Category Archives: kegel exercise

5 Keys to Maintain a Stronger Erection

Stress, obesity, depression and economic problems are just some of the causes of sexual dysfunction in men, as trying to maintain an erection stronger and longer. However, some changes in lifestyle can be a key both to maintain a harder erection and to reverse the process of erectile dysfunction in men under 50 who suffer from it to some degree.

5 Keys to maintain a stronger erection

  1. Lose weight

Weight loss can eliminate excess estrogen and improve sexual life. A study published in Journal of American Medical Association found that one third of the clinically obese men with erectile dysfunction, showed improvement after losing ten percent of their body weight. Losing weight is the main thing in maintain a stronger erection.

  1. Kegel exercises

A study by the University of the West of England in Bristol shows that pelvic floor or kegel exercises should be considered as the first treatment for men with problems of erection as it strengthens the muscles of the bladder and around, so you have better and controlled erections.

  1. Chocolate

Considered an aphrodisiac, helps erections because it contains epicatechin flavonoids that help dilate the arteries. A study by the University of California found that those who ate a bar of 45 grams of dark chocolate a day increased their dilation of blood vessels in more than 10%.

  1. Antioxidants

The black fruits such as blackberries, blueberries and elder berries contain high levels of anthocyanins, antioxidants that are beneficial extremely powerful for erections, according to a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition.

  1. Nitric Oxide

According to experts of Boston University, nitric oxide is one of the key substances in the body for the erection because they can repair the veins and arteries that administer blood to the penis. It can be obtained through exercise, a good rest and certain foods, such as garlic, walnuts and almonds.

Also, consider seeking relaxation, try to leave behind the stress. Stress can have consequences as failing to maintain a firm erection, since it frees epinephrine, a type of adrenaline that goes directly to the arteries and damages it.