Tag Archives: healthy sex life

7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex

We think about sex. We fantasize about sex. We spend an inordinate amount of time and money in the pursuit for sex. We have sex. Pleasure is not the only benefit we get underneath the sheet. The mental and physical benefits of a healthy sex life extend far beyond the bedroom. Researchers, scientists, and medical professionals have made it their mission to study exactly how sex improves nearly every facet of life. So, let’s check out some healthy reasons to have sex regularly:

Improved Heart Health and Exercise

Sex can strengthen muscle tone and also increase heart rate. Just like any physical exercise, healthy sex is good for your heart. A study published in January 2015 in the “American Journal of Cardiology” found that men who had sex twice weekly or more had less risk of cardiovascular diseases, like strokes or heart attack, than those who had sex once a month or less. Similarly, sex can actually be considered a rather good form of exercise :A small study published in October 2013 in the “Journal PLoS One” showed that men burned an average of 4 calories a minute during sex while  women burned off 3 calories. That is more fun than hitting the gym

Sweet Pain Relief

According to researchers “Pain sometimes has to do with blood flowing to one particular area, like the head, and sex can take some of that pressure off by redirecting the flow”. Endorphins released during orgasm likely play a role in sex pain-relieving power. In another study published in PLoS One that was performed at Stanford University in California, anesthesiologists showed participants photos their romantic partners. They found that looking at romantic partners significantly eradicates the experience of pain. Although, you might think pain is a barrier to sex; consider this a sex benefit worth the time and effort. Other studies have found that women may get some relief from menstrual cramps through an intense orgasm.

Less Stress and Lower Body Pressure

Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood. As a form of exercise, it can also help calm you down. In addition, a Scottish study published in the journal _Biological Psychology_ found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events. While this effect was more pronounced in people who had sex with penetration, non-penetrative sex can also help you stay unclouded.

Possible Reduction of Prostate Cancer

Sex may protect against cancer. A study published in December 2016 in the journal _European Urology_ found that men who ejaculate more than 21 times within a month, compared with those who do so four to seven times within a month, are 20 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer, this shows that men who ejaculate regularly may reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Similarly, a French study found that women who have sex at least once in a month are less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t. Although the disease is rare in men, those who orgasm less than six times a month appear to be at increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who do so more often, according to a Greek study.

Better Sleep with a Bonus: Increased Sexual Desire

Do you know that orgasms will help to release hormone prolactin that let you feels sleepy and relaxed? It’s from National Sleep Foundation. Don’t be angry with your partner that they fall asleep after an exciting session. This sleep connection also works in reverse. According to a study published in May 2015 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine getting enough shut-eye can improve your sexual response and may increase the chance that you will engage regularly in sex. Researchers discovered that when women slept for longer period of time, they recovered greater sexual desire the next day.

Happier Mood and a Stronger Relationship

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is released during physical intimacy and skin-to-skin contact; it can help increase romantic feelings between you and your partner. It is no wonder that you have got a more positive outlook after sex. There are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a sex benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during sex to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself. According to Dr. Caron, “there is a lot to be said simply for the mood-boosting effect of having a nice connection with somebody that you trust and care about. In addition, researchers found that partners were satisfied for a full 48 hours after sexual activity, and those who were lucky enough to experience this afterglow went on to report more happiness in their relationship several months later.

Glowing Younger -Looking Skin

The fable “morning after” glow is not just your imagination; you really do look better after having sex. According to Dr. Caron, “Sex even helps you look younger”, that glow can be attributed to a combination of stress relief, better mood, and the flush of blood under your skin is a natural part of the arousal process. Sex boosts blood flow and helps regulate hormones, which can both have positive effects on skin’s appearance

Enjoying a better sex life is one of the great joys in life. Intimacy is a boost to your long term health as well, make it more pleasurable.

Common sexual issues a teenage girl faces

Teenage days look good, but come with its set of problems. Teenagers have to deal with the hormonal imbalances in their body which forces them to look good to the opposite sex and some other sexual problems. Teenaged girls have to deal with their sexual problems, but their mum can help them in dealing with it. Not all moms are free to talk to their daughters about sex and sexual issues.

Psychologists, time and again suggest that talking about sex and sexual habits to their teenage son and daughter would only do well than bad. Parents must understand that you are their first teacher and if you fail to educate them, they may end up screwing their lives or resort to internet to get their dose of information. Internet is a wide world in itself, so teenagers start finding something there and end with totally different page. Below are the few sexual problems and issues which teenaged girls usually face:

First time sex:

According to a survey, young girls have their first time when they are in their early teens. The results of this survey must have disappointing for many parents, but that’s not a big deal. World has become more modern and people are open about sex. The thing that parents must be concerned is to educate their young ones with the pros and cons of healthy sex life and the need to use protection.


If you are unlucky and not educated in sex then you end up having an unwanted pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy can be devastating. This is one major problem which gets sticky to deal with. Abortion is the only option left if you are very young, but it would have a bad impact on your body in the longer run. Parents must educate their kids with safe sex advices and young girls should insist on condoms if they are having sex.

Sexually transmitted diseases:

When the hormones are at their highest peak, it becomes really difficult to control those desires to have sex. Some young girls end up having sex with infected strangers unknowing the consequences. Every young girl must know what sexually transmitted diseases are and how painful they are. Some sexually transmitted diseases are incurable and some are life threatening as well. Teenagers can refer to the internet to know some of the worst STD’s and also precautions that they must ensure while having sex.


Teenagers must be educated on different precaution methods so that they keep themselves safe from unwanted STD’s and pregnancies. It is important that the parents talk to their little ones on their own or seek the help of an experienced, qualified psychologist.

Teenage is a crucial age in life where the hormones control their lives. You cannot stop or control your young ones at this stage. They become rebellious and that could worsen the condition and also break the bond that you share with them. It is important to educate them so that they care of themselves. Teach them the right ways to keep them safe.

Sexual Health Fact

Bооbiеѕ. Tа-Tаѕ. Milk-makers. Fun bаgѕ. Whаtеvеr a guy likеѕ tо саll them, the female brеаѕtѕ аrе a ѕоurсе оf еndlеѕѕ fascination tо mоѕt men. Whеthеr a guу hаѕ ѕееn nо brеаѕtѕ аt аll уеt, оr has had thе рrivilеgе of being intrоduсеd to many, he dоеѕn’t actually оwn thе еquiрmеnt himѕеlf, ѕо thiѕ раrt оf thе fеmаlе аnаtоmу surely holds some mystery tо him. Hеrе are 7 facts guуѕ are wоndеring about thеir girl’ѕ girlѕ and overall sexual health, as well аѕ a thing оr two аbоut kеерing hiѕ оwn equipment in tор condition. Aftеr all, a hеаlthу реniѕ is imроrtаnt for a healthy ѕеx life.

1. Whаt iѕ thе аvеrаgе ѕizе? Of соurѕе thеrе iѕ a wide vаriаtiоn ranging from wоmеn whо are a petite size AA, all thе wау to a buxоm FF and beyond! Thе аvеrаgе brеаѕt size fills оut a B or a C сuр in a brа аnd wеighѕ аbоut 1.5 pound each, thоugh wоmаn with dеnѕеr brеаѕt tiѕѕuе mау tiр thе scales a bit highеr in thе bооb department.

2. Do fаkе boobs feel diffеrеnt? Yеѕ. Whilе ѕоmе tуреѕ оf imрlаntѕ mау hаvе a more realistic fееling thаn оthеrѕ, most mеn ѕtаtе thеу саn tell thе fаlѕiеѕ frоm the rеаl dеаl. (Inсidеntаllу, mоѕt women notice a decrease in sensitivity аftеr thе surgery – something tо consider if a wоmаn is соntеmрlаting imрlаntѕ)

3. Dоn’t tоuсh рlеаѕе! Guys mау wonder whу ѕоmеtimеѕ a girl swats his hаnd away likе it’ѕ gоing to bitе her whеn hе rеасhеѕ fоr the gооdѕ. Simрlе аnѕwеr: sometimes the bооbѕ hurt! Whеn a woman iѕ соming uр on her реriоd, iѕ рrеgnаnt, оr оftеn right аftеr sex, thе entire brеаѕt – аnd especially thе niррlе аrеа – may become hуреrѕеnѕitivе аnd painful. So if ѕhе iѕ ѕауing no touch, a guу bеttеr listen tо her or risk gеtting ѕlарреd!

4. No twо wоmаn’ѕ nipples are аlikе – Sоrt of likе a ѕnоwflаkе thаt rеѕidеѕ оn the brеаѕt, thеrе are a widе vаriеtу of nipple ѕhареѕ, colors, ѕizеѕ аnd textures. But hey, iѕn’t thаt hаlf thе fun?

5. Which iѕ mоrе ѕеnѕitivе: Leftie оr righty? It turnѕ оut thаt mоrе wоmеn dо find thеir lеft nipple to bе super сhаrgеd in terms оf еrоtiс ѕеnѕitivitу, thоugh thiѕ iѕ nоt a hаrd аnd fаѕt rulе. Don’t bе аfrаid tо ask hеr whiсh оnе feels bеttеr; ѕhе mау well have a fаvоritе!

6. Sоmе niррlеѕ аrе “innies” – Whаt guу, аѕ a kid, didn’t lift up hiѕ ѕhirt tо соmраrе bеllу buttons with hiѕ friеnd’ѕ in thе debate bеtwееn “inniеѕ” аnd “outies?” Nipples can bеhаvе in muсh thе ѕаmе wау.

Though аn “оutiе” iѕ thе ѕtаndаrd most mеn аrе ассuѕtоmеd to, niррlеѕ аrе ѕоmеtimеѕ inverted, giving thеm аn “inniе” арреаrаnсе. Luckily, it’ѕ nо big deal аnd thеу still hаvе thе same sensations аѕ their еrесt соuntеrраrtѕ.

7. Iѕ there such a thing аѕ a boob-gasm? Aсtuаllу, уеѕ. Whilе not аll wоmеn can hit thе high nоtеѕ frоm niррlе stimulation alone, ѕоmе women саn orgasm from the right аmоunt аnd type оf niррlе рlау. Talk аbоut mаking a guy’s jоb easier!

Imрrоving Sexual Health

Whеn a guу iѕ luсkу enough to get a сlоѕе-uр viеw of thе fеmаlе brеаѕtѕ, сhаnсеѕ are thаt things are about tо gо even further. Therefore, it is еѕѕеntiаl to bе оn tор оf thе penis саrе rоutinе tо make ѕurе еvеrуthing is in working оrdеr. Juѕt аѕ women hаvе to tаkе саrе оf thеir brеаѕtѕ with monthly self-exams fоr breast саnсеr, men should аlѕо be соnduсting a mоnthlу tеѕtiсulаr ѕеlf-еxаm tо mаkе ѕurе everything iѕ ѕtауing on thе uр аnd prevent erectile dysfunction. Gеntlу раlраting the grоin аrеа – еѕресiаllу thе ѕсrоtum – in ѕеаrсh оf unusual lumрѕ and bumрѕ саn ѕаvе a mаn’ѕ lifе.

How to Keep your Sperm Healthy?

Determining the sperm quality can be done through three parameters. The first and most important one is the number of sperm in around two cubic centimeters of sperm. There are usually around 35 million sperms in this amount of sperm. If the number is 50% lower, it can cause a lot of problems in male fertility. The second parameter is the mobility of those sperms. Even if someone has 35 million sperms it doesn’t mean that they are healthy. They can be exposed to mechanical damages, abnormal heat or other risk factors that can cause damage. Sperms can be damages while they are in the testicles but they can also be damages while they are on their way from the testicles to the glans penis. If more than half of the sperms are mobile this means that the man is perfectly fertile. This amount of sperms is more than enough for successful conception. The third parameter is used to test and determine the shape of the sperms. Sperms have standard form that allows them to easily fertilize eggs. According to some experts if there are around 15% of sperms with standard shape than the conception should be successful. These numbers are slowly decreasing in the recent years.

There are few ways that can help men keep their sperm healthy. For example, wearing proper underwear is very important. By proper we mean underwear that is not very tight and preferably made of natural materials especially if the weather is hot. Wearing synthetic underwear in hot places can have negative impact on the development of new sperms and the health of the ones that we already have. Try to wear clothes that allow as much air flow as possible. Even in places where it is cold try to wear the minimal amount of clothes. Boxer shorts are probably the best choice for men.

Things such as alcohol, tobacco and drugs have strong influence on the quality of sperm. Besides that they are bad for your overall health and your sex life too (they often cause decrease in sexual desire, erectile dysfunctions etc.). These substances can lower the number of sperms.

Sperm is collected in the testicles and if you don’t have sexual intercourse for a longer period, the sperm is excreted on its own mostly during the night when you are asleep. This is a completely natural way of our body to get rid of the excessive amount of sperm. Of course, it is always better to help our body by having sex or with masturbation because we speed up the process of secretion of “stagnant” seminal fluid. Keep in mind that abnormally frequent masturbation or sex can also affect the development of sperm quality in a negative way. Secretion of sperm once a day is an optimal frequency.

As we have mentioned before a good diet can keep your sperm healthy. A good diet that is consumed regularly will definitely boost your sperm quality.

Obesity – A Big Obstacle To Good Sex Life

Being overweight prevents relaxed and exciting sexuality because the extra weight makes us feel lazy, clumsy and tensed. Those who have problems with their weight should definitely start working on their problem.

People that are suffering from obesity are usually not satisfied with their appearance which makes them feel uncomfortable around their partner. This is especially true when they have to get naked in order to have sex. These people simply can’t be relaxed when it comes to sex, mostly because they are focused on the look of their body and they can’t stop thinking about what their partner thinks about their physical appearance and are they even appealing to them. Of course, we are not talking about cases when someone has few extra pounds and he or she looks chubby. We are talking about excessive obesity where the individual has more than 100 lbs of excessive weight. This is a condition which makes individuals indifferent to many things. These people are often convinced that they are fat, they can’t do anything about it and they will have to practice boring sex and overall boring life.

Another big disadvantage of suffering from obesity is the excessive sweating which also means taking a shower more than once a day (especially during summer). But many obese people are convinced that they are not going to have sex so they stop taking care about their personal hygiene.  This can be a great problem because personal hygiene is prerequisite for a healthy sex life and different sexual pleasures. Excessive weight can result in inflammation between the thighs.

Obese people have limited choice of sex positions. For example, obese men will have to skip the missionary position or any other position where they are on top. This means that the man will have to accept the positions where he is being dominated. Obese women can practice doggy position but this position can cause pain in their knees which can lead to serious injuries over time. All these things mean that obese people cannot enjoy sex like others because the number of sex positions that they can practice are very limited.

However, there are men who are interested in obese women. It seems that these men enjoy being with women who have extra pounds and they find skinny or women with normal weight unattractive. In fact they find larger women sexier. Women suffering from obesity would definitely be very happy if they find men like that, but truth to be told men like that are very rare – they are exceptions not a rule.

It appears that the biggest problem of obese people is the lack of self-awareness, the dissatisfaction with one’s own body. Even the partner who loves that person doesn’t look so harsh on those extra pounds. However, people are visual beings meaning they are really sensitive about their appearance. So if you are having problems with excessive weight – you can either accept your body and start enjoying it or do something to lose those extra pounds.

Impotent Prevention

Impotence is one condition that all men dread. Being diagnosed as being impotent does spell doom for most men as such a diagnosis literally means poor sex health. Indeed most men declared with impotence do have their lives disrupted knowing that they are literally not in a position to engage in satisfactory sexual performance and the thought of inability to father their own children normally takes a toll on such men. It is not therefore surprising that most men diagnosed as being impotence do end up suffering from stress and depression. Some men who fail to receive counseling to cope with their condition do end up committing suicide.

Simply put, impotence is an erectile dysfunction (ED) problem that affects a good number of men around the world. Initially common with men above 40 years, more and more younger men are now diagnosed with the problem that is usually characterized by inability for a man to attain a strong penile erection necessary for satisfactory sexual performance. The problem can also manifest itself as premature ejaculation in case of men who experience some for of penile erection.

A number of physical and psychological factors can lead to one being declared impotent. Of all factors however, physical factors are the main causes. There are several ways through which one can avoid being declared impotent, ways that give assurance for good sex health.

Heart Health

A good number of men diagnosed as being impotent have been established to suffer from various types of heart ailments. Medical researchers have established that occurrence of such ailments as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis increase a man’s risk of developing impotence and poor sex health in general. Interestingly, men diagnosed with ED are also at high risk of suffering from such heart ailments. Prevention of such heart ailments is therefore a very effective way to prevent impotence.

Hormonal Balance

Apart from neurological problems that have been linked to ED and poor sex health in general, hormonal imbalance has also been established to cause ED. Reduced level of testosterone and increased level of prolactin in particular is a major cause of impotence. Every man needs to ensure that his hormones are properly balanced to prevent erectile dysfunction.

Injury Prevention

Specific physical trauma and injuries that affect the pelvic region of the body and the spinal cord can easily lead to poor sex health and in extreme cases being declared impotent. Every man also needs to avoid certain surgical procedures unless they are very necessary. Such include fistula, orthopedic and prostate/rectal/colon surgical procedures. It must however be pointed out that vasectomy has never been linked to ED or poor sex health.


According to the USA’s national Institute of Health (NIH), long-term use of certain medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines and hypertension medications put a man at a high risk of suffering from poor sex life, which can also lead to impotence.

Mental Health

It is generally appreciated that poor mental health leads to poor sex health. Every man needs to avoid such conditions as high stress levels, depression and anxiety at all costs to be assured of a healthy sex life.

These are definitely just a few of the ways through which every man can prevent being diagnosed as impotent. The fact that younger men are now also diagnosed with ED makes it very necessary for younger men in particular to take necessary precautions.