply for men too (except for mammary glands). Nipples in men don’t have absolutely any function but they act as an erogenous zones in men too.

Know sexually transmitted diseases, their cure and precautions for a healthier sex life

Safe sex is very important. Sometimes when desire takes over people expose themselves to unhealthy and unsafe sex practices. It is very important that you have sex with known partner as unknown partner can be a carrier of sexually transmitted diseases and she or he can transfer it to you. There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases ad dealing with these diseases is very difficult. The pain, trauma and guilt that come with sexually transmitted disease are like a slow killer. Some sexually transmitted diseases take much time to heal. Some of the famous and most dangerous sexually transmitted disease includes:


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is one among the most dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Scientists have not been able to find a permanent cure for this disease which many have been affected worldwide. People can get infected by this disease through other ways also, but unprotected sex is termed as a major reason for this disease. This disease can be spread from man to woman and also woman to man.  People infected with this disease can take medication to delay the spread of virus within the body, but cannot stop it. Studies are on to find an antidote for this disease for over a decade, but they ray of hope is far from seen. The only measure that can be taken to keep safe is to always insist on a condom while having sex with strangers.


Cold sores and genital sores are the first a symptoms of herpes virus. This STD comes in two forms namely HSV 1 and HSV 2. This virus affects the skin around the mouth and the genitals causing utter discomfit. The rashes are ugly and are teamed up with high fever and uneasiness. This disease is quite famous in the United States. A recent survey states that one in four women suffer from this sexually transmitted disease. One can be affected with this disease even by using a condom. This disease mainly infects the skin around the genitals which slowly spread on the genitals too.

Human Pappiloma Virus:

HPV as it is famously known, ranks third in the list of sexually transmitted diseases. This disease is a slow killer and mostly infects women. Doctors claim that this disease can cause cervical cancer in later stages. The disease doesn’t show many symptoms apart from the warts around the genitals. Like AIDS, the growth of Human Pappiloma Virus can also be restricted, but the disease in itself is incurable. Safe sex with latex condoms will help you stay away from spreading or infecting yourself from HPV.


This disease is very common with people who expose themselves to untrusted partners. Thank the lord that scientists have found a cure to stop the spread of this disease into your body and cure it, but the problem is this disease shows no sign of infection. So, people who risk their life must visit their doctor to get themselves screened and treated for Chlamydia. This virus can also be tacked with effective use of condoms.

It is always good to use a condom, but there are more diseases that infect the skin and the area around. Have safe sex and be safe.

How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Time and again, your period pain goes well beyond discomfort, some fleeting pain and nausea. Dysmenorrhea, painful lower abdominal cramps, can be intense, even torturous. Just about every woman wants to know how to relieve menstrual cramps. Lower abdominal cramps may cause extreme pain. They can prevent you from doing your work or your everyday activities. You may experience a very strong feeling of nausea. You are sick in the stomach and you are on the verge of fainting. There is a very sharp pain in your abdomen.

There are days when you desperately need techniques and methods on how to relieve menstrual cramps. We want to introduce you a couple of useful tips.

Emergency Tips on How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

It is a good idea to lie down and curl up. At least rest your head against a seat or a desk. Your blood pressure must have plummeted. When you rest your head, your blood pressure will reach its normal level and you will feel somewhat better.

Get into a position that will ease your lower abdominal cramps. Lie on your back. Bend your knees, press your soles and your lower back against the ground. Lift your pelvis and your buttocks from the ground. Repeat the exercise over and over again.

Breathe slowly. Inhale a breath slowly, calmly, and exhale it slowly. This way, you may calm down and relax. Those lower abdominal cramps may subside.

Keep yourself warm.

Remember that lower abdominal cramps will not last long. Within one or two hours, they can go away as suddenly as they started.

How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps in the Long Run

Well before your period starts, you should start thinking about ways on how to relieve menstrual cramps. Avoid sweets and sugar before the days of your period. They can intensify your premenstrual symptoms like swollen, aching breasts, headaches, nausea, and a general feeling of discomfort. They can also intensify the feeling of pain. Intense lower abdominal cramps may show that you have loaded your system with toxins. Avoid junk food. Eat healthy. Drink plenty of water to detoxify your body.

Sleep enough. Lower abdominal cramps can be a sign that you are exhausted.

Work out. Some aerobic workout program may help on how to relieve menstrual cramps. Riding your bike, running, power-walking, swimming will do nicely. You are supposed to work out three times a week, for 30-minute sessions.

Try yoga. Sit down the ground, with your legs extended. Bend the right knee outward up to ninety degrees so that your right sole touch the inner side of your left thigh. Bend down as if you wanted to rest your head on your knee. Keep your back very straight. Reach your ankle with your hands, and pull your left foot toward your face with your hands.

Have vegetables, fruits, and herbs that may help. Ginger is a natural cramp reliever. If you want methods on how to relieve menstrual cramps, you should think about ginger first. It has lots of other sexual health benefits. Anytime you feel weak, nauseated, or in discomfort, you should consume ginger, so it would be best if you had some ginger at home all the time. Dried apricot, basil, and buckwheat are also good to prevent lower abdominal cramps.


How Not to Get Pregnant: Hysterectomy as a Birth Control Method

How Not to Get Pregnant: Radical and Total Hysterectomy

Hysterectomy is an abdominal surgery; a doctor removes your entire uterus, or, if you have a subtotal hysterectomy, only part of your womb. It is one of the very rare how not to get pregnant methods that are absolutely 100% safe. At least, radical hysterectomy and total hysterectomy are safe, unlike subtotal hysterectomy. Both radical and total hysterectomy means that you have your womb removed, so a fetus will not have a place to grow in your body. It is a how not to get pregnant method that will last for the rest of your life. It is irreversible. There is one option of having a child without having a womb: in case your doctor has left your ovaries intact, you can produce an egg and a surrogate mother can bear your biological child. For medical and legal reasons, this alternative is not very feasible, so think twice before you decide to get this abdominal surgery. First of all, consider the possible disadvantages. Gynecologists usually do not recommend hysterectomy as a how not to get pregnant method – they perform this kind of abdominal surgery to cure serious conditions or, at least, problems like excessive bleeding.

Hysterectomy as a how not to get pregnant method is quite rare and unusual. It is a major abdominal surgery that has its risks.

On the other hand, women who have had hysterectomy are less likely to suffer from ovarian cancer, even if their ovaries were spared.

Types of Hysterectomy

Your uterus can be removed through your vagina or through your abdomen, and there exist laparoscopy-assisted hysterectomy.

If you undergo radical hysterectomy, your doctor will remove your ovaries, too. Many doctors are reluctant to remove them. Ovaries produce hormones that contribute to bone density and your general health and well-being in your old age. If you do not have your ovaries anymore, you might be prone to osteoporosis, fragile bones in old age. You can suffer other unpleasant hormonal changes, from migraines to fatigue or dizziness, and you can reach menopause much earlier. You can undergo hormone therapy to cease these symptoms.

Total hysterectomy means that a doctor removes your entire uterus but leaves your ovaries intact. Your ovaries still can produce hormones, which is beneficial for your sexual health.

Subtotal hysterectomy means that only a part of your uterus will be removed. One still can conceive a child after a subtotal hysterectomy.

Once you get your womb removed, you will not have your period anymore. There can be some bleeding, however, it will be considerably lighter and more convenient than your period.

Possible Disadvantages

Doctors avoid this abdominal surgery, they say it is not a how not to get pregnant method. There are a couple of disadvantages of this abdominal surgery. Some of the patients who have undergone a hysterectomy reported that they had pelvic pain afterward. There is a higher risk of urinary incontinency and vaginal prolapse many years after the surgery. It means that when you have your womb removed, you might not have these unpleasant symptoms right after the surgery, but you might have problems ten or twenty years later. After a hysterectomy, some patients have health issues like adhesions (forming of fibrous bands between tissues) and bowel obstruction.


How Not to Get Pregnant: Facts and Myths

Probably you want to know how not to get pregnant in a certain state of your life: you are still a student, you are young and single, you do not have a steady income, or you just do not feel ready to have children. There is nothing wrong with that. You do not have to explain yourself. Nobody has the right to make this decision for you. However, probably you are not interested in methods of how not to get pregnant, because you believe that you cannot get pregnant.

How Not to Get Pregnant: Myths

Lots of girls have become pregnant because they did not know how not to get pregnant. They thought they could not conceive a child when making love for the first time. How wrong they were. There are several myths about how not to get pregnant. Perhaps you think you cannot get pregnant, since you have had sex only one time. You have been on your period. You did not have an orgasm. How not to get pregnant myths are false and dangerous: you believe that you are safe, while you might very well get in trouble. Once you reach fertility age (you have your period) and you have sex with a male, you can get pregnant anytime. You have to think about using protection.

You might think that you cannot get pregnant, because the days when you have sex are not the days when you are most fertile. However, there are so many factors that can affect and alter your hormonal balance: your mood, your health, your weight, changes in your environment, changes in your diet or in your workout program – anything can disturb this very sensitive balance.

You may think that you will not become pregnant, because you are anorexic, or you have been in the past. According to experts, anorexia may cause infertility. May, mind you, not will. Anorexia may cause infertility in rare cases. In reality, anorexia scarcely contributes to infertility. You might be rail thin and still might get pregnant, even if you did not have your period for several months or your anorexia was extreme. As long as you do have your period, you can get pregnant.

You may believe that you are safe, because you have a partner “whom you can trust” and he uses the coitus interruptus as a how not to get pregnant method: he retreats before he could ejaculate. This option is absolutely unsafe. You can never know when your male partner’s self-control will wear off. Should you trust him blindly? Even if he is extremely disciplined and stops before ejaculating, semen could already enter your vagina, so you can get pregnant.

Do not believe that you cannot get pregnant only because you have taken birth control pills for a long while. To tell the truth, as soon as you come off the pill, you can get pregnant at once, and you have more chance to get pregnant than you would have if you had not taken any pills. If you stop taking birth control pills, do seek for other means of protection immediately.

How Not to Get Pregnant Methods that Work

Never trust alternative natural methods like coitus interruptus or body temperature method. They have very high failure rates.

Always prefer hormonal birth control methods over physical barriers. Many people believe that condoms – even female condoms – are just as good as hormonal methods. This is not true. Hormonal methods have much lower failure rates. Condoms are against STDs and not against pregnancy.

Trust your gynecologist. Doctors have graduated from the University of Medicine for a reason. They know what they are doing. Always ask your doctor before you decide on a how not to get pregnant method. A doctor will know what is best for you. Every system is different – one method may work for one person and may not be the perfect option for the other. You do not want to roll the dice when your sexual health, future, and well-being are at stake.

Sticky Sex Situations You Need to Avoid in Your Relationship

Being in a relationship is indeed fulfilling. It makes you feel wholesome and complete. It simply means that you are appreciated for who you are. However, there are situations that you need to avoid at all costs especially when it comes to intimate moments. It is often said that awkward sexual situations do not end once you are beyond your teen years. Finding yourself in an awkward sexual situation does not only leave you tongue-tied; it can be very embarrassing.

Being caught in the act is probably the most awkward sexual situation you need to avoid at all costs. While kids may interpret your position as a fight between you and your partner, an adult will definitely not. How you explain to kids and an adult your action is very important. The worst thing you can do is to fail to offer an explanation. A “sorry” to an adult and a reasonable explanation should be enough to take away your guilt.

Failure to get aroused is the other sticky sex situation you need to avoid. Failure to get aroused when your partner wants to get intimate with you can not only be embarrassing to you but affect your relationship negatively. It can actually be worse in case you often fail to get aroused. Because such issues as hormonal changes and stress can cause this situation, it is better to arm yourself with a lubricant (in case you are a woman). Communicating with your partner should also work wonders in getting you aroused.

Going to bed with your ex is another sticky sex situation that most people find themselves in, with dire consequences. Getting to bed with your ex can be very tempting especially if your break-up was mutual. It can be tempting because this is a person you know and therefore familiar with. Because one of you will be enjoying sex for the sake of it, the other will probably want to get the relationship back on track. The reality is that one of you will end up getting hurt. It is always a good idea to remain faithful to yourself regardless of how strong your relationship was with your ex.

Having sex when you are in your period cycle or when your partner is in her period cycle can be very embarrassing. Apart from being messy, it can leave you with a sense of guilt hard to deal with. It is always a good idea to let your partner know about your situation long before you meet up. In inform your partner (in case you are a woman) about your situation long before you meet.

These are just a few of sticky sex situations that you must avoid at all costs in order to have a loving and fulfilling relationship. It is important to point out that some of these situations can easily damage your relationship, depending on how your partner perceives or reacts to them. Regardless of everything however, communication between you and your partner is always the best way to solving some of the situations.

Boost your sexual health

How to Talk to Your Teen about Sex?

Talking about sex with a teenager has never been and will probably never be easy. However, the good thing is that the times are changed and this topic is slowly becoming something that is not so unpleasant to talk about and it is no longer considered to be a taboo in the modern family.

Probably the biggest reason or this is the advance of media (especially the internet). Young people today have almost limitless access to various information regarding sexual life and sexual health. However, if you are a parent you can’t skip talking about this topic with your teenage children just because they can learn about it on the internet. It is very important that you point out to your children that you are the first person that they should talk with if they have any questions, dilemmas and problems related to sex. Regardless of the strength of the relationship between you and your children and the trust you have in each other, sex is a topic that is very serious and intimate so you should be very careful about how you start this conversation.

Before making this conversation you should be prepared about the possible questions that your child may ask. Take your time and don’t make this conversation in a hurry. It’s probably the best to ask your teen what he or she already knows about sex. This will lead to a more pleasant atmosphere and you might be surprised how many or maybe little things about sex your kid knows. Use straight language when you talk about sexual organs and other terms related to sex to avoid confusion and make the conversation more serious. Besides the physical aspect you must also talk about the emotional side of sex. This is the biggest problems in today’s teenagers because even though some of them understand almost everything about the physical aspect of sex they don’t understand that sex is much more than that. It is important to point out that you support them and you know how mature they are and that your advice to them is to wait until they turn 18. Starting sexual life just because your friends are starting too is wrong and this is what they need to know.

Although this conversation should not be intimidating you must mention topics such as sexually transmitted diseases (std) and pregnancy because these two things are very often linked with sex. Explain the importance of being a parent and the responsibility that parenting brings. You should also explain how unprotected sex can cause various sexually transmitted diseases and how using protection (condoms) can help. Throughout the conversation encourage your kid to ask questions and make sure he understands what you are talking about. In order to bond closer, you can tell him about your first sexual experience.

Finally, this conversation with your teenage daughter or son should be friendly and a talk between equal individuals and it should certainly not look like a lecture!