Tag Archives: Stop premature ejaculation

Dealing with Premature Ejaculation

For once, let us be honest with ourselves (Us men). Out of every ten of us, four of us have to deal with the distasteful subject of premature ejaculation. Like we are all aware (men) our sexual confidence and also our ability to last longer in bed are birds of a feather…

Hence the reason why we are often gripped with fear when our ability of pleasing and pleasuring our ladies in the bedroom is called into question! The less we are able to perform in the bedroom, the more our confidence gets bruised.

To make matters even worse, many fellows still shy off from sexual sessions thanks to the underlying embarrassment of climaxing rather too soon. But as much as premature ejaculation is a problem that is consistently embarrassing to deal with, what many men fail to realize is, that this is a problem that they can easily overcome, and over come naturally!

One of the many reasons why men climax too soon is the way they focus on too much on the time frame that they need to last while having sex. We have a huge problem as men, why you ask? Because we often worry about the fact that it is near impossible for us to last in bed as long as the male actors in a porn movie.

We focus on this problem till we forget that, sex that lasts for a long period of time, can be extremely painful and very uncomfortable for the lady you having the romp with.

The way our beautiful ladies bodies are built is, the lubrication in their vagina at most times dries up when you thrust in and out progressively. So guess the question here is; what is the magical number?  The fortunate thing is, in a majority of the cases, for sex to be considered satisfying, you only need to last as long as a five minute YouTube Clip!

Anywhere between three to five minutes, minus the time you spend on foreplay. To make sure you get your woman to a point where she have sexual satisfaction, heighten her arousal by giving her top end female arousal and reach her sexual fulfilment get away!

Stop Premature Ejaculation

Again, due to our ignorance, a majority of us overlook this very easy strategy and it is an effective strategy that would do wonders to help us stop premature ejaculation. Actually it has been proven that one of the greatest ways of getting rid of Premature Ejaculation Permanently is by laying focus on sensitive as well as enhanced sexual arousal on our female partners first.

You should as well consider giving your lady enough foreplay and in a sensitive way touching her G-spot and most sensitive parts such as the clitoris and augment the chances of her achieving orgasm and orgasm quite first!

Unlike us (the men) women have been built to carry a number of erogenous areas all over her body. Learning where these hotspots are will help you make her become aroused extremely fast. Now pay attention to these hot spots.


Teach yourself how to make your lady friend reach her orgasm before you start making love. The more she climax the more confident you become and the higher your stamina will be boosted. Another trick to help your stop premature ejaculation!