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Should You Have Sex Every Night: 14 Reasons People Tend To Forgo The Sex Act

There are some women, and many men, who are under the impression that the one key way to keep relationships thriving and happy is to have sex every night of the week. Here’s reality: no one has time to have sex every day. There is so much going on in life that having sex every night is next to impossible.

14 Key Reasons People Choose Not To Have Sex Every Evening

1 – Television Shows

Let’s be honest… the TV has a lot of good shows to watch – from comedy, to drama, to horror to reality – every now and again, you just want to watch a little good TV instead of a good romp in bed.

2 – Reading Books

If you’re not into The Walking Dead, Grey’s Anatomy or Dancing with the Stars, you may be into reading the next Stephen King book or re-reading a Harry Potter novel.  Sometimes, when you get to reading, it can be hard to put the book down… even to go to bed! Sex, every now and again, takes a backseat to a good book.

3 – Tiredness

Sometimes sex is the last thing on your mind when you’re tired. Perhaps the day was just too busy. You had to worry about a big project at work, the kids were misbehaving, you had to get them ready for school, had to cook supper, etc. Sex isn’t always the top priority on days like this. Sleep is always a good thing because it allows your body to recharge.

4 – Sex Was Excessively Rough The Night Before

Sex can get rough from time to time, and the next night should be a day off to recover. This is especially true if you got in a “good” sexual workout. Do your legs or arm hurt? Then, the best thing you can do is take the evening off to just relax and forget the sex.

5 – You Had Food That Disagrees With Your Stomach

It’s not uncommon to have an upset stomach. And, some types of foods – Chinese, Mexican, Indian, hard boiled eggs, etc. – can cause your stomach to be even more upset. If you’re lactose intolerant – but not enough to be a severe allergy to it – ice cream could make your stomach upset. You certainly don’t want to try having sex on a rough stomach. You definitely don’t want to be farting or belching in the middle of the sex act.

6 – You’re Suffering A Migraine or Nasty Regular Headache

If you’re stressed out from life, then you’re probably going to be suffering with a headache. Now, even though sex can help release endorphins that will help relieve headaches for a short time, it can be hard to get the motivation to actually start the sex act. Therefore, it’s just best to take the night off.

7 – You Could Have A UTI

It’s not uncommon for women to get UTIs. And, you certainly don’t want to worsen the condition or make your partner suffer. Take some time off from sex until you know for sure you’re passed the UTI.

8 – Masturbation

When you or your partner masturbates, it can take some time to recover from the act. Therefore, sex may need to take a back burner for the night.

9 – Your Bedtimes May Differ

Now, some men and women have differing bedtimes. If your other half comes home after you go to bed, the chances of having sex are slim to none. Of course, there’s always that possibility of a late-night grope, but even if that’s not the case, tomorrow is just another day to try the sex act again.

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10 – You Are Angry At Him

Did you and your other half have a fight? If you’re still angry, the last thing you want to do is have sex with him. While you shouldn’t go to bed angry, you certainly don’t have to have sex to makeup with him. Of course, makeup sex can lead to some good sexual bedroom escapades.

11 – You Both Don’t Feel Like Going Through The Act

It’s okay! Life does go on. Spend the time relaxing and enjoy the sex at a later date.

12 – Cuddling Is Far More Important

Perhaps all you want is a little cuddle time, and that’s perfectly fine! Just being held by your significant other can be just as fun and relaxing as sex itself.

13 – Someone Is Spending The Night

If you have someone over for the night, you may be wondering if they could hear you having sex. Does it make you feel uncomfortable having sex with someone in your house? Do you think you’d disturb them by having sex? For the sake of that person, it’s okay to opt out of the sex act and just go to bed!

14 – Work Demands Your Undivided Attention

Sometimes big projects at work demand your total attention, and if the total attention goes into the overnight hours, then you definitely are not going to be thinking about sex.  Finish the project then later have great sex to make up for it.