Tag Archives: HPV

Human Papillomavirus Related Diseases and Treatment

Human papillomavirus is a very common sexually transmitted disease. It is a DNA virus that can be found at the mucous membranes of the entire genital area as well as the mouth and throat. It has lots of subtypes. Some types are harmless. Other types (oncogenic types) may lead to cancers.

Have a look at the following descriptions. You can prevent these diseases if you do not get infected with human papillomavirus. Use condom when you have sex, and, most of all, get vaccinated against human papillomavirus!

Risk Factors of HPV

If your immune system is weak (after an illness), you have multiple children. You have been taking oral contraceptives for a long time or you have a chronic inflammation within the genital area. If that is the case you are more likely to get infected with HPV and develop cervical cancer.

HPV Related Diseases

Cervical Cancer

If you live with human papillomavirus, you are at risk of developing cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer has no symptoms. By the time it has symptoms (for example, you bleed between periods, sex is painful, you bleed after having sex. Your period is unusually long or you have plenty of vaginal discharge), it is in an advanced stage. However, the disease does have warning signs: cancerous cells in the lining of your cervix. Only a health care provider is able to detect the subtle changes within your cells. Get tested! Pap tests or HPV DNA tests may save your life.

If the lab tests mean bad news, your health care provider will ask you to undergo further testing. Your doctor might want to a biopsy, a tissue sample from your cervix.

Cancer can spread to other organs within your body. Your doctor might suggest x-rays, MRI or CT scan.

Probably it is only your cervix that is affected, probably cancer has spread to the vagina, too.


There is no treatment available for human papillomavirus infection. On the other hand, doctors are able to heal related conditions like genital warts, precancerous lesions and – if detected early – cancers.

Precancerous cervical lesions can be treated by cryosurgery (freezing the cancerous cells); loop electrosurgical excision procedure which means your health care provider surgically removes the cancerous tissue with a hot wire loop; surgical conization i.e. removing a cone shaped part of tissue, using a laser, a scalpel or both of them; as well as laser vaporization conization.

You may undergo a surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy, or a therapy of the combination of the three. They may have side-effects.

Treatment for premature ejaculation

HPV Related Cancers and Treatment

HPV can lead to other types of cancer: vaginal cancer, penile cancer.

Doctors can treat these conditions with medication, chemotherapy, surgery, electrosurgery, cryosurgery or laser surgery. It depends on the type of cancer you have, your age, health, and the stage of the cancer. Your health care providers may want to remove the cancerous tissues, as much as possible.


Know sexually transmitted diseases, their cure and precautions for a healthier sex life

Safe sex is very important. Sometimes when desire takes over people expose themselves to unhealthy and unsafe sex practices. It is very important that you have sex with known partner as unknown partner can be a carrier of sexually transmitted diseases and she or he can transfer it to you. There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases ad dealing with these diseases is very difficult. The pain, trauma and guilt that come with sexually transmitted disease are like a slow killer. Some sexually transmitted diseases take much time to heal. Some of the famous and most dangerous sexually transmitted disease includes:


Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is one among the most dangerous sexually transmitted disease. Scientists have not been able to find a permanent cure for this disease which many have been affected worldwide. People can get infected by this disease through other ways also, but unprotected sex is termed as a major reason for this disease. This disease can be spread from man to woman and also woman to man.  People infected with this disease can take medication to delay the spread of virus within the body, but cannot stop it. Studies are on to find an antidote for this disease for over a decade, but they ray of hope is far from seen. The only measure that can be taken to keep safe is to always insist on a condom while having sex with strangers.


Cold sores and genital sores are the first a symptoms of herpes virus. This STD comes in two forms namely HSV 1 and HSV 2. This virus affects the skin around the mouth and the genitals causing utter discomfit. The rashes are ugly and are teamed up with high fever and uneasiness. This disease is quite famous in the United States. A recent survey states that one in four women suffer from this sexually transmitted disease. One can be affected with this disease even by using a condom. This disease mainly infects the skin around the genitals which slowly spread on the genitals too.

Human Pappiloma Virus:

HPV as it is famously known, ranks third in the list of sexually transmitted diseases. This disease is a slow killer and mostly infects women. Doctors claim that this disease can cause cervical cancer in later stages. The disease doesn’t show many symptoms apart from the warts around the genitals. Like AIDS, the growth of Human Pappiloma Virus can also be restricted, but the disease in itself is incurable. Safe sex with latex condoms will help you stay away from spreading or infecting yourself from HPV.


This disease is very common with people who expose themselves to untrusted partners. Thank the lord that scientists have found a cure to stop the spread of this disease into your body and cure it, but the problem is this disease shows no sign of infection. So, people who risk their life must visit their doctor to get themselves screened and treated for Chlamydia. This virus can also be tacked with effective use of condoms.

It is always good to use a condom, but there are more diseases that infect the skin and the area around. Have safe sex and be safe.

The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease In Men

Despite enormous progress in understanding and controlling sexually transmitted diseases, they are still present. This is a list of the most common sexually transmitted diseases:


This complicated disease is one of the most common in the world and second in the USA. The numbers of reported cases are high and as we know there are lots of people who do not report their diseases so the situation is very serious.

Gonorrhea has distinctive signs like a burning sensation while urinating and purulent discharge at the end on the urination. If it is not treated properly, this disease can lead to epididymitis which affects the testicles and can cause infertility. Gonorrhea in women can lead to other diseases like Chlamydia, which can also cause infertility. Besides that, having gonorrhea can increase the risk of getting HIV.

Antibiotics are the most common treatment of gonorrhea. Unfortunately, gonorrhea mutates and there are various types of this disease and some of them are developing resistance to antibiotics. This makes the treatment more difficult and unpredictable which of course is another reason to be more careful.


Syphilis is a very serious disease that caused a lot of fatalities in the past. Fortunately, with the development of medicine today we have several successful methods to treat syphilis without many problems. The rates of people that are suffering from syphilis is getting lower every year, especially in the developed countries.

However if syphilis is left untreated it can produce serious damages to the brain, cardiovascular system and many other organs in the body. Just like gonorrhea, syphilis increases the risk of infection with HIV.


According to some statistics there are more than 30 million people around the world that carry Chlamydia. Although this disease is usually more visible in women, men can also have some symptoms like inflammation of the urinary tract, prostate and testicles. Chlamydia can cause a lot more damage in women because untreated Chlamydia infections can lead to inflammatory diseases and even infertility. Thanks to the public awareness, more people are performing tests and treat this disease timely with antibiotics. Antibiotics help reduce the spreading of Chlamydia. Because symptoms are less visible in men, they should take medical examinations more frequently before this infection makes more damage to their health and before they spread this infection to other women and in some cases men.


HPV can cause cervical cancer in women and colon cancer and prostate cancer in men. There are literally millions of male carriers of this virus that transmit it to their sexual partner without even knowing. Luckily there is a new vaccine that was invented few years ago and that has proven to be very effective. Because it is advised that young girls even at the age of 9 to take this vaccine, this method has caused a lot of controversy.


This is definitely the most lethal sexually transmitted diseases. But thanks to the increased public awareness the number of people infected with these diseases is getting lower in the past few years. Early signs of infection with HIV / AIDS may include symptoms like the ones that appear with flu, fungal infections of the throat and a feeling of inexplicable fatigue. The medicine is able to produce antivirus cocktails that have proven to be very effective in treating of this disease.