Tag Archives: endorphins

7 Healthy Reasons to Have Sex

We think about sex. We fantasize about sex. We spend an inordinate amount of time and money in the pursuit for sex. We have sex. Pleasure is not the only benefit we get underneath the sheet. The mental and physical benefits of a healthy sex life extend far beyond the bedroom. Researchers, scientists, and medical professionals have made it their mission to study exactly how sex improves nearly every facet of life. So, let’s check out some healthy reasons to have sex regularly:

Improved Heart Health and Exercise

Sex can strengthen muscle tone and also increase heart rate. Just like any physical exercise, healthy sex is good for your heart. A study published in January 2015 in the “American Journal of Cardiology” found that men who had sex twice weekly or more had less risk of cardiovascular diseases, like strokes or heart attack, than those who had sex once a month or less. Similarly, sex can actually be considered a rather good form of exercise :A small study published in October 2013 in the “Journal PLoS One” showed that men burned an average of 4 calories a minute during sex while  women burned off 3 calories. That is more fun than hitting the gym

Sweet Pain Relief

According to researchers “Pain sometimes has to do with blood flowing to one particular area, like the head, and sex can take some of that pressure off by redirecting the flow”. Endorphins released during orgasm likely play a role in sex pain-relieving power. In another study published in PLoS One that was performed at Stanford University in California, anesthesiologists showed participants photos their romantic partners. They found that looking at romantic partners significantly eradicates the experience of pain. Although, you might think pain is a barrier to sex; consider this a sex benefit worth the time and effort. Other studies have found that women may get some relief from menstrual cramps through an intense orgasm.

Less Stress and Lower Body Pressure

Sex can help relieve stress by raising endorphins and other hormones that boost mood. As a form of exercise, it can also help calm you down. In addition, a Scottish study published in the journal _Biological Psychology_ found that sexual activity prevents increases in blood pressure during stressful events. While this effect was more pronounced in people who had sex with penetration, non-penetrative sex can also help you stay unclouded.

Possible Reduction of Prostate Cancer

Sex may protect against cancer. A study published in December 2016 in the journal _European Urology_ found that men who ejaculate more than 21 times within a month, compared with those who do so four to seven times within a month, are 20 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer, this shows that men who ejaculate regularly may reduce their risk of prostate cancer. Similarly, a French study found that women who have sex at least once in a month are less likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn’t. Although the disease is rare in men, those who orgasm less than six times a month appear to be at increased risk of breast cancer compared to those who do so more often, according to a Greek study.

Better Sleep with a Bonus: Increased Sexual Desire

Do you know that orgasms will help to release hormone prolactin that let you feels sleepy and relaxed? It’s from National Sleep Foundation. Don’t be angry with your partner that they fall asleep after an exciting session. This sleep connection also works in reverse. According to a study published in May 2015 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine getting enough shut-eye can improve your sexual response and may increase the chance that you will engage regularly in sex. Researchers discovered that when women slept for longer period of time, they recovered greater sexual desire the next day.

Happier Mood and a Stronger Relationship

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is released during physical intimacy and skin-to-skin contact; it can help increase romantic feelings between you and your partner. It is no wonder that you have got a more positive outlook after sex. There are biochemical rationales for experiencing improved mood as a sex benefit, from the neurotransmitters that may be released during sex to the mood enhancers contained in semen itself. According to Dr. Caron, “there is a lot to be said simply for the mood-boosting effect of having a nice connection with somebody that you trust and care about. In addition, researchers found that partners were satisfied for a full 48 hours after sexual activity, and those who were lucky enough to experience this afterglow went on to report more happiness in their relationship several months later.

Glowing Younger -Looking Skin

The fable “morning after” glow is not just your imagination; you really do look better after having sex. According to Dr. Caron, “Sex even helps you look younger”, that glow can be attributed to a combination of stress relief, better mood, and the flush of blood under your skin is a natural part of the arousal process. Sex boosts blood flow and helps regulate hormones, which can both have positive effects on skin’s appearance

Enjoying a better sex life is one of the great joys in life. Intimacy is a boost to your long term health as well, make it more pleasurable.

Should You Have Sex Every Night: 14 Reasons People Tend To Forgo The Sex Act

There are some women, and many men, who are under the impression that the one key way to keep relationships thriving and happy is to have sex every night of the week. Here’s reality: no one has time to have sex every day. There is so much going on in life that having sex every night is next to impossible.

14 Key Reasons People Choose Not To Have Sex Every Evening

1 – Television Shows

Let’s be honest… the TV has a lot of good shows to watch – from comedy, to drama, to horror to reality – every now and again, you just want to watch a little good TV instead of a good romp in bed.

2 – Reading Books

If you’re not into The Walking Dead, Grey’s Anatomy or Dancing with the Stars, you may be into reading the next Stephen King book or re-reading a Harry Potter novel.  Sometimes, when you get to reading, it can be hard to put the book down… even to go to bed! Sex, every now and again, takes a backseat to a good book.

3 – Tiredness

Sometimes sex is the last thing on your mind when you’re tired. Perhaps the day was just too busy. You had to worry about a big project at work, the kids were misbehaving, you had to get them ready for school, had to cook supper, etc. Sex isn’t always the top priority on days like this. Sleep is always a good thing because it allows your body to recharge.

4 – Sex Was Excessively Rough The Night Before

Sex can get rough from time to time, and the next night should be a day off to recover. This is especially true if you got in a “good” sexual workout. Do your legs or arm hurt? Then, the best thing you can do is take the evening off to just relax and forget the sex.

5 – You Had Food That Disagrees With Your Stomach

It’s not uncommon to have an upset stomach. And, some types of foods – Chinese, Mexican, Indian, hard boiled eggs, etc. – can cause your stomach to be even more upset. If you’re lactose intolerant – but not enough to be a severe allergy to it – ice cream could make your stomach upset. You certainly don’t want to try having sex on a rough stomach. You definitely don’t want to be farting or belching in the middle of the sex act.

6 – You’re Suffering A Migraine or Nasty Regular Headache

If you’re stressed out from life, then you’re probably going to be suffering with a headache. Now, even though sex can help release endorphins that will help relieve headaches for a short time, it can be hard to get the motivation to actually start the sex act. Therefore, it’s just best to take the night off.

7 – You Could Have A UTI

It’s not uncommon for women to get UTIs. And, you certainly don’t want to worsen the condition or make your partner suffer. Take some time off from sex until you know for sure you’re passed the UTI.

8 – Masturbation

When you or your partner masturbates, it can take some time to recover from the act. Therefore, sex may need to take a back burner for the night.

9 – Your Bedtimes May Differ

Now, some men and women have differing bedtimes. If your other half comes home after you go to bed, the chances of having sex are slim to none. Of course, there’s always that possibility of a late-night grope, but even if that’s not the case, tomorrow is just another day to try the sex act again.

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10 – You Are Angry At Him

Did you and your other half have a fight? If you’re still angry, the last thing you want to do is have sex with him. While you shouldn’t go to bed angry, you certainly don’t have to have sex to makeup with him. Of course, makeup sex can lead to some good sexual bedroom escapades.

11 – You Both Don’t Feel Like Going Through The Act

It’s okay! Life does go on. Spend the time relaxing and enjoy the sex at a later date.

12 – Cuddling Is Far More Important

Perhaps all you want is a little cuddle time, and that’s perfectly fine! Just being held by your significant other can be just as fun and relaxing as sex itself.

13 – Someone Is Spending The Night

If you have someone over for the night, you may be wondering if they could hear you having sex. Does it make you feel uncomfortable having sex with someone in your house? Do you think you’d disturb them by having sex? For the sake of that person, it’s okay to opt out of the sex act and just go to bed!

14 – Work Demands Your Undivided Attention

Sometimes big projects at work demand your total attention, and if the total attention goes into the overnight hours, then you definitely are not going to be thinking about sex.  Finish the project then later have great sex to make up for it.

How can acupuncture improve your sex life?

We have all heard about the health benefits of acupuncture but little is known about the fact that acupuncture can improve sexual life too.

Acupuncture is a well known ancient Chinese method used to improve better blood circulation and balancing your life energy in your body. As Chinese acupuncturist like to say – acupuncture is trying to find the perfect balance between yin and yang (in this case – male and female energies). An experienced acupuncturist can easily determine a possible imbalance in the body and by placing needles in higher energetic lines (called meridians) he can stimulate the flow of the energy throughout the body.

Acupuncture can help a lot of people. For example, pregnant women can benefit a lot from this practice. The body of a pregnant woman is dealing with a lot of changes during this period. Almost every woman is suffering from some kind of problems during this period; some of them can deal with them easily while others find that difficult. Acupuncture can be very helpful when it comes to morning sickness, reducing the pain in the perineum and some experts recommend acupuncture as an alternative method against pain during labor. This comes as a result of the release of the endorphins thanks to the acupuncture. These endorphins serve as a natural remedy against pain. They also encourage positive thoughts and every persona generally feels better thanks to these hormones.

Acupuncture can also be very helpful for those are entering menopause and even andropause. It can be very useful for women that have problems with vaginal dryness and infertility. Men who are suffering from premature ejaculation and impotence can also try this method.

When it comes to sexual health acupuncture is a known remedy for low libido in both men and women. The acupuncturists focus on certain spots on our bodies like the liver or the kidneys in order to solve these problems. This is very logical if we know that these organs are considered as filters for the body and if they are not working properly this situation can affect the whole body including our sexual organs. Even people who are suffering from sex addiction can benefit from acupuncture. As we have mentioned before acupuncture brings back the balance and sex addiction is an obvious case of body imbalance.

But how exactly does acupuncture work when we talk about sex? First of all, it is not recommended to have sex three hours after and three hours before acupuncture session. The effects of acupuncture can be significantly reduced if you are emotionally distracted and also if you have used some drugs or maybe you’ve had too much food and alcohol.

What makes acupuncture great is that there are almost no side effects. In order to avoid the possibility of side effects find an experienced acupuncturist. Besides that, this alternative method of improve your sexual health is that it doesn’t only affect your sexual health but it also improves your overall health.

Why Is Female Masturbation Good For The Health?

Have you noticed that when you read about masturbation it is usually about male masturbation? Female masturbation is still considered to be a taboo but in the recent years there were several studies that came to a conclusion that female masturbation affects health in a positive way. So besides regular sex, occasional masturbation can be beneficial for women. These are some of effects of female masturbation:

–      Cardiovascular system and diabetes

Recent researches have proven that female orgasms strengthen the resistance of female bodies to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Of course these orgasms can be achieved by having sex with a partner but they can also be achieved with masturbation (especially if the woman doesn’t have a partner).

–      Infections

Masturbation is also very helpful when it comes to infections. It is good for both infections of the cervix and against urinary tract infections. It is a well known fact that masturbation lowers the risk of prostate cancer in men and recent studies have shown that masturbation practiced by women can lower the risk of cervical cancer. Once again the main reason for this is the orgasm itself, because it opens up the uterus and encourages production and distribution of so-called good bacteria in that area. Masturbation can also be useful in cases of urinary tract infections because it eases the pain which is a common thing in these infections. Besides that it helps the process of ejection of old and useless bacteria.

–      Pelvic

Masturbation, or orgasms to be more precise, strengthens the bottom of the pelvic which is especially important for women who have given birth. Throughout masturbation, and especially when the masturbation gets to the climax (orgasm), comes to muscle contractions and accelerated blood flow. All these things have great effects on the consolidation of the pelvic floor that leads to increased sexual pleasure and desire too.

–      Sleeping

Masturbation requires some energy and that is why many women (even without doing that intentionally) start masturbating after a long and busy day at work because that gives them a sense of relaxation and it helps them sleep faster and tighter. It is a known fact that masturbation encourages the release of dopamine in the body and those levels are at their maximum before the orgasm occurs. After the orgasm is achieved, oxytocin and endorphins are released that gives a feeling of calmness and warmth in every woman. Because of this feeling it is much easier for the woman to go to bed and sleep without having any problems.

–      Relaxation and mood

With the help of the hormones that are released during masturbation, the female body successfully fights the symptoms caused by stress. Hormones that lead to depression and bad moods are replaced with other hormones that bring happiness and calmness. Few researches have proven that masturbation drastically reduces emotional stress and this is very important because this stress is a direct cause of many diseases. Another research has shown that masturbation can remove bad mood instantly.