Tag Archives: premature ejaculation

Study Links Thyroid Problems with Erectile Dysfunction

The potential reasons for erectile dysfunction are numerous and differ broadly from coronary illness to other issue, yet specialists are finding that one common reason is regularly ignored.

A study published in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism” suggests a link between erectile dysfunction and thyroid problems – if you are suffering from impotence, the reason may be an undiagnosed thyroid problem. And, if you suffer from hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone production deficiency) or hyperthyroidism (thyroid operating surplus); you have higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

There is by all accounts solid association between different thyroid issue and erectile problem. Since thyroid ailment can influence upwards of one in ten men beyond 60 years old, this may imply that a considerable lot of those erectile dysfunction medication and its connected issues may have a sensibly basic sickness to treat.

The thyroid is a little organ situated close to the base of the neck. Keeping in mind it is minor; it discharges different hormones that have some degree of control over numerous organs of the body.

The good news is that with the treatment of gland problems, erectile dysfunction can be reversed. However, if symptoms persist after six months of treatment in thyroid problem, specific treatments for impotent should be realized.

Evaluating 27 men with hyperthyroidism, 44 with hypothyroidism, and 71 healthy men, the researchers found that 79% of men with thyroid dysfunction had some degree of erectile dysfunction – 85% of those with hypothyroidism and 71% of those with hyperthyroidism – compared to only 25% people without these conditions.

In addition, experts observe severe erectile dysfunction in 38% of those with insufficient functioning of the thyroid, and 29.6% of those with excessive operating gland.

With treatment to restore normal gland activity, only 30% of patients continued with erectile dysfunction, very close to the observed rate among those who had no thyroid problems.

In another recent study, analysts from the University of Modena, Italy, took a peek at right around 50 grown-up men who had hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Every man was given a poll to reply about their sexual capacity and were then acquired some information about erectile dysfunction and related issues by a specialist.

Eventually, it was resolved that more than 63 percent of the men with hypothyroidism were determined to have low sexual desire, untimely discharge and postponed discharge. Among the men with hyperthyroidism, 50 percent were determined to have premature ejaculation, 17 percent with low sexual libido and 15 percent with erectile problem.

The majority of the men in the study were then treated for their thyroid disorder. Among the men with hypothyroidism, the frequency of untimely discharge or premature ejaculation dropped from 50 percent to 15 percent. Also, the low sexual craving and impotency vanished in the vast majority of the men.

The relationship between the thyroid and erectile disorder is not yet clear, but rather since thyroid sicknesses and erectile dysfunction are considerably more regular among men more than 60, these discoveries propose that maturing may not assume as large a part as already accepted.

What Are the Main Male Sexual Dysfunctions?

Both men and women experience sexual difficulties at some point in their lives. It could be something temporary, resulting from a particular situation that affects our relationship; pressures at work, or circumstances which dismiss energy to our sex life, like being caring for young children or elderly parents. Whether external factors, psychological factors or health problems, if you are experiencing any sexual difficulties described here, you may need medical help and / or psychological, as well as incorporating your partner to treatment.

According to Dr. Helen Kaplan, sexual dysfunction occurs when the reactions in the sexual response or any of its components suffer deterioration. In men, as in women, the first stage of sexual response is the genital vasocongestion, which in this case produces an erection due to congestion of the blood vessels of the penis. The second part of the male sexual response is orgasm, which consists of a series of involuntary clonic contractions of the genital musculature, which is usually accompanied by ejaculation.

Below you will find an overview of the main male sexual dysfunction:

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

It refers to the inability in men to achieve an erection or maintain an erection strong enough to achieve penetration and have intercourse. All men often experience erectile dysfunction at different times throughout their life, and usually common in children and older adults (elderly). On the other hand, it is normal to experience difficulties in achieving a new erection after intercourse or masturbation.

Impotence can have physical foundations and erection is a neurovascular reflex that depends on the correct hormone levels, healthy penile anatomy, adequate vascular supply, and an intact and in good working nervous system. However, researchers agree in saying that the vast majority of cases of erectile dysfunction have psychological causes. Autonomic reflexes governing the erection are delicate and are indeed affected by relationship problems (conflicts of power, deception towards the other) and by emotions such as fear and anxiety caused by traumatic failures in the early sex or severe religious beliefs. However, many other cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by simple and easy to correct emotional factors, such as performance anxiety, fear of rejection of women blame for the sexual enjoyment or excessive preoccupation with satisfaction of the woman.

Sex therapy is effective in the latter cases involving simple causes. For cases of internal conflict or with partner, an additional psychotherapy will be required. Impotence organic or physiological causes require medical attention. However, when making love, the best scenario is that the man is in a calm and free emotional state of conflict, in addition to adequate support from partner, so that their erectile reflexes operate without interference.

Premature ejaculation

Researchers say that a man has premature ejaculation when ejaculation occurs before penetration or few minutes thereafter, where the couple fails to experience pleasure or orgasm during intercourse time. In this sense, experts argue that “a man has a problem of premature ejaculation when during intravaginal introduction, cannot control ejaculation long enough to satisfy your spouse even in 50% of sexual contacts”.

Sometimes rapid exchanges during adolescence sexual condition in men such ejaculatory pattern may persist in other stages of life. Therefore, premature ejaculation is more common in young men with little sexual experience, although it is normal to happen in men of all ages after a long period of abstinence. Over the years, usually man learns to control his ejaculatory reflex enough to satisfy partner and achieve full for both intercourse time.

For some men the ejaculatory control can become difficult. The impact on the relationship is usually high, so it is important to seek professional help and involve in the therapeutic process. Unlike reflex erection that cannot be subjected to voluntary control, a man can usually come halt or delay ejaculation and orgasm whenever he wants. Dr. Kaplan holds that man posing premature ejaculation has not learned to control ejaculation because he is not aware of prior to orgasm sensations. And this happens because you experience some anxiety, for example, sexual performance anxiety, which distracts him at that time. Premature ejaculation is usually easily treated with sex therapy techniques.

Delay ejaculation

The man in this situation may feel sexual arousal and achieve and maintain an erection long yet has difficulty or is unable to ejaculate and experience orgasms while receiving stimuli strong enough. This sexual difficulty is less frequent than the previous two and is analogous to the female orgasmic dysfunction.

The orgasm reflex is normally under the control of the will. However, emotional factors can inhibit it, which results in an unconscious one control excess resulting in the inability to release ejaculation and orgasm. Emotional causes may be different in each person, some face such as performance anxiety, and other deeper as severe religious beliefs and family values, fear of commitment to the partner or fear of pregnant, and as a way to “punish” the couple, among others. Organic causes include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and use of certain drugs, especially drugs against depression and hypertension. To treat delay ejaculation sex therapy is necessary in conjunction with psychotherapy, for cases with deeper emotional inhibition. The cases of delay ejaculation organic or physiological causes require medical attention. Also must be addressed the relationship because it is fundamental to the success of the therapeutic process and get the man to relax, release control and experience easy and pleasurable orgasms.

Best Ways to Maintain a Hard Erection

Everyman that is of age and has engaged themselves in a sexual activity knows how their ego can get tarnished after under performing in the bedroom. It gets even worse if they suffer from premature ejaculation.

That said however, there is no need to get alarmed by premature ejaculation as a whopping 66% of men on planet earth suffer from this dilemma. The great news however is, one is capable of following natural sex tips to get rid of premature ejaculation as well as erectile dysfunction if they suffer from it.

Better still, mentioned below are surefire ways that will help you last longer in the bedroom, take them to be the soft erection treatment that you have been after this whole time…

Mastering Masturbation

Well, we all masturbate at one point or another, as you engage in this act, fill your mind with your lady’s orgasm and never your own. Simply, take your time and spend in the least fifteen minutes doing the act till that time you reach the point of no return.

Restrain yourself from reaching an orgasm until when the fifteen minutes are over.


If you know too well that overheating makes you have premature ejaculation, stop pumping, get outside of her and squeeze right below your penis head. Make sure that you squeeze the urethra. This simple action pushes blood away from your penis thus curbing your ejaculation.

Point Ejaculatory predictability

As any scientist will have you know, sexual response comes in four phases including: The Excitement Stage, The Plateau Stage, The Orgasm Stage and finally The Resolution Stage. The thing you ought to do is fully master and recognize your feelings spectrum all through the process of ejaculation.

Take action first and foremost by rating your excitement on a scale of 1 to 10. Also, you need to make sure that the highest rate you go is seven if you fully wish to satisfy your woman.


Kegel exercises are some of the best form of exercises that help in the tightening and strengthening muscles that are responsible for your ejaculatory control. Kegel exercises helps to prevent erectile dysfunction as well. Start doing these exercises simply by cutting urine flow, followed by starting and stopping it repeated times.

Once you master kegel exercises, you now halve the chance to practice them anywhere at home, at your office desk, as you drive to and from work. All you simply have to do is tighten these muscles and count to ten and release and repeat them. This will improve your sexual health.

How to Overcome Erectile Dysfunction Performance Anxiety?

The sexual performance anxiety is a widespread psychological distress among most men, who are subject to an increasingly competitive and less tolerant cultural pressure with sexual failure.

Female sexual emancipation and the complaint by women the right to a fulfilling sex life, encumbrances men in relation to the expectations of the sexual act, which has been developing an anxiety in relation to their performance.

Male sexuality is very sensitive to disturbances and psychological component as performance anxiety which may affect the ability to live a satisfying sexual relationship, which results in sexual dysfunction such as impotency, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

How to overcome the problem of performance anxiety?

It is reported that performance anxiety can be resolved through yoga, meditation and various relaxation techniques.

The truth, unfortunately, is that anxiety about sexual performance decreases only when man begins to have positive sexual experiences, able to regain confidence and self-esteem necessary to take control again.

This can happen in young patients naturally, as more experience is gained. If, however, performance anxiety has deeper emotions which cause psychological problems, a therapy may require in order eliminating psychological barriers that prevent full sexual life.

However, it remains self-evident that satisfactory sexual occurrences are the basis of positive experience; so that more and more doctors recommend the use of medication to treat erectile dysfunction to increase sexual self-esteem and reduce performance anxiety right from the first dose.

What is the relationship between performance anxiety and premature ejaculation?

During intercourse man suffers an increase of tension when it reaches the muscles of the penis it leads to climax – leading to contraction of the penis and ejaculation. Like all other muscles of the human body, the penis is also subject to pressure in case of stress or anxiety performance.

This means that men who face a sexual relationship in a state of anxiety have a greater tension in the muscles of the penis from the beginning, which leads them to ejaculate sooner than intended.

Unfortunately, performance anxiety is a psychological disorder that increasingly experiences the sexual life negatively, causing the man to fall into a vicious cycle, leading to unsatisfactory results.

Only young people feel performance anxiety?

Young men are more likely to feel anxious about sexual performance, since they have less experience and control over their sexuality.

However, the fear of being judged by your sexual performance, fear of physical pleasure or doubt about not meeting the expectations of the partner, may make performance anxiety a serious problem in older men.

Stop premature Ejaculation

We all want to maintain hard erections but unfortunately, premature erection is something that almost every man of age is susceptible to at a point in their life. If you sadly are unfortunate enough to suffer from premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction (ED), its time you too up action and get rid of this nuisance once and for all.

Stopping Ed to maintain hard erection requires that you embrace simple. There are quite effective techniques that will bring longevity to your ejaculation and at the end. You will be able to achieve what many more men only dream of “Unlimited Sexual Prowess…! Let us take a look at what you ought to do…

Self-Gratification Path to Sexual Endurance

The self-gratification method to achieving sexual longevity is simply mastering the art of masturbation. Yes, masturbation when done in the right way is a wonderful experience. Masturbation allows one to avert any premature ejaculation as they engage in sexual activity. If you masturbate often, your penis will feel less sensitive and this helps to last longer in bed.

Don’t be surprised, as we are all too familiar with this act, many of us feel the need of masturbating is a ploy of deriving pleasure. This is not the entire truth however. Masturbation when done correctly is an act that will set you on the right path to achieving an orgasm.

This is the best natural soft erection treatment. All you need to do is remain very relaxed and build up the pleasure as you would usually do in your other masturbating endeavours. Only that this time round you are keen not to reach the point of no return.

The instant you feel that you are about to hit your pleasure (Sexual) pinnacles, you should at once cease the stimulation. The key is to NEVER target your orgasm. You should instead be focused on enjoying the masturbation act as long as you possibly can.

It is not impossible, slowly but steadily, you will get to a point where you feel the arousal climbing and be strong enough to lower the stimulation. You will arrive at a point where your body will remain relaxed completely allowing you to get started all over again.

Piece of Advice

Many medics and many men that stop premature ejaculation insist that it’s best to practice pelvic muscle exercises throughout the day. Just within a short period of time, the arousal gets better. The beautiful thing is, you can hold the pelvic muscle for 30 seconds and release it ten times every set without anyone noticing or interfering with your work!

Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men

It is a well known fact that aging brings various erectile dysfunctions. Only around 2% of cases of erectile dysfunction in men between 25 and 35 have organic origin. When men reach 60 this percentage rises on 25% and when they reach 70 the percentage is amazing 80%. When we talk about organic causes of erectile dysfunction we are primarily talking about congenital malformations located in the sexual organs, endrocrinological and neurological disorders and problems, diseases and effects of different drugs.

There is no reliable and scientifically proven method that can recognize organic causes of impotence. In the moment, the most reliable method is measuring the volume of the penis during REM stadium of sleep and EMG (electromyography) and micro EMG of the pelvic muscles are two other efficient methods. Another really simple (but not that reliable) method is to keep track of sudden morning and nocturnal erections. Men with psychogenic erectile dysfunctions usually experience this type of erections while those suffering from organogenic erectile dysfunctions don’t. This so-called differential diagnosis is hard to set up in older men and that’s why many experts consider it to be unreliable. As an additional parameter for this type of diagnosis doctors usually take the state of erection during masturbation.

There are many reasons why erectile dysfunction occurs. It could be a combination of organic and psychological factors. In many cases the difficulties of organic nature are accompanied by men’s lack of self-confidence which stays even when the organic causes are eliminated. Psychological factors are certainly more numerous. According to many psychoanalysts, male erectile dysfunction is a result of neurotic disorders. Therefore, in their opinion the reason for its occurrence must be sought in subconscious problems, attitudes, conflicts and fantasies which have their roots in the man’s past especially in their experiences that took place in the early childhood. For example, fear of women and their genitals, few for one’s own genitals, abnormal identification of the sex partner with his own mother etc.

According to another group of experts erectile dysfunctions in young men occur when certain events take place. These events are easy to spot and this problem is easy to solve. According to them erectile dysfunctions occur because of one or several events:

–          Because of fear, sexual nature, that build up together with sexual intercourses – fear of pregnancy, fear of being caught, traumas that have their origins in sexual intercourses etc.

–          Because of problems that are non-sexual in their roots but problems that are directly linked with sexuality like fear of failure, personal insecurity etc.

–          Because of connecting masturbation and other sexual behavior with the feeling of guilt.

This group of experts believes that the main reason for these dysfunctions is anxiety. They have come up with a conclusion that anxiety directly affects sexual behavior – lack of sex drive, acceleration of ejaculation (premature ejaculation), late ejaculation etc. The more anxious one man feels the more sexual difficulties he can expect.

Non-psychogenic difficulties can be cured with medications.

Sexual Health

Sexual health саn be described as a ѕtаtе оf рhуѕiсаl, mental аnd social wеll-bеing with rеѕресt tо one’s sexuality. It invоlvеѕ a positively rеѕресtful аррrоасh to sexuality аnd sexual rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ, аѕ wеll аѕ thе likеlу роѕѕibilitу оf hаving sexual experiences thаt are pleasurable аnd safe, free оf соеrсiоn, diѕсriminаtiоn and оf course viоlеnсе.

When talking аbоut sexual health, various аrеаѕ аrе tо bе considered and understood рrореrlу if оnе’ѕ goal iѕ to bе on the роѕitivе ѕidе оf sexual health. Sections likе sexual practices, sexual ѕаfеtу аnd communication bеtwееn раrtnеrѕ аrе imроrtаnt аѕресtѕ to be tоuсhеd when tаlking about sexual health.

To bеgin with, the imроrtаnсе оf communication саnnоt be оvеrѕtrеѕѕеd. Gооd соmmuniсаtiоn is a fundаmеntаl aspect оf sexual hеаlth. It’ѕ аbоut the dеvеlорmеnt оf ѕkillѕ nесеѕѕаrу tо еxрrеѕѕ уоur fееlingѕ to your partner at any given time. It’ѕ аbоut bеing аblе tо tеll уоur раrtnеr what уоu wоuld want аnd wоuldn’t want. It’s аlѕо аbоut bеing able tо ask the right quеѕtiоnѕ, аnd being able to ассurаtеlу ѕоurсе things уоu’vе hеаrd/rеаd somewhere.

At ѕоmе роintѕ in our livеѕ, wе bесоmе potential tаrgеtѕ fоr sexual exploitation. Still, that dоеѕn’t mean we ѕhоuld еvеntuаllу еnd up being viсtimѕ tо thе еxрlоitаtiоn. Exрlоitаtiоn can соmе in physical, financial оr еmоtiоnаl forms. Sexual exploiters can range frоm аbuѕivе раrеntѕ tо mеdiа content producers. Prоtесtiоn frоm such ѕituаtiоnѕ includes bеing able tо rесоgnizе such ѕituаtiоnѕ whеn thеу аriѕе аnd bеing able tо аvоid thеm in order tо рrеvеnt аnу ѕеxuаl pressure аnd coercion. Being аblе to gеt advice аnd роintеrѕ оn what to do if уоu’vе bееn sexually abused iѕ аlѕо a gооd mеаѕurе tо take. These sexual abused may lead to premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction or even erectile dysfunction.

Sexual рrасtiсе iѕ аnоthеr kеу еlеmеnt оf sexual health. Thе mеаѕurеѕ that уоu tаkе to рrоtесt yourself frоm sexually trаnѕmittеd diseases (STDs), unwanted рrеgnаnсу аnd unwanted ѕеx аrе nоt to be tаkеn fоr grаntеd. Fоr something that seems pretty ѕimрlе, ѕеx hаѕ a lоt of people confused аbоut its fасtѕ. Some people have sex аnd dоn’t even knоw thаt thеу dо. Sоmе реорlе оftеn соnfuѕе contraception with ѕаfе ѕеx.

Cоntrасерtiоn invоlvеѕ рrеvеnting ѕреrm frоm itѕ target whiсh is thе egg whilе ѕаfе ѕеx involves the рrеvеntiоn of ѕеxuаllу trаnѕmittеd infесtiоnѕ. Pеорlе аrе unknowingly contracting STIs. Nоt many people are соnсеrnеd about thеir ѕеxuаl рrеfеrеnсеѕ, and thiѕ iѕ аn iѕѕuе. Undеrѕtаnding thе difference bеtwееn ѕеxuаl idеntitу, ѕеxuаl bеhаviоr аnd ѕеxuаl оriеntаtiоn are imроrtаnt steps tо tаkе in асhiеving good sexual health.

Few Ways to Make Sex Last Longer

There are a lot of men who are wondering how they can extend the time of the sexual intercourse. The answer is actually really simple – through practicing some exercises and learning few techniques.

A lot of articles deal with premature ejaculation, but very few focus on extending the normal sexual intercourse. Many men feel uncomfortable because they want their sex to last longer but they can’t find a way to postpone the ejaculation for some period. It is important to be aware that the key factor for making you lasting longer in bed is in your head. The more you are worried the worse results in your bed you will have. Having a partner that constantly makes pressure about the duration of sex can also worsen the situation. If you want to improve and extend your sex, both of you should be patient, careful and optimistic. There are many ways to extend your intercourse and one of the most important thing sis to known your own body and the way it is functioning. Once you master that, your intercourse will be much better. Now let’s see some of the ways that can help you extend your sex.

First of all, try to stimulate your penis to the point where you start to feel that ejaculation is about to happen. In that moment stop the stimulation or even pull out the penis from the vagina and keep it outside until your sexual desire decreases. You can do this several times during one intercourse. After few weeks you will feel the results – you will last longer and you won’t need to practice this technique. Of course, your partner should be aware before you start using this technique because the sudden stop in the intercourse can be unpleasant. Once you explain the benefits she will surely support you.

Another similar method has proven to be effective too. Right before you feel that you are about to ejaculate squeeze your penis. Use the thumb under the glans penis and use the index finger to hold the glans penis. Remember to make a firm grip. The best thing to do is to focus on squeezing the urethra which passes along the penis.

Although condoms are usually used for prevention of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, condoms can also be used to gain endurance during sexual intercourse. Using a thicker condom will additionally decrease the sensitivity of your penis during the intercourse.

Masturbation is another great way to improve sexual endurance and decrease sexual tension. With more frequent masturbation you can develop a routine that can lead to extended sexual intercourse. You can also stop masturbating before ejaculation if you want to get better results.

Just like masturbation, using sex toys can make you feel more resistant to sexual stimulation. There are many different types of sex toys on the market and the most efficient ones are the so-called sexual stimulators. You can also use a sex toy during sex especially in the periods when you feel that you can’t stop ejaculation any longer.

Slowing Down Ejaculation during Sex

When it comes to dealing with sex, most men are a little shy, thankfully, there are a few simple techniques that one can do to avoid an instance where premature ejaculation overrides you coitus session.

The good thing is; these are techniques that we can do by ourselves and we shall be able to learn how to cure premature ejaculation and give our women a ride for a lifetime! Below are two techniques that will electrify your sexual stamina.

Controlled Rhythmic Breathing

When you are making love to your lovely lady, most times, there is just very little that you can usually do regarding your heartbeat and also breaking a sweat. Fortunately we have discovered that if you are able to tame your breath, then you can regulate your heartbeat and sweat glands!

The next time you are about to engage in coitus, just gauge the frequency in which you have sex and how deep is your breath every time you penetrate and pull out. When you have the chance figure out the breathing patterns between different arousal intervals.

Breathing correctly is a critical things especially when you are looking to be in control of your excitement at the same time be in a position of holding back your ejaculation.

The correct breathing technique helps you properly understand the stage of excitement you are at and this helps you control the number of breaths you take as well as the length in time you will be able to hold your breath.

Awareness of The tension Muscle

We all know that if we become tense during coitus our sexual performance in bed will be affected severely. Tension affects our sexual performance in two ways;

Techniques: there are some sexual techniques that we use in the bedroom that not only make us tense but also hasten ejaculation.

Mental Anxiety: when we are anxious, it will not take long to reach ejaculation and within two minutes or less we are done with the sexual escapade.

Whatever reason may have caused us to suffer from tension, it really pays when we realize the levels of tension and at what intervals we experience the tension as we engage in sexual activity. First and foremost it is important to take note of the muscles that clench at certain arousal stages.

The realization will help you understand the muscles in play when your arousal has hit climax.  If you are looking to put an end to premature ejaculation, you will do all it takes to realize when at certain arousal stages you clench lower back muscles, muscles in the arm and legs as well as chest muscles.

The next step is to try and breathe in deeply and holding your breath during these arousal stages and you will be able to maintain your excitement and this translates to lasting longer in the sack and rocking your lady’s world!


Just like everything else we do as men, the above two sexual techniques will take effort and time to yield desirable results. The goo thing is, by continuous practise, you will eventually learn how your body functions and every time you reach a certain sexual peak, you will now be in a position of controlling the stimulation that comes.

Premature Ejaculation the Monster Issue

In all honesty, a majority of men, actually out of ten six of us deal with the ill-fated matter of premature ejaculation. For a majority of us, our sexual sureness not forgetting the aptitude to last long in bed are a birds of a same feather.

Our prowess in bed determines the ability of pleasuring and pleasing our women, and if we are suffering from premature ejaculation, this ability becomes questionable and it leads to our egos getting bruised. To make it worse, plenty of us men shy away from making love to our women owing to the embarrassing epidemic that is premature ejaculation…

That said however; as much as it causes us embarrassment, premature ejaculation is a problem that many men can overcome easily without too much hassle! How you ask? Well, let’s find out…

The Magic Figure Illusion

Unfortunately, most men emphasis too much of their love making session on the length (period in time) they ought to last. Let’s say it truthfully, it’s very impossible for normal men to last the length porn actor do.

But did you know that penetration that lasts long is very uncomfortable and causes your lovely lady to feel pain in the region? Yes this is true. Vaginal lubrication at often time dries up due to pro-longed thrusting.

So this brings us to the elephant in the room… What is the magic figure? Well, many experts and many men that have heeded advice all confess that when it comes to penetration and thrusting, intercourse needs to stay the length of your favourite clip on YouTube (Music Video) to be recorded as satisfying.

Excluding foreplay, sexual intercourse that lasts between three to five minutes is good. However, you need to master the art of intensifying female stimulation and you will definitely find the entry to your lady’s sexual fulfilment…

Sadly though; a majority of men tend to overlook this very easy strategy as a means of stop premature ejaculation. Focusing on your lady’s heightening and accelerating her arousal is one of the finest ways to beat premature ejaculation.

You need to master the art of sufficient foreplay and let it work its magic and effectively improve your lady’s ability of achieving an orgasm, extremely fast!

The Mystery about Women

Unlike us men, women do have various erogenous areas that are situated at various points in their bodies. These are all hotspots which when realized and worked correctly will make your lady get aroused quickest.

If you master the craft of performing foreplay and giving your lady multiple orgasms before intercourse, you find a natural confidence that will increase your strength and get over your performance anxiety and ride her like a stallion….