Tag Archives: sexual partners

The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease In Men

Despite enormous progress in understanding and controlling sexually transmitted diseases, they are still present. This is a list of the most common sexually transmitted diseases:


This complicated disease is one of the most common in the world and second in the USA. The numbers of reported cases are high and as we know there are lots of people who do not report their diseases so the situation is very serious.

Gonorrhea has distinctive signs like a burning sensation while urinating and purulent discharge at the end on the urination. If it is not treated properly, this disease can lead to epididymitis which affects the testicles and can cause infertility. Gonorrhea in women can lead to other diseases like Chlamydia, which can also cause infertility. Besides that, having gonorrhea can increase the risk of getting HIV.

Antibiotics are the most common treatment of gonorrhea. Unfortunately, gonorrhea mutates and there are various types of this disease and some of them are developing resistance to antibiotics. This makes the treatment more difficult and unpredictable which of course is another reason to be more careful.


Syphilis is a very serious disease that caused a lot of fatalities in the past. Fortunately, with the development of medicine today we have several successful methods to treat syphilis without many problems. The rates of people that are suffering from syphilis is getting lower every year, especially in the developed countries.

However if syphilis is left untreated it can produce serious damages to the brain, cardiovascular system and many other organs in the body. Just like gonorrhea, syphilis increases the risk of infection with HIV.


According to some statistics there are more than 30 million people around the world that carry Chlamydia. Although this disease is usually more visible in women, men can also have some symptoms like inflammation of the urinary tract, prostate and testicles. Chlamydia can cause a lot more damage in women because untreated Chlamydia infections can lead to inflammatory diseases and even infertility. Thanks to the public awareness, more people are performing tests and treat this disease timely with antibiotics. Antibiotics help reduce the spreading of Chlamydia. Because symptoms are less visible in men, they should take medical examinations more frequently before this infection makes more damage to their health and before they spread this infection to other women and in some cases men.


HPV can cause cervical cancer in women and colon cancer and prostate cancer in men. There are literally millions of male carriers of this virus that transmit it to their sexual partner without even knowing. Luckily there is a new vaccine that was invented few years ago and that has proven to be very effective. Because it is advised that young girls even at the age of 9 to take this vaccine, this method has caused a lot of controversy.


This is definitely the most lethal sexually transmitted diseases. But thanks to the increased public awareness the number of people infected with these diseases is getting lower in the past few years. Early signs of infection with HIV / AIDS may include symptoms like the ones that appear with flu, fungal infections of the throat and a feeling of inexplicable fatigue. The medicine is able to produce antivirus cocktails that have proven to be very effective in treating of this disease.

Prevention And Protective Measures Against Chlamydia

Sexually transmitted diseases, including Chlamydia infection, are transmitted via sexual intercourse. This means that only persons that are sexually active are at risk. The chance to get a sexually transmitted disease is defined by the person’s sexual activity and behavior.

Each individual can protect its own health by avoiding risky sexual intercourses and by using protection (condoms) during those intercourses.

Having sex early in the relationship and huge number of sexual partners during lifetime certainly increase the risk of these diseases and their unpleasant consequences. Sometimes changing the partner means higher risk, because when you have sex with someone new that means that you are having sex with everyone with whom that person has slept before.

So how can we lower the risk? Permanent and mutually faithful relationship between two healthy persons and abstinence from sexual activities are the only two measures that are helpful in the process of protection against sexually transmitted diseases. In other cases, people can protect themselves by avoiding dangerous sexual behavior and by applying condoms during sexual activities.

Primary prevention based on education and behavioral change is the key to prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia infections. Changing behavior such as increased use of condoms, delaying the start of sexual life and reducing the number of sexual partners, in response to a campaign to prevent AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, are associated with reduction of Chlamydia infections and complications.

These are few practical tips that will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases:

–      Always use latex condoms from the very beginning of the sexual intercourse to the end no matter what type of sex are you practicing (anal, vaginal or oral)

–      Before engaging into sex with your new partner, try to estimate how risky he is.

–      If you use lubricant agents try those who are based on water, because those that are based on oil can damage the condom.

–      It is important to prevent any kind of damage on the skin and membranes in the genital area or the anus, which can lead to bleeding. These bleedings can cause entrance of some sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS.

Measures of protection against sexually transmitted diseases are the same measures that can be applied against Chlamydia. In cases where the patient has recovered from Chlamydia it is extremely important for the patient to do everything he or she can to prevent re-infection. Reappearance of Chlamydia increases the risk of infertility. Once again, people who have intercourse are strongly advised to use latex condoms during the whole intercourse.

Regular and proper use of latex condoms is the best method of protection against Chlamydia infections in sexually active persons. Do not forget that the risk of Chlamydia increases with the number of sexual partners. People who are at risk of infection with Chlamydia should consult a doctor and take medical exams to determine if any of the causes of sexually transmitted diseases are present. Risk factors include sexual activity during adolescence, multiple sexual partners, not using condoms and previous infection that can cause some other sexually transmitted disease.