Category Archives: erectile dysfunction

Taking care of your sexual health

Sex is not all about having a mind-blowing, orgasm filled, and satisfying sex. It is a little more than that. There are so many things involved with having sex which includes the sexual organs, reproduction, infections, STDs and so on. If you have decided to live a sexually active life, then you would need to take responsibility for your actions. Here are some aspects of sexual health you should know about:

What sex entails

This talks about the whole essence of sex, beginning from the desire to have it, how to get stimulated and your response or reaction to it. Knowing the basics will enable you to have a clear understanding of what you are getting into so you don’t become confused or frustrated at some events that may occur during sex.

The reproductive cycle

One of the reasons for having sex is for reproduction. But is this the reason most people have sex? No. people just want to feel good and have orgasms. Identify what you want out of sex. Do you want babies? Learn how to track your cycle and what things that are required of you to do in order to have a healthy pregnancy. You don’t want to make babies? Get information about ways to prevent conception during sex. Birth controls, condoms, vasectomy and so on are tools you can use to be on a safe side.

Erectile dysfunction

This is one issue that disturbs men of all ages. Knowing about the causes of erectile dysfunction and prevention will help you have a better sex life. No one wants to be with a guy that can’t get or sustain an erection. It would end up making you and your partner frustrated. So help everyone and get yourself informed.

Higher Libido

Sexual desire varies which could cause one partner to desire sex more often than the other. This is often mistaken as sex addiction but they are quite different. Know how to reduce your libido to match that of your partner could reduce the conflict most couples have because of this issue. You could also get someone with a libido as high as yours.

Vaginal dryness

One of the struggles of women who are either pregnant or are in their menopause. This could cause friction between partners as one party might not have a desire for sex and the other might not even feel satisfied because of the dryness of the vagina. Knowing what to do in such situations like getting a lubricant in form of a tube or condom might fix the problem. Consulting your doctor at this time will also be appropriate.

Guarding against infection

This entails learning about the different types as well as consequences of infection should be first on the list. This is followed by prevention which deals with taking necessary steps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Prevention is important to limit the spread of these diseases thereby protecting your health and that of others. You should also know about getting a test for STDs. How often should you get a test and why it is important to be tested? Then, you need to know how to live with STDs if you have contracted one.