Tag Archives: sexual intimacy

How to Maintain Hard Erection

Maintain hard erection during sex is a true male dilemma. To improve your performance in bed, here we have laid down some vital and fundamental tips. It ensures that the methods described here are based on experience and knowledge of the erotic film industry and, with them, medications such as Viagra, are expendable. Check out:

 1. Intake of watermelon seeds

This is one method used by many porn stars. The watermelon seed is rich in citrulline ingested and metabolized, reaches the blood as nitric oxide. This is an important component in maintaining strong erection, it is what relaxes the smooth muscle in the penis and provides the corpus cavernosum to fill with blood, thus causing erection. In health food stores you can buy roasted seeds. Prefer non-salted to prevent the intake of sodium in the body. How much you need to eat per day? 30 grams is enough, or two tablespoons.

2. Anaesthetic ointment

After the penis is erect, place a minimal amount of anaesthetic cream (found at any drugstore) over the top of the foreskin, enough to cover the tip of cotton swab. Do not cover the entire glans, not to leave the totally insensitive penis. The intention is to reduce sensitivity in the penis erogenous point.

 3. Doses of whiskey go very well

Whiskey is an excellent peripheral vasodilator, thus allowing your penis to fill with blood. Alcohol absorbed faster and blocks certain neurotransmitter in the nervous system, which greatly decreases the sensitivity in the extremities. An important note: fermented beverages such as beer, wine and champagne usually has the opposite effect, leaving the penis more limp than usual. Furthermore, two doses of whiskey are sufficient. A whole bottle can cause you impotence over the years.

4. Eat Right

Look for decreasing fat intake, so there is no compromise of the blood vessels. The external pudendal artery, which carries blood from the heart directly to the penis is so thin that it is the first artery in the body to become blocked. As the blood flow to the penis will shrink, the erection will be compromised. Where there is excess fat there is no health. It is worth doing diet and exercise to maintain hard erection during sex. Ensure taking a light dinner on the night you plan to have sexual intimacy.

5. Change tempo and frequency

During penetration, if you keep the same momentum, the sex will end fast. You need to change the pace and the movement to reduce arousal in the penis. The more frantic and consecutive movement, the greater are the chances of you ejaculating quicker. Learn to do penetration in different ways, involving not only the usual movements, but the circular movements, slow deep penetration. So, when you feel you are close to coming, control your anxiety, decelerate and change the sexual position. This may be a good time to perform oral sex on your partner, for example.

6. Lustful thoughts

The brain is the largest sex organ in the body. It is in charge of sending the command to the heart to pump blood to the penis. This is why imagination of sex scenes causes erection in men. Excessive worry impairs sexual performance, because the worried mind does not give space to the obscene thought. Use this information to your advantage. When close to orgasm, change your thinking by the images of all sexual situations. Once you feel that your penis is losing his erection ability, resume sexual thought. Another tactic to prevent ejaculation is to close your eyes, because the shape of a woman’s body increase your libido, thus speeding up the process of ejaculation.

7. Exercise to prevent premature ejaculation

This exercise is famously called start-stop technique. Start masturbation and when you will feel like ejaculating stop, slow down breathing and calm your mind. Resume masturbation again, and repeat the process. Make 3 times a week at least. The purpose of this exercise is to educate and teach you to control anxiety at pre-orgasm, so you learn to identify and block the process of ejaculation.