Tag Archives: intense orgasm

7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex

We think about sex. We fantasize about sex. We spend an inordinate amount of time and money in the pursuit for sex. We have sex. Pleasure is not the only benefit we get underneath the sheet. The mental and physical benefits of a healthy sex life extend far beyond the bedroom. Researchers, scientists, and medical professionals have made it their mission to study exactly how sex improves nearly every facet of life. So, let’s check out some healthy reasons to have sex regularly:

Improved Heart Health and Exercise

Sex can strengthen muscle tone and also increase heart rate. Just like any physical exercise, healthy sex is good for your heart. A study published in January 2015 in the “American Journal of Cardiology” found that men who had sex twice weekly or more had less risk of cardiovascular diseases, like strokes or heart attack, than those who had sex once a month or less. Similarly, sex can actually be considered a rather good form of exercise :A small study published in October 2013 in the “Journal PLoS One” showed that men burned an average of 4 calories a minute during sex while  women burned off 3 calories. That is more fun than hitting the gym

Sweet Pain Relief

According to researchers “Pain sometimes has to do with blood flowing to one particular area, like the head, and sex can take some of that pressure off by redirecting the flow”. Endorphins released during orgasm likely play a role in sex pain-relieving power. In another study published in PLoS One that was performed at Stanford University in California, anesthesiologists showed participants photos their romantic partners. They found that looking at romantic partners significantly eradicates the experience of pain. Although, you might think pain is a barrier to sex; consider this a sex benefit worth the time and effort. Other studies have found that women may get some relief from menstrual cramps through an intense orgasm.

Less Stress and Lower Body Pressure

Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood. As a form of exercise, it can also help calm you down. In addition, a Scottish study published in the journal _Biological Psychology_ found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events. While this effect was more pronounced in people who had sex with penetration, non-penetrative sex can also help you stay unclouded.

Possible Reduction of Prostate Cancer

Sex may protect against cancer. A study published in December 2016 in the journal _European Urology_ found that men who ejaculate more than 21 times within a month, compared with those who do so four to seven times within a month, are 20 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer, this shows that men who ejaculate regularly may reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Similarly, a French study found that women who have sex at least once in a month are less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t. Although the disease is rare in men, those who orgasm less than six times a month appear to be at increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who do so more often, according to a Greek study.

Better Sleep with a Bonus: Increased Sexual Desire

Do you know that orgasms will help to release hormone prolactin that let you feels sleepy and relaxed? It’s from National Sleep Foundation. Don’t be angry with your partner that they fall asleep after an exciting session. This sleep connection also works in reverse. According to a study published in May 2015 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine getting enough shut-eye can improve your sexual response and may increase the chance that you will engage regularly in sex. Researchers discovered that when women slept for longer period of time, they recovered greater sexual desire the next day.

Happier Mood and a Stronger Relationship

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is released during physical intimacy and skin-to-skin contact; it can help increase romantic feelings between you and your partner. It is no wonder that you have got a more positive outlook after sex. There are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a sex benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during sex to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself. According to Dr. Caron, “there is a lot to be said simply for the mood-boosting effect of having a nice connection with somebody that you trust and care about. In addition, researchers found that partners were satisfied for a full 48 hours after sexual activity, and those who were lucky enough to experience this afterglow went on to report more happiness in their relationship several months later.

Glowing Younger -Looking Skin

The fable “morning after” glow is not just your imagination; you really do look better after having sex. According to Dr. Caron, “Sex even helps you look younger”, that glow can be attributed to a combination of stress relief, better mood, and the flush of blood under your skin is a natural part of the arousal process. Sex boosts blood flow and helps regulate hormones, which can both have positive effects on skin’s appearance

Enjoying a better sex life is one of the great joys in life. Intimacy is a boost to your long term health as well, make it more pleasurable.

7 Benefits of Regular Sex

In this article I have tried to evaluate the physical and mental benefits of frequent and regular sex. I agree with these benefits unlike most of the people have assumed that frequent sex have negative impacts on physical and mental health. This sex must be confined to a legal relationship, because casual sex and dating have many negative impacts, as there is lack of mental satisfaction, true pleasure. If you have regular sex with your partner, it brings too many positive effects on your life. The first thing is; you do not wander after other ladies/ men. You feel calm with your very own life partner and this is a great blessing when you feel pleasure in having intercourse with your life partner.

  1. Boosts Your Libido:

Use of organs makes organs stronger while disuse of organs makes organ weaker. The more you use your sex organ, the more it will be stronger and libido rich. The more you have sex the more you will be attracted by the women. Frequent sex strengthens the libido and keenness in sex.

  1. Improves Women’s Bladder Control:

The sex practice makes the vaginal muscles stronger and the contraction and relaxation of the vaginal tissues make them more erectile as well as elastic. With the passage of time women lose control over their bladder, but by the frequent sex practice on daily basis make control over bladder. People who have bladder control problems have trouble stopping the flow of urine from the bladder. They are said to have urinary incontinence. Incontinence is uncontrollable leaking of urine from the bladder. Although urinary incontinence is a common problem, it is never normal.

  1. It could reduce your risk of prostate cancer:

Regular sex can help protect men against prostate cancer, a medical study has found. It showed that the most sexually-active males had less chance of contracting the potentially-fatal disease. Frequent sex was also linked to less aggressive prostate cancer, which is more likely to respond to treatment and has a lower likelihood of spreading.

  1. It could make you look younger:

Frequent sex keeps couples look make more younger. Couples who had sex three times a week looked up to 10 years younger than their chronological age. Regular lovemaking couple seems to be the fountain of youth. Sexual stimulation release of feel-good chemicals that reduce stress levels. Couples who have frequent sex also want to stay in shape and make an effort to look good for their partners. The emotional, psychological, and physiological aspects of lovemaking seem to influence a person’s overall health and well-being. While we are all familiar with the health aspects of sex, not everyone is familiar with the science behind it.

  1. It could help you sleep better:

After having sex we feel fatigue and exhausting. The feeling of exhausting makes us sleep better. More sex helps you sleep, and more sleep boosts your sex drive… Sex boosts oxytocin (a hormone that makes you feel connected to your partner) and lowers cortisol (a stress-related hormone). Plus, having an intense orgasm releases a hormone called prolactin, which makes you feel relaxed and sleepy.

  1. It could prevent you having a heart attack:

Enjoying regular sex can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease – but the news isn’t so subtle than this. In fact, the brain works in tandem with the other organs of your body. In other words, your brain can help your sex life but, conversely, your sex life also can help your brain.

  1. It could make you less stressed at work:

If the thirst for sex is not properly quenched there is stress in your mind, and you cannot work properly. On the other hand when your sexual desire is fully satisfied you feel peace and tranquility in your mind and you have less chance to divert your attention from your work. You can fully focus on your work and show better performance in your job.

5 surprising benefits of having regular sex

We all know that sex is one of the most pleasurable activities that we can indulge in as people. But did you know that there are some other benefits that you will experience if you have regular sex, besides the awesomeness of the experience itself? Below you will find a list of the 5 most important benefits that you will experience if you’re having regular sex.

  1. You will have a healthier immune system. There are several studies that are done on the subject of sexual health, and most of them have shown a tight correlation of having superior immune system function and having regular sex. There are immunes system antibodies that fight disease – they are present in greater numbers in the bodies of people that have regular sex, as compared to people that don’t have any.
  2. It will increase libido in men. You may think that having regular sex will diminish your libido – but in fact, the opposite is true in most cases. If you have sex you will want to have even more sex – the enjoyment that you derive from this activity won’t fade off, but it will get increased even more.
  3. There’s a link between regular sex and low blood pressure. There are quite a few studies done on this subject as well, and they have shown that people that have regular sex have lower blood pressure on average than the people that don’t have sex. One study has shown that the diastolic pressure is lower in the case of a person having regular sex (but not in the case of a person regularly masturbating). As we all know, high blood pressure is known as the silent killer – and if you manage to lower it you will have staved off a big chance of heart disease later on in life.
  4. You will have the best sleep of your life. After reaching intense orgasm, there’s a sleep-promoting change that happens in your body. And this change comes in the form of the increased quantity of the hormone called prolactin, which is a “feel good” hormone and it provides calmness and relaxation for your body.
  5. Sex distresses your body and mind. If you find that you have a lot going on in your mind and that the world weighs down on you – having sex is one of the best things that you can do in order to ease off the pressure. You will be able to expend all of the negative energy that you have accumulated in the time period, in a highly positive way. And if you remember the previous point – your body will secrete more of the hormone called prolactin, which will relax you even more so. If you find that you’re overly stressed – having sex is a life-saver.

Surprisingly, these are not the only benefits that you will experience from having sex. But it would take a lot more than a small article to explain the full plethora of physical and psychological health-promoting benefits of sex. We advise you to find them all out for yourself.

How to take care of your penis health?

The vast majority of men like to roll over and take a nap after sex. This definitely sounds like a good plan, but the truth is that if you want to take good care of your penis health, you have to take a few things into consideration. Hygiene is crucial if you want to optimize the health of your penis and practicing good hygiene after sex is very important.

A few after-sex penis hygiene tips

When men get an erection, there are many different fluids that are released down there. However, there are few other things that can affect the penis during sexual intercourse like the substances from the spermicide found in a condom, lube in case it was used during the intercourse, food that was used during sex and more.

Obviously, leaving these things on your penis is not a smart idea. If you sleep for a couple of hours, these substances stuck on the penis can lead to irritation, redness, and soreness. In other words, if you are not careful it may take a while before you are prepared to have sex with your partner again.

In this article, we will reveal a few useful hygiene tips that can help you keep your penis healthy after sex.

Take some tissues in the bedroom

Men feel good after ejaculation and that’s why they usually don’t want to get out of bed right away. But, if you stay sticky between your legs, you can affect your penis health in a negative way. In order to save this issue, simply take some tissues in the bedroom before the intercourse starts. Once you are finished, use the tissues. You can wait for a while before you go to the shower.

Take some baby wipes too

Another good tip is to take some baby wipes. There are situations when you simply can’t go to the shower. You should use baby wipes only in situations like this.

Conduct a brief rinse

There are many men who don’t want to perform a complete shower after having sex with their partner. This is especially true in cases when women want to have sex again after a short period of time. Use this break to go to the bathroom and simply rinse the penis and the area around it, this won’t take much time and your partner won’t lose interest.

Enter the shower together

If you feel that the excitement is not gone after both of you have reached intense orgasm, you may suggest visiting the shower together. In this way, you can become closer to your partner, get involved in sex games and make sure that you are completely clean.

Use some penis health products

The market is full of penis health products. The most popular penis health care products come in the form of creams. Remember that you can use commercial crèmes that are based on natural ingredients.

We hope that these tips will help you keep your penis healthy!

5 Way to Perform Oral Sex on Women

Mеn who hаvе not реrfоrmеd oral sex оn wоmеn ѕhоuld rеѕеаrсh first bеfоrе асtuаllу doing it, if hе dоеѕ nоt want it tо end in diѕаѕtеr. Wоmеn аrе built diffеrеntlу thаn mеn, аnd what might fееl ѕаtiѕfуing fоr уоu might be irritаblе for hеr. Thе vagina hаѕ a соmрlеx ѕtruсturе, аnd diѕсоvеring it without ѕееking infоrmаtiоn саn lеаd to embarrassment аnd fruѕtrаtiоn оf not having to stand up tо her expectations. Sometimes men may think that they need harder erections to satisfy their partner, but foreplay may help you.

Whеn реrfоrming оrаl ѕеx on a wоmаn, thе rulе оf thumb iѕ tо mаkе ѕurе thаt ѕhе iѕ соnditiоnеd for it. Yоu can’t just go dоwn оn hеr without hеr bоdу bеing relaxed. Thiѕ соuld possibly еvеn turn hеr off, аnd уоu could lоѕе the opportunity tо satisfy hеr in thе future. Put оn ѕоmе ѕоft music, mаѕѕаgе hеr, оr аnуthing thаt will соnditiоn her body. Make hеr fееl relaxed and аt еаѕе, thiѕ will ѕеt thе mооd for thе whоlе night ahead.

Whеn you perform оrаl ѕеx оn her, ѕtаrt thе process by kiѕѕing аnd ѕоftlу pecking hеr vagina. Do nоt ruѕh to thе сlitоriѕ yet, mаkе her fееl your lоvе. Whеn уоu соvеrеd thе еntrаnсе of her vаginа, mоvе (bу kissing and liсking) to her lаbiа and ѕреnd some timе on еасh ѕidе fоr her to ѕаvоr thе mоmеnt. If hеr moan and bоdу expression ѕuggеѕt thаt you саn go furthеr, it is timе to tаkе hеr clitoris in уоur mоuth. Suсk оn it gently. Mоѕt women likе it when уоu flick уоur tongue оvеr and аrоund her сlitоriѕ.

  1. Use All Of Yоur Pеrѕоnаl Tools: Rеmеmbеr that you hаvе a pair of liрѕ, a tоnguе and several fingers to hеlр уоu do уоur jоb right. To make ѕurе thаt уоu gеt tо ѕаtiѕfу уоur partner соmрlеtеlу, уоu ѕimрlу nееd tо utilize these “tools” effectively tо givе her thе intеnѕе рlеаѕurе thаt ѕhе deserves. The bеѕt way tо do this wоuld bе bу focusing on “fоrерlау”. Tеаѕе hеr bу соnсеntrаting on hеr thighѕ and lаbiа аnd уоu’rе your tongue within thеѕе аrеаѕ bеfоrе hеаding fоr her сlitоriѕ. If she kеерѕ аntiсiраting your descent, ѕhе will gо crazy with sexual desire, it’s natural libido boosters.
  2. Wait Bеfоrе Yоu Entеr: A lоt оf guуѕ mаkе the miѕtаkе of juѕt tonguing a girl’ѕ сlitоriѕ and nоthing еlѕе. Thе rеаl oral ѕеx еxреrtѕ knоw that their tongues саn реnеtrаtе girls and give thеm оrgаѕmѕ with еаѕе. Rеmеmbеr thаt vаginаѕ are tеndеr, thоugh, so you have to bе very gеntlе ѕо as nоt to hurt уоur parent. You аlѕо hаvе tо remember thаt a bit of “раin” could mаkе thе ѕеnѕаtiоnѕ feel еvеn bеttеr. Alwауѕ rеmеmbеr tо рrасtiсе diѕсrеtiоn, thоugh; thiѕ wоuld bе the mоѕt imроrtаnt раrt.
  3. Let Your Fingеrѕ Flу: While уоu uѕе уоur tongue аnd liрѕ tо рlеаѕurе уоur partner, let your fingеrѕ jоin in tо mаkе еvеrу ѕеnѕаtiоn even better. Aѕ you liсk hеr сlitоriѕ, for example, roam her whole bоdу with уоur hаndѕ fоr еxtrа sexual рlеаѕurе. Bу the time уоu еntеr her, she iѕ sure tо reach аn intense оrgаѕm in an inѕtаnt. Trу it оut!
  4. Vаrу Your Speed of Wоrk: Aѕ уоu liсk hеr, уоu might fееl thе nееd tо lick hеr аѕ fаѕt as you саn, but this is nоt аdviѕаblе. Altеrnаting уоur ѕрееdѕ from ѕlоw tо fаѕt аnd bасk again wоuld bе thе idеаl trick tо fоllоw. In fасt, ѕtоррing mау drivе her еvеn more wild and she could end up bеgging you tо kеер gоing. Yоur voice аlоnе might еvеn bе enough tо givе your girl аn оrgаѕm, if уоu gеt good аt уоur ѕkillѕ.
  5. Uѕе “Vоiсе Orgаѕm” Tесhniԛuеѕ: Whеn you аdminiѕtеr оrаl ѕеx оn her, it iѕ uѕеful if you know сеrtаin phrases or “moans” whiсh will triggеr hеr оrgаѕmѕ. In fact, уоu can gеt her to сlimаx еvеn bу uѕing уоur voice аlоnе – but оnlу if you knоw hоw.

Female Ejaculation

Even today, when sex is no longer a taboo and all the information regarding sex is available on the internet, only a small number of people is familiar with female ejaculation. Even the old Indians who lived few thousand years ago knew about female ejaculation. Unfortunately, many modern men and women have only heard about it, but they are not sure if this type of ejaculation actually exists. In tantric yoga, the ancient eastern practice that combines spirituality and sexuality, the fluid ejaculated by women is called amrita or divine nectar. This fluid in the vagina is which occurs during sexual arousal comes from many sources – Bartholin and Skene’s glands, which are located at the crossroads of the opening of the vagina and vulva and the walls of vagina during sexual stimulation. Properly stimulated women during sexual intercourse experience a rush of fluids in the vagina and this fluid is usually discharged during orgasm.

All those men who wonder whether the feeling of female ejaculation is similar to their ejaculation should know that these feelings are not similar because female ejaculation is much stronger. Many women and men look at this ejaculation as some kind of achievement. Men are really proud because they believe if ejaculation occurs then they were especially good in the bed. But, this is the moment when we need to point out that the mechanism of female ejaculation is not physiologically identical to male ejaculation. Female ejaculation doesn’t even have to be (in fact it often isn’t) associated with orgasm, but more with great excitement and stimulation of certain body parts. So, female ejaculation is not necessarily a guarantee of a stronger, better, longer and more intense orgasm, although it usually means greater excitement. Now let’s see how this work in practice.

The “recipe” is actually very simple. If you want to make your partner ejaculate during the sexual intercourse, stimulate and excite her, but don’t let her reach an orgasm. Of course, you need to be aware that this procedure is much easier in cases when the partners are together for a long period of time. Some modern women are frustrated because of a variety of reasons that they are ready to grab the first orgasm offered to them and they tend to be very dissatisfied if you stop doing the things that suit them, change the pace or something similar. Many people view women as climbers that slowly but surely climb to the peak. This means that women are able to reach an orgasm only when they are certain that they can reach it. This is the only time when they are relaxed enough.

It is good to point out that there is no universal rule. Each woman requires individual approach. Before you start this journey when you have time and will, when you are well rested and never create pressure on your partner by saying that this is the night when she will ejaculate strong. Keep in mind that female ejaculation is not something that can be planned, it doesn’t happen every time and if sometimes doesn’t occur this doesn’t mean that your partner is less satisfied.

How Women Can Have Orgasm

Recent studies show that women might have a better chance with having a vaginal orgasm when they are in a relationship that they are committed to and The Harvard University’s Department of Psychiatry decided to further research this theory and take it on another level with their studies.

The department did a survey that involved around 13,484 college women who where all heterosexual and the survey was about the type of orgasmic events that happened in their life and how many times that they might be involved with the same sex partner. The survey also showed that women who had a relationship outside of the committed one that they still had orgasms more with the same sex partner.

HuffPo, made a charge with all of the current findings of a woman’s first sex partner and that the studies showed she only had around a 32% chance of having any kind of vaginal orgasm during sex. After hooking up with the same sex partner a couple of times then the chance increased by up to 35% and then after around 3 to 5 hookups the chance goes up to 40% and then, a staggering 51% chance of having an intense orgasm after being with the same sex partner for at least 6 times or more.

When a woman wants to be in a relationship with the partner then she has around a 45% chance of having an intense orgasm. When she has doubts or might not want to be in the current relationship then she has only around a 37% chance of possibly having an organism.

Studies also show that one way to help with women being able to organism better is to build up trust in the relationship. When a woman feels that she can trust you and that she knows for a fact that nothing bad will happen then she has a higher chance of having an orgasm. This is another reason as to why women have a higher chance of having an orgasm after being with the same partner a few times. Women who might have difficulty with having orgasms in a sexual relationship should talk with their partner and work on building up trust because once the trust is built up, then orgasms should start happening a lot more frequently.

When a woman becomes aroused in a relationship, the relationship can go on another level that’s healthier and even more committed than ever before.  Working on building up trust in a relationship and staying with the same sex partner can lead to many hot nights.

Stay Hard All Night

Yes, we are talking about stay hard all night with your penis. It’s about staying hard for a longer time until your partner are able to achieve orgasm. Continuous studies continue to suggest that over 93% of all men who sleep with women achieve an orgasm way before their women do. That said however, as man if you reach a point where you are able to hold back your orgasm till when your woman reaches her climax you will both achieve harder and much more pleasurable orgasm.

So to help you mover from the overcrowded percentage to the 7% of men who can hold their climax below are a few sex tips that will help you blow your woman’s brains away every time you have sex!!

Stop Focusing on Sensations

Every time you have sex, avoid focusing on the sensations which envelop your genitals, instead focus on the pleasurable feelings running all through your body. The instance you notice that an orgasm is on its way, make a quick action and stop for a minute or minimize your thrusting power.

When you feel the orgasm is coming, get out of her and continue giving her oral pleasure. This will make her go wild and want to enter her more. As you pleasure her orally, you will be calming down your arousal and you will get to a point where you can start pumping her again without arousing the orgasm again.

Repeat this action severally till when you reach a point where you feel like its time you achieved an intense orgasm as well.

Hold Your Orgasm In

When you come close to the ejaculation point it’s quite definite that you will feel involuntary contractions right on the pelvis area. Right before you feel the contractions, make sure that you squeeze the PC muscle and in the process do your best to hold in the ejaculation for the longest time.

Note: The PC muscle is also charged with disrupting urine flow and how many times have you been able to hold your urine for a certain amount of time? Now do the same to your orgasm and ready yourself for the right moment.

Holding it in will help you create a momentum that will burst forth with a lot of might helping you enjoy extreme pleasure when you finally release it!

To be able to hold back your ejaculation, you need to have a strong PC muscle. Unfortunately a high percentage of men have a weak PC muscle by default.

Good News However, it is easy to strengthen the PC muscle, practice kegel exercises and squeeze and hold the PC muscle for 20 seconds before releasing. Do this kegel exercises for five minutes per session as many times as you can throughout the day.

Within a week’s period you will have strengthened the PC muscle and now you’ll be quite confident that you can hold back your orgasm and let her reach hers first.

Did you know…

When you achieve a sensational orgasm, you will turn on your woman too! Seeing you enjoy your orgasm also turns her on and will always look forward to the times the two of you make love!

Exercising your PC muscle is also a natural and effective way to eradicate premature ejaculation and learn how to give your lover wonderful orgasms transforming your love making sessions to nothing but spectacular!