Tag Archives: sexual intimacy

5 Emotional Causes That Trigger Erectile Dysfunction

Most men reported at least one episode of erectile dysfunction in their life. Although many of them are completely healthy, there are many emotional factors as well that can affect them and consequently leads to the problem of erectile dysfunction. The depression and anxiety are two of them. This article will help you figure out the emotional causes that triggers the occurrence of erectile dysfunction.

  1. Problems amongst couple

Fights, anger, sadness, lack of trust, are some of the factors that directly influence the problem of erectile dysfunction. It is difficult to have sex when you’re not in good terms with your partner, as this reduces the attraction towards another person.

  1. Depression

Taking into account that the main sex organ is the brain in our body, it is understood that if you have depression, chemicals in the brain that send messages of sexual response to your genitals fails to work properly. For this reason many men with depression lose sexual desire. Adding to this, most antidepressant drugs also promote erectile dysfunction.

  1. Low self-esteem

Having a negative image of yourself, doubt your own abilities affect your sexual performance. Learn to value yourself and love yourself, this way you will be at ease with yourself and that will be reflected when making love. Many sexologists have found that men with high self-image tend to perform better in the bed.

  1. Stress

Stress is another common emotional cause that activates the problem of erectile dysfunction. Stress often is inevitable; however, to have satisfying sex one must disconnect from all the problems of the office, home, money, etc.

  1. Anxiety

Most men worry about their sexual performance in bed and this causes them anxiety. This feeling completely inhibits erection. Men who take the pressure of performing better during sex always invariably underperform.

The erectile dysfunction is not only a physical but also emotional issue. Remember that to have a full and satisfying sex life, you should relax and enjoy the sexual intimacy time with your partner. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to go immediately to your doctor to get appropriate treatment.

How to Maintain Hard Erection

Maintain hard erection during sex is a true male dilemma. To improve your performance in bed, here we have laid down some vital and fundamental tips. It ensures that the methods described here are based on experience and knowledge of the erotic film industry and, with them, medications such as Viagra, are expendable. Check out:

 1. Intake of watermelon seeds

This is one method used by many porn stars. The watermelon seed is rich in citrulline ingested and metabolized, reaches the blood as nitric oxide. This is an important component in maintaining strong erection, it is what relaxes the smooth muscle in the penis and provides the corpus cavernosum to fill with blood, thus causing erection. In health food stores you can buy roasted seeds. Prefer non-salted to prevent the intake of sodium in the body. How much you need to eat per day? 30 grams is enough, or two tablespoons.

2. Anaesthetic ointment

After the penis is erect, place a minimal amount of anaesthetic cream (found at any drugstore) over the top of the foreskin, enough to cover the tip of cotton swab. Do not cover the entire glans, not to leave the totally insensitive penis. The intention is to reduce sensitivity in the penis erogenous point.

 3. Doses of whiskey go very well

Whiskey is an excellent peripheral vasodilator, thus allowing your penis to fill with blood. Alcohol absorbed faster and blocks certain neurotransmitter in the nervous system, which greatly decreases the sensitivity in the extremities. An important note: fermented beverages such as beer, wine and champagne usually has the opposite effect, leaving the penis more limp than usual. Furthermore, two doses of whiskey are sufficient. A whole bottle can cause you impotence over the years.

4. Eat Right

Look for decreasing fat intake, so there is no compromise of the blood vessels. The external pudendal artery, which carries blood from the heart directly to the penis is so thin that it is the first artery in the body to become blocked. As the blood flow to the penis will shrink, the erection will be compromised. Where there is excess fat there is no health. It is worth doing diet and exercise to maintain hard erection during sex. Ensure taking a light dinner on the night you plan to have sexual intimacy.

5. Change tempo and frequency

During penetration, if you keep the same momentum, the sex will end fast. You need to change the pace and the movement to reduce arousal in the penis. The more frantic and consecutive movement, the greater are the chances of you ejaculating quicker. Learn to do penetration in different ways, involving not only the usual movements, but the circular movements, slow deep penetration. So, when you feel you are close to coming, control your anxiety, decelerate and change the sexual position. This may be a good time to perform oral sex on your partner, for example.

6. Lustful thoughts

The brain is the largest sex organ in the body. It is in charge of sending the command to the heart to pump blood to the penis. This is why imagination of sex scenes causes erection in men. Excessive worry impairs sexual performance, because the worried mind does not give space to the obscene thought. Use this information to your advantage. When close to orgasm, change your thinking by the images of all sexual situations. Once you feel that your penis is losing his erection ability, resume sexual thought. Another tactic to prevent ejaculation is to close your eyes, because the shape of a woman’s body increase your libido, thus speeding up the process of ejaculation.

7. Exercise to prevent premature ejaculation

This exercise is famously called start-stop technique. Start masturbation and when you will feel like ejaculating stop, slow down breathing and calm your mind. Resume masturbation again, and repeat the process. Make 3 times a week at least. The purpose of this exercise is to educate and teach you to control anxiety at pre-orgasm, so you learn to identify and block the process of ejaculation.

A Guide to Enhanced Sexual Health

Sexuality is an integral part of your life and in particular in your relationship with the opposite sex. Because such relationship issues as love, affection and sexual intimacy determine the strength or weakness of your relationship, it is very necessary that you not only ensure that you have good sexual health but enhance it as well. Whether you are in a marriage relationship or otherwise, you need to take care of your sexual health as one way of preventing impotence.

Impotence is a form of sexual dysfunction. It is actually erectile dysfunction characterized by inability to attain erection necessary for sexual performance. In case of an erection, you do not attain full erection. There are men diagnosed as being impotent in which case they are incapable or can no longer engage in sexual performance as they did before. Although there are several impotent treatment methods, you may not perform sex satisfactorily as you did before.

There are several ways through which you can enhance your sexual health. Some of these include:

Prevention of Diseases

Diseases have the capacity to affect you body to a point that your body organs do not function as is required. There are those diseases that are unique to your reproductive system that must prevent at all costs. This is so because some reproductive system diseases can easily make you impotent if not addressed in good time. Of all diseases that affect the reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or infections are some that can easily cause impotence. They are transmitted through sexual activities involving the penis, vagina, anus and mouth. Some STDs can be transmitted by simply using a towel used by an infected partner. It is therefore very important to prevent development of Diabetes and such STD diseases as human papilloma virus (HPV), Hepatitis B, Gonorrhoea and Syphilis among others.


Performing exercises on a regular basis is generally good for your body. Exercising leaves your body muscles toned and eliminates some waste in the body through sweat. Performing Kegel exercises has the positive effect of strengthening your pelvic region and organs therein. This goes a long way in enhancing your sexual health and to degree treat impotent.

Healthy Lifestyle

Impotence can be caused by various diseases and other factors one of which is poor lifestyle. Indeed, most men diagnosed as being impotent have been noted to have lived a poor lifestyle that involves long-term use of hard drugs, cigarette smoking and excess alcohol intake among others. Such poor lifestyle habits introduce into the body dangerous chemicals and other substances that do not only interfere with smooth cell division but hinder smooth function of body organs including sexual health organs.

Healthy Diet

Sticking to a healthy diet provides for a lot of health benefits in your body. A healthy diet composed of whole grains, vegetables and fruits/nuts introduces into your body vital nutrients that your body requires for continued good health. These include minerals, vitamins, amino acids (fatty acids), water and energy. In particular, consuming such food stuffs as red pepper, bananas, onions and tomatoes goes a long way in enhancing your sexual health.

These are just some of the ways you can enhance your sexual health and possibly prevent being diagnosed as being impotent.