Tag Archives: sex position

5 Tips for Better Sexual health

Everyone wants a better sex life. Depending on whether you are suffering from sexual health issues or if you just want to improve upon a mediocre sex life we have 5 tips to help you out. Scroll down to discover how to step things up in the bedroom.

1. Spice things up. Both male and females require stimulation to be primed and ready for sex. For women, hormones play a pivotal role in sexual appetite and orgasm. However, when you switch things up like having sex in a different part of the house or even away from home you have a better chance of turning her on and pleasing her. If you or your partner are complaining about how boring your sex life is then take a hint and switch things up.

2. Role Play. Every person living on this planet has a sexual fantasy they wish they could act out. Some people have a thing for librarians. Some dudes wish they could have a threesome. Whatever the case is try to live out each other’s fantasies. This will give you something new to share and will make your bedroom activities much hotter. Chances are you will never look at each other the same way again.

3. Relax. Life is stressful. Make it a point to unwind once you get home. Take a shower, do some meditation and simply just be. If you find it difficult to relax then start an exercise routine and look into other areas of your life that are causing stress. Remove what you can and ignore the rest. Your sex life will improve dramatically and your partner will be happy it did.

4. Try a new position. A surefire way to sexually enhance your intimate relationships is by trying a new sex position. Women need to switch things up to feel better and get the penetration and stimulation they need. Try positions like girl on top or doggy style to give her the touch she wants.

5. Incorporate dirty talk. Not everything you say during sex may sound sexy. The next time you two saddle up in the sack consider throwing in some dirty talk to change things up a bit. Say things like “Your body makes me so hard” or “I want to be inside you so bad”. Things like that turn both of you on and sound incredibly hot.