Tag Archives: better orgasm

Premature Ejaculation the Monster Issue

In all honesty, a majority of men, actually out of ten six of us deal with the ill-fated matter of premature ejaculation. For a majority of us, our sexual sureness not forgetting the aptitude to last long in bed are a birds of a same feather.

Our prowess in bed determines the ability of pleasuring and pleasing our women, and if we are suffering from premature ejaculation, this ability becomes questionable and it leads to our egos getting bruised. To make it worse, plenty of us men shy away from making love to our women owing to the embarrassing epidemic that is premature ejaculation…

That said however; as much as it causes us embarrassment, premature ejaculation is a problem that many men can overcome easily without too much hassle! How you ask? Well, let’s find out…

The Magic Figure Illusion

Unfortunately, most men emphasis too much of their love making session on the length (period in time) they ought to last. Let’s say it truthfully, it’s very impossible for normal men to last the length porn actor do.

But did you know that penetration that lasts long is very uncomfortable and causes your lovely lady to feel pain in the region? Yes this is true. Vaginal lubrication at often time dries up due to pro-longed thrusting.

So this brings us to the elephant in the room… What is the magic figure? Well, many experts and many men that have heeded advice all confess that when it comes to penetration and thrusting, intercourse needs to stay the length of your favourite clip on YouTube (Music Video) to be recorded as satisfying.

Excluding foreplay, sexual intercourse that lasts between three to five minutes is good. However, you need to master the art of intensifying female stimulation and you will definitely find the entry to your lady’s sexual fulfilment…

Sadly though; a majority of men tend to overlook this very easy strategy as a means of stop premature ejaculation. Focusing on your lady’s heightening and accelerating her arousal is one of the finest ways to beat premature ejaculation.

You need to master the art of sufficient foreplay and let it work its magic and effectively improve your lady’s ability of achieving an orgasm, extremely fast!

The Mystery about Women

Unlike us men, women do have various erogenous areas that are situated at various points in their bodies. These are all hotspots which when realized and worked correctly will make your lady get aroused quickest.

If you master the craft of performing foreplay and giving your lady multiple orgasms before intercourse, you find a natural confidence that will increase your strength and get over your performance anxiety and ride her like a stallion….