Tag Archives: condom

Latex allergy should not be an excuse for avoiding safe sex

Most mechanical contraception items are made of latex. This material is ideal when it comes to protection but unfortunately there are some people that are allergic to latex.

The symptoms and signs of latex allergy are usually clearly visible – unexplained itching and burning sensation in the genital area and discharge from the vagina. In some cases people are facing serious allergic reactions. This is why allergy of this type is causing a lot of problems and unpleasant moments for those suffering from it. These problems can occur in their everyday activities and especially during sex. Most condoms and sex toys are made of this material. However, latex allergy doesn’t mean that you should start experimenting with sex toys. It also doesn’t mean that you should stop having safe sex and forget about condoms. Luckily, there are various types of mechanical protection that doesn’t contain latex and there are also many sex toys made of other materials that can help you satisfy your needs.

Mechanical barriers

Condoms are by far the most popular types of mechanical barriers used among those who practice safe sex. As we have mentioned before most condoms are made of latex but the good news is that you can find both male and female condoms that don’t contain latex on the market. These condoms are usually made by the same manufacturers that produce “regular” condoms. These condoms are usually made of polyurethane or polyisoprene. You should be prepared to pay a little bit more for these condoms but the most important thing is that they are perfectly safe and they even provide a slightly more natural feeling during the sexual intercourse.

Surgical gloves are another item that is often used during sex. They are also made of latex but there are certain models made of vinyl or nitrile. Nitrile surgical gloves are almost completely resistant to damages and they also allow somewhat more freely and more sensitive movements at the same time. In case you didn’t know these gloves are very useful tool for both oral sex and any type of penetration that involves hands and fingers.

Dental dam is another item used in medicine that can be used as a protection during sex. Dental dams are actually a kind of wraps/foils that were first used in dentistry. Today these dental dams are often used during oral stimulation of the genitals or the anus. It is quite easy to buy dental dams and you can even use the internet if you don’t want to leave the comfort of your home.

Maintain hard erection

Sex toys

Almost all sex toys and devices used for sexual stimulation contain certain amounts of latex. You have probably noticed how these toys look like. They are usually bendable and very soft. Every item that looks like that usually contains latex. So, before you buy any of these toys and items check the material that was used in their production. The best alternative for toys that contain latex is to use toys made of hard plastic or silicone.

How safe is Anal Sex?

Every man and woman has asked themselves at some period of their life whether they should have anal sex or not. Some of them had a sex like this while others are still thinking about it. Regardless in which category of people you belong you should be aware of the consequences that this type of sex brings.

Anal sex belongs to the group of riskiest sexual activities and according to many definitions anal sex represents the penetration of the male organ in the anal channel of the partner (male or female).

This phenomenon is not a product of modern times because there is evidence that this type of sex was practiced since ancient times when it was often described as sodomy. Anal sex was practiced in the Greek and Roman civilization on regular basis and in any place where people wanted to preserve the innocence of a young girl.

Male sexual organ at that moment, thanks to the force of friction, reaches more excitement, which makes this type of sex so popular especially among younger generations. But, you should keep in mind that what is attractive is not always safe.

The main disadvantage of anal sex is the fact that the rectum lacks natural lubrication like the one found in vaginas. Another disadvantage is the nature of the sphincter muscles that regulate bowel movement. These sphincter muscles are “programmed” to relax only during ejection of feces, but people having anal intercourse look for this sort of relaxation when they are having sex. This means that this type of sex can lead to complications.

Anal sphincter muscle which is located in the anus is there to relax only in certain situations. The existence of other conditions or the practice of anal sex can lead to insufficient relaxation of the muscle. It can cause damages to the superficial layers of the skin and the sphincter itself. The main consequence of this practice is bleeding which the main reason for frequent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases in people who practice anal sex. In addition, people practicing this sex often use anal toys and other items to increase the excitement. Cases when objects are stuck in the rectum are not rare. Even the male sexual organ can be affected by this type of sex. Many microorganisms especially bacteria, dwell in the rectum and if there are any bruises or wounds on the penis they can easily cause an infection. People that have suffered injuries from anal sex are often ashamed and they don’t want to visit the doctor unless the situation gets really serious.

As you can see practicing anal sex comes with many dangers. If you really want to practice anal sex then you should take some measures that can make it safer. Using a condom is obviously the first thing you can do. Condoms and lubricants will make the penis enter the rectum much easier and they will also protect both partners from possible occurrence of STDs.

Not ready for motherhood? Control the pregnancy with birth control pills

Birth of child makes a women complete, but the most important question is are you ready for it? Today’s women’s have a changed vision where career is given more priority over family. In a way, the thinking is right, because a child should come to the world only when his/her parents are ready to take care of it. If both the partners are working or are not financially stable, it is best to postpone the pregnancy for a few years until you are ready for it. Pregnancy is a crucial stage in like where a woman is reborn as a mother. Women’s need complete rest over this period and have to be pampered a lot. Pregnancy comes with different set of responsibilities for both husband and wife. As mentioned, it is always good to delay the pregnancy for few years if you have time and can wait.

How to postpone pregnancy?

This is one question that has many answers. There are many contraceptive methods which you can use to delay your pregnancy. Here are some of the best and most used contraceptive methods which can keep your pregnancy at bay without any side effects:


Yes, condoms are the famous and most used contraceptive methods. Condoms, which are made of latex, come in different variants and acts as a barrier between sperms and ovum. These are usually used by men, but there are condoms which are made exclusively for women. These are safe and pose no side effects for health. Condoms may be effective, but not all are in favour of using it. Some have issues with the latex and the friction. Condom manufacturing companies now make flavoured condoms which would give a different feeling during oral sex. There are long lasting condoms which are medicated with gel that ensures longer and stronger erections. Along with being a birth control measure, it also protects you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Birth Control Pills:

Birth control pills are other effective contraceptive options. These pills which are easily available at drug stores must be consumed only after consulting your gynaecologist. These pills will not give you protection from STD’s like condom, but will effective help in maintaining the age gap between two children and also prevent unwanted pregnancy. These pills should be popped every day except the mensuration period. These pills can be stopped when you want to plan a family. A certified gynaecologist will guide you with the right pill that would suit your body type.

Intrauterine Device:

This method of contraceptive is one that has no or very minimal side effects. A condom can be ruptured or you can also miss your pills to make you pregnant, but this IUD device will ensure that your pregnancy is completely under your control. This device is inserted in the vagina by the gynaecologist and it stays there preventing the sperms from mating with the ovum. There are different IUD’s which are inserted depending on the period that you want to control the pregnancy. An effective IUD can prevent your pregnancy for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years.

How Not to Get Pregnant: Facts and Myths

Probably you want to know how not to get pregnant in a certain state of your life: you are still a student, you are young and single, you do not have a steady income, or you just do not feel ready to have children. There is nothing wrong with that. You do not have to explain yourself. Nobody has the right to make this decision for you. However, probably you are not interested in methods of how not to get pregnant, because you believe that you cannot get pregnant.

How Not to Get Pregnant: Myths

Lots of girls have become pregnant because they did not know how not to get pregnant. They thought they could not conceive a child when making love for the first time. How wrong they were. There are several myths about how not to get pregnant. Perhaps you think you cannot get pregnant, since you have had sex only one time. You have been on your period. You did not have an orgasm. How not to get pregnant myths are false and dangerous: you believe that you are safe, while you might very well get in trouble. Once you reach fertility age (you have your period) and you have sex with a male, you can get pregnant anytime. You have to think about using protection.

You might think that you cannot get pregnant, because the days when you have sex are not the days when you are most fertile. However, there are so many factors that can affect and alter your hormonal balance: your mood, your health, your weight, changes in your environment, changes in your diet or in your workout program – anything can disturb this very sensitive balance.

You may think that you will not become pregnant, because you are anorexic, or you have been in the past. According to experts, anorexia may cause infertility. May, mind you, not will. Anorexia may cause infertility in rare cases. In reality, anorexia scarcely contributes to infertility. You might be rail thin and still might get pregnant, even if you did not have your period for several months or your anorexia was extreme. As long as you do have your period, you can get pregnant.

You may believe that you are safe, because you have a partner “whom you can trust” and he uses the coitus interruptus as a how not to get pregnant method: he retreats before he could ejaculate. This option is absolutely unsafe. You can never know when your male partner’s self-control will wear off. Should you trust him blindly? Even if he is extremely disciplined and stops before ejaculating, semen could already enter your vagina, so you can get pregnant.

Do not believe that you cannot get pregnant only because you have taken birth control pills for a long while. To tell the truth, as soon as you come off the pill, you can get pregnant at once, and you have more chance to get pregnant than you would have if you had not taken any pills. If you stop taking birth control pills, do seek for other means of protection immediately.

How Not to Get Pregnant Methods that Work

Never trust alternative natural methods like coitus interruptus or body temperature method. They have very high failure rates.

Always prefer hormonal birth control methods over physical barriers. Many people believe that condoms – even female condoms – are just as good as hormonal methods. This is not true. Hormonal methods have much lower failure rates. Condoms are against STDs and not against pregnancy.

Trust your gynecologist. Doctors have graduated from the University of Medicine for a reason. They know what they are doing. Always ask your doctor before you decide on a how not to get pregnant method. A doctor will know what is best for you. Every system is different – one method may work for one person and may not be the perfect option for the other. You do not want to roll the dice when your sexual health, future, and well-being are at stake.

How to Talk to Your Teen about Sex?

Talking about sex with a teenager has never been and will probably never be easy. However, the good thing is that the times are changed and this topic is slowly becoming something that is not so unpleasant to talk about and it is no longer considered to be a taboo in the modern family.

Probably the biggest reason or this is the advance of media (especially the internet). Young people today have almost limitless access to various information regarding sexual life and sexual health. However, if you are a parent you can’t skip talking about this topic with your teenage children just because they can learn about it on the internet. It is very important that you point out to your children that you are the first person that they should talk with if they have any questions, dilemmas and problems related to sex. Regardless of the strength of the relationship between you and your children and the trust you have in each other, sex is a topic that is very serious and intimate so you should be very careful about how you start this conversation.

Before making this conversation you should be prepared about the possible questions that your child may ask. Take your time and don’t make this conversation in a hurry. It’s probably the best to ask your teen what he or she already knows about sex. This will lead to a more pleasant atmosphere and you might be surprised how many or maybe little things about sex your kid knows. Use straight language when you talk about sexual organs and other terms related to sex to avoid confusion and make the conversation more serious. Besides the physical aspect you must also talk about the emotional side of sex. This is the biggest problems in today’s teenagers because even though some of them understand almost everything about the physical aspect of sex they don’t understand that sex is much more than that. It is important to point out that you support them and you know how mature they are and that your advice to them is to wait until they turn 18. Starting sexual life just because your friends are starting too is wrong and this is what they need to know.

Although this conversation should not be intimidating you must mention topics such as sexually transmitted diseases (std) and pregnancy because these two things are very often linked with sex. Explain the importance of being a parent and the responsibility that parenting brings. You should also explain how unprotected sex can cause various sexually transmitted diseases and how using protection (condoms) can help. Throughout the conversation encourage your kid to ask questions and make sure he understands what you are talking about. In order to bond closer, you can tell him about your first sexual experience.

Finally, this conversation with your teenage daughter or son should be friendly and a talk between equal individuals and it should certainly not look like a lecture!