Tag Archives: sexual experience

Kama Sutra Sex Positions Women Love

Thiѕ Kаmа Sutrа ѕеx position iѕ bеѕt fоr nеw соuрlеѕ whо аrе anxious аbоut ѕеx. This position will аllоw thе соuрlе tо cuddle еасh оthеr lоvinglу аnd kеерing it аt that fоr a whilе can rеmоvе аll anxiety at thе ѕаmе timе gives a соmfоrting аnd unhurried ѕtаrt being tоgеthеr ѕеxuаllу.

It iѕ highly recommended thаt tо саrrу оut with thе gentle, rеlаxеd, ѕidе-bу-ѕidе clasping position, thе mаn ѕhоuld аlwауѕ lie on his left hand ѕidе аnd thе wоmаn lуing on hеr right hand ѕidе. Hоwеvеr, this iѕ juѕt a ѕuggеѕtiоn.

However, thiѕ Kаmа Sutrа sex роѕitiоn iѕ nоt juѕt only for nеw соuрlеѕ. Fоr couple in established rеlаtiоnѕhiр, they will find great pleasure аnd rеаѕѕurаnсе in adopting thiѕ position during lоvеmаking. The gеntlе intimасу allows the соuрlе tо еxрrеѕѕ аnd rеinfоrсе thеir fееlingѕ оf loving tеndеrnеѕѕ tоwаrdѕ еасh оthеr, boosting sexual desire.

Ovеrаll, thiѕ Kama Sutra роѕitiоn iѕ a vеrу gеntlе position whiсh promotes love, саrе аnd tеndеrnеѕѕ.

Yоu ѕhоuld аlѕо trу tо mаkе lоvеmаking tо be a fun аnd pleasure еxреriеnсе for both уоu аnd уоur раrtnеr. Lоvеmаking ѕhоuld nоt be treated as a business. Plау is аlѕо аn important part оf the еаrlу stages оf any relationship аnd dеfinitеlу play in sex is оf no exception.

Tо рrераrе fоr a раѕѕiоnаtе lоvеmаking ѕеѕѕiоn, уоu might wiѕh tо dо the fоllоwing preparation. Crеаtе thе аmbiеnсе of the rооm, by ѕсеnting thе room with inсеnѕе, hеаtеd еѕѕеntiаl оilѕ оr scented сrуѕtаlѕ. Hаvе a shower together and massage еасh оthеr tо rеmоvе thе fаtiguе and grimеѕ оf thе dау аnd аlѕо gеtѕ уоu into the mood fоr lоvе.

It iѕ your rеѕроnѕibilitу to make her еnjоу the whole sexual experience. For women, sex without оrgаѕmѕ is аwful. Therefore, it iѕ extremely important for you tо make ѕurе that уоu dо уоur bеѕt tо hеlр hеr асhiеvе оrgаѕmѕ. Lеt mе juѕt ѕhаrе with уоu 4 hоt Kаmа Sutra ѕеx positions that you саn dо it with уоur lоvеr tоnight:

  1. The Lotus. This position starts оff with thе mаn ѕitting on thе bеd with bоth hiѕ lеgѕ сrоѕѕеd. Thеn thе woman will sit оn him аnd wrap her legs around hеr wаiѕt. Thе mаn саn then control thе thrusting bу mоving hеr hips with his hand. Thiѕ position аlѕо allows thе mаn tо caress hеr brеаѕtѕ with his mouth аnd stroke hеr buttосkѕ. This will help him to have longer lasting erection.
  2. The Dog. Thе woman will go down оn all fоurѕ, using hеr fоrеаrmѕ tо support hеrѕеlf. The mаn will thеn еntеr frоm behind аnd соntrоl the thruѕting mоvеmеntѕ with his hip. Thiѕ is оnе оf thе most satisfying аnd fulfilling роѕitiоnѕ fоr women as thе dеер реnеtrаtiоn will stimulate hеr G-Spot аnd mаkе her асhiеvе оrgаѕmѕ.
  3. The Scissors. Thе man will knееl in front of thе woman. Thе wоmаn will lie оn her bасk, with both hеr legs widе ореn. Thе man will thеn hоld both the аnklеѕ оf hеr leg and penetrate hеr frоm hiѕ kneeling position. Do rеmеmbеr to рlасе a сuѕhiоn undеr hеr hips ѕо аѕ to make hеr more comfortable.
  4. The Right Anglе. This iѕ аn extremely stimulation роѕitiоn for the wоmаn as ѕhе will be able tо fееl every movement оf thе man’s mаnhооd. Thiѕ position starts bу hаving the wоmаn to lie on hеr back, with hеr buttосk at thе еdgе of thе bеd. Thе mаn will thеn penetrate hеr, саrеѕѕing her brеаѕtѕ with bоth hiѕ hаndѕ. The wоmаn саn thеn wrар both hiѕ legs around thе mаn’ѕ hips tо enjoy maximum рlеаѕurе fоr bоth раrtiеѕ. Thiѕ роѕitiоn is vеrу ѕuitаblе in оffiсе as it will be реrfесt when thе wоmаn is lуing оn a table.

When thеѕе positions аrе соmbinеd with a big реniѕ, it will send her tо absolute hеаvеn. Once уоu can gеt уоurѕеlf and уоur раrtnеr intо thе mood, уоu can hаvе a unfоrgеttаblе lovemaking ѕеѕѕiоn, nо mаttеr whаt Kаmа Sutrа position thаt you chooses to еxрlоrе with уоur partner.

Sex Tips for 40 and Above

At age 40 and above, most men, are engaged in toiling to fend for their family, take care of the bills, and trying their best to afford their families a decent lifestyle.

The workload at home and work hits us hard and without any pointers, we tend to neglect our duties, such as take care of the love machine (our bodies).

When our partners hit forty, their bodies start demanding for more sexual attention, we either deliver or fail miserably. So if you are reading this, chances are that your sex life needs a makeover ASAP and perhaps maintaining a hard erection is one of the problems you need to eradicate.

The good thing is, with this article, and you have a chance to nip the problem in the bud and save yourself. The following information works wonders ten times better that any soft erection treatment.

The Mysterious Brain

A man’s sexual drive prevails more in the brain. To be specific, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex areas are critical to performance in the bedroom and the sexual drive. These two parts play a crucial role in your sexual endeavor.

Did you know that you can literary achieve an orgasm when you either think of or dream about an incredible sexual experience? Let us see how this is possible.

The Cerebral Cortex: the gray matter region that forms the exterior layer of your brain. The part of the brain that handles the development of higher and deeper functions such as; thought, sensation and movement.

Now you see when you think about sex, this place gets triggered. The instant you get aroused, the signals coming from this region hasten your heart rate and triggers blood flow to your genitals. The cerebral cortex also indicates the process that forms an erection.

The Limbic System: It covers the hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala and hippocampus regions. The system is linked to motivation, emotion and sexual drive. Extensive research has uncovered that exposure to sexual arousing images leads to an enhanced activity in man’s amygdalae area of the brain.

To sum up this point, when you have the two part of the brain working together, you will able to achieve, a long and lasting erection. If you are having trouble with your erection, it doesn’t necessarily have to do with your age, you need to reconfigure your thinking.

Combining elements such as active body training, healthy diet and de-stressing, you have the power to keep it up even in old age. Make sure that your head is where it is supposed to be when making love and you will have a great time!

How Exercises Can Help You Get Rid of Erectile Dysfunction

Awkward and annoying, erectile dysfunction (ED) is an issue occurring for a lot of reasons, as well as in several guys. ED is usually due to physical states like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and low testosterone. Other causes can include nerve damage, blood flow difficulties, hormonal changes, and emotional issues.

Treating ED with drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) is not your only choice. According to a research conducted by a University of the west, UK, it is discovered that exercises has helped 40% of guys with ED restore erectile function, and yet another 33.5% dramatically improve the problem of ED.

What Exercise do you need to do?

Pelvic floor exercises increase the effectiveness of the pelvic floor muscles and therefore are more generally called “Kegel” exercises. Women perform Kegels in preparation to recover muscle tone post pregnancy. Kegels additionally encourage sexual health and urinary continence. Kegel exercises can help men too. Specifically, Kegel help reinforce the bulbocavernosus muscle.

Fundamental Kegel Exercise

In Kegel exercise, the most important part is to identify your pelvic floor muscles. And, the best way to locate them is by stopping your urine flow several times while urinating. The muscles you squeeze to get this done would be the types you have to workout. To perform Kegel exercise, squeeze this particular muscle while holding the flow of your urine for 8 to 10 seconds before releasing. Do this rep 2 to 3 times whenever you go for urination.

Additional Advantages of Kegel exercise

A different way to consider Kegels is like holding a bowel movement to compress the muscles of your anus. Hold while breathing for 5 to 10 seconds and relax every muscle.

Pelvic floor exercises help alleviate impotence problems, plus Kegels additionally helps:

  • Reduce bowel or urinary incontinence.
  • Stop dribbling.
  • Possibly enhance entire sexual experience.

Aerobic Exercise

Working the muscles past the pelvic floor additionally may help treat impotence problems. Studies in Ethiopia and Italy suggest that ED may enhance doing aerobic exercises.

Blood flow issues usually cause ED to the male reproductive organ. Vascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity can impact blood circulation and result in ED. Not only your problem of erectile dysfunction but your overall health can be improved significantly if you employ aerobic workouts in your daily life.


Kegel exercises really are an easy, powerful instrument for enhancing the effectiveness of the muscles involved with urinary and sexual function. Talk to your physician about your ED to determine which treatment strategies are best for you personally.

Taking a small blue pill isn’t always best treats ED. Many strategies for retrieving your sex life and conquering ED at the moment are accessible. Pelvic floor exercises that are straightforward are an excellent spot to begin.

Kegel exercises can be performed by you anywhere, anytime. Place in your calendar for those who have trouble remembering. Aerobic exercise enhances your entire cardiovascular health, which includes direct effect on your own capacity to reach and keep an erection.

Coping with all the underlying reason for ED is an infinitely more efficient way to increase your sexual well-being.

3 Types Of Aphrodisiacs That Can Help People Have A Better Sexual Experience

For centuries, men and women have both been after aphrodisiacs to increase or stimulate sexual arousal and desire. There is not one race, age, ethnicity or culture that doesn’t want to have a better sexual experience.

With a little bit of research, you can find information for nearly any folk belief about a substance’s stimulating properties. The authority have considered these non-medicinal ideas ineffective, people still look for the perfect compound that promotes love.

3 Areas People Tend To Look For Aphrodisiacs

1 – Food

Some foods that looked like genitalia were considered aphrodisiacs – asparagus, caviar, celery, eggs and onions.  Oysters and clams have also been considered aphrodisiacs because of the texture and shape. Oysters are loaded with zinc, which is a nutrient that many people lack in their diets.  With the consumption of oysters, it can help a person better their health and improve their sex drive.

Another type of food people have thought as being a sexual stimulant is spicy food. Scientifically, this is true. Heavily spiced foods usually have capsaicin, which is cayenne pepper’s active ingredient. When people eat capsaicin, it increases the body’s metabolism and heart rate. It can even cause the body to sweat. All of these things are similar to what your body goes through during the sex act.

Another food that’s thought to be an aphrodisiac is the okra, which is vegetable loaded with natural-relaxant magnesium.  It’s also got other nutrients necessary to ensure your sex organs stay healthy including but not limited to:

  • Vitamin B
  • Zinc
  • Folate
  • Iron

2 – Herbs

There are many herbs that are considered to be aphrodisiacs. One of the more common aphrodisiac-like herbs is ginseng. One of the reason people think it’s an aphrodisiac is that it resembles the human body. According to some studies, animals given ginseng have a higher sexual response. As it currently stands, there has been no evidence to suggest it can do the same for humans.

Another aphrodisiac-like herb is the Tongkat Ali Eurycoma longifolia, which is found in both Asia and Indonesia. The Tongkat Ali Eurycoma longifolia stimulates the brain’s nerve centers, which helps men to have a prolonged erection without boosting their sexual enthusiasm. Today, many people know this herb as the drug Viagra.

The drawback to using this herb as an aphrodisiac is that there are some side effects:

  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Overstimulation
  • Paralysis
  • Weakness

Of course, if you want to have great sex, would you let the side effects stop you?

3 – Spanish Fly

Many people may have heard of the aphrodisiac Spanish Fly, which is considered the most renowned of all love drugs. Despite the popularity of this drug, it’s also quite dangerous.  Spanish fly comes from dried beetle dung.

It’s been reported that Spanish fly causes sexual enthusiasm because it bothers the urogenital tract and leads to a rush of blood to the genital region.  And, that’s not the only negative drawback to it. It’s a poison that will cause a number of other issues:

  • Urethra scarring
  • Urinary infections
  • Mouth and throat burns
  • Possible death

Primary Problems Couples Often Experience In Their Relationship

Most couples experience bumpy roads in their relationship. However, with a little bit of foresight of those potential relationship problems, you can work together to move past them.

All relationships have their good days and their bad days, but couples who are still together have managed to successfully navigate those bad days to have more good days. They stick together, confront the problems they have and learn to work their issues out. They do this by reading articles and self-help books, go to counseling, join seminars, watch other successful couples and even try to work things out by trial and error.

2 Key Problems That Plague Relationships and Strategies To Get Past Them

Communication – Many problems in a relationship tend to be the result of poor/bad communication. There are many reasons for the lack of communication – too involved with work, too involved with social settings, too involved with electronics, etc.

4 Ways To Solve Communication Problems In Your Relationship

  • Make appointments to spend time together. If you live in the same household, turn off or put cell phones on vibrate, make the kids go to bed and allow the voicemail to pick up the calls.
  • If talking usually leads to yelling, consider going to a public location – park, restaurant, library so you’ll be ashamed if you’re seen yelling at each other.
  • Put some rules together. When you’re partner is talking, don’t interrupt them. Never say the following phrases, “You never…” and “You always…”
  • Watch the body language. You don’t want to come across as being insensitive – looking at the time, doodling, cutting your fingernails, etc.

Sex – Partners who love each can still be sexually mismatched. Many times it’s the lack of education and not knowing their own sexual self-awareness that can lead to sex problems in a relationship. However, sex is something that should not be given up. Sex brings couples closer together, releasing hormones that physically and mentally help the body.

3 Ways To Solve Sexual Problems In Your Relationship

  • Planning is so essential when it comes to sex. Make a date to have sex with your partner. It doesn’t even need to be at night when people are sleeping. Consider a before work sexcapade or during a child’s naptime one Saturday afternoon. You could even ask your family or friends to watch the kids overnight to enjoy some one-on-one time with your significant other.  And, you don’t have to do it in the bedroom. You could also have sex in other rooms of the home.
  • Create a sexy list to learn what turns your significant other on. Swap them and make use of the list to better enjoy the sexual experience.
  • If you’re unable to resolve the sexual problems yourselves, consider seeking the assistance of an experienced sex therapist to address the problems and get past them.

How to Talk to Your Teen about Sex?

Talking about sex with a teenager has never been and will probably never be easy. However, the good thing is that the times are changed and this topic is slowly becoming something that is not so unpleasant to talk about and it is no longer considered to be a taboo in the modern family.

Probably the biggest reason or this is the advance of media (especially the internet). Young people today have almost limitless access to various information regarding sexual life and sexual health. However, if you are a parent you can’t skip talking about this topic with your teenage children just because they can learn about it on the internet. It is very important that you point out to your children that you are the first person that they should talk with if they have any questions, dilemmas and problems related to sex. Regardless of the strength of the relationship between you and your children and the trust you have in each other, sex is a topic that is very serious and intimate so you should be very careful about how you start this conversation.

Before making this conversation you should be prepared about the possible questions that your child may ask. Take your time and don’t make this conversation in a hurry. It’s probably the best to ask your teen what he or she already knows about sex. This will lead to a more pleasant atmosphere and you might be surprised how many or maybe little things about sex your kid knows. Use straight language when you talk about sexual organs and other terms related to sex to avoid confusion and make the conversation more serious. Besides the physical aspect you must also talk about the emotional side of sex. This is the biggest problems in today’s teenagers because even though some of them understand almost everything about the physical aspect of sex they don’t understand that sex is much more than that. It is important to point out that you support them and you know how mature they are and that your advice to them is to wait until they turn 18. Starting sexual life just because your friends are starting too is wrong and this is what they need to know.

Although this conversation should not be intimidating you must mention topics such as sexually transmitted diseases (std) and pregnancy because these two things are very often linked with sex. Explain the importance of being a parent and the responsibility that parenting brings. You should also explain how unprotected sex can cause various sexually transmitted diseases and how using protection (condoms) can help. Throughout the conversation encourage your kid to ask questions and make sure he understands what you are talking about. In order to bond closer, you can tell him about your first sexual experience.

Finally, this conversation with your teenage daughter or son should be friendly and a talk between equal individuals and it should certainly not look like a lecture!

Health Benefits of Having Sex

Sex no doubt brings pleasure to your senses and helps in lighting up your mood. It has a positive effect on your thinking; these facts are known to all. Any person who is familiar with sexual relationships in life will know these facts buy personal experience. But did any one of you know that sex can benefit your health in certain surprising ways. Since sex involves physical implementation therefore, your body will experience a stimulation resulting in a positive effect on you.

Sex intensifies the immune system

According to renowned sex experts, people who are sexually active tend to have comparatively fewer sick leave. Though you will have to follow a disciplines life to maintain a healthy immune system but still then, having sex at regular interval will help you develop an even stronger immune system. Having sex enriches the body with higher level of antibody, protecting your body against the attacks of the diseases causing germs and viruses. According to a study conducted on Wilkes University of Pennsylvania, students having sex, twice or thrice within a week haven proved to be more immune compared to those who have lesser number of sexual experiences within a week.

Increases libido

If you are experiencing problems of lower libido then, have sex often can help you solve your problem. Once you start having sex, you will come up with ideas of having better sex, which will positively help you to boost your libido. Most of the doctors and sexologists will agree on this method. In case of the women who are suffering from the problem of low libido, sex will increase the lubrication of the vagina, the blood flow in the pelvic muscles will also be increased thereby making you feel sex better, and which will leave you with craving for more sex every time.

Intensifies bladder controlling in women

According to study, three out of every ten women will suffer from uncontrolled bladder at some point of life. Having orgasm during sex causes contraction and expansion of the pelvic muscles, acting as a work out to strengthen the pelvic floor, thereby helping in keeping the bladder in control.

Keeps blood pressure under control

Having sex helps in controlling the blood pressure. Many of the researches conducted on the patients suffering from high blood pressure have proven this fact. Having sex often controls the systolic blood pressure that is the first number in any blood pressure test report.

Good form of exercise

Most of the physicians consider sex as a helpful type of exercise. Though it would not help you in losing calories like the one that you can do though a treadmill, but sill a considerable amount of calorie can be burnt by this physical pleasure. While having sex you will be able to lose five calories per minute, it also helps you in pumping more blood to your heart. Moreover having sex increases the estrogen and testosterone levels in the body that helps in controlling diseases like osteoporosis and lowers risks of heart attack.

Depression And Sexual Problems

Sexual problems like erectile disorder or inability to accomplish orgasm very often occur together with depression. Good news for those who suffer from these problems is that doctors in most cases can treat these sexual problems with great success. Depression is a well known psychological state and doctors have many ways to treat it.

How does depression affect sexual life?

We probably rarely think about our brain as an sexual organ but in fact many aspects of our sexual experience are connected with it. For example sex drive starts from the brain and continues to slide through our body with the help of the neurotransmitters. These transmitters are actually strengthening the communication between brain cells and provide better blood flow to sexual organs and as we all know – good blood flow means better sexual pleasure. When we talk about depression and other mood disorders in general, the stability between these brain particles is disturbed. That is why, many men and women that are suffering from depression are aware that their sex drive is very weak or practically non-existent because of their mental state.

The link between anti depressants and sexual problems

Antidepressants usually have some really good effects when it comes to mood improvement and the state of mind overall, but in some depressed persons, some of them like serotonin inhibitors can cause very unpleasant side effects. And it is exactly these side effects that can cause a lot of sexual problems. The manner in which antidepressants improve mood is to change the balance that exists between the brain and the brain substance. The thing is that these substances are in direct correlation with the sex drive. So this means that antidepressants disrupt this balance and very often they directly cause sexual problems because of that. People that use antidepressants are aware that the dosage of antidepressants affects the sexual desire and can stimulate even more sexual problems and dysfunctions. Some sexual problems occur more than others due to the usage of antidepressants. Problems like inability to initiate sexual intercourse or enjoy the sex, erectile disorders, inability to achieve orgasm or very weak sex drive are the most common sex problems that comes with antidepressants.

Ways to solve sexual problems caused by depression

Of course it is always a good thing to call a doctor. They are after all trained and educated to solve this kind of problems.

There are also few methods that can help people successfully cope with the undesired effects of antidepressants that affect the whole sex life and at the same time they can continue with their therapy.

There are many different types of antidepressants from different manufacturers and not all of them have the same effects. The newer antidepressants are improved and the pharmaceutical industry is trying to lower the side effects including those that affect the sex life. Of course before making a switch in the type of antidepressant consulting a doctor is a must.

Another good way is to take antidepressants and drugs that improve sex drive at the same time, because there are drugs that help the sex drive that don’t affect the effectiveness of antidepressants.

How to Cope with Premature Ejaculation and Impotence

Sexual dysfunction is a very difficult topic to discuss for many men; virility has become such an ingrained concept of masculinity that often, problems are kept secret out of shame. When it comes to issues like premature ejaculation and impotence, it is important to treat sexual dysfunction for what it is- a medical condition, not a source of shame. Often these cases have varying degrees of severity and, depending on the cause, can be successfully treated. With the right information, and the right frame of mind, you can come back from many kinds of dysfunction.

Premature ejaculation is a complicated condition, just because of all of the variables at play. First, its cause can be mental or physical; second, the condition is based largely on frame of reference. For some men, it can be so severe that they are unable to last through initial penetration; while another could last for 15 minutes, but if they wanted to last 5 extra minutes- they fall under the category of premature ejaculation. It comes down to lack of control over your erection and sexual experience.

Most commonly, it is psychological condition that causes premature ejaculation. Causes such as depression, stress, performance anxiety, sexual repression or lack of confidence are all big contributing factors to not only PE but all sexual dysfunction. There are many treatment options for PE including psychological or behavioral therapy and medication. Therapy can often treat underlying mental blocks, while medication can be useful in treating mental conditions. Alternatively, topical anesthetic creams can be used in some cases to prolong ejaculation.

Erectile dysfunction is also a common disorder, which is often referred to as impotence. Erectile dysfunction is, in its base form, the inability to achieve and maintain an adequate erection for intercourse. Sometimes it can be a psychological condition, in other situations it can be a physical cause. One indicator of a psychological condition is being able to achieve an erection during masturbation.

Psychological conditions can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Exhaustion

Physical conditions can include:

  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Excessive Drinking
  • Obesity
  • Pharmaceutical Side Effects
  • Recreational Drug Side Effects

While erectile dysfunction is something no man wants to think about, the much stigmatized condition is not what it used to be. In fact, the first part of the 21st century has already seen an incredible improvement in the prognosis for erectile dysfunction. The first step is seeking help, and not hiding it from your partner. Denial will do nothing to help your condition, proper treatment will.

Once you seek out medical assistance, your doctor can help determine the right treatment path for you. To reiterate, there is more help and options out there than ever before. Your options include therapy, ED medication, even mechanical aids; treatment success rates are growing by the year.

Whatever sexual dysfunction you fear you might be facing, the most important thing to remember is that there are real options for help and recovery. With proper information, and medical advisement; erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation could be a thing of the past.