Category Archives: erectile dysfunction

Emotional and Interpersonal Impact of Erectile Dysfunction

It is estimated that erectile dysfunction – also known as impotence could be affecting about 30 million men in the United States, with a higher incidence in older men, though not necessarily all older men suffer from sexual dysfunction. A study published in 1994 – made ​​in a sample of healthy men between 40 and 70 years by the Massachusetts Male Aging Study found that about 52% of men surveyed had experienced some degree of (minimal, moderate or complete) erectile dysfunction.

Often, erectile dysfunction is only a symptom of other serious illness that must be addressed, such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. However, few men attending doctor for erectile dysfunction is treated. Only in recent years, with the emergence of drug called “sildenafil” (Viagra®), and similar drugs, it has generated greater awareness among the public about the need to address this sexual difficulty, probably because of the hope that the Science has made to overcome this problem.

These emotional and interpersonal effects of erectile dysfunction are a clear indication that it is also important to enlist the help of a doctor and a psychotherapist to fully overcome the effects of this sexual difficulty.

Emotional impact and self-esteem

A man suffering from erectile dysfunction may feel less happy and desirable than a man who is living a perfect sexual life. Many men experience anxiety, depression and low self-esteem as a result of erection problems. The emotional impact of ED is often a heavy burden, since usually they tend to express their feelings and emotions less than women. Much less when they feel their personal worth has been affected by the difficulty in erection.

The ability to achieve an erection is one of the most important symbols of masculine identity. Losing this ability directly affects self-esteem and self-image of a man. Therefore, it is not easy to talk about this subject with your partner or go to the doctor promptly. According to some research, in the hierarchy of signs of masculinity in sexual activity, the ability to achieve an erection is on top of the list followed by the ability to penetrate, sexual desire and finally, the ability to ejaculate. The inability to have an erection can have a serious impact on the identity, psychological stability and the role that a man plays in the outside world – including their relationship – and thus, in what society thinks of it. Thus, the ability to perform sexually is very important for a man.

Impact on relationship

Every relationship has its unique characteristics, and a way of living sexuality that is very intimate and private. When a man suffers from erectile dysfunction, the relationship is affected, and he as an individual often experience shame, humiliation and guilt. Often these emotions become barriers to talk to your partner about the problem. The man ends up falling back emotionally and physically by fear of failure, which further undermines the relationship. The fear of any form of physical contact becomes a requirement of intercourse by the couple, often generates avoidance of intimate contact. The performance anxiety worsens and man can fall into states of deep depression and end up feeling disinterest in any kind of sexual activity.

Some researchers estimate that the disorder in erection is involved in one in five failed marriages. The impact on the relationship can be very large, affecting trust, intimacy and closeness with your partner. Meanwhile, the woman may believe that her partner has lost interest in her, and think that this is the cause of the lack of erection problem. As a result, it is perceived less attractive, low self-esteem, and end up feeling rejected and abandoned. Also, she may be afraid that her partner is being unfaithful and believe that he is sexually involved with other women. This creates various fears and misunderstandings when it actually needed is that the couple communicate openly about the relationship and the impact that erectile dysfunction are causing both. At this point, turning to sex therapy may be helpful for the patient and the partner.

Impact in the workplace

Erectile dysfunction can also affect how a man interacts with his circle of friends and colleagues. This sexual difficulty affects self-esteem, joy of life and morality, though it remains outside appearance of strong man. Productivity tends to decrease as a result of the impact on self-esteem and confidence in their abilities. Feeling alone with their problems tends to also be isolated from colleagues and friends.

On the other hand, failure at work also has an impact on male sexuality. Unable to the expected promotion, having financial problems or not having the respect of colleagues, are examples of situations that may affect sexual performance of a man and generate episodes of erectile dysfunction. These difficulties to be situational nature have better prognosis, since when the work related problem goes away, the man usually returns to a normal sexual response. However, when erectile dysfunction undermines labor productivity, the impact is much more serious. When the impact reaches the workplace, a man can experience a blow in his personal identity, especially when the race takes centre stage in your life, which is common in most men. Recourse to psychotherapy at this point should not be viewed as an option but a necessity.

What Are the Main Male Sexual Dysfunctions?

Both men and women experience sexual difficulties at some point in their lives. It could be something temporary, resulting from a particular situation that affects our relationship; pressures at work, or circumstances which dismiss energy to our sex life, like being caring for young children or elderly parents. Whether external factors, psychological factors or health problems, if you are experiencing any sexual difficulties described here, you may need medical help and / or psychological, as well as incorporating your partner to treatment.

According to Dr. Helen Kaplan, sexual dysfunction occurs when the reactions in the sexual response or any of its components suffer deterioration. In men, as in women, the first stage of sexual response is the genital vasocongestion, which in this case produces an erection due to congestion of the blood vessels of the penis. The second part of the male sexual response is orgasm, which consists of a series of involuntary clonic contractions of the genital musculature, which is usually accompanied by ejaculation.

Below you will find an overview of the main male sexual dysfunction:

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)

It refers to the inability in men to achieve an erection or maintain an erection strong enough to achieve penetration and have intercourse. All men often experience erectile dysfunction at different times throughout their life, and usually common in children and older adults (elderly). On the other hand, it is normal to experience difficulties in achieving a new erection after intercourse or masturbation.

Impotence can have physical foundations and erection is a neurovascular reflex that depends on the correct hormone levels, healthy penile anatomy, adequate vascular supply, and an intact and in good working nervous system. However, researchers agree in saying that the vast majority of cases of erectile dysfunction have psychological causes. Autonomic reflexes governing the erection are delicate and are indeed affected by relationship problems (conflicts of power, deception towards the other) and by emotions such as fear and anxiety caused by traumatic failures in the early sex or severe religious beliefs. However, many other cases of erectile dysfunction are caused by simple and easy to correct emotional factors, such as performance anxiety, fear of rejection of women blame for the sexual enjoyment or excessive preoccupation with satisfaction of the woman.

Sex therapy is effective in the latter cases involving simple causes. For cases of internal conflict or with partner, an additional psychotherapy will be required. Impotence organic or physiological causes require medical attention. However, when making love, the best scenario is that the man is in a calm and free emotional state of conflict, in addition to adequate support from partner, so that their erectile reflexes operate without interference.

Premature ejaculation

Researchers say that a man has premature ejaculation when ejaculation occurs before penetration or few minutes thereafter, where the couple fails to experience pleasure or orgasm during intercourse time. In this sense, experts argue that “a man has a problem of premature ejaculation when during intravaginal introduction, cannot control ejaculation long enough to satisfy your spouse even in 50% of sexual contacts”.

Sometimes rapid exchanges during adolescence sexual condition in men such ejaculatory pattern may persist in other stages of life. Therefore, premature ejaculation is more common in young men with little sexual experience, although it is normal to happen in men of all ages after a long period of abstinence. Over the years, usually man learns to control his ejaculatory reflex enough to satisfy partner and achieve full for both intercourse time.

For some men the ejaculatory control can become difficult. The impact on the relationship is usually high, so it is important to seek professional help and involve in the therapeutic process. Unlike reflex erection that cannot be subjected to voluntary control, a man can usually come halt or delay ejaculation and orgasm whenever he wants. Dr. Kaplan holds that man posing premature ejaculation has not learned to control ejaculation because he is not aware of prior to orgasm sensations. And this happens because you experience some anxiety, for example, sexual performance anxiety, which distracts him at that time. Premature ejaculation is usually easily treated with sex therapy techniques.

Delay ejaculation

The man in this situation may feel sexual arousal and achieve and maintain an erection long yet has difficulty or is unable to ejaculate and experience orgasms while receiving stimuli strong enough. This sexual difficulty is less frequent than the previous two and is analogous to the female orgasmic dysfunction.

The orgasm reflex is normally under the control of the will. However, emotional factors can inhibit it, which results in an unconscious one control excess resulting in the inability to release ejaculation and orgasm. Emotional causes may be different in each person, some face such as performance anxiety, and other deeper as severe religious beliefs and family values, fear of commitment to the partner or fear of pregnant, and as a way to “punish” the couple, among others. Organic causes include diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and use of certain drugs, especially drugs against depression and hypertension. To treat delay ejaculation sex therapy is necessary in conjunction with psychotherapy, for cases with deeper emotional inhibition. The cases of delay ejaculation organic or physiological causes require medical attention. Also must be addressed the relationship because it is fundamental to the success of the therapeutic process and get the man to relax, release control and experience easy and pleasurable orgasms.

Regular Sex Equals Better Health

Sex is a big boost to your immune system. Regular, but moderate sex boosts your immune functions. Translating to the prevention of all kinds of illnesses. Research shows that the increase in sex helps men stay healthy for a very long time.

Facts prove that moderate sex helps you burn up to 150 calories every hour. It can be consider as a mild cardio exercise. Regular sex is known to lower blood pressure. Studies done carried out research on 60 men and women from ages 20 to 60 that engage in frequent sex and studied their blood pressure.

Analysis over a three month period proved that the more regularly they had sex, the more their blood pressure decreased.

Sex lowers frequency of heart attacks: a lot of men are worried that engaging in more sexual innuendo might trigger a heart attack. Well, to some point this analysis is true. But a heart attack during or after sexual activity happens to people who don’t work out frequently.

For individuals that are physically active, sex minimizes risk of suffering from a heart attack. British researchers followed about Welsh men for a record twenty years, and they discovered that men that had sexual activity go up, the more a risk of suffering from a heart attack lowered.

If you are a middle aged man, you should be glad to learn that sexual intercourse that is frequent will offer you some shield against a heart attack. Healthy heart improve sexual performance again.

Regular sexual activity pushes away Prostate cancer: For a period of eight years, researchers drawn from different medical research centres, conducted research on orgasms and prostate cancer risks.

The research focused on thirty thousand men ranging from the ages of 46 to 81.

The research came up with findings that; as the frequency of the orgasm went up, particularly for men during their twenties, risks of suffering from prostate cancer later in their life decreased significantly.

When compared to men who had only seven ejaculations monthly in their twenties, men who ejaculated more than  21 times in their twenties were 35% less likely to suffer from prostate cancer in their later life and restore erectile function.

Sex helps in relaxation: Quality sex associated with having your whole body massaged. Enjoying regular good sex relaxes you deeply and reduces stress levels. Deep relaxation is also a remedy for several ailments such as; arthritis, pain, heart disease, asthma, depression and high blood pressure, erection disorder.

Regular sexual activity with a loving partner comes with a host of benefits such as trust and satisfaction that helps your sexual prowess prevail.

How to Increase Male Libido

The low sex drive not only affects women, many men in their lifetime also experience decreases in their libido. Learning how to increase male libido can helped men recover both their sex life as well as their partner, allowing him to be lived in full.

It is a common misconception that only women suffer from low libido, but the truth is that about 1 in 5 men suffer from low sex drive and keeps sex into the background when compared to other activities.

The low male libido causes

Aging is the main factors of low male libido; however, it is not the only reason for this condition. All men are different and although many maintain their sexual desire throughout life, others suffer a break at certain times and due to various causes. The main causes can be:

Psychological causes: Stress and anxiety present in the day-to-day problems in the relationship and depression can affect sexual desire.

Medical problems: Health problems such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension or high cholesterol, also influence sexual desire as well as some anti-AIDS drugs and hair loss.

Hormonal causes: Testosterone, the hormone that is present both in male and female, is responsible for sexual desire. In some chronic diseases, due to some medication or after andropause, testosterone levels can undergo breakage, having consequences for the male libido. Sexuality can also be affected by low levels of thyroid hormone or prolactin produced in the brain.

Dopamine: Dopamine is a messenger substance of the brain, with which our body is closely linked to sexual desire. Low levels of dopamine, common in people with depression or other neurological disorders, are proven to interfere with sexual desire.

Treatment for low male libido

Treatment for low male libido depends on the causal factors, so if present underlying health conditions, these should be treated first. In addition, there are some changes that can improve your sex life, such as:

Let yourself be carried away by the moment: If your partner wants to have sex and your will is not, do not say no. Give in to his or her advances and lose yourself in the moment. The most certain is that the dormant sexual desire might get awaken in the middle of stimulation and can take pleasure.

Sleep well: Sleeping well will enhance the ability to produce testosterone during the night, which will allow more constant levels during the day and the increase in sexual desire, especially in the morning.

Other sexual dysfunction: Erectile dysfunction can shake male confidence, which in turn has an impact on sexual desire. If the inability to achieve sufficient erection for penetration continues for a long time, consult a doctor who will evaluate the cause of the problem and prescribe appropriate mediation for impotence.

Have sex elsewhere: The mind-set of having sex in the same bed and in the same room can always be demotivating. Consider other rooms in the house that can further stimulate your sexual desire simply by being different.

Ejaculation problems

Orgasm in men is accompanied by secretion of semen. Many men simply cannot imagine how it looks like if they can’t experience ejaculation. Almost every culture in the world has attributed special meaning and symbolism for this bodily fluid and consequently the loss of ability to ejaculate semen was considered to be a clear sign of weakness. In addition, there are many men who are facing the problem of so-called premature ejaculation. There are several types of ejaculation problems and ach of them should be observed separately and carefully. The most common problems with ejaculation include:  anejaculation, retrograde ejaculation and premature ejaculation.


Anejaculation is a term used to describe a situation where the men cannot secrete sperm. It can be caused my physical and emotional difficulties and disabilities. In most cases, anejaculation doesn’t mean absence of orgasm. Psychological anejaculation may be occasional or permanent and complete. Ocassioanlly means that the man can ejaculate in some situations while in others he is completely unable to do that. In most cases this doesn’t depend only on the situation, but it also depends on the person with whom the man is building a sexual relationship. Situaitonal psychological anejaculation can be seen during masturbation – many men ejaculate during masturbation, but they can’t when they are having actual sexual intercourse. Stress can significantly affect orgasm,  the occasional anejaculation. On the other hand, physical anejaculation may appear due to certain neurological damages. One important factor is the appearance of diabetes.

Retrograde ejaculation

Most men become aware of their problem only after their notice that their orgasm is not accompanied by secretion of fluid. Retrograde ejaculation means absence of sperm and not absence of orgasm. Male orgasm can still be felt with the same level of intensity as before. There are many different reasons that lead to this situation. For example, retrograde ejaculation can be caused by medications or certain surgeries in the abdominal area (especially close to the area where the reproductive organs are located). Retrograde ejaculation can come as a result of certain diseases like diabetes for example. There are also people who are trying to learn how to achieve retrograde ejaculation. This is a technique used by some men who want to prevent pregnancy, while others use it in order to prolong the duration of the sexual intercourse. However, it is good to mention that by using this technique intentionally you risk to damage the nerves in the area between the testicles and anus which are essential for sexual satisfaction.

Premature ejaculation

About 30% of men (between 18 and 60 years) are suffering from premature ejaculation. This occurrence is not measured only with the time of ejaculation, but it also includes some other factors like reduced control over the ejaculation, decreased satisfaction during the sexual intercourse etc. in the explanation of the causes of this problem, the first sexual experience very often play the biggest role. The basic advice from the experts for men suffering from premature ejaculation is to talk with their partner. If the problem doesn’t go away for two or more years then it is good to visit a doctor and ask for help.

Having a strong erection is not enough

Recent studies presented by famous scientists have shown that certain pills can prolong penis erection for even 2 or 3 times even in men with certain health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia and similar conditions. Although most men occasionally suffer from some form of erectile problems, when the sexual intercourse is no longer satisfying neither for the woman nor the man the consequences are multiple and very often devastating. According to official statistics more than 150 million men around the world are suffering from erectile dysfunction and the predictions are that this number will grow to 320 million in the next 10 years.

The hardness of strength of erection is considered as the most important factor that contributes to a successful intercourse and this is something that people have taken for granted since ancient time. However, scientific studies and testimonies of many men have confirmed that erection alone is not enough for complete sexual satisfaction for couples. Longer duration of erection is certainly a requirement for a longer sexual intercourse and it surely plays important role in achieving sexual satisfaction for both partners.

Few recent studies performed by reputable pharmaceutical companies have evaluated the erection as a measurement to confirm the efficiency of their medications. Instead of focusing only on the male partner in the intercourse they have included both partners in the study. These studies have proven that many sex enhancement pills like Maxi2 for example can prolong the duration of erection even in men suffering from different kinds of diseases known for their negative effect on erection. According to American sexual therapists it is desirable to have a sexual intercourse that last between 7 and 13 minutes. They also believe that a sex that lasts for a couple of minutes is too short while a sexual intercourse that last more than 20 minutes is just too long. The average duration of sexual intercourse in healthy men without any erectile problems is between 9 and 10 minutes. On the other hand, men with erectile dysfunctions and diseases we have mentioned before have an erection that lasts as short as 30 or 60 seconds. By using male enhancement pills people can prolong their erection for three more minutes compared to healthy men. Some pills can provide even three times longer erection than before.

While we are talking about erection and erectile dysfunction it is good to point out that many men consider the sexual intercourse to be more important than foreplay. 9 out of 10 men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction believe that the duration (or the satisfactory length of intercourse) is equally important as the strength of erection. The fact that longer erection is a prerequisite for a longer sexual intercourse was confirmed by many scientific studies. According to these studies the probability of female orgasm is directly linked with the duration of the vaginal sexual intercourse and not with the duration of foreplay. Of course, the foreplay had its role, but people should focus on the duration and quality of the sexual intercourse itself.

5 Home Remedies for Treating Impotence Problem

Sexual impotence in men is a familiar issue whose frequency will increase with age. So before you begin losing your sexual power, understand that being impotent does not mean you must endure the issue eternally.

Home remedies works effectively to assist men reach greater sexual potency. A few of these treatments may help, however they might not prove effective for others. Testing with home remedies that are different gives favorable effects for less complex instances. Here comes a list of top 5 home remedies for treating impotence problem in men.

1. Boron (Borax or Boric Acid)

Boron is among the very powerful natural treatments you will ever encounter for curing impotency. This mineral regulates the metabolism. It undoubtedly increase your libido and includes some exceptional “Viagra like” properties that help both women and men. For guys particularly, boric acid induces testosterone levels to safely increase and bring them back up to their pinnacle. That is totally critical for several impotence sufferers because a low testosterone count is an important cause of this illness.

And what is good thing about boron is it makes your testosterone levels increase, irrespective of your age. But the truth that boron improves testosterone levels in older guys is surely welcome news for just about any mature men that are experiencing a decrease of libido. And your libido does not only increase it additionally raises your staying power, so you tell your partner to get prepared for some hot steamy long nights.

2. Garlic and Pepper

Make no mistake, this blend of Garlic and Pepper is one incredibly strong natural treatment for impotence problems. And you do not have to wait for this treatment to kick in. Typically, about 3 hours is all you want before you are able to go.

So how does this treatment operate so nicely for impotence? Well cayenne pepper raises blood circulation right through the body – such as the genital region – fairly and significantly. And, Garlic really helps to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation as well. When the two are united, they become an extremely powerful blend for treating adult-onset diabetes and high cholesterol and reducing blood pressure. Obviously, the two are also the best bone booster.

3. Onion

Onion is believed to be among the most effective libido enhancer plus an effective aphrodisiac, but its properties are more often understated.

Get a white onion, peel it, smash and then fry it in butter. This concoction may be taken using a spoonful of honey, but be certain to have this mixture when your stomach has been empty. For improve sexual performance, this concoction is a powerful aphrodisiac and should be taken daily.

4. Korean Red Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)

Korean Red Ginseng raises the flow of blood to the Penis, which allows for more extreme and lasting longer in bed. Back in 2008, seven distinct studies were analyzed by researchers for impotence from using Panax Ginseng.

You can buy the capsules or Korean red ginseng tea. Dosages needed to drink the tea three times a day, or are in the number of 600 to 1,000 mg for the capsules. And for more sexual potency, one can combine the herb Rhodiola Rosea at 200 milligrams a day with Ginseng.

5. Zinc Nutritional Supplement

Zinc is completely essential for the wellness of prostate gland and low amounts of Zinc in the body is associated with sexual dysfunction and impotence. Other medical illnesses for example diabetes, liver cancer or kidney disorder also can cause low zinc levels, hence external Zinc supplementation is essential. Greatest methods are with a high quality liquid zinc nutritional supplement. For dosages, refer the instruction that comes with the supplements, most on its bottle.

The Advantages of Using Erectile Dysfunction Pills

There is no doubt that the pills used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction have become very popular and they have changed the lives of thousands of men around the world. Wherever we look we notice ads for these products and they are usually for some of the most famous erectile dysfunction pills of this kind – Cialis and Viagra. They have actually become real brands on the market in the past few years. These products are available for everyone but in most cases you will need a prescription or a consultation with your doctor. Another big advantage of these pills is the fact that they are usually expensive (although buying them online can save you a lot of money).

Many people feel very uncomfortable when they have to go to the doctor and share their problems i.e. the problem of sexual dysfunction. If you want to obtain synthetic pills for erectile dysfunction this situation simply cannot be avoided. However, there is a good alternative.

Besides the previously mentioned pills, there are many other natural alternatives for men that are suffering from sexual problems such as reaching and maintaining an erection or premature ejaculation. These products are based on some herbs that have been used for centuries by indigenous people on all the continents in the world. Weak libido and impotency are not problems of modern times; people have been dealing with these problems since ancient times so it is no surprise that they have found so many natural remedies for impotency.

Modern technology has enabled production of pills and capsules which contain extracts of these amazing herbs. Of course, synthetic drugs that are already available on the market provide excellent results; some of them often come with some unpleasant side effects. Furthermore, some of these synthetic pills are unsuitable for people suffering from certain medical conditions like high blood pressure for example. But, this is not the case with herbal pills which provide equally good results, but without any side effects. These pills are really efficient and there are many reliable manufacturers offering different types of these pills on the market. Most of these manufacturers practice money-back guarantee policies in case patients don’t get the results they expect. This is something out of the ordinary, because whatever medication you buy at the pharmacy you can’t expect a refund in case that medication doesn’t help you. This money-back guarantee policy is possible only If these products really work, otherwise the manufacturers would have closed their businesses a long time ago and these products are present on the market for years.

Because of this, many people today are turning to these pills instead of synthetic products from the pharmaceutical industry. These pills have different effects on each individual. Sometimes the results are visible right away, but sometimes it takes some time to get the first results. What matters is that these results are effective for a long time.

So, in case you have some erection problems, there is a natural way to solve these problems even without visiting your doctor.

Natural Ways to Maintain Hard Erection

When it comes to maintaining a hard erection in a natural way as you make love, take your time to press the end of your penis in your lady’s clitoral head. Take time in her vaginal entrance since this is the point where the sensitive nerve endings are most.

As you make love, focus on small, shallow movements that will penetrate the beginning two to three inches of her vagina.

Chivalry will get You Places: to last longer let your lady’s sexual desires come fast. Focus on making her receive an orgasm first as this will relieve off pressure to please and it eradicates the psychological anxiety that leads to Premature Ejaculation.

Go For Seconds: Disregard early emissions and instead pay attention on your lady’s arousal, afterward a while you are ready to get back on the love making saddle once more. It is common fact that most men last a while longer the second time round. The more you practice the longer you will be able to last the first time you give it a go.

Allow her to get On Top: Accord her the chance to get on top, this way, your penis will be stimulated less. Ask her kindly to ride you slowly since if she thrusts long and fast you will not last for longer. Let her ride you and while she’s on top, this minimizes penile sensitivity as well as performance anxiety.

Don’t focus on your Orgasm: The area of your brain is responsible of triggering an orgasm as you try to achieve one or stop having one. The more attention you accord the thought, the higher the chances of it happening.

Divert your attentions and instead focus on her silky thighs, your hips and finally, you will be in a position to diffuse pleasure all throughout your body.

Best Ways of Achieving Soft Erection treatment

When you gain complete control of your body during the sexual session, you are taking part in. Do not allow your body to get carried away in bed to a point that you are unable to slow yourself down during the session.

The next time you are having intercourse, and suddenly you feel your body taking over, slow yourself down a bit till you regain control of your body.

Kindly understand that a higher percentage of your climax is mentally controlled as the other percentage has to do with the muscles.

These are natural ways that will turn you into a Stud!

10 Foods to Boost Your Sex Drive

Sex drive or libido enhancer foods are as old as the human race and so will be the treatments to increase sexual desire. Aphrodisiacs, as these treatments are called, are named following the Greek goddess of fertility, Aphrodite, produced from the sea foam. Specific foods are considered natural aphrodisiacs that were great. Thus, let us check out a few of these foods that will naturally increase your sex drive.

1. Oysters

Oysters a popular aphrodisiac, likely top the listing of foods that boost your sex drive, particularly in guys.

2. Pumpkin Seeds

Squash and pumpkin seeds are popular foods in other Asian states like India. The seed’s outer shell is broken and the seed within is eaten.

3. Avocado

Estrogen is connected with sex drive. The word ‘oistros’ means want sexual passion and also the suffix ‘gen’ means the ‘company of’. Studies show that fruits like grapefruit and avocado contain dietary fibres that improve production of estrogens in a female, particularly in menopausal women.

4. Olive

The newest research reveals the male hormone testosterone, the hormone responsible for libido for guys, also plays major part in a female’s sex drive while estrogens levels are essential. Olive oil as well as olives, coconut and coconut oil include high quantity of omega-3 fatty acids that raise testosterone levels.

5. Fish

Studies indicate that nitric oxide is important for the manifestation of libido that is regular and it is not unlikely that nitric oxide is needed in the mind as well as in the male reproductive tract. Nitric oxide is generated in the amino acid arginine and plays a vital role in fixing the veins and arteries that provide blood to the organ, and activating erections. In fact, any food that creates circulatory efficacy and better blood circulation will probably improve sexual reaction.

6. Milk

Lactalbumin, a small component is one protein that includes comparatively more tryptophan. Due to its own circulatory, muscle and relaxant strengthening properties, the senses not only invigorate, also it improves energy.

7. Almonds

Soak 10 almonds, peel away the skin and add to your cup of warm milk, add a touch of saffron or nutmeg and voila, drink it to get your mojo back.

8. Chocolate

Can you end up moaning only in the absolute enjoyment of biting into a bit of chocolate? That is because chocolate contains sexual desire lifting hormones – phenyl ethylamine and serotonin (PEA). Girls who suffer mood swings as an outcome of the menstrual cycle might also suffer a drop in their own sexual function. Chocolate might help reduce rates of catecholamine and cortisol – the pressure buster hormones, because pressure is just another sex drive dampening element.

9. Banana

This excellent fruit using 9’s exceptional properties energize you like nothing does and can activate your libido. Banana can also be abundant in vitamin B6 which is well known to reduce hormone prolactin levels high prolactin levels causes impotency, low libido, erection dysfunction and low testosterone level .

10. Ginger

This common spice was reputed to be an aphrodisiac herb with several distinct cultures. Ginger can be said to truly have a heating effect that fosters libido. Five to ten grams could be an excellent dose to use. Seemingly, fresh ginger is more powerful than dried ginger; therefore you would likely need less to get exactly the same possible testosterone-boosting effect.