Tag Archives: soft erection treatment

The Middle Age Brain

Middle age is the most productive stage of life for both men and women. At this point, our bodies are wholly developed and are stable. Besides, the brain has also matured to its top functioning and capacity level.

Unfortunately thanks to the lower levels of androgen and testosterone, brain functions and regression at this stage is adamant. Diseases such as diabetes, low blood, or high blood sugar and various environmental and genetically induced diseases also contribute to the regression process.

Even more, our manhood gets tested as our sexual capacity begins to regress. With such a shocker, many men who suffer from sexual regression do their best to counter the regress. Some seek natural ways to maintain hard erection; others result to using soft erection treatment.


Other Middle Age Activities

Other men instead focus their minds into countering their sexual loss with success, new hobbies, sports, religion and some ambition. For such men, their subconscious tricks them into carrying out other activities likening them to their sexual impulses and performance are at par.

Science concludes that the reason why men undertake such events is because the brain like other organs begins to wear down. The hormone charged with charging erections is no-longer in production. Flirtation with younger females is another way men justify their manhood.

Unfortunately, there are instances that the flirtation goes out of control, leading us to change our lifestyle, our eating habits and also our social life. The thrill of being a young man kicks in and middle-aged men start behaving like twenty-year-old men, which is good and bad.


The Rage That is Hormones

Due to hormones, we (men) are likely to engage in multiple sexual relationships with more than one partner. Hence why we see ourselves growing attracted to other women and there are instances that married men throw caution to the wind and act on their sexual impulses.

When we hit our forties, we try to overcompensate on the things we didn’t get a chance to do while in our younger age. We want to have as much sex as we would have had if we were in our twenties but were denied the chance.

We end up popping pills, seeking natural treatments and going on a diet all for the purpose of keeping our sexual appetite steady.

Since it’s a phase in life, medical practitioners caution that we ought to go for medical checkups now and then to check whether our mental and physical health is in check, lest we suffer from burnouts!

Middle Age and Sex

When men hit their middle age, they are also struck by sexual issues. Major issues revolve around a reduction in sexual desire and also some men lose their ability to have sex. You can imagine if you have had an active sexual life then things take a wrong turn, you will definitely be upset.

Sexual issues lead us to do impossible things such as compensate for our sexual prowess loss with material things. But thanks to soft erection treatment that helps us maintain hard erection, being discovered every day, we are able to counter these effects.

So where does middle age and a lack of sexual desire link? Well, naturally as we age our body cells start waning and our sex drive is one of the things that we start losing.

Save us All!

Thankfully, various research all show that men enjoy sex well into their prime. Our bodies if maintained well can see us all engaging in sexual activity even in our nineties.

Some 75-year-old men coming at 30% of all studied men showed that they have sexual intercourse more than four times in 30 days. Clearly this is something to look forward to. Many men who are involved in relationships and are 75 years or older remain sexually active with their partners.

A research published in the British Medical Journal of Adult health proved that partnership together with sexual activity is linked with health in middle age.

The study urges middle-aged people to engage in frequent satisfactory sexual life as it is also a form of exercise and an activity that keeps some types of diseases at bay.

At the age of 55 years, sexual life expectancy for women comes in at 10.6 years while that of men comes in at 15 years. Unfortunate, for men, we lose out year sexual activity due to ill health. In short, if you are middle aged and want to have more sex you need to keep your health in check!

Popping Pills

We may have the advantage of soft erection treatment, however, for how long will your body sustain the pill popping whenever you desire to engage in coitus? It’s important that we seek other natural ways to maintain hard erection.

Take some time off your busy schedule and think of ways keeping your manhood in check. Reduce your stress level, change your diet and most importantly exercise!

Senior Citizen Sex

As a senior member of the society, its means you’ve attained the threshold of 65 years and above. At these ages, sex stops being just a random thing to a subject based on strengths-based approach.

In the senior stage, sex is a healthy activity that can either give you a better life or one that can ruin your health. Caution is advised before engaging in sexual escapades at the senior level. Even if you are of good health, most men above the age of 40 years suffer from soft erection, impotent, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, sexual dysfunction, lack of libido and so on.

A point at which maintaining hard erection becomes a problem. Hence, the reason soft erection treatment was introduced.

What Comes with Age?

As men age, testosterone levels are on the decline. We also experience frequent sexual changes. Some of the changes we experience are psychological, and they call for the following action:

  • A requirement for more stimulation to gain and keep an erection
  • A need to achieve an orgasm
  • A desire for shorter orgasms
  • A desire for minimal forceful ejaculation and less semen ejaculated
  • Longer time wants to gain another erection after ejaculating

Given the above changes, seniors will welcome them with anxiety. However, the changes are not a sexual death sign. By adapting to the changes, you experience and introducing aids such as soft erection treatment are the best ways to help you keep a healthy and satisfying sexual life.

Case in point: you might have to adjust your sexual routine and in it increase stimulation to achieve arousal.

How to Cope with Sexual Change

When you begin experiencing changes and are willing to let your sexual activity remain active. You can result in the following processes:

Visit a Sex Therapist: A sex therapist is capable of helping you and your partner deal with several concerns. Seek a referral from your doctor.

Sex definition expansion: Contrary to what you may believe, intercourse is one way to have fulfilling sex. Kissing, touching and intimate contact are things that will be rewarding for you and your partner.

The Age Factor: As you age, it goes without saying that your partner and you will begin to experience different sexual abilities as well as needs. Openness is encouraged and exploration of new ways of sexual contact and intimacy.

Routine Adaptation: Simple but significant changes are the key ingredient to improve your sexual life. The switch in between the time of day or night you have sex. Switch to the time when you are most energetic.

The Arousal Button: As we all know; women need a while longer than men to get aroused. Especially when they are aging. It is upon you to concentrate more on time to set a romantic stage. Try new sexual positions that will be favorable.

Romance: Keep the romance alive. Always look for ways to let your partner know you love them and come up with new romantic gestures that will stimulate and lead to incredible sexual sessions!

An Introduction To Sexual Self-Confidence

Sexual self-confidence is defined as a manifestation of the attitude we have towards our own body in our relationship with the partner, in both sexual and less sexual activities. It determines how safely and confidently we act, how we behave during sex and what our body language is saying in general and how we are perceived in specific environment. We can’t provide an universal answer about how we can acquire it because we are all different and we have to walk our own path to self-fulfillment, but we usually face the same obstacles.

We must know how to relax

In some people, the uncertainty that they feel doesn’t allow them to let themselves fully in the sex game and explore what we want. Fear of rejection may force each of us to focus only on the partner when we are having sex and consciously forget our own pleasure. We usually say, I am less important because we feel that our partner’s happiness and satisfaction is more important than our own. This is wrong because we should both enjoy sexual activity and there are situations when we need to be selfish! lasting longer in bed

We must know how to achieve satisfaction

This is one of the most important elements of sexual confidence. A person who is confident in their capabilities and desires knows how to achieve orgasms easily. They know what they want and what they dislike, they know what they would like to try someday and they know what seems to be repulsive. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to be some kind of expert in the field of sexuality, but it certainly means that you should explore new things in a playful and mischievous manner. You need to feel safe in your own skin and let yourself express your sexual desires. Those who feel comfortable in their own skin certainly know what and how to get things. sex pill cure ed dysfunction

Beauty is a relative thing

Cellulite, pimples, acne, obesity, baldness are some of the flaws that almost every person has. Each of us has at least one or usually several things on themselves that they want to change and this is how human nature works. That’s why it doesn’t really matter how we perceive ourselves, but how satisfied we are with ourselves despite these shortcomings. Confidence is definitely sexy and sufficient reason to leave a good impression.

Men ignite, women react

A good portion of our poor sexual confidence can be attributed to the society in which we live. The society dictates how we should act during sex. It is not unusual to hear that the man is the one who initiates sex, leads the intercourse and suggests new positions or even new toys in the bedroom. It is also believed that they have strong sexual fantasies and can’t live without sex. On the other hand, women just need to react and follow. They need to wait because otherwise they can get labeled by the community. The good news is that these beliefs are fading away and more and more couples acknowledge the fact that sex is not some kind of activity in which every individual has its role depending on their gender.

Sex Tips for 40 and Above

At age 40 and above, most men, are engaged in toiling to fend for their family, take care of the bills, and trying their best to afford their families a decent lifestyle.

The workload at home and work hits us hard and without any pointers, we tend to neglect our duties, such as take care of the love machine (our bodies).

When our partners hit forty, their bodies start demanding for more sexual attention, we either deliver or fail miserably. So if you are reading this, chances are that your sex life needs a makeover ASAP and perhaps maintaining a hard erection is one of the problems you need to eradicate.

The good thing is, with this article, and you have a chance to nip the problem in the bud and save yourself. The following information works wonders ten times better that any soft erection treatment.

The Mysterious Brain

A man’s sexual drive prevails more in the brain. To be specific, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex areas are critical to performance in the bedroom and the sexual drive. These two parts play a crucial role in your sexual endeavor.

Did you know that you can literary achieve an orgasm when you either think of or dream about an incredible sexual experience? Let us see how this is possible.

The Cerebral Cortex: the gray matter region that forms the exterior layer of your brain. The part of the brain that handles the development of higher and deeper functions such as; thought, sensation and movement.

Now you see when you think about sex, this place gets triggered. The instant you get aroused, the signals coming from this region hasten your heart rate and triggers blood flow to your genitals. The cerebral cortex also indicates the process that forms an erection.

The Limbic System: It covers the hypothalamus, thalamus, amygdala and hippocampus regions. The system is linked to motivation, emotion and sexual drive. Extensive research has uncovered that exposure to sexual arousing images leads to an enhanced activity in man’s amygdalae area of the brain.

To sum up this point, when you have the two part of the brain working together, you will able to achieve, a long and lasting erection. If you are having trouble with your erection, it doesn’t necessarily have to do with your age, you need to reconfigure your thinking.

Combining elements such as active body training, healthy diet and de-stressing, you have the power to keep it up even in old age. Make sure that your head is where it is supposed to be when making love and you will have a great time!

The Stuck In A Rut Case

Many couples enjoy each other intimately during the first year or two in their relationship. The sex is passionate. However, as from the third year going on upwards, the intimacy level seems to cool down. The four/five times a week, turns into five times a month.

Some reasons such as stress due to work and children factor in, but there are times when people just fall out of love and intimacy turns into a chore and not a want. Again, poor lifestyles also make it hard for some to maintain a hard erection.

The question is, how do you solve the problem? Will soft erection treatment be of any help? To find out, below are some of the best solutions to evoke the spice that is lacking in your intimate relationship.

The Dinner Cliché

Yes, it might seem as a cliché, but it works. If you are having trouble with your Significant other or sexual partner and you are unable to get it up, get a restaurant. Yes, by inviting them to an excellent restaurant, you can enjoy a meal, enjoy a heartfelt conversation and help the two of you relax.

An atmosphere outside the four walls, you are used to can help you re-energize and get your juices flowing. Just make sure that your dinner is full of aphrodisiac desserts and healthy food. Woo, your lover as you once did and make reassurances.

The two of you without knowing it will ignite the spark that was there before and enjoy sensual pleasure once you get home.

Couple’s Retreat

So you have fallen out of love, and your penis is also not in the mood. If you still want to rekindle the relationship, get time off work and drive/somewhere far away where there are no distractions. A secluded, beach or cabin is an excellent idea.

There is nothing that makes people rekindle their love more than going somewhere they are going to do activities together. Alone time with your partner brings you closer and helps you strike off any element that was causing trouble.

Working together to make a meal or creating a fire for warmth and even general talk helps. A get away for a few days not only mends your relationship, it also revitalizes your sex life!

Adventurous Lot!

To get off the rut you are stuck in, you need to be first of all be honest with your sexual desires. Share them with your partner and let them in turn share theirs with you. Adventure is a great way to re-energize the sensational pleasure in your bodies.

If you like being walked all over in high heels, let her know. If she likes being spanked till her backside turns red, do it, you never know, maybe this is the missing link to a healthy erection!

The Reason You Fail To Maintain Hard Erection

At some point in life; a majority of men experience episodes where they are unable to get and sustain an erection. Well; if you are at this point; do not be alarmed. Some of the reasons why you are unable to maintain hard erection include:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Too much alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Tiredness

That said, however; if you have problems with your erection; it’s time you went for a check-up for erectile dysfunction (ED) which is also known as being impotent.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the irregularity of achieve and maintain hard erection. Maybe when you masturbate, you achieve an erection; however, when you are with your partner you fail to keep it.

It is crucial to recall that ED is a symptom and not an illness. The best way to get rid of it is by establishing what may be causing it, in the first place.

Who and When Suffers Impotence (ED)?

Impotence affects men at any given age. Erectile dysfunction, on the other hand; is a common symptom in men especially when growing older. Research approximates that half of all menfolk of the ages 40-70 to some extent have ED symptom.

Erectile Dysfunction causes both physical and psychological causes. At times; it is a combination of these two things.

Some physical causes of ED include:

  • Prescription medicine and drug use
  • Hormonal conditions including thyroid problems
  • Blood vessels in the penile region contracting; the narrowing is linked to cardiovascular, diabetes and high blood pressure

Some Psychological Causes of Erectile Dysfunction include:

  • Fear of failing during sex
  • Depression
  • Mental health problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Anxiety

Soft Erection Treatment

Erectile Dysfunction treatment is administered to counter the leading cause of ED. Should ED arise from a medical condition; treating the condition is likely to resolve the problem.

ED symptoms are often improved by making significant changes to your lifestyle. Some of the changes that are known to help revert ED include:

  • Losing Weight and matching your BMI (Body Mass Index)
  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Steering clear of all kinds of drugs unless prescribed to you
  • Drinking moderately
  • Regular exercises

Medical Advice

If you suspicions that you may have ED related symptoms; book an appointment with your general practitioner. You may also visit a genitourinary medicine clinic (GUM). The staff at the hospital will evaluate you and find out whether you require any treatment.

Do not be embarrassed to talk about the medical condition with your doctor. ED is a significant problem for more than half the population of men world over. Kindly remember the importance of identifying the cause of your symptoms.

Remember, ED is at times diagnosed as an early sign of another medical condition such as cardiovascular disease.

Rules To Follow For Stronger Erections

Most men are alarmed when they fail to maintain hard erection. They believe that they have been struck by the Erectile Dysfunction bus. Well, sometimes it doesn’t mean that since you wake up with a soft erection that you are suffering from ED. It could mean something else.

But if you are interested in stronger erections without having to pop the blue pill (Soft erection treatment), then it’s time you got on board with the following rules for stronger erections.

Blackberry Jam on Toast

Elderberries, blackberries and bilberries have high ultra-powerful anthocyanin antioxidants that ensure you have a hard erection. Why blackberry jam? The ability of your penis to rise and shine is dependent on nitric oxide availability.

When your body has a lot of free radicals gallivanting around in the bloodstream, the level of nitric oxide subsides. Your penis goes down too. Anthocyanin, on the other hand, is a potent antioxidant that attacks the free radicals before they get the chance to lower nitric oxide levels.

Research to Back It Up: Researchers from Indiana University found out that arteries treated with anthocyanin have a higher nitric oxide level even if there is a substantial presence of free radicals.

Lead Study Author “David Bell Ph.D.) notes that the Antioxidants keep free radicals under control allowing nitric levels to rise up. The higher the nitric acid level, the more blood is pumped into your penis and the stronger the erection!

Quite Smoking

If you are a diehard smoker, but now you have accepted an increase in; lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and bladder cancer risk. Well, what you may have forgotten is the fact that smoking makes you impotent!

A study by the Urology Journal establishes that smoking leads to arterial damage that doubles the risk of suffering from wholesome erectile dysfunction. But if you quit smoking in your late forties or your early fifties, it’s possible to reverse the damage says Lahey Clinic for Sexual Function M.D., Director Andre Guay.

His research (Dr Guay’s) found out that in ten impotent smokers (aged 49-52) night-time erection, there was a 40% erection improvement when they skipped a day without smoking.

The Sensitive Guy

We all know how stress is likened to a cold shower psychologically. Untamed tension  works in a rather treacherous way. It releases an adrenaline type known as epinephrine that shoots direct to your arteries. The epinephrine slowly causes havoc in your arteries.

The author (Dr Jones) of Overcoming Impotence: A Leading Urologist Tells You Everything You Need to Know, suggests that long-term high-stress levels harden your arteries thus softening your erection. The higher the stress levels, the more epinephrine is produced.

Engage in activities that lower your stress levels, and you will have a stronger, stiffer penis!

Natural Ways to Maintain Hard Erection

When it comes to maintaining a hard erection in a natural way as you make love, take your time to press the end of your penis in your lady’s clitoral head. Take time in her vaginal entrance since this is the point where the sensitive nerve endings are most.

As you make love, focus on small, shallow movements that will penetrate the beginning two to three inches of her vagina.

Chivalry will get You Places: to last longer let your lady’s sexual desires come fast. Focus on making her receive an orgasm first as this will relieve off pressure to please and it eradicates the psychological anxiety that leads to Premature Ejaculation.

Go For Seconds: Disregard early emissions and instead pay attention on your lady’s arousal, afterward a while you are ready to get back on the love making saddle once more. It is common fact that most men last a while longer the second time round. The more you practice the longer you will be able to last the first time you give it a go.

Allow her to get On Top: Accord her the chance to get on top, this way, your penis will be stimulated less. Ask her kindly to ride you slowly since if she thrusts long and fast you will not last for longer. Let her ride you and while she’s on top, this minimizes penile sensitivity as well as performance anxiety.

Don’t focus on your Orgasm: The area of your brain is responsible of triggering an orgasm as you try to achieve one or stop having one. The more attention you accord the thought, the higher the chances of it happening.

Divert your attentions and instead focus on her silky thighs, your hips and finally, you will be in a position to diffuse pleasure all throughout your body.

Best Ways of Achieving Soft Erection treatment

When you gain complete control of your body during the sexual session, you are taking part in. Do not allow your body to get carried away in bed to a point that you are unable to slow yourself down during the session.

The next time you are having intercourse, and suddenly you feel your body taking over, slow yourself down a bit till you regain control of your body.

Kindly understand that a higher percentage of your climax is mentally controlled as the other percentage has to do with the muscles.

These are natural ways that will turn you into a Stud!

Best Ways to Maintain a Hard Erection

Everyman that is of age and has engaged themselves in a sexual activity knows how their ego can get tarnished after under performing in the bedroom. It gets even worse if they suffer from premature ejaculation.

That said however, there is no need to get alarmed by premature ejaculation as a whopping 66% of men on planet earth suffer from this dilemma. The great news however is, one is capable of following natural sex tips to get rid of premature ejaculation as well as erectile dysfunction if they suffer from it.

Better still, mentioned below are surefire ways that will help you last longer in the bedroom, take them to be the soft erection treatment that you have been after this whole time…

Mastering Masturbation

Well, we all masturbate at one point or another, as you engage in this act, fill your mind with your lady’s orgasm and never your own. Simply, take your time and spend in the least fifteen minutes doing the act till that time you reach the point of no return.

Restrain yourself from reaching an orgasm until when the fifteen minutes are over.


If you know too well that overheating makes you have premature ejaculation, stop pumping, get outside of her and squeeze right below your penis head. Make sure that you squeeze the urethra. This simple action pushes blood away from your penis thus curbing your ejaculation.

Point Ejaculatory predictability

As any scientist will have you know, sexual response comes in four phases including: The Excitement Stage, The Plateau Stage, The Orgasm Stage and finally The Resolution Stage. The thing you ought to do is fully master and recognize your feelings spectrum all through the process of ejaculation.

Take action first and foremost by rating your excitement on a scale of 1 to 10. Also, you need to make sure that the highest rate you go is seven if you fully wish to satisfy your woman.


Kegel exercises are some of the best form of exercises that help in the tightening and strengthening muscles that are responsible for your ejaculatory control. Kegel exercises helps to prevent erectile dysfunction as well. Start doing these exercises simply by cutting urine flow, followed by starting and stopping it repeated times.

Once you master kegel exercises, you now halve the chance to practice them anywhere at home, at your office desk, as you drive to and from work. All you simply have to do is tighten these muscles and count to ten and release and repeat them. This will improve your sexual health.