Tag Archives: sexual behavior

How to Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The number of young people that have sexually transmitted diseases is rising every day. For example in the USA more than half of those who suffer from some kind of sexually transmitted disease are young people under the age of 25.

There are more than 20 types of diseases that are transmitted by sexual intercourse and there are much more causes that these diseases occur. Some of them are caused by the virus of the genital wards or the human immunodeficiency virus while others are caused by hepatitis and herpes. Very often these diseases are Chlamydia infections, because they are really easily transmitted and often accompanied by other infections.

When we talk about Chlamydia infections it’s good to know that the incubation period of this infection takes one to three weeks. After this period people that are infected can notice whitish discharge from their genitalia. Sometimes it’s very hard to tell what the symptoms of Chlamydia are and the process of treating this infection can be very difficult.  For example men that have developed Chlamydia infection can have problem with their prostate (inflammation) while women can experience pelvic inflammatory disease which can lead to infertility. Therefore it is necessary to be extremely careful and to react as soon as the infection is noticed. This infection is treated successfully with the usage of antibiotics.

Prevention is extremely important when it comes to sexually transmitted diseases because as you can they are very difficult to treat. Some infections are very difficult to notice because they don’t make some significant changes in their host. That’s why we need to be cautious. Sometimes it takes only one sexual contact for transmission of infection. That’s why prevention is very important. Although there are different types of protection for different types of infections, there are some general rules that can apply for all infections and for all people no matter their age, sex or sexual lifestyle.

Prevention is very important and should begin as early as possible. It means that even before young people make their first sexual contact they need to be familiar with these issues. They need to learn about the causes of sexually transmitted infections and the diseases that they cause and the ways to protect if they occur.

The most efficient method that will give 100% effect is abstention from sexual activity. However this option is not practical and probably not even possible. There are however few things that can help the prevention from these infections:

–      Proper choice of a partner. Having sex with people that you know, trust and love will certainly reduce the risk of infection to minimum.

–      Having sex with complete strangers or almost complete strangers with unknown sexual behavior will raise the risk. People that tend to have such contacts are often carriers of various diseases.

–      Having regular medical exams can prevent the appearance of infections.

–      Using condoms will surely increase the level of security. Condoms can prevent transmission of most of the sexually transmitted infections however people should be careful with infections that are transmitted in other ways.

–      Regular showering can also be very useful.

Remember that even if we have taken all measures for prevention sexually transmitted diseases can still occur. That’s why we need to treat them very seriously.