Tag Archives: sexual regression

The Middle Age Brain

Middle age is the most productive stage of life for both men and women. At this point, our bodies are wholly developed and are stable. Besides, the brain has also matured to its top functioning and capacity level.

Unfortunately thanks to the lower levels of androgen and testosterone, brain functions and regression at this stage is adamant. Diseases such as diabetes, low blood, or high blood sugar and various environmental and genetically induced diseases also contribute to the regression process.

Even more, our manhood gets tested as our sexual capacity begins to regress. With such a shocker, many men who suffer from sexual regression do their best to counter the regress. Some seek natural ways to maintain hard erection; others result to using soft erection treatment.

Other Middle Age Activities

Other men instead focus their minds into countering their sexual loss with success, new hobbies, sports, religion and some ambition. For such men, their subconscious tricks them into carrying out other activities likening them to their sexual impulses and performance are at par.

Science concludes that the reason why men undertake such events is because the brain like other organs begins to wear down. The hormone charged with charging erections is no-longer in production. Flirtation with younger females is another way men justify their manhood.

Unfortunately, there are instances that the flirtation goes out of control, leading us to change our lifestyle, our eating habits and also our social life. The thrill of being a young man kicks in and middle-aged men start behaving like twenty-year-old men, which is good and bad.

The Rage That is Hormones

Due to hormones, we (men) are likely to engage in multiple sexual relationships with more than one partner. Hence why we see ourselves growing attracted to other women and there are instances that married men throw caution to the wind and act on their sexual impulses.

When we hit our forties, we try to overcompensate on the things we didn’t get a chance to do while in our younger age. We want to have as much sex as we would have had if we were in our twenties but were denied the chance.

We end up popping pills, seeking natural treatments and going on a diet all for the purpose of keeping our sexual appetite steady.

Since it’s a phase in life, medical practitioners caution that we ought to go for medical checkups now and then to check whether our mental and physical health is in check, lest we suffer from burnouts!