Tag Archives: sexual position

The Concept Of Sexual Techniques

The importance of reproduction as an essential ingredient of sex makes every person have a certain level of sexual techniques from the day that person was born. In order to produce some item you will need to learn some techniques before you create it, but when it comes to sex you don’t need to earn anything and the result will still come! However, the way to get the best result can be eased if the partners know each other and if they’ve been working on their social and sexual skills.

Mastering your verbal skills and using the right words in the right moment, using sighs and screams when needed, mastering eye contact, better knowledge of your own body and the body of your partner (especially the arousal zones) and adapting the right positions depending on your height and weight are all part of the concept of sexual techniques.

Sexology literature is full with books that try to create how-to guides for sexual pleasure. Most often in this type of books, we can read about sexual techniques that can drive people “crazy” of course if they are properly performed. If we judge only by the content of these books, we might think that there are few buttons on our bodies that wait to be pressed and we will get an instant unforgettable orgasm. But this is not the way things work.

Extending the time for foreplay can create aversion instead of satisfaction for persons that don’t like longer foreplays. A sexual partner that likes strong grip will only laugh and giggle if he/she gets gentle cuddling. Although oral sex is a real pleasure for many people, some consider it to be very perverted and don’t like it at all. Mechanical use of sexual techniques without brining emotions and without knowing or caring what the partner wants can lead to alienating, lack of sexual desire and even avoiding sexual intercourses.

The proper and varied selection of sexual positions takes central place in the mastery of sexual techniques. In this way we can most definitely be sure that over time sex won’t became boring and monotonous. According to some researches there are more than two hundred sex positions.

But to be honest many of them are almost impossible to perform and others require people with acrobatic skills in order to be performed. Practically all these positions can be divided in two simple groups.

Sex couples can perform them in laying, standing or seating position and on the other hand they can be performed with or without eye contact no matter which position they choose. Some couples use two or three positions during their whole life. Others like to make experiments. The most common sexual position is the so-called “Missionary position” – in which the man is over the woman.

However this position is often combined with positions where the woman is on top. It is up to the couple to decide which technique suits them best, depending on their height, weight, current state (pregnancy) or overall sexual pleasure that they feel in certain positions.