Tag Archives: erectile dysfunction

Taking care of your sexual health

Sex is not all about having a mind-blowing, orgasm filled, and satisfying sex. It is a little more than that. There are so many things involved with having sex which includes the sexual organs, reproduction, infections, STDs and so on. If you have decided to live a sexually active life, then you would need to take responsibility for your actions. Here are some aspects of sexual health you should know about:

What sex entails

This talks about the whole essence of sex, beginning from the desire to have it, how to get stimulated and your response or reaction to it. Knowing the basics will enable you to have a clear understanding of what you are getting into so you don’t become confused or frustrated at some events that may occur during sex.

The reproductive cycle

One of the reasons for having sex is for reproduction. But is this the reason most people have sex? No. people just want to feel good and have orgasms. Identify what you want out of sex. Do you want babies? Learn how to track your cycle and what things that are required of you to do in order to have a healthy pregnancy. You don’t want to make babies? Get information about ways to prevent conception during sex. Birth controls, condoms, vasectomy and so on are tools you can use to be on a safe side.

Erectile dysfunction

This is one issue that disturbs men of all ages. Knowing about the causes of erectile dysfunction and prevention will help you have a better sex life. No one wants to be with a guy that can’t get or sustain an erection. It would end up making you and your partner frustrated. So help everyone and get yourself informed.

Higher Libido

Sexual desire varies which could cause one partner to desire sex more often than the other. This is often mistaken as sex addiction but they are quite different. Know how to reduce your libido to match that of your partner could reduce the conflict most couples have because of this issue. You could also get someone with a libido as high as yours.

Vaginal dryness

One of the struggles of women who are either pregnant or are in their menopause. This could cause friction between partners as one party might not have a desire for sex and the other might not even feel satisfied because of the dryness of the vagina. Knowing what to do in such situations like getting a lubricant in form of a tube or condom might fix the problem. Consulting your doctor at this time will also be appropriate.

Guarding against infection

This entails learning about the different types as well as consequences of infection should be first on the list. This is followed by prevention which deals with taking necessary steps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Prevention is important to limit the spread of these diseases thereby protecting your health and that of others. You should also know about getting a test for STDs. How often should you get a test and why it is important to be tested? Then, you need to know how to live with STDs if you have contracted one.

Starting To Exercise? Here Are Some Tips…

A regular exercise is more than necessary for every person, especially in the technological era, in which we work a lot, but we sit all day long. We spent time in front of the computer, calculating, programming, and typing. We travel by car, bus or cab no matter where we go. And indeed, very little time is devoted to our overall health. For that reason, experts keep warning us how the percentage of the overweight population is in constant increase as well as how regular exercise is of the utmost importance in preserving the health of our body. Overweight is one of the main reason that leads to erectile dysfunction, exercise may help you to improve sexual health.

The good thing is that many people are starting to be aware of the situation, and very often they decide to start changing it. They choose exercise rather than spending free time in shopping centres, and should the population continue this way, we may well witness the decrease of the obese people who suffer from heart disease. Therefore, if you are one of those who decided to start exercising regularly, here are some tips. We know that every beginning is a bit tough, but with a just little push in the back, you will become a master in exercising.

Find Time For Exercises

The most common excuse people use for not exercising is the alleged lack of time. Yeah, we all lead a busy lifestyle today, we admit it, but you actually have more free time than you are aware. It is all about the good organisation and a bit of effort. For example, how many times have you spent your free time sitting on a couch and eating snacks? Well, next time, get a bit in the shape and take the ultimate exercise – clean your place. If you have ever scrubbed the floors, or cleaned the windows or just done the vacuuming, you are more than aware how much energy all of those activities require. The same goes with gardening which also requires energy plus it is a pleasant activity. All of these small and seemingly unimportant activities are actually quite a nice exercise. They will help you use your free time more efficient.

Include Your Family

If you are married and have children, a good thing would be to include them in your exercises as well. Once you come home from work and have lunch (or dinner), you may take one hour of your time and organise a bike tour. It would be absolute fun for everyone, plus you will burn calories and have your muscles tightened. What is more, your children will get tired and fall asleep as soon as you get home. Is there anything better than spending the rest of the night at peace?

However, if you are not married, or you don’t have kids, you can always call your spouse for a walk around the neighbourhood. Or, to make the things even more fun, organise a little competition in running to some point, jump on the trampoline, or have a football match in your backyard. It is important to get active, and once you do, the calories will burn very quickly.

Exercise While At Work

It is clear that you cannot come to work wearing trainers and a backpack or have a session of push-ups or squats there, especially if you work in an office. However, you may choose some activities that require a lot more of physical exercise. For instance, park your car farther away from your work. In this way, you will walk longer and thus exercise for a while before a long period of being inactive. When you arrive at the building where you work, choose the stairs rather than the elevator. And choose them all the time, no matter how often you need to go up and down. You can also use your lunch break to take a short walk after you eat. This will make your body fit and ready for the upcoming assignments that are to be performed for the rest of the working day. If you work in an office and sit most of the time, try to make a schedule and get up every hour just to stretch a little bit or walk to bathroom and back.

Never Give Up

The whole point of the exercise is not intensity but continuity, so it is important not to give up – ever. You have to find a way on how to enjoy in exercising, which means you can get creative. If you don’t like being alone, then include your family or friends in your activities, or meet some new people who share the same passion. You can get yourself a pet too, a dog for example, who also require a lot of physical activity. That way your exercises will get a whole new meaning. Regular training will reduce the stress you get from working in the office so consider it as a way of recreation. But no matter what happens simply don’t give up or your entire past effort will go in vain.

Erectile Dysfunction and Vascular Disease

In medicine, erectile dysfunction is defined as “lack of man’s ability to obtain or maintain hard erection sufficient for sexual intercourse”. The erection of the penis requires orchestrated operation of vascular, nervous and hormonal region. The message of sexual stimulation triggered by the brain is transmitted through the spinal cord to nerve endings that reach the corpora cavernosa – spongy consistency of structures to fill with blood causing the penis erection.

When receiving the message, endothelial cells (lining of the inner wall of the arteries) of the penile arteries release neurotransmitters which will relax the smooth muscle of the blood vessels supplying the corpus cavernosum, facilitating their filling.

Chief among these is the neurotransmitter nitric oxide. The accumulation of this substance facilitates the relaxation of the trabeculae which constitute the corpora cavernosa to increase the inflow of blood. Most drugs used for treatment of erectile dysfunction, exerts its action by increasing concentrations of dopamine in the vessels of the penis.

As men do not like to admit they suffer from erectile dysfunction, it is not always easy to estimate the prevalence of the problem. In one of the most respected studies on the subject, the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, conducted with 1290 men between 40 and 70 years, it was shown that 52% had some degree of dysfunction and 10% had complete absence of erection.

The erectile dysfunction can be classified as psychogenic, organic or mixed. The organic cause can be of vascular origin, neurogenic, hormonal, and drug-induced or be associated with anatomical changes in the corpus cavernosum.

Contrary to what many think, the organic causes are the most common: they are about 80% of cases. Important among them are vascular causes:

1) Atherosclerosis:

It is the most common of all causes. In the mechanism of formation of atherosclerotic plaques occurs to induce endothelial injury with consequent reduction of the internal diameter of the vessel and difficulty maintaining blood flow. Aging also changes the endothelium nitric oxide levels, damaging the blood into the corpora cavernosa.

2) Cigarette:

Smoking for many years is one of the biggest risk factors for the development of erectile dysfunction vascular cause. Toxic substances present in cigarette cause damage to the endothelium and reduce the levels of nitric oxide in the penis. In addition, nicotine itself causes contraction of smooth muscles of blood vessels that irrigate the corpora cavernosa, reducing the blood supply to the site.

3) Diabetes:

In the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, 28% of diabetic patients had erectile dysfunction, compared to 9.6% of non-diabetics (prevalence three times). The causes are linked to more accelerated atherosclerosis, changes in the tissues of the corpora cavernosa and diabetic neuropathy.

4) Hypertension:

It is a major cause of erectile dysfunction as American study cited above made clear. Would it be caused by hypertension itself or was related to the anti-hypertensive medication? This controversy was clarified by a recent study: both drugs as hypertension itself can be held responsible for erection difficulties.

5) Hyperlipidemia:

The presence of high blood levels of LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and fibrinogen are associated with erectile dysfunction in both smokers and non-smokers.

The listing above shows that the factors erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases share similar risk factors. Erection difficulty may be the first symptom of coronary disease, since both are linked to impairment of the endothelium, an essential framework for the regulation of the circulatory functions.

Since the risk factors mentioned act synergistically on the vascular endothelium, the extent and severity of cardiovascular involvement is often proportional to the degree of difficulty of erection.

Rules To Follow For Stronger Erections

Most men are alarmed when they fail to maintain hard erection. They believe that they have been struck by the Erectile Dysfunction bus. Well, sometimes it doesn’t mean that since you wake up with a soft erection that you are suffering from ED. It could mean something else.

But if you are interested in stronger erections without having to pop the blue pill (Soft erection treatment), then it’s time you got on board with the following rules for stronger erections.

Blackberry Jam on Toast

Elderberries, blackberries and bilberries have high ultra-powerful anthocyanin antioxidants that ensure you have a hard erection. Why blackberry jam? The ability of your penis to rise and shine is dependent on nitric oxide availability.

When your body has a lot of free radicals gallivanting around in the bloodstream, the level of nitric oxide subsides. Your penis goes down too. Anthocyanin, on the other hand, is a potent antioxidant that attacks the free radicals before they get the chance to lower nitric oxide levels.

Research to Back It Up: Researchers from Indiana University found out that arteries treated with anthocyanin have a higher nitric oxide level even if there is a substantial presence of free radicals.

Lead Study Author “David Bell Ph.D.) notes that the Antioxidants keep free radicals under control allowing nitric levels to rise up. The higher the nitric acid level, the more blood is pumped into your penis and the stronger the erection!

Quite Smoking

If you are a diehard smoker, but now you have accepted an increase in; lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and bladder cancer risk. Well, what you may have forgotten is the fact that smoking makes you impotent!

A study by the Urology Journal establishes that smoking leads to arterial damage that doubles the risk of suffering from wholesome erectile dysfunction. But if you quit smoking in your late forties or your early fifties, it’s possible to reverse the damage says Lahey Clinic for Sexual Function M.D., Director Andre Guay.

His research (Dr Guay’s) found out that in ten impotent smokers (aged 49-52) night-time erection, there was a 40% erection improvement when they skipped a day without smoking.

The Sensitive Guy

We all know how stress is likened to a cold shower psychologically. Untamed tension  works in a rather treacherous way. It releases an adrenaline type known as epinephrine that shoots direct to your arteries. The epinephrine slowly causes havoc in your arteries.

The author (Dr Jones) of Overcoming Impotence: A Leading Urologist Tells You Everything You Need to Know, suggests that long-term high-stress levels harden your arteries thus softening your erection. The higher the stress levels, the more epinephrine is produced.

Engage in activities that lower your stress levels, and you will have a stronger, stiffer penis!

How to Increase Male Libido

The low sex drive not only affects women, many men in their lifetime also experience decreases in their libido. Learning how to increase male libido can helped men recover both their sex life as well as their partner, allowing him to be lived in full.

It is a common misconception that only women suffer from low libido, but the truth is that about 1 in 5 men suffer from low sex drive and keeps sex into the background when compared to other activities.

The low male libido causes

Aging is the main factors of low male libido; however, it is not the only reason for this condition. All men are different and although many maintain their sexual desire throughout life, others suffer a break at certain times and due to various causes. The main causes can be:

Psychological causes: Stress and anxiety present in the day-to-day problems in the relationship and depression can affect sexual desire.

Medical problems: Health problems such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension or high cholesterol, also influence sexual desire as well as some anti-AIDS drugs and hair loss.

Hormonal causes: Testosterone, the hormone that is present both in male and female, is responsible for sexual desire. In some chronic diseases, due to some medication or after andropause, testosterone levels can undergo breakage, having consequences for the male libido. Sexuality can also be affected by low levels of thyroid hormone or prolactin produced in the brain.

Dopamine: Dopamine is a messenger substance of the brain, with which our body is closely linked to sexual desire. Low levels of dopamine, common in people with depression or other neurological disorders, are proven to interfere with sexual desire.

Treatment for low male libido

Treatment for low male libido depends on the causal factors, so if present underlying health conditions, these should be treated first. In addition, there are some changes that can improve your sex life, such as:

Let yourself be carried away by the moment: If your partner wants to have sex and your will is not, do not say no. Give in to his or her advances and lose yourself in the moment. The most certain is that the dormant sexual desire might get awaken in the middle of stimulation and can take pleasure.

Sleep well: Sleeping well will enhance the ability to produce testosterone during the night, which will allow more constant levels during the day and the increase in sexual desire, especially in the morning.

Other sexual dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction can shake male confidence, which in turn has an impact on sexual desire. If the inability to achieve sufficient erection for penetration continues for a long time, consult a doctor who will evaluate the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate mediation for impotence.

Have sex elsewhere: The mind-set of having sex in the same bed and in the same room can always be demotivating. Consider other rooms in the house that can further stimulate your sexual desire simply by being different.

How Exercises Can Help You Get Rid of Erectile Dysfunction

Awkward and annoying, erectile dysfunction (ED) is an issue occurring for a lot of reasons, as well as in several guys. ED is usually due to physical states like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and low testosterone. Other causes can include nerve damage, blood flow difficulties, hormonal changes, and emotional issues.

Treating ED with drugs like sildenafil (Viagra) is not your only choice. According to a research conducted by a University of the west, UK, it is discovered that exercises has helped 40% of guys with ED restore erectile function, and yet another 33.5% dramatically improve the problem of ED.

What Exercise do you need to do?

Pelvic floor exercises increase the effectiveness of the pelvic floor muscles and therefore are more generally called “Kegel” exercises. Women perform Kegels in preparation to recover muscle tone post pregnancy. Kegels additionally encourage sexual health and urinary continence. Kegel exercises can help men too. Specifically, Kegel help reinforce the bulbocavernosus muscle.

Fundamental Kegel Exercise

In Kegel exercise, the most important part is to identify your pelvic floor muscles. And, the best way to locate them is by stopping your urine flow several times while urinating. The muscles you squeeze to get this done would be the types you have to workout. To perform Kegel exercise, squeeze this particular muscle while holding the flow of your urine for 8 to 10 seconds before releasing. Do this rep 2 to 3 times whenever you go for urination.

Additional Advantages of Kegel exercise

A different way to consider Kegels is like holding a bowel movement to compress the muscles of your anus. Hold while breathing for 5 to 10 seconds and relax every muscle.

Pelvic floor exercises help alleviate impotence problems, plus Kegels additionally helps:

  • Reduce bowel or urinary incontinence.
  • Stop dribbling.
  • Possibly enhance entire sexual experience.

Aerobic Exercise

Working the muscles past the pelvic floor additionally may help treat impotence problems. Studies in Ethiopia and Italy suggest that ED may enhance doing aerobic exercises.

Blood flow issues usually cause ED to the male reproductive organ. Vascular disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity can impact blood circulation and result in ED. Not only your problem of erectile dysfunction but your overall health can be improved significantly if you employ aerobic workouts in your daily life.


Kegel exercises really are an easy, powerful instrument for enhancing the effectiveness of the muscles involved with urinary and sexual function. Talk to your physician about your ED to determine which treatment strategies are best for you personally.

Taking a small blue pill isn’t always best treats ED. Many strategies for retrieving your sex life and conquering ED at the moment are accessible. Pelvic floor exercises that are straightforward are an excellent spot to begin.

Kegel exercises can be performed by you anywhere, anytime. Place in your calendar for those who have trouble remembering. Aerobic exercise enhances your entire cardiovascular health, which includes direct effect on your own capacity to reach and keep an erection.

Coping with all the underlying reason for ED is an infinitely more efficient way to increase your sexual well-being.

The Tantric Therapy in the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions

There are a number of dysfunctions that plague men and women in different stages of sexual intercourse. Lack of sexual desire, inability to arousal, premature ejaculation, pain during intercourse, anorgasmia are just some of the evils that arise before, during or after sex. And, although some of these disorders actually have physiological origins, which lack surgical or pharmacological interventions, most of them are the results of traumatic experiences. In these cases, the most common is to recommend a treatment via psychotherapy or psychoanalysis. Continue reading this article and find out a bit more about the tantric therapy.

Tantric therapeutic

What few people know is that there are other forms, called alternative therapies that can help a lot in treating your sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction. The Tantric therapy is one of them. Through dynamic meditations, massages, and other practical experiences derived from “Tantra”; this form of therapy has been proved to be very efficient when dealing with such cases.

The mind and sex

There is something that helps the majority of these disorders to manifest; given the lack of education we have about human sexuality, just to transfer the responsibility of the sexual centre of our body to our mind. Even during sex, we get caught imagining, fantasizing about sex, so we are disassociated from the present moment. This influence of the mind in the process makes room for insecurities, fears and hence the dysfunctions we experience.

And that is how the efficiency of Tantra: where these treatments are warranted; with their practices, meditation, massage and other resources. Tantra helps eliminate the influence of the mind, making the thought of less sex and more sense. We all have a chakra – an energy centre – located at the base of the spine that is our true sexual centre, but due to lack of information and wrong condition, it ends up being replaced by the mind. Once we make a reconnection with the energy of this chakra, we relearned to feel it, the body assumes responsibility for conducting this energy, leaving quiet mind to contemplate the relationship with consciousness and even keener perception. And in developing this process, various concepts and paradigms that we had ingrained in our head begin to fall apart. The breastplates that repress us, catching our body begin to dissolve and everything is more fluid. Thus, the confidence increases, the fear goes away and it is possible to experience another level of sexual intercourse.

Deprogramming concepts

A Tantric therapy helps deprogram all these concepts that our mind imposes on our body. That touch that caused discomfort, shame of nakedness that we own, all this will, little by little, crumbling in that delve into these practices. Thus, it is possible to learn a new way of pleasure which does not depend on our mental stimuli, but which integrates our entire body. And the best: without contraindications or side effects.

Soft Erection Treatment Options

Soft erection refers to a condition where you are not able to attain hard erection when you become sexually aroused. Although it is not impotence or erectile dysfunction, weak erection puts you at risk of becoming impotent. In almost all cases, weak erections is not a disease but a symptom of an underlying health problem. Unlike several years ago when there were no definite treatments for weak erection, advances made in the field of medical technology has made available a number of soft erection treatment options, depending on ascertained cause.

You may develop soft erection because of psychological problems. Weak erection due to psychological problems is in most cases sudden, meaning that you lose interest in sex with your libido hitting rock bottom. Psychological problems that can make you have weak erection include high stress level over time, unstable relationship, worries about your finances, job loss, depression and worries about your sexual performance. You however need to note that like with any other man, you are most likely to have weak erection at one time or another, which is perfectly normal. It is when you continuously have weak erection that you need to seek medical attention.

You can also develop soft erection due to physical injury. Unlike weak erection brought about by psychological problems, weak erection due to physical injury develops over time. Physical injury can be on your pelvic area or on your penis itself. Note that physical injury can also be caused by such diseases as diabetes, substance abuse, prescription medications and surgery.

Cause of weak erection is not limited to psychological and physical injury. You can also develop weak erection depending on your regular diet. It may be that your regular diet is made up of foodstuffs that not only interfere with hormonal balance in your body but foodstuffs that are otherwise not healthy.

There are several soft erection treatment options available. These include:

Counseling – Counseling is employed as soft erection treatment in case yours is caused by psychological factors.

Hormonal therapy – Your physician may recommend hormonal therapy in case your weal erection is caused by hormonal imbalance in your body, which can be abnormal levels of prolactin, estrogen or testosterone.

Vacuum devices – There are a number of vacuum devices designed to treat weak erection, which your physician can recommend. In most cases, physicians recommend vacuum devices in cases where physical injury has been ascertained to be the cause of weak erection.

Injection therapy – Automatic injector devices are available that inject special medication into your penis. It is the medication that enhances flow of blood into your penis, allowing you to attain hard erection just before sexual intercourse.

Suppositories – Although not very common, suppositories are available for use as soft erection treatment. You are obligated to insert a suppository (medication) inside your penis using a plastic applicator. Once the medication is deposited in the urethra, it is absorbed by the surrounding tissue, causing erection.

Oral medications – Oral medications are probably the most common soft erection treatment option available. They include such medications as Viagra. Although sold over the counter, it is highly recommended that you consult you physician before buying because there are instances when you cannot use Viagra.

These are just a few soft erection treatment options available. The choice of the best option that is suitable for you will no doubt depend on diagnosis, cause and your physician’s informed opinion. One thing you must avoid when you experience weak erection is to involve yourself in self medication. You may simply make your case worse.

Treat Your Soft Erection Problem with Herbal Remedies

Men suffering from soft erection problem or male impotency could not achieve harder and stronger erection in offering memorable sexual pleasure to their woman. Reasons for soft erection or weak erection in men include poor lifestyle, complications of surgery, prolonged illness or critical and psychological inhibition. Considerable progress has been made to cure ED naturally using herbal remedies. The problem of soft erection can be cured with herbal remedies such as capsules called Bluze.

Bluze capsule offers safe and effective treatment for soft erection problem. It offers effective cure for all types of sexual disorders to satisfy your partner. It improves the secretion of safe and natural hormone testosterone. It rejuvenates your reproductive organs. It offers more blood and oxygen supply to get harder erection. Moreover, erection problem can be cured with herbal remedies, including capsules and Mast Mood Oil Bluze. Potent herbs in capsules Bluze improve your sexual stamina. This herb also improves your desire for making love. You are advised to use capsules Bluze for two to three months to effectively cure your problem of soft erection.

The ingredients in capsules Activ Homme include Eurycoma longifolia, tongkat ali, ginseng, Vidarikand, kaunch, Safed Musli, Semar, Akarkara, Kharethi, Kuchala, Tulsi, Tambul, Moti, Shatavari, Dalchini, and Jaiphal etc. All these ingredients are mixed in accordance with strict quality procedures for provide effective treatment for your soft erection problem. Activ Homme capsules are recommended for the treatment of male impotence, low libido in men, premature ejaculation, weak erection, erectile dysfunction and low sperm count.

Shilajit contains excellent anti-aging properties. He is one of the best herbal remedies to cure depression, stress, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. It improves your sexual stamina, virility, vitality and sexual energy. It is a natural way to improve your energy levels, strength, sperm count and health for men of all ages aphrodisiac.

Ashwagandha improves blood flow to the reproductive organs. It has great healing powers. It revitalizes the body. It improves the flow of energy and muscle strength. It improves your sexual stamina and suppresses any kind of pain. It improves your sperm count and mobility to successfully impregnate his wife. It improves your stamina to stay longer in bed with stronger and firmer erection.

Vidarikand has excellent anti-aging properties. It improves your immunity and eliminates toxins from your body. It is a natural way to increase libido, sperm count, motility, energy and helps to achieve stronger and harder erections aphrodisiac. It improves your muscle mass and ensures a healthy skin to look younger.

Kaunch is rich in minerals. It provides effective cure for all types of ailments. It is an anthlemintic, laxative, aphrodisiac, emollient, alexipharmic, thermogenic and health tonic. It improves the functioning of your reproductive organs. It also increases your stamina and strength to perform better in bed. It also stimulates sperm motility and sperm count.

Kuchala eliminate blockages in the blood vessels, and ensuring the flow of blood to the organs. It helps improves the performance of their reproductive organs. He heals all your sexual problems. It is recommended to massage her genitals along the axis of the mast using Mood Oil twice daily. Furthermore, it improves blood supply and strengthens weak nerves in their reproductive organs. It also produces new cells and helps achieve harder and stronger erection to penetrate deeper into your vagina and can offer mind blowing orgasm.

How to Maintain Hard Erection for Longer

There are many factors that affect penile erection. Aspects related to the vascular circulation, which involve the endocrine system and hormone-related psychological stimuli that produce excitation are most involved in this process. This article will give you some tips that are related to your habits and its relation with how to keep erection for longer and thus improve your sex life.

The erection is dependent on healthy nerves and cardiovascular systems. The sexual stimulus activates the nerve to open the arteries in the penis, allowing increased blood circulation system. Neurological and cardiovascular problems may hinder this process. There are several other ways to maintain erection. First, adapt to a healthy lifestyle, and then try supplements.

Don’t Smoke and Eat Less Meat and Cheese

Smoking and a diet rich in animal fat (sausage for breakfast, pizza for lunch and burger dinner) are like hell for the cardiovascular system. They fill the bloodstream with oxygen ions that damage artery walls and install fat and cholesterol rich plaques. Further, the plates grow and restrict blood flow within the arteries.

When it affects the arteries in the heart, the result is a heart condition, while in the genitals, is erectile dysfunction. Studies have proven that compared to the rest of the population, most smokers suffer from erectile dysfunction and cholesterol levels increase.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fortunately, the harm that these free radicals cause can be prevented with antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and the minerals selenium and zinc.

These antioxidant supplements can help, but nutritionists and public health experts believe that the best way to get them is in foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and various other grains. That is the reason to be recommended in meals with at least 5 fruits and vegetables every day. There are not many studies of diets based on antioxidants and sexual satisfaction, but this relationship is biologically irrefutable. When consumption increases, the healthiest blood begins to flow through the body, including your penis, helping to maintain hard erection. Start eating at least 5 meals a day of fruits and vegetables – fruit for breakfast, a salad and / or vegetables for lunch and dinner.

Do Exercise Regularly

Exercise keeps the cardiovascular system pumping blood to the penis. Several studies show that when physical activities increase, erectile dysfunction decreases. Specialists recommend the equivalent of at least half an hour of walking per day.

Lose Weight, Prevent Diabetes

Regular exercise and a diet rich in antioxidants is also the basis for permanent weight control and the prevention of diabetes. Some studies show that weight loss is strongly associated with the facility to maintain erection. Diabetes, according to other research, is a high risk factor for erectile dysfunction and healthier. Good lifestyle prevents disease and can even restore erectile function and help maintain the erection.

Limit Alcohol

Alcohol provokes the desire but takes away the performance. It is a powerful depressant. A drink encourages relaxation, but from two and more, the adverse effect of it begins to stress on the penile erection. Alcohol is the leading cause of sexual dysfunction in today’s life.

Try Ginseng

Ginseng dilates the arteries, including those that carry blood to the penis. Korean researchers, as part of their research, gave 90 men suffering from erectile dysfunction, one of three treatments: placebo, an antidepressant or ginseng. The groups that received placebo and antidepressant show 30% improvement to maintain hard erection while ginseng showed 60% improvement.

Another group of Koreans repeated the experiment giving placebo or ginseng (2,700 mg / day) for 45 men with erectile dysfunction. After eight weeks, the group receiving ginseng reported firmer erections. However, ginseng used in bulk may cause nervousness and insomnia.