Every man and woman has asked themselves at some period of their life whether they should have anal sex or not. Some of them had a sex like this while others are still thinking about it. Regardless in which category of people you belong you should be aware of the consequences that this type of sex brings.
Anal sex belongs to the group of riskiest sexual activities and according to many definitions anal sex represents the penetration of the male organ in the anal channel of the partner (male or female).
This phenomenon is not a product of modern times because there is evidence that this type of sex was practiced since ancient times when it was often described as sodomy. Anal sex was practiced in the Greek and Roman civilization on regular basis and in any place where people wanted to preserve the innocence of a young girl.
Male sexual organ at that moment, thanks to the force of friction, reaches more excitement, which makes this type of sex so popular especially among younger generations. But, you should keep in mind that what is attractive is not always safe.
The main disadvantage of anal sex is the fact that the rectum lacks natural lubrication like the one found in vaginas. Another disadvantage is the nature of the sphincter muscles that regulate bowel movement. These sphincter muscles are “programmed” to relax only during ejection of feces, but people having anal intercourse look for this sort of relaxation when they are having sex. This means that this type of sex can lead to complications.
Anal sphincter muscle which is located in the anus is there to relax only in certain situations. The existence of other conditions or the practice of anal sex can lead to insufficient relaxation of the muscle. It can cause damages to the superficial layers of the skin and the sphincter itself. The main consequence of this practice is bleeding which the main reason for frequent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases in people who practice anal sex. In addition, people practicing this sex often use anal toys and other items to increase the excitement. Cases when objects are stuck in the rectum are not rare. Even the male sexual organ can be affected by this type of sex. Many microorganisms especially bacteria, dwell in the rectum and if there are any bruises or wounds on the penis they can easily cause an infection. People that have suffered injuries from anal sex are often ashamed and they don’t want to visit the doctor unless the situation gets really serious.
As you can see practicing anal sex comes with many dangers. If you really want to practice anal sex then you should take some measures that can make it safer. Using a condom is obviously the first thing you can do. Condoms and lubricants will make the penis enter the rectum much easier and they will also protect both partners from possible occurrence of STDs.